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I got my hands on BigSis's iPod...2
- 1 : VIPPER 24,667 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:09:47.37 ID:lQOaXUSW0
- Continuation of
I got my hands on BigSis's iPod...
- 2 : VIPPER 24,668 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:10:54.46 ID:0c4AHMXv0
- 2
- 3 : VIPPER 24,667 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:10:56.18 ID:HrihPgg50
- Good job.
- 4 : VIPPER 24,678 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:11:02.98 ID:+vvX6Nlj0
- Yon-sama
- 5 : VIPPER 24,794 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:11:48.76 ID:Ilyoznla0
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please?
- 6 : VIPPER 24,794 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:12:05.90 ID:QV2dnD/uO
- Didn't think there'd be a second thread of this...
- 7 : VIPPER 24,543 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:12:27.69 ID:whZuWCOe0
- One thread should be enough for joke threads like this.
- 8 : VIPPER 24,668 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:12:44.82 ID:2qVFsO620
- ttp://www.uploda.org/uporg1197168.mp3.html
Add this please.
- 9 : VIPPER 24,435 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:13:14.82 ID:K9PeY1Sp0
- I want a second thread, but I also feel like we don't really need one...
- 10 : VIPPER 24,793 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:13:47.41 ID:Lk+eHBqC0
- Any more of this and >>1 will be in danger.
Well, his life, that is.
- 11 : VIPPER 24,543 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:14:05.12 ID:0c4AHMXv0
- http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1563426
- 12 : VIPPER 24,435 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:14:16.97 ID:b3Q3Xcct0
- http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=mqmxtwiOp4I
- 13 : VIPPER 24,543 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:15:36.17 ID:To2OqijY0
- "Go Go Go Beauty!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbe1MWGV1o8
- 14 : VIPPER 24,543 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:17:52.14 ID:nSFt56Fy0
- 1000 GET from the previous thread
1000 : VIPPER 24,884 seconds left:2008/01/10(Thu) 23:12:02.19 ID:nTnctuv10
If this post is >>1000, add these:
891 : VIPPER 26,232 seconds left:2008/01/10(Thu) 22:45:10.08 ID:lQOaXUSW0
There should be a file called "Wake-up.mp3" in there. Add it.
If she asks you about it, just tell her "I figured it'd be tiring to only have songs to listen to, so I added something else...".
979 : VIPPER 24,883 seconds left:2008/01/10(Thu) 23:07:52.80 ID:nTnctuv10
- 15 : VIPPER 24,076 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:18:57.10 ID:HrihPgg50
- http://neko-loader.net/up/src/neko38156.mp3.html
This please.
- 16 : VIPPER 24,265 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:19:06.27 ID:vWTYzKsL0
- http://nun.nu/?http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~hiros/virii00/METALLICA_SONG.MP3
- 17 : VIPPER 24,435 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:19:31.27 ID:hU4JRN+f0
- 1 isn't coming.
- 18 : VIPPER 23,977 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:20:25.20 ID:lQOaXUSW0
- Don't tell me listening to Wake-up.mp3 made him lose it or something.
- 19 : VIPPER 24,435 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:22:27.22 ID:K9PeY1Sp0
- If >>1 didn't post here at all and only lurked instead to make a playlist of our suggestions and then started a new thread tomorrow where he directly reports how his sister reacted...
Then and only then it might turn into a good thread.
- 20 : VIPPER 23,977 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:23:00.73 ID:hU4JRN+f0
- I don't know about 1, but I listened to Katakiri Rekka's Gensou Haijin and I think I'm starting to lose it.
- 21 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:23:13.95 ID:8JADJA190
- Oh, the next thread is up...
- Warship March
- Attack! Gag Manga Biyori
- Asahara Shoko's Theme
- Doutei So Young
- Wake-up.mp3
- Yume no Hyoko
You know what? You can all burn in hell.
>>25 is next.
- 22 : 1 : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:23:21.95 ID:Gdu82EXQ0
- Just when I was thinking about what songs to add to her iPod this time with a big smirk on my face, I felt someone's eyes on my back and turned around.
It was BigSis, standing behind me smiling and looking into my direction with a frying pan in her hand.
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- 23 : VIPPER 23,884 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:23:42.46 ID:QV2dnD/uO
- Senkou Shoujo: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1772152
Gunjou Biyori: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1714664
- 24 : VIPPER 23,977 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:24:13.27 ID:QV2dnD/uO
- Senkou Shoujo: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1772152
Gunjou Biyori: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1714664
- 25 : VIPPER 24,072 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:24:18.48 ID:liAdMypLO
- Kusabi by Oku Hanako
- 26 : VIPPER 23,884 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:24:35.28 ID:bNaAEkE50
- >>20
The person who sings the part of Mary Ann in that song is too good!
- 27 : VIPPER 24,265 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:24:42.32 ID:Gdu82EXQ0
- >>21
Hey, I didn't suggest any of that, why do I have to burn in hell too?w
- 28 : VIPPER 24,072 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:25:19.57 ID:2crmgaelO
- This is going to take forever, pick multiple posts at once please.
- 29 : VIPPER 23,760 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:25:38.03 ID:+vvX6Nlj0
- How about Yosaku?
It's a normal song and it was in the Oricon charts.
- 30 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:27:40.04 ID:8JADJA190
- - Warship March
- Attack! Gag Manga Biyori
- Asahara Shoko's Theme
- Doutei So Young
- Wake-up.mp3
- Yume no Hyoko
- Kusabi by Oku Hanako (don't have it on my computer)
Everything from >>35 to >>50 will be added.
- 31 : VIPPER 23,760 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:28:22.69 ID:kNJjLarN0
- Douki no Sakura
The Special Attack Unit Kasumigaura Naval Air Group's Kamikaze song
- 32 : VIPPER 23,884 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:28:38.20 ID:QV2dnD/uO
- fast forward
- 33 : VIPPER 23,679 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:28:58.77 ID:2crmgaelO
- Jinsei Owata Song (The happy escapism song)
Fujisan by Denki Groove
- 34 : VIPPER 23,760 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:30.89 ID:K9PeY1Sp0
- Sergeant Hartman's Marching Song
- 35 : VIPPER 23,542 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:34.46 ID:VIBV0fgs0
- Banzai Hitler Youth
- 36 : VIPPER 23,542 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:35.81 ID:xMqWIjSB0
- http://www.geocities.jp/route_219/flash/Welcome01.html
How about something like this? No idea what the song title is though.
- 37 : VIPPER 23,884 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:37.21 ID:bNaAEkE50
- Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Zenbu Koe
- 38 : VIPPER 23,760 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:38.50 ID:5YoLJquOO
- Togawa Jun's Tamahime-sama and Suki Suki Daisuki
- 39 : VIPPER 23,661 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:39.37 ID:2crmgaelO
- >>33
- 40 : VIPPER 23,977 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:41.22 ID:OeNMCqID0
- Kon'iro Tokimeki!!
- 41 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:43.96 ID:K9PeY1Sp0
- Sergeant Hartman's Marching Song
- 42 : VIPPER 23,661 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:44.19 ID:hU4JRN+f0
- Katakiri Rekka - Gensou Haijin
- 43 : VIPPER 23,661 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:50.24 ID:QV2dnD/uO
- Melt
- 44 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:29:58.90 ID:pjnEm8dlO
- >>24
- 45 : VIPPER 23,977 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:03.92 ID:K9PeY1Sp0
- Roujin to Kodomo no Polka
- 46 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:07.90 ID:bNaAEkE50
- Yami no Shinshiroku - Shikeishikkou
- 47 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:09.97 ID:hU4JRN+f0
- Karlmayer ep
- 48 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:15.64 ID:QV2dnD/uO
- Senkou Shoujo: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1772152
Gunjou Biyori: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1714664
- 49 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:16.15 ID:OeNMCqID0
- Donna Donna
- 50 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:17.04 ID:+vvX6Nlj0
- "Kinta no Daibouken"
- 51 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:19.99 ID:Kp4cnofZ0
- Gacha Gacha Hertz·Figu@Radio
- 52 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:32.74 ID:K9PeY1Sp0
- Bokusatsu Tenshi Solid Snake-chan
- 53 : VIPPER 23,661 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:35.51 ID:0c4AHMXv0
- http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm163673
Add this as a video clip if possible.
- 54 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:30:41.52 ID:5YoLJquOO
- Iyashikei Mahou Shoujo Behoimi
- 55 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:31:07.02 ID:XoInM+dnO
- Sound Horizon - "Baroque"
- 56 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:31:07.05 ID:1ri5evCYO
- Kagami's voice artist singing Sailor Fuku to Kikanjuu
- 57 : VIPPER 23,322 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:31:57.25 ID:WCN1/spR0
- http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm193917
Add this please. It's Hocus Pocus by Focus.
- 58 : VIPPER 23,322 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:32:28.93 ID:aqQkoY4V0
- Mikan no Uta
- 59 : 44 : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:33:03.18 ID:pjnEm8dlO
- Submitted my post too soon...
These aren't very anime-like, she probably wouldn't suspect themw
- 60 : Akechi_Mitsuhide ◆GZT/xIiF72 : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:33:15.14 ID:L8cq2+VY0
- >>57
Lailala Lailala I remember trying to cover the song with my band when I was still in schoolw
- 61 : VIPPER 23,161 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:35:24.29 ID:0mWhnpRS0
- So we're looking for anime songs that anyone can enjoy, right?
- 62 : VIPPER 23,416 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:36:51.88 ID:hU4JRN+f0
- Ano Kane wo Narasu no wa Anata - Demon Kogure version -
It's pretty good.
- 63 : VIPPER : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:40:22.23 ID:a7XPZ4Jj0
- Was Kiiroi Vacances added yet?
- 64 : VIPPER 22,915 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:42:10.03 ID:QV2dnD/uO
- We should have enough songs for a playlist now, shouldn't we?
- 65 : VIPPER 23,005 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:43:14.11 ID:4prGmD0tO
- "Champagne" from Homage to the Noble Grape
- 66 : VIPPER 22,412 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:46:52.28 ID:iTCpJ9Oe0
- http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1532223
How about these?
- 67 : VIPPER 22,320 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:49:07.18 ID:aqQkoY4V0
- Miko Miko Nurse
- 68 : VIPPER 22,654 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:49:10.76 ID:j4W/1npM0
- Ringo Sheena's Shuukyou and Souretsu
- 69 : VIPPER 22,319 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:49:21.18 ID:ODCwjWDRO
- How about adding songs that contain nothing but noise?
- 70 : VIPPER 22,206 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:51:17.62 ID:iTCpJ9Oe0
- >>68
If we're adding Ringo Sheena songs, Toki ga Bousou suru is nice too.
- 71 : VIPPER 22,206 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:52:11.18 ID:iTCpJ9Oe0
- Also, Mappiruma Girl by Number Girl.
- 72 : VIPPER 22,130 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:52:18.97 ID:QV2dnD/uO
- >>68 The reversed version of Doppelgänger is better.
- 73 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:54:34.01 ID:8JADJA190
- Sorry, BigSis had called me over again.
She wants me to add songs by Porno Graffitti, T.M.Revolution and Kuu(?).
What is Kuu?
- 74 : VIPPER 22,206 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:55:43.47 ID:ODCwjWDRO
- Isn't Koda Kumi called Kuu?
- 75 : VIPPER 22,130 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:55:58.42 ID:0c4AHMXv0
- >>73
She's talking about Kinniku Shoujo Tai.
- 76 : VIPPER 22,130 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:56:16.03 ID:oUyzBqGD0
- T.M.Revolution?
Make it TM Network instead.
- 77 : VIPPER 22,055 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:56:50.86 ID:bNaAEkE50
- >>73
Kuu is Koda, of course!wwwww
Add the OP of Persona, then that Sengoku Basara MAD full of YUKIMURAAAAAAAA and OYAKATA-SAMAAAAAAAA with that T.M. song is playing in the background.
Also, add some songs from The Law of Ueki too.
- 78 : VIPPER 22,055 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:57:03.37 ID:pjnEm8dlO
- Kuu is Kuu-chan = Koda Kumi?
Well, for Porno Graffitti, please add Apollo.
Of course, a version with "that voice" in it...
- 79 : VIPPER 21,827 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:58:00.08 ID:XoInM+dnO
- If it's T.M. she wants, just add some of his Gundam SEED songs or something.
- 80 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:58:45.65 ID:8JADJA190
- - Warship March
- Attack! Gag Manga Biyori
- Asahara Shoko's Theme
- Doutei So Young
- Wake-up.mp3
- Yume no Hyoko
- Kusabi by Oku Hanako
- Banzai Hitler Youth
※ Suteki na Chinko Song (don't have it on my computer)
- Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Zenbu Koe
※ Togawa Jun's Tamahime-sama and Suki Suki Daisuki (no clue what this is)
- Jinsei Owata Song (The happy escapism song)
- Fujisan by Denki Groove
※ Kon'iro Tokimeki!! (don't have it)
※ Sergeant Hartman's Marching Song (don't have it)
※ Katakiri Rekka - Gensou Haijin (don't have it)
- Melt (Hatsune Miku)
- Senkou Shoujo
- Gunjou Biyori
※ Roujin to Kodomo no Polka (don't have it)
※ Yami no Shinshiroku - Shikeishikkou (don't have it)
- Karlmayer
- Donna Donna
- "Kinta no Daibouken"
I can't complain because there were actually some decent suggestions this time.
- 81 : VIPPER 21,691 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:59:28.40 ID:CKAeaHou0
- >>73
Kuu → Kuu as in "to eat" → Kuitan → Hitoshi no Naporitan
- 82 : VIPPER 21,649 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:59:30.54 ID:OeNMCqID0
- Kuu? Coo? Summer Days with Coo?
- 83 : VIPPER 21,827 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:59:54.12 ID:K9PeY1Sp0
- Give me a minute, I'll upload Roujin to Kodomo no Polka and Sergeant Hartman's Marching Song.
- 84 : VIPPER 21,649 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:00:51.83 ID:KLIeVfBE0
- A countdown...wwww
- 85 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:01:08.35 ID:W9Nf+p/t0
- >>80
Please add Nikuya no You ni and Akai Sensha by Yapoos.
Oh, and Lolita 108 Gou too.
- 87 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:01:24.45 ID:Lkgj4NwpO
- Is Suteki na Chinko Song the one that goes "C! H! I! N! K! O! Chinko!"?
- 86 : VIPPER 21,649 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:01:09.56 ID:00jp9lVh0
- For T.M.R., add the following:
HEART OF SWORD - Yoake Mae -
Web of Night
The same guy also does the vocals in Abingdon Boys School, so you might wanna add some of their songs too.
Should be enough.
- 88 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:01:25.17 ID:byyQvHVyO
- >>80
Gensou Haijin
- 89 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:01:55.64 ID:KLIeVfBE0
- Add Key of Life's But My Love please.
- 90 : VIPPER 21,649 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:02:48.58 ID:0T90prlz0
- Can an iPod play FLV files?
- 91 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:02:56.16 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- Hey! Why did you not add >>15!?
Do you have something against can/goo?
- 92 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:03:56.88 ID:K1XpPlsh0
- Roujin to Kodomo no Polka
Sergeant Hartman's Marching Song
- 93 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:04:28.42 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- You could just extract the audio from it with FLV Extract into a mp3 file.
Dunno anything about iPods though. orz
- 94 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:05:12.15 ID:GXCYkRIc0
- ttp://www.geocities.jp/kaishain_otoko/hukuro_theme.mp3
There you can download the penis song.
- 95 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:05:38.40 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Kuuwwwwwww I see.
Now that we've gotten this far, I might as well let you guys decide which songs to add for her requests too.
Kuu → ?
Ayu's best of →
Porno Graffitti → Apollo
T.M. → INVOKE, ignited, Meteor
- 96 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:05:52.70 ID:ctn0s/3f0
- Rainbow
- 97 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:06:49.59 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- >>95
Just add the Persona OP instead of Porno!wwwwww She won't be able to tell the difference, I swear!
- 98 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:08:52.83 ID:PzRPR7TZ0
- Koda Kumi, huh...
real Emotion
1000 no Kotoba
Cutie Honey
...is all I can come up with.
- 99 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:09:18.61 ID:ZMC3z/JQ0
- Ayu's Boys & Girls covered by Mebuta: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm697393
- 100 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:11:03.46 ID:3WgoHJWM0
- For Porno, I'd add Saudade or play it safe and go with Agehachou.
- 101 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:11:31.90 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 102 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:13:14.78 ID:+vOr3Dqt0
- What? Porn? If she wants porn, put some Emmanuelle on her iPod for her.
- 103 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:13:15.41 ID:stfRb/Ln0
- "Lalala Koppepan" (Tsukasa version)
- 104 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:14:06.46 ID:2EapYXo0O
- For Porno, add Jazz Up, Libido and Mahoroba○△.
- 105 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:17:11.68 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- - Warship March
- Attack! Gag Manga Biyori
- Asahara Shoko's Theme
- Doutei So Young
- Wake-up.mp3
- Yume no Hyoko
- Kusabi by Oku Hanako
- Banzai Hitler Youth
- Suteki na Chinko Song
- Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Zenbu Koe
- Togawa Jun's Tamahime-sama and Suki Suki Daisuki
- Jinsei Owata Song (The happy escapism song)
- Fujisan by Denki Groove
- Kon'iro Tokimeki!!
- Sergeant Hartman's Marching Song
- Gensou Haijin
- Melt (Hatsune Miku)
- Senkou Shoujo
- Gunjou Biyori
- Roujin to Kodomo no Polka
- Yami no Shinshiroku - Shikeishikkou
- Karlmayer
- Donna Donna
- "Kinta no Daibouken"
- 106 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:17:13.11 ID:ctn0s/3f0
- >>73
Kitaro no Kuu-Kai no Tabi Vol. 3
- 107 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:18:37.22 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- Have some Ayu
- 108 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:19:54.81 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>106
Yeah, okay, that's Kuu too, but BigSis won't be able to make the connection.
- 109 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:20:28.14 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- For Shitkoda:
Buttafly (I can't into English)
Ningyo Hime
For Ayu:
Boyage (English again)
You can't really go wrong with these.
- 110 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:20:29.11 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- How about Dancing Mad?
There should be a 80 minutes medley of different versions of it on niconico.
- 111 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:21:00.05 ID:stfRb/Ln0
- 112 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:21:24.76 ID:cyosbHlY0
- >>1, if you want songs from Ponkickies, just tell me, I have plenty!
- 113 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:21:42.27 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- For Ayu, I'd go with Voyage, Unite and the like.
- 114 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:21:49.36 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "Requested Songs"
"Jazz Up"
- 115 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:22:31.29 ID:K1XpPlsh0
- >>114
How about we only keep the titles and replace the actual songs with different ones?
- 116 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:23:30.21 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- >>115
That's it!
- 117 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:23:30.88 ID:ctn0s/3f0
- 118 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:23:57.39 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- - Yume no Hyoko
- Senkou Shoujo
- Gunjou Biyori
I'm positive that these three will make BigSis very happy.
But whoever made me add Karlmayer again, please just die.
- 119 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:24:04.82 ID:vcDbfefS0
- Whoa, did you say Porno!?
Someone quickly get >>1 audio rips of some PornoTube clipswww
- 120 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:24:54.69 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- Make sure to add the Keyboard Crusher clip too.
Change the title and artist name and it should be enough to fool her into watching it.
Just make it look like one of Porno's music videos.
- 121 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:24:55.16 ID:5ohtRN1e0
- Show her that Otsuka Ai only gained fame by stealing the works of MOSAIC.WAV, KOTOKO and many others.
- 122 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:25:07.62 ID:tUgGwgUB0
- You might want to add Real Onigokko.
- 123 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:26:22.58 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- Loli ga Suki da to Sakebitai
- 124 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:27:02.08 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "Requested Songs"
Ayu's best of:
- rainbow
- Seasons
- Voyage
- Unite
- Uguu~♪
- 125 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:27:24.08 ID:lcLXv0EaO
- >>110
IIRC, there was even a 119 minutes medley of Dancing Mad on niconico.
- 126 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:27:35.96 ID:ZMC3z/JQ0
- Ayu Best (Mebuta version)
Boys & Girls http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm697393
HEAVEN http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm723446
Trauma http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1754618
BLUE BIRD http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1762606
- 127 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:28:03.80 ID:R6LatFwT0
- How about Loituma Girl?
- 128 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:28:32.27 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- >>125
I only know an 80-minutes-long one.
Guess they made a new one then.
Unite is stylized as UNITE.
- 129 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:28:38.52 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "Requested Songs"
"Jazz Up"
"Persona OP"
If I add porn, I won't be able to get away with just three punches like last time.
- 130 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:29:13.55 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- The Wake-up.mp3 should be enough Porno already, don't you think?
- 131 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:29:42.85 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- I wanna get punched by a tall big sister with long black hair.
- 132 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:30:34.60 ID:Lkgj4NwpO
- Okay, so, how much have you already put on her iPod so far?
- 133 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:30:48.43 ID:WfdFpg0w0
- If someone asks for Porno, you normally give them Karma no Saka, no?
- 134 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:31:29.59 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "Requested Songs"
- real Emotion
- 1000 no Kotoba
- Cutie Honey
- Butterfly
- Ningyo Hime
While googling for her songs, I realized that she's the one who did those songs in FF 10-2wwww
Cutie Honey is an anime song too, but it's okay since it's her?
- 135 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:31:32.99 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- Porno Graffitti's best songs are definitely Melissa and Sister.
- 136 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:31:36.43 ID:cyosbHlY0
- >>129
- 137 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:32:56.49 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>132
- Warship March
- Attack! Gag Manga Biyori
- Asahara Shoko's Theme
- Doutei So Young
- Wake-up.mp3 ← Transferring this right now
- Yume no Hyoko
- Kusabi by Oku Hanako
- Banzai Hitler Youth
- Suteki na Chinko Song
- Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Zenbu Koe
- 138 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:33:32.22 ID:K7gvJ/Bk0
- She wants Porno Graffiti, right? Then add pictures of pornographic images sprayed on building walls for her!
- 139 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:33:45.62 ID:WfdFpg0w0
- >>134
That 1000 no Kotoba song plays only once in the whole game, so I believe not many know it was in the game at all.
Why would you seriously suggest good songs in a thread like this?w
- 140 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:34:44.59 ID:vcDbfefS0
- I don't know many songs, but Sen no Kaze ni natte is great.
- 141 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:34:44.73 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- The best Gensou Haijin version is obviously this. (pass: vip)
- 142 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:34:55.86 ID:cyosbHlY0
- ttp://updas.net/up/download/1199979266.mp3
- 143 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:36:03.00 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- >>139
- 144 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:36:14.40 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "Requested Songs"
- HEART OF SWORD - Yoake Mae -
- ignited
- crosswise
- vestige
- Web of Night
I really like how, even though it doesn't look like it at first glance, most of these are anime songs. Good job.
- 145 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:37:34.55 ID:cyosbHlY0
- >>144
- 146 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:37:46.79 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- If she's a sweets girl, do her a favor and add some Aragaki Yui and Mr. Children songsw
She's going to love you for it.
Oh yeah, please add Stardust by Sound Horizon too.
- 147 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:38:04.10 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>138
Try getting hit by BigSis'ss burning knuckles once and you wouldn't either.
I think I'll add Melissa. It was in Fullmetal Alchemist, right?
- 148 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:38:30.61 ID:WfdFpg0w0
- Another Porno song I'd add is "Teki wa Doko da?".
- 149 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:39:09.30 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- T.M.R. download links are so easy to find.
Is this the power of fujoshi?
- 150 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:39:09.53 ID:cyosbHlY0
- >>144
- 151 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:39:13.84 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- Add Agehachou too while you're at itw
- 152 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:40:25.18 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- Porno's Hitori no Yoru is one of my favorites.
- 153 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:40:51.58 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- I like how we're adding all kinds of anime songs this time that don't sound like anime songswwwwwww
- 154 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:41:09.89 ID:EKwGzJAeO
- >>46
You gotta mention that it's in the Sound Horizon image album Leviathan or >>1 will never find it!wwwwwwwwww
- 155 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:41:28.63 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- >>152
GTO, huh?wwwww I love it too.
Shikeishikkou (pass: vip)
- 156 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:42:00.36 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Oh right! Can't leave out the OP of GTO, can we? Porno's Hitori no Yoru added.
- 157 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:42:26.39 ID:ctn0s/3f0
- >>124
- 158 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:43:18.18 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- I'm listening to Gensou Haijin after a long time and man, it's still as scary as ever.
- 159 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:43:36.24 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- If we're adding GTO OPs, don't forget Driver's High.
- 160 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:43:39.51 ID:cyosbHlY0
- >>153
Speaking of anime songs that don't sound like anime songs, you could add this one from the Cowboy Bebop movie.
She'll never notice it's an anime song.
- 161 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:43:43.91 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- Well, if she doesn't notice they're anime songs, >>1 might even get away without getting punched this timewww
But if she does, you're dead.
Did someone already mention the rumor that you can hear a strange voice in Porno's Apollo?
- 162 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:43:48.91 ID:eK+TbuZ/O
- Fuck you and your shitty threads.
- 163 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:43:59.59 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "Requested Songs"
"Jazz Up"
"Persona OP"
"Hitori no Yoru"
The one who suggested "Persona OP", did you mean the OP of Persona 3? If yes, I have the soundtrack of it on my computer.
- 164 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:44:06.50 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- The best Sound Horizon song is Eru no Tenbin.
- 165 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:44:21.30 ID:uiGU2+C00
- >>161
What strange voice?
- 166 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:44:30.91 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- >>155
Eh? It was an anime song?
I had no idea.
- 167 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:45:12.94 ID:EKwGzJAeO
- >>164
No, Kuro no Yogensho is best.
- 168 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:45:15.11 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Whoever's been uploading all the songs, thank you. It's much appreciated.
- 169 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:45:29.81 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- >>163
- 170 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:46:09.66 ID:byyQvHVyO
- There are way too many Sound Horizon fans herewww
I'd like to suggest Ori no Naka no Yuugi.
- 171 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:46:14.41 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- My top 3 Sound Horizon songs are Ark, StarDust and Baroque.
- 172 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:46:56.30 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- >>167
Hmm.. I haven't heard that much Sound Horizon yet.
But I think I prefer the songs with less narration in them.
- 173 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:47:41.68 ID:EKwGzJAeO
- >>171
Nothing will ever surpass Yaneura no Shoujo. This is a fact.
- 174 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:48:05.72 ID:0a4gZm0CO
- For T.M.R., I can really recommend his early radio shows.
- 175 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:48:05.66 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- >>170
Pico Majin is obviously their best.
And among their more depressing stuff, it's either Eien no Shounen or Umi no Majo.
- 176 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:48:21.43 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- Why..? Why have you done this? Why did you do this to meeeeeeeee!?
- 177 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:48:52.86 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- >>165
I'm not sure, but I think you can hear a strange voice saying something at the end of the song.
I forgot what it said though, was it "It hurts" or "Help me"?
But I find the "ghost" or whatever you see in the music video of Spitz' Sora mo Toberu hazu a lot scarier.
- 178 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:50:33.88 ID:EKwGzJAeO
- >>172
If you don't like narration in the songs, you should listen to their albums Thanatos and mode:Lost instead of Elysion.
- 179 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:52:17.62 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- >>178
Okay, I'll try them out when I get the opportunity.
- 180 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:53:04.95 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>177
I got "Apollo" on my lilBroPod, but I didn't know about any strange voice.
- 181 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:53:21.74 ID:uiGU2+C00
- >>177
Whoa, seriously?
I'm too scared to listen to it now, but I might try looking for it sometimewww
- 182 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:54:53.00 ID:jXbQa4HE0
- ttp://updas.net/up/download/1199980338.mp3
It's a cover version of a famous song from the west! (^o^)ノ
- 183 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:56:59.52 ID:f8uR+lZE0
- For T.M.R., make her listen to the following two songs back-to-back:
Seinaru Sora no Shita de
- 184 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 00:58:57.96 ID:Ysu3CPQIP
- >>177
No, not at the end.
You can hear it right after the second line of the song.
"Apollo juuichigou ga tsuki ni itta tte iu no niiiiーーーーーーーーーーーーー
screech "Tasukete"
If I remember it correctly.
- 185 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:00:07.94 ID:AqHJ+Ks60
- 。 。 /⌒ヽ
(ToeeeeeeI) <ToeeeeeeeI 。 。
( つ旦O (ToeeeeeeeI)
と_)_) ⊂二二二| / 二⊃ ToeeeeeeI
( ヽノ
It is watching this thread. ノ>ノ
What do? 三 レレ
You decided to run!
/ 。 。ヽ
It was faster and is now blocking your path!
- 186 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:01:24.43 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>169
Niconico is so slow right now, the video won't play.
- 187 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:01:30.87 ID:EKwGzJAeO
- >>179
There you can find Thanatos.
- 188 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:02:48.59 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- >>184
Ohh, it was at the beginning of the song, huh?w
It's been so long since I heard about it I got it mixed up.
It'd be fun to add all kinds of songs with strange voices and make her listen to themw
I read that Nakashima Mika has a song like that and Dreams Come True too.
I personally heard the strange voice on one of Kaguyahime's concert CDs and the one in Karatachi Nomichi. It's really eerie.
- 189 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:03:26.03 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- >>186
Can yo play this one?
- 190 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:05:30.85 ID:zAuwq7E90
- Here's the aforementioned Spitz music video
I don't see any "ghosts".
- 191 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:06:58.47 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Hardcore anime and adult game songs
Anime songs that don't sound like anime songs and other good songs chosen by VIPPERs
Paranormal songs with strange voices in them
Looks like a fun playlist to me!wwwwwwwwww
- 192 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:08:34.99 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>189
So it was the anime version of Persona. Got it.
I'll add it to the anime songs that don't sound like anime songs department. But holy shit, this is the newest song we've added so farw
- 193 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:08:53.09 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- >>190
It's harder to spot with the comments on.
At 4:23, look at the window on the right behind the old man. There should be something white.
- 194 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:08:59.26 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- >>191 Looks like you're determined to die.
- 195 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:11:09.54 ID:Ysu3CPQIP
- ↓ Popular songs with ghost voices in them (Headphones are recommended, but be wary of the different volumes of the songs. Also, don't pay any attention to the images.)
Songs title - Artist name - Ghost voice
1. OFF COURSE - YES-YES-YES - "Nee, watashi mo tsuretette"
2. THE BOOM - Karatachi Nomichi - "Atsui yo atsui yo tasukete tasukete"
3. Dreams Come True - Sweet Sweet Sweet - "Kono ko dare no ko"
4. Sakai Noriko - Koi no Sanaka - (Sound of a collison) "Itai"
5. Moritaka Chisato - Rock Alarm Clock - "Shine"
6. Chage and Aska - Meikyuu no Replicant - "Shine moshimoshi janakute shine"
7. Ohguro Maki - Anata dake mitsumeteru - "Chinchin momimomi"
8. Iwasaki Hiromi - Mangekyou - (A groan)
9. SMAP - Yuki ga Futtekita - "Shine"
10. T-Bolan - Akuma no Miryoku - "Aitsu" or "Atsui"
- 196 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:12:03.51 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- By the way, I was also the one that started the "Strange voices and sounds in songs" thread in VIP the other daywww
I like scary things, but I'm really easy to scare too.wwwwww
- 197 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:13:18.28 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- So, how far along are you with adding the songs, >>1?
- 198 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:15:05.38 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- >>195 For the OFF COURSE song, I read that Kazumasa Oda intentionally added the strange voice.
- 199 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:17:45.26 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- There was a flash video of the Kaguyahime concert floating around in the internet, but of course, only the part of the concert where you hear the strange voice.
If you play it normally, it says "Take me with you too...".
And if you play it backwards, it turns into "I wanted to go too...".
- 200 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:18:17.50 ID:cyosbHlY0
- >>191
If you add the songs in that order, BigSis will never get past the "Hardcore anime and adult game songs" part of the playlistww
- 201 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:18:24.46 ID:WfdFpg0w0
- http://updas.net/up/download/1199981846.mp3/attatch
There's a mysterious baby voice in this one.
May be intentional though.
- 202 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:18:48.93 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>197
- Warship March
- Attack! Gag Manga Biyori
- Asahara Shoko's Theme
- Doutei So Young
- Wake-up.mp3
- Yume no Hyoko
- Kusabi by Oku Hanako
- Banzai Hitler Youth
- Suteki na Chinko Song
- Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Zenbu Koe
- Jinsei Owata Song (The happy escapism song)
- Fujisan by Denki Groove
- Kon'iro Tokimeki!!
- Sergeant Hartman's Marching Song
- Gensou Haijin
- Melt (Hatsune Miku)
- Senkou Shoujo
- Gunjou Biyori
- Roujin to Kodomo no Polka
- Yami no Shinshiroku - Shikeishikkou
- Karlmayer
- Donna Donna ← (Is being downloaded as I write this)
- "Kinta no Daibouken"
- 203 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:24:17.36 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- I can't wait to hear new things about our Miss Himesaki Shuri tomorrow!wwwwww
- 204 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:25:29.68 ID:Ysu3CPQIP
- >>199
Wasn't it "Leave it to me!"?
Or am I confusing something?
- 205 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:25:41.28 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Funny how the thread went from an anime songs thread to a paranormal songs thread in such a short timewww
- 206 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:26:24.47 ID:EKwGzJAeO
- >>179
And here's Lost.
- 207 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:30:54.76 ID:YHy7+1YkO
- You're right, everyone's talking about ghost voiceswww
Let's get this thread back on track, shall we?
- 208 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:30:58.49 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Just to be sure, we got enough songs for the playlist now, don't we?
- 209 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:31:20.99 ID:EHlYtMVK0
- Yeah, but let's add a fake normal song that's actually normal at the beginning of the playlist this time!wwww
- 210 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:33:48.77 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Ah, right, I'd completely forgotten that. We need a normal song to use as the first song.
>>225 decides which.
But please, please make it a normal song this time. No opera songs.
- 211 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:34:45.23 ID:byyQvHVyO
- fast forward
- 212 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:35:00.90 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- fast
- 213 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:37:00.28 ID:byyQvHVyO
- >>225 is pretty far ahead.
- 214 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:37:16.44 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- I guess with so few people around, it was a bit too far ahead...
- 215 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:37:48.58 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Let's go with a closer one.
- 216 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:38:06.21 ID:byyQvHVyO
- fast forward
- 217 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:38:54.17 ID:EHlYtMVK0
- fast forward
- 218 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:39:14.83 ID:cM/+SV2N0
- fast forward
- 219 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:39:17.54 ID:byyQvHVyO
- fast forward
- 220 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:39:26.84 ID:cyosbHlY0
- Odoru Akachan Ningen
- 221 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:39:36.45 ID:byyQvHVyO
- Porno's Yo Bailo
- 222 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:39:57.26 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- Baragoku Otome
- 223 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:40:26.17 ID:jQbBkCMUO
- fast forward
- 224 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:43:16.46 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- /:: ::::::::::::::::::::/l:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ',
|:: :::::::::::::::::::/ !:::::|l:::l、::::l、:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::l
|:::::::::::::::::/l/ ヽ:::|.l::|ヽ::l ヽ:::、:::::::::::::::::::::|
|:::::::::: ,::/.レ二_ ヽl ヾ‐ヽ二ヽトl:: ::::::::::::::::l
|:::::::::::l/ /下`i /ト'`ト、|::::::::::::::::′
│:::::::::ト. ヽヾン ヾ::ノ ' |:: :::::::::: /
. l :::::::::| i  ̄  ̄ l:: :::::::: /
|::::::::::ヽ 、 、, ':::::::::::/
|::::::::::::::::ヽ __ _ '::::::::::/
| :::::::::::::::::::丶、 ` ‐ ´ /':::::::::イ
ヘ/ ヽ∧:/Vvヘ、__, ´ /:/レ
,| ´|、
How is that supposed to fool her?
- 225 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:43:38.06 ID:cyosbHlY0
- Odoru Akachan Ningen
- 226 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:44:22.88 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- .....okay, let me post the final playlist.
- 227 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:44:33.21 ID:EHlYtMVK0
- Oh crapwww I'd say, >>1's life is seriously in dangerwww
- 228 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:53:50.61 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- BigSis is gonna punch you again tomorrow.
- 229 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:56:40.21 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "Today's bigSisPod playlist"
- Odoru Akachan Ningen (added as the first song to make it look like a normal playlist)
- Warship March
- Attack! Gag Manga Biyori
- Asahara Shoko's Theme
- Doutei So Young
- Wake-up.mp3
- Yume no Hyoko
- Kusabi by Oku Hanako
- Banzai Hitler Youth
- Suteki na Chinko Song
- Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Zenbu Koe
- Jinsei Owata Song (The happy escapism song)
- Fujisan by Denki Groove
- Kon'iro Tokimeki!!
- Sergeant Hartman's Marching Song
- Gensou Haijin
- Melt (Hatsune Miku)
- Senkou Shoujo
- Gunjou Biyori
- Roujin to Kodomo no Polka
- Yami no Shinshiroku - Shikeishikkou
- Karlmayer
- Donna Donna
- "Kinta no Daibouken"
- 230 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:58:11.74 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Requested songs playlist "Hamasaki Ayumi"
- rainbow
- Seasons
- Voyage
- Uguu~♪ (Tsukimiya Ayu)
- 231 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:58:30.91 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- Just caught up, summary in 3 lines please.
- 232 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 01:58:50.36 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Requested songs playlist "Kuu"
"Koda Kuu"
- real Emotion
- 1000 no Kotoba
- Cutie Honey
- Butterfly
- Ningyo Hime
- 233 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:02:03.40 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Requested songs playlist "Porno Graffitti"
- Apollo
- Jazz Up
- Libido
- Mahoroba○△
- Saudade
- Agehachou
- Melissa
- Hitori no Yoru
- OP of the Persona anime
- 234 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:02:03.65 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- >>231
Tall big sister with long black hair that resembles Himesaki Shuri
punches her little brother.
BigSis moe.
- 235 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:03:23.83 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Requested songs playlist "T.M.R."
- HEART OF SWORD - Yoake Mae -
- ignited
- crosswise
- vestige
- Web of Night
- Meteor
- 236 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:05:17.90 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Well then, I'll finish up the new bigSisPod.
- 237 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:06:09.11 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- Now that there aren't many people around, tell us more about BigSis.
- 238 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:15:17.45 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- How many GB does an iPod nano have?
- 239 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:15:48.93 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>237
At least ask a specific question about herwwwwww
To make her listen to all playlists, I put the Hamasaki Ayumi playlist at the very top.
I also named the playlist with Odoru Akachan Ningen on top "EXILE".
- 240 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:16:56.44 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>238
The bigSisPod is a pink 4 GB one.
- 241 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:20:20.13 ID:EHlYtMVK0
- >>240
Just imagining a pink iPod with such a wonderful playlist on it makes me crack upwwwwww
- 242 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:30:31.19 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Seems like everyone's gone to sleep.
I'll report back tomorrow if the thread is still alive.
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- 243 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:33:52.72 ID:rpqb5oFQ0
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 244 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:37:59.27 ID:w283+E6x0
- >>243
I want to die.
I was wondering if I'm constipated because I keep eating stones.
- 245 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 02:51:39.87 ID:phS/S0nH0
- I'll be looking forward to your thread tomorrow, >>1.
What a lousy attempt at concealing the anime songs playlist btww
- 246 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 03:21:10.49 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- >>1 went to bed, huh? I'm looking forward to it too. Bump.
- 247 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 03:42:21.53 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- bu
- 248 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 03:50:22.98 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- mp
- 249 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 04:27:05.64 ID:beJbJePC0
- bu
- 250 : VIPPER 2,197 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 05:25:44.08 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- bu
- 251 : VIPPER 155 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 05:59:23.50 ID:NHFdDciF0
- bump
- 252 : VIPPER -2,202 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 06:38:58.03 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- bu
- 253 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 06:59:10.06 ID:+SrsQhy50
- mp
- 254 : VIPPER -4,548 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 07:19:00.89 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- bu
- 255 : VIPPER -4,909 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 07:30:50.56 ID:so/uHmau0
- m
- 256 : VIPPER -6,127 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 07:45:35.89 ID:7CypNBGS0
- p
- 257 : VIPPER -6,534 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 07:52:33.40 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- I wonder if >>1's big sister already went out with the iPod...
- 258 : VIPPER -6,706 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 07:55:32.74 ID:Xrm8Nt1tO
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 259 : VIPPER -7,446 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 08:05:34.25 ID:aQMuuNwF0
- bu
- 260 : VIPPER -9,690 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 08:47:21.20 ID:G2vgJ2uA0
- mp
- 261 : Himajin_Kamen ◆ZvRsHxoayA : 2008/01/11(Fri) 08:50:44.57 ID:/7Lz3C2wO
- I haven't read past the point when >>1 was called over to BigSis's room yesterday.
What happened after that?
- 262 : VIPPER -9,690 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 08:50:59.29 ID:bFWIpxpZ0
- bump
- 263 : VIPPER -11,288 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 09:14:17.50 ID:kLqEdCNj0
- B
- 264 : VIPPER -12,218 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 09:31:58.96 ID:byyQvHVyO
- U
- 265 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 09:40:53.19 ID:+SrsQhy50
- M
- 266 : VIPPER -13,277 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 09:41:28.38 ID:MG48xBmSO
- P
- 267 : VIPPER -13,273 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 09:42:03.18 ID:LjRLAfGDO
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 268 : Himajin_Kamen ◆ZvRsHxoayA : 2008/01/11(Fri) 10:10:28.33 ID:/7Lz3C2wO
- Someone please respond...
- 269 : VIPPER -14,660 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 10:12:29.31 ID:bKD3b7Oe0
- Amateur cover of Victor Wooten's bass solo
- 270 : VIPPER -15,209 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 10:14:44.98 ID:+vOr3Dqt0
- >>268
She got violent and >>1 cried.
- 271 : VIPPER -15,116 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 10:16:42.03 ID:SO2tLmdg0
- Quit spamming the bumps, it's getting extremely annoying.
- 272 : VIPPER -16,447 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 10:36:01.55 ID:9d6dixLRO
- bu
- 273 : Himajin_Kamen ◆ZvRsHxoayA : 2008/01/11(Fri) 10:48:08.42 ID:/7Lz3C2wO
- >>270
- 274 : VIPPER -23,491 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 12:32:21.25 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- Is it time for 1 to die?
- 275 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 12:51:15.61 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Thread's still alive...
BigSis left this morning as usual.
She had a quick look at the playlists, but simply said "Good." and went out.
- 276 : VIPPER -24,531 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 12:52:37.40 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- I'm expecting great things from your report.
- 277 : VIPPER -26,081 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 13:14:41.97 ID:gCLxYrHBO
- (^ω^)
- 278 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 13:44:07.61 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- I don't see why she would have any complaints this time.
- 279 : VIPPER -27,829 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 13:48:27.51 ID:2jRdBD430
- Better prepare a helmet, just in case.
- 280 : VIPPER -27,676 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 13:50:53.31 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- The first song leaves the biggest impression imo. What did you add as the first song again?
- 281 : VIPPER -28,766 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 14:07:18.72 ID:cM/+SV2N0
- Odoru Akachan Ningen, disguised as an EXILE song.
- 282 : VIPPER -29,370 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 14:13:47.86 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- >>281 Isn't that like really bad...?
- 283 : VIPPER -29,680 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 14:24:09.61 ID:+vOr3Dqt0
- >>278
- 284 : VIPPER -30,734 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 14:34:08.28 ID:38SFcPRv0
- >>281
That's the worst.
- 285 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 14:55:49.15 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Now that you say it, maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all.
- 286 : VIPPER -32,131 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 14:56:13.53 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- The death flag was raised.
- 287 : VIPPER -34,097 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 15:33:36.95 ID:Ls9K9fYoO
- >>286
>>1 gets beaten to a pulp.
Which in return awakens his masochistic side...
- 288 : VIPPER -34,042 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 15:36:36.25 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- I know it's too late, but why'd you make that the first song?
- 289 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 15:54:53.96 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>288
It was decided by post number like all other songs in the playlists.
- 290 : VIPPER -38,272 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 16:40:06.97 ID:msC6EOxkO
- bu
- 291 : VIPPER -40,772 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 17:19:32.19 ID:msC6EOxkO
- bu
- 292 : VIPPER -42,068 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 17:50:05.32 ID:MNPIPADeO
- bump
- 293 : VIPPER -42,443 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 17:56:10.89 ID:MG48xBmSO
- Will she return at 7 pm today too?
- 294 : VIPPER -44,148 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 18:20:06.68 ID:phS/S0nH0
- Soon...
- 295 : VIPPER -45,041 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 18:31:39.90 ID:bFWIpxpZ0
- It's game over for >>1.
- 296 : VIPPER -45,923 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 18:48:09.95 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- Just caught up with the thread. Less than 15 minutes left, huh?w
- 297 : VIPPER -46,237 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 18:53:42.57 ID:bFWIpxpZ0
- Will >>1 be able to do a live report while taking a beating??
- 298 : VIPPER -46,219 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 18:55:00.54 ID:uHF4zGcCO
- I wanna get punched by a tall big sister with long black hair.
- 299 : VIPPER -46,833 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:00:38.56 ID:217FKmG30
- bump
- 300 : VIPPER -47,270 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:12:34.04 ID:bFWIpxpZ0
- >>1 is taking a beating right now.
Please wait a moment and try again.
- 301 : VIPPER -47,270 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:14:25.93 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- Still no report?
- 302 : VIPPER -47,740 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:15:57.49 ID:mfV16gqw0
- Aww, fuck!
My suggestion didn't get included because >>1 didn't have it on his computer!
I shouldn't have gone to bed yesterday.
- 303 : VIPPER -47,811 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:24:54.31 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- He's probably getting his ass kicked right about noww
- 304 : VIPPER -48,273 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:33:35.81 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- And now he died.
- 305 : VIPPER -49,369 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:44:21.64 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- Now he's already getting buried.
- 306 : VIPPER -49,495 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:45:22.35 ID:EZcFm8uy0
- When is the bigSisPod murder incident hitting the news?
- 307 : VIPPER -49,861 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:51:54.68 ID:xVXteSa1O
- Abababababa
- 308 : VIPPER -49,823 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 19:53:24.69 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- The baby she holds is really a Baby Human!!
- 309 : VIPPER -50,420 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:06:16.87 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- bump
- 310 : VIPPER -50,434 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:06:21.24 ID:GbYnk2NS0
- I'd say he's getting it real bad this time.
- 311 : VIPPER -50,840 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:08:00.58 ID:bFWIpxpZ0
- bump
- 312 : VIPPER -50,840 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:08:16.15 ID:bFWIpxpZ0
- bump
- 313 : VIPPER -50,840 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:16:29.90 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- Someone should cast Auto-Life on >>1, just in case...
- 314 : VIPPER -51,196 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:17:10.43 ID:phS/S0nH0
- He sure is taking long...
- 315 : VIPPER -51,196 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:22:26.89 ID:mfV16gqw0
- If I'd only known it'd come to this, I'd have at least cast Regen on him!
- 316 : VIPPER -51,775 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:26:06.76 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- The first song is already an anime song... It's suicide, really.
- 317 : VIPPER -51,692 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:26:40.27 ID:l8otglj/O
- It's okay, I'm sure >>1 has Counterattack equipped.
- 318 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:27:59.52 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- I had a terrible time thanks to you guys.
- 319 : VIPPER -51,692 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:28:27.02 ID:mfV16gqw0
- >>318
He's here━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!
- 320 : VIPPER -52,044 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:28:33.85 ID:phS/S0nH0
- He's backwww Good job coming back alive.
- 321 : VIPPER -51,622 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:28:45.95 ID:7joCj/d50
- Tell us more!
- 322 : VIPPER -52,148 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:29:53.19 ID:LPPWwMXg0
- He's here━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━!!!
- 323 : VIPPER -52,181 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:30:26.80 ID:tweJmCn10
- What happened?
- 324 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:30:28.69 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- I even got choked by her.
- 325 : VIPPER -52,181 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:31:32.66 ID:mfV16gqw0
- >>324
And then? And then?wwww
- 326 : VIPPER -52,181 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:31:34.79 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- Are you okay?w
- 327 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:32:10.26 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- And I was so sure I'd be fine this time.
- 328 : VIPPER -52,320 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:34:12.51 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- An attempted murderwwwwwww
- 329 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:37:25.31 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- I was having dinner in the living room.
BigSis: "I'm home!"
Me: "Ah, welcome back."
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It was a Preemptive Strike.
- 330 : VIPPER -52,645 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:38:21.06 ID:bFWIpxpZ0
- Good to see you back, commanding officer!www
Can't wait to hear your report.
- 331 : VIPPER -52,645 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:38:29.18 ID:cM/+SV2N0
- I like BigSiswwwww
- 332 : VIPPER -52,644 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:39:17.37 ID:bFWIpxpZ0
- She had the First Strike ability!wwwww
- 333 : VIPPER -52,720 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:40:01.21 ID:mfV16gqw0
- She got the first hit on himwww
And so fast toowww
- 334 : VIPPER -52,720 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:40:06.43 ID:so/uHmau0
- And then?
- 335 : VIPPER -52,645 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:40:16.98 ID:QPF0MlDuO
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 336 : VIPPER -52,960 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:42:50.65 ID:9d6dixLRO
- It begins!
- 337 : VIPPER -52,644 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:44:15.88 ID:+akKBSjSO
- >>1, you survived?wwwwwwwww
- 338 : VIPPER -52,720 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:44:21.64 ID:tweJmCn10
- And you of course fought back by groping her boobs, right? Right?
- 339 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:44:44.37 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- BigSis: "You stupid idiot!! Don't screw around with me!!!!!!!!"
Me: "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"
She starts choking me.
BigSis: "Why did you not do as I told you yesterday?"
Me: "I did!! I did exactly as you said!!!"
BigSis: "Shut up!"
、 `ー≠. : .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:!:}
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- 340 : VIPPER -52,960 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:46:04.17 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- You get punched whatever you saywwwwww
- 341 : VIPPER -52,881 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:46:08.65 ID:mfV16gqw0
- >>339
Looks like rather than trying to do what BigSis tells you to, it's better to try not to get killed by herwww
- 342 : VIPPER -52,960 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:47:48.18 ID:fAx9HmkQ0
- ElderSis is just greatwwwww
- 343 : VIPPER -53,282 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:51:26.71 ID:so/uHmau0
- Give me BigSis pleasewww
- 344 : VIPPER -53,173 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:51:57.11 ID:k5Odxt9s0
- "Shut up!"wwwwwwww
- 345 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:52:02.60 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- My mom and 2ndSis, who were having dinner with me in the living room, are looking at us dumbfounded, their rice bowls in their hands.
Mom: "What are you doing? Stop it."
2ndSis: "What's wrong?"
BigSis: "He's just too stupid! Something's wrong with him!"
Me: "But I added the songs just as you told me to..."
BigSis: "They're too few, idiot!!!!!!"
Me: "What's too few..?"
BigSis: "I told you to add Ayu's best of. Why is it only 6 songs!?"
Me: "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- 346 : VIPPER -53,173 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:52:21.85 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- That's her problem!?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 347 : VIPPER -53,173 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:52:56.16 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- I know what comes next. The Heart Sutra and a black and white photo of >>1 as the album artwork.
- 348 : VIPPER -53,376 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:55:07.07 ID:9d6dixLRO
- I thought she was mad because of the anime songswwwwwwww
- 349 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:55:41.07 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- BigSis: "And what's with that Uguu~♪ crap!? It gives me the creeps!!"
Me: "..."
BigSis: "The Kuu playlist has only 5 songs too! What's wrong with you?"
Me: "What am I supposed to do? I just don't have any more of her songs on my computer."
BigSis: "You said you can use your computer to get me whatever songs I want!"
She chokes me again with a scary look on her face.
Mom: "Let go of him already."
2ndSis: "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
- 350 : VIPPER -53,376 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:56:30.38 ID:fAx9HmkQ0
- 2ndSis is laughing way too muchwwwwwww
- 351 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:57:48.32 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- ElderSis: "Come with me to my room."
Me: "Yes."
2ndSis: "Looks fun, I'll come along toowwww"
Mom: "But don't hit him!"
And so we entered the arena of death.....
- 352 : VIPPER -53,743 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:57:50.65 ID:9d6dixLRO
- 2ndwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww siswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 353 : VIPPER -53,822 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:58:24.78 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- 2ndSis is too funnywwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 354 : VIPPER -53,941 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:59:18.59 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- And so he became a legend....
- 355 : VIPPER -53,822 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 20:59:38.33 ID:so/uHmau0
- I changed my mind. Give me your 2ndSis pleasewww
- 356 : VIPPER -54,254 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:04:57.59 ID:00jp9lVh0
- "But don't hit him"www So kindwww
Please give me your motherwwww
- 357 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:05:21.35 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- 2ndSis
20 years old
College student
Just a happy normalfag.
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- 358 : VIPPER -53,910 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:07:47.76 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- >>357
Please let me be your friend.
- 359 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:10:37.79 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- In ElderSis's room.
ElderSis: "Sit down."
Me: "Yes."
ElderSis: "Why won't you listen to what I say?"
Me: "I did..."
2ndSis is listening to the bigSisPod.
2ndSis: "This is awfulwwwwwwwww"
ElderSis: "Tell me about it."
2ndSis: "This playlist says EXILE, but it isn't EXILEwww"
ElderSis: "I thought 'Yay, an EXILE album♪', but when I actually listened to it... it turned out to be this."
2ndSis: "Hilariouswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
- 360 : VIPPER -54,631 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:11:35.00 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- 2ndSis seems to be having funwww
- 361 : VIPPER -54,537 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:13:03.84 ID:fAx9HmkQ0
- BigSis changed to ElderSis againwwww
- 362 : VIPPER -54,631 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:13:59.48 ID:Vj0Un2mH0
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 363 : VIPPER -54,342 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:14:11.42 ID:fAx9HmkQ0
- I feel like, if we had put those songs on 2ndSis's iPod instead, she wouldn't have been mad at allw
- 364 : VIPPER -54,850 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:14:15.30 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- 2ndSis sure is enjoying all thiswwww
- 365 : VIPPER -54,631 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:14:25.66 ID:UV21uzyh0
- Everyone who reads this thread will die within a year.
But there is a way to escape death.
Post the comment "Ran Ran Ruu from VIP" in this video and copypaste this post into at least one other thread.
I'm sorry for going off-topic like this, but I don't want to die yet....
- 366 : VIPPER -54,631 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:16:29.84 ID:mfV16gqw0
- >>349
I wish I was there to hear BigSis say Uguu~♪www
- 367 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:17:26.40 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Me: "I'm very sorry about that."
ElderSis: "I won't believe what you say anymore!"
Me: "I'm really sorry."
ElderSis: "You have no idea how surprised I was to hear those songs. Do you always listen to that stuff?"
Me: "No, I just thought I'd add songs of all kinds of different genres for you to listen, BigSis..."
ElderSis: "...And?"
Me: "Well, I tried to do you a little favor."
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ElderSis: "I don't need a favor like that!!!!!!!!!!"
- 368 : VIPPER -55,110 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:19:42.54 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- ElderSis is rightwww She really doesn't need itwwwwwwwwwww
- 369 : VIPPER -54,944 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:22:39.71 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- My sides can't take it any morewwwwwww
- 370 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:23:06.32 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Me: "Please, BigSis, no more punches..."
ElderSis: "Ahhhh!!!! Shit!!!!!! You piss me off!!!!!!"
2ndSis: "wwwwwwwwwwwwww"
ElderSis: "Shut up! Stop laughing!"
Me, 2ndSis: "......"
- 371 : VIPPER -55,329 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:23:17.17 ID:ctn0s/3f0
- A favorww
- 372 : VIPPER -55,382 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:23:41.04 ID:5yRxqbYg0
- 2ndwwwww siswwwwwwwwwww
- 373 : VIPPER -55,382 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:24:02.18 ID:o0aXrpIF0
- I wanna marry 2ndSis.
- 374 : VIPPER -55,110 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:25:05.90 ID:mfV16gqw0
- And the iPod fell into >>1's hands again...
They say, the third time is a charm and whatever happens twice will happen three times.
But the little brother has his mind made up! >>1 chooses to carry the VIPPER's expectations on his shoulders and let the post numbers decide his fate!
- 375 : VIPPER -55,258 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:25:34.49 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- 2ndSis got silentwwwww ElderSis is too strongwwwwwwwww
- 376 : VIPPER -55,195 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:25:45.61 ID:YaTpMQ360
- Next time, try to secretly film the whole scene and upload it please! Thank you!
- 377 : VIPPER -55,538 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:26:17.69 ID:wluC36xJ0
- 2ndSis got yelled at toow
- 378 : VIPPER -55,195 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:26:39.94 ID:so/uHmau0
- >>1 got
by BigSis.
- 379 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:28:57.31 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Before I know it, 2ndSis and I are sitting on the floor, kneeling in front of ElderSis for some reason. Apparently, she's more angered than I thought.
ElderSis: "Man... What do I do with you..."
(After she punched me that many times, she's still going to do more..!?)
Me: "..."
ElderSis: "Cheh. I haven't been this pissed in ages."
Me: "Yeah."
2ndSis: "...lol"
ElderSis: "All you've been doing is laughing. What's so funny?"
2ndSis: "I'm sorry."
Me: "I'm sorry."
- 380 : VIPPER -55,695 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:29:47.57 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- I can't help it...... My moe sensors keep going off every time 2ndSis does something......
- 381 : VIPPER -55,632 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:29:50.61 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- I'mwwww sorrywwwww
- 382 : VIPPER -55,802 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:30:30.84 ID:00jp9lVh0
- Elder sisterwwww Her tongue clicking is scaryww
- 383 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:34:20.45 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- 2ndSis: "By the way... BigSis?"
ElderSis: "What!?"
2ndSis: "The MUSIC STATION love song ranking just started, you know?"
ElderSis: "...Oh, right. Gotta watch it."
(Love song rankingwwwwwwwww So sweetswwwwwww)
- 384 : VIPPER -55,983 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:35:29.79 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- Sweetswwwwwwww
- 385 : VIPPER -55,869 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:35:49.41 ID:cM/+SV2N0
- I can see why 2ndSis is laughingwwwwww I'd be laughing my ass off toowwwwwwwwwwww
- 386 : VIPPER -55,869 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:35:50.05 ID:9d6dixLRO
- Elder siswwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 387 : VIPPER -56,151 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:36:06.40 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- Did 2ndSis just save your ass?w
- 388 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:36:50.11 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>376
Try standing next to me when she's chewing me out if you dare. She can be seriously scary.
- 389 : VIPPER -56,241 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:37:21.22 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- If you promise to give me 2ndSis, I'd gladly stand by your side.
- 390 : VIPPER -56,151 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:39:36.70 ID:l8otglj/O
- If one of the songs on the bigSisPod or some other anime/otaku song shows up in the ranking, tell her "See? It's in the charts!wwww In your face!!wwww".
- 391 : VIPPER -56,288 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:40:11.26 ID:xeCM3XIZ0
- Did BigSis react to Motteke! Sailor-fuku at all?
- 392 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:42:15.00 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- ElderSis: "You."
Me: "Yes."
ElderSis: "Delete all weird songs on it."
Me: "Yes, as you wish."
ElderSis: "Then teach me how to put songs on an iPod."
Me: "Eh?"
ElderSis: "I'll add my songs myself."
Me: "Why didn't you do that from the star-"
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ElderSis: "Shut up!!!!!!!!!"
- 393 : VIPPER -56,389 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:43:14.15 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- Elder siswww That's just being violentwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 394 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:43:34.22 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>391
No, but my body reacts to it every time.
- 395 : VIPPER -56,288 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:43:58.65 ID:ctn0s/3f0
- BigSis is punching you way too oftenw
- 396 : VIPPER -56,669 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:45:00.75 ID:fAx9HmkQ0
- What you said made sense thoughwwww
- 397 : VIPPER -56,288 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:45:44.25 ID:9d6dixLRO
- She's so unreasonablewwwwwwwwwwww
Fap fap...
- 398 : VIPPER -56,448 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:47:54.80 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- >>1 is rightwwww
- 399 : VIPPER -56,448 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:48:04.04 ID:pG7vTm3RO
- So, today, we'll add Porno pictures instead of Porno songs, huh?
- 400 : VIPPER -57,012 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:50:50.01 ID:zAPPM7nV0
- >>399
You mean, videos.
- 401 : VIPPER -56,665 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:51:48.81 ID:2jRdBD430
- >>399
>>1 is a good kid who fulfils our wishes on his own without us having to tell him to.
- 402 : VIPPER -57,012 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:52:35.19 ID:tweJmCn10
- Add "Kinta no Daibouken", disguised as an Ayu song.
- 403 : VIPPER -57,017 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:52:38.30 ID:+akKBSjSO
- Next time, add this picture as a fake coverw
- 404 : VIPPER -57,043 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:53:42.30 ID:OWzYbIwZ0
- Personally, I wanted BigSis to listen to this song.
- 405 : VIPPER -57,012 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:54:20.69 ID:cM/+SV2N0
- Elder sis is greatwwwwwwww
- 406 : VIPPER -57,227 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 21:54:49.23 ID:zAPPM7nV0
- >>403
Everyone needs to have this as their wallpaper.
- 407 : VIPPER -57,293 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:01:01.03 ID:u+dFGR4g0
- Did someone already mention that you sometimes get static noise if you play ALAC files with an ALAC decoder like foobar2000 or VLC?
Yeah, right? Thought so.
- 408 : VIPPER -57,701 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:02:03.15 ID:u+dFGR4g0
- Whoops, wrong thread.
- 409 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:02:29.63 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Me: "Huff... huff... Please just let me off the hook now..."
ElderSis: "Die! Whose fault do you think all this is?"
Me: "Okay, okay, I got it, I'll teach you..."
2ndSis: "Sis, I'll be going ahead to the living room."
2ndSis fled out of the room just at the right time.
ElderSis: "We're going to your room then."
Me: "Whoawwww Why!!!!!!?"
ElderSis: "Because I wanna put songs on my iPod."
Me: "We can't! We can't go into my room!"
ElderSis: "Why not?"
Me: "It doesn't have to be my computer, you know!? We can do it on your computer just as well!"
I can't have her come to my room because my current desktop wallpaper is an erotic picture of Hatsune Miku.
- 410 : VIPPER -57,356 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:03:29.23 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- Uh-oh... (gulp)
- 411 : VIPPER -57,482 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:04:39.51 ID:KRUCKT210
- Upload your wallpaper.
- 412 : VIPPER -57,419 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:05:07.01 ID:mfV16gqw0
- How exciting.
- 413 : VIPPER -58,012 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:07:32.96 ID:Ke3EJQCp0
- You should've just told her to wait until your computer's booted up and quickly changed your wallpaper.
- 414 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:08:37.13 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>411

- 415 : VIPPER -57,701 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:09:10.86 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- Oh God, my sides hurtwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 416 : VIPPER -57,946 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:09:18.41 ID:5yRxqbYg0
- I see why you wouldn't want her to see it.
- 417 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:10:28.85 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- If she saw a picture like this as my wallpaper under such circumstances, she'd seriously start doubting my sanity.
This is especially true in BigSis'ss case as she doesn't get jokes like this at all.
- 418 : VIPPER -57,946 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:10:52.75 ID:mfV16gqw0
- >>414
Whatwww thewwwwwwwwww fuckwwwwwwwwwwwww
I wanna see BigSis's reacion to that!!!swwsss
- 419 : VIPPER -58,096 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:11:46.73 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- It's checkmate for >>1.
- 420 : VIPPER -57,844 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:11:48.24 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- I'd rather wanna see 2ndSis's reaction.
- 421 : VIPPER : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:12:48.23 ID:krL0faWr0
- >>414
I couldn't even show that to friendswwwww
- 422 : VIPPER -58,424 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:16:41.36 ID:K1XpPlsh0
- That's not erotic!wwwwwwwwwww
It's obscene!wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 423 : VIPPER -58,424 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:17:46.87 ID:gEPizcA10
- Idiotwwww
- 424 : VIPPER -58,701 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:19:36.05 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- >>414
If you made a new VOCALOID with this character design and put it on sale, wouldn't it sell even more than Hatsune Miku?www
- 425 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:21:41.07 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- So we went to ElderSis's room for a quick crash course in iPod 101.
Me: "With this program called iTunes, you can organize your songs, edit their attributes and add them to your iPod."
ElderSis: "Huh?? But it's completely empty."
Me: "Well, of course. You have to add them here first."
ElderSis: "???? So you use this program to get songs from the internet?"
Me: "No... Umm..."
BigSis didn't get what iTunes is for at all.
Thank you very much, really.
- 426 : VIPPER -58,967 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:23:54.80 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- 1 is a genuine idiot, but he's lucky to have been blessed with such a good big sister.
- 427 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:26:22.61 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>403
A picture of the bigSisPodwww
Thanks, I'll secretly put it on her iPod next timewwww
- 428 : VIPPER -59,170 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:26:46.06 ID:mfV16gqw0
- >>425
She thinks iTunes is a file-sharing programwww
BigSis is a geniuswwww
- 429 : VIPPER -59,243 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:27:41.97 ID:axz93X0YO
- >>425
Dunno why, but that's moe.
- 430 : VIPPER -59,243 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:28:00.80 ID:r9Xyiuik0
- >>417
You know what you have to do, right?
Put it on the bigSisPodwwwwwwww
- 431 : VIPPER -59,333 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:29:39.33 ID:NHEdyLUZO
- Add this as a fake picture too.
- 432 : VIPPER -59,243 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:29:42.75 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- BigSis didn't understand iTunes at all either, but when I put it in more simple terms and said "What's in iTunes = What's in your iPod", she suddenly got itw
- 433 : VIPPER -59,333 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:30:40.78 ID:msC6EOxkO
- Let's do something to the 2ndSisPod!
- 434 : VIPPER -59,408 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:31:22.01 ID:phc/AQa70
- Let's add only songs from the Chippaipan CD!! Or did you already add it? I haven't read the first thread yet.
- 435 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:32:54.03 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>431
Tell me what the fake picture is for firstwwwwww
- 436 : VIPPER -59,542 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:33:36.00 ID:sfqjcSq5O
- Here. http://imepita.jp/20071228/748460
- 437 : VIPPER -59,618 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:33:56.90 ID:QCOXwJOUO
- >>433
This so much. 2ndSis is extremely moewwwwwww
- 438 : VIPPER -59,408 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:34:39.57 ID:NHEdyLUZO
- >>435
Fake covers to make it look like you actually added the songs she wantedwwwwww
I'm sure ElderSis will be very happy to see themwwwwww
- 439 : VIPPER -59,333 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:35:53.34 ID:PxnHcm+00
- Then 2ndSis gets the treatment in >>434, right?
- 440 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:36:26.54 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>432
I see, that's a good way to explain it.
I'd have to get my hands on the 2ndSisPod first though.
The CD was included in the very first playlist we made. And I'm listening to it right now.
- 441 : VIPPER -59,847 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:38:57.21 ID:f8uR+lZE0
- It's people like your sister that go around asking questions about file-sharing programs in electrical appliances stores.
- 442 : VIPPER -59,541 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:40:09.69 ID:9d6dixLRO
- Aren't we making a playlist by post number today?
- 443 : VIPPER -60,024 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:42:18.35 ID:mfV16gqw0
- Mission 1: Recover the bigSisPod!
- 444 : VIPPER -60,024 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:46:10.17 ID:H1Uaaozl0
- Mission 2: Get your hands on the 2ndSisPod!
- 445 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:47:42.69 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Me: "Well, you gotta rent some CDs first. I'll teach you how to add songs after that."
ElderSis: "Ehh!? Really? What a pain."
Me: "Just rent CDs with songs you want to have on your iPod."
ElderSis: "Okay, then I'll write a list of songs and you go rent them."
Me: "No way, why do I have to do that?"
ElderSis: "Whose fault do you think it is that I had to listen to all those horrible songs? It's only natural that you have to go!"
Me: "No, no, no. This has obviously nothing to do with tha-"
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ElderSis: "Oh yes, it does!"
- 446 : VIPPER -60,212 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:50:12.64 ID:YDpbWzEd0
- Just got here.
I haven't read the first thread, but I want you to add the following song if it's not been already addedy.
Marukon Ai no Theme -Oniichan Irete-
Because this one might actually get you killedw
- 447 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:50:20.20 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- And well, the whole thing ended with my Hit Points reduced to 0.
In the end, BigSis and 2ndSis decided to go to Tsutaya themselves and left a while ago.
And they all lived happily ever after.
- 448 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:52:10.57 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>442
If I mess with the bigSisPod again, I'll be dead for real.
But if I get the opportunity to, I wanna try the same thing with the 2ndSisPod. I'm on bad terms with 2ndSis anyway.
- 449 : VIPPER -60,526 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:53:02.41 ID:Og2wNFPn0
- I see. Thanks for the report.
In that case, >>1 will transform into a hard-working fairy tonight and turn the contents of the bigSisPod into something even more wonderful, huh?
- 450 : VIPPER -60,526 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:53:16.15 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- You wanna mess with the 2ndSisPod even though you're on bad terms with 2ndSis?www
- 451 : VIPPER -60,526 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:54:55.16 ID:YDpbWzEd0
- >>1
With BigSis out of the picture, there's no real reason to follow your thread anymore. It's a pity, but thank you for everything so far.
- 452 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:58:03.80 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>449
Are you trying to get me killed?
I still haven't really forgiven 2ndSis for selling off my Resident Evil 4 without my permission.
- 453 : VIPPER -60,933 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:58:16.21 ID:9d6dixLRO
- Well, if >>1 is a true VIPPER... he's bound to do something... tonight... hihihi
Anyways, good job so far.
- 454 : VIPPER -60,994 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:58:31.90 ID:PxnHcm+00
- Then, before 2ndSis comes back, create lots of song files that look like EXILE songs, but are actually songs from the Chippaipan CD!
- 455 : VIPPER -61,126 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 22:59:02.08 ID:KRUCKT210
- Well then, today we could think about what to add to >>1's iPod.
- 456 : VIPPER -61,245 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:02:02.00 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- >>1
Thanks for everything so far. It was pretty high quality stuff.
- 457 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:03:15.56 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- /:.:.:.:.:/:.:.:.:.:.:.|:.:.:.:.:.:./ll:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:lヽ:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ヘ
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"I'll fill my iPod with lots of songs today♪"
is what she said with a bright smile on her face before she left. After seeing that smile of hers, I really can't bring myself to do anything to her iPod anymore...
- 458 : VIPPER -61,375 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:03:31.29 ID:phS/S0nH0
- >>454
That's it!!!
- 459 : VIPPER -61,420 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:04:51.84 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- >>457
I see......
I don't give two damns about >>1 taking a beating for playing jokes on her, but I wouldn't want to ruin such a beautiful smile.
- 460 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:05:35.34 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>454
Yeah, well, 2ndSis is surprisingly the type that can take a joke or two.
She's not that aggressive either, so if we put the same songs on her iPod, she'd probably just laugh it off.
We'd have to make a playlist with more, you know, mentally disturbing songs... hihihi
- 461 : VIPPER -61,420 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:06:34.73 ID:msC6EOxkO
- Let's give it a try with Gloomy Sunday then.
- 462 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:06:51.12 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>459
Have a little sympathy with me too, dickhead. It was more than just a normal beating!
- 463 : VIPPER -61,634 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:07:29.11 ID:CX+n8ROm0
- >>462
I-It's not like I'm worried about your well-being at all! Idiot!
- 464 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:09:09.97 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>455
A playlist for the myPod, huh?wwwwwwww
I feel like it'd result in one lame threadwwwwww
Besides, you guys couldn't make the content of the myPod any worse than it already is anyway.
- 465 : VIPPER -61,420 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:10:07.98 ID:Og2wNFPn0
- So the next victim of >>1's vicious plot is the 2ndSisPod... hehe
- 466 : VIPPER -61,776 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:10:55.89 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- >>464
And we can't really make damage to you since your Hit Points are already down to 0www
- 467 : VIPPER -61,977 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:16:33.54 ID:msC6EOxkO
- Change the wallpaper of the bigSisPC to something else while she's not at home.
- 468 : VIPPER -62,201 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:17:22.59 ID:mfV16gqw0
- >>460
The time to use Karlmayer ep has finally come!
I got all kinds of different versions of the song on my computer, so tell me if you need them!
I'd gladly share them with you!
- 469 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:18:49.67 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- For the people who haven't read the first thread:
"1st generation bigSisPod"
- Baragoku Otome (Fake first song)
- Bamboo Beat
- Romantic Summer
- Dango Daikazoku (The only song BigSis liked)
- Tears Infection
- Kaze Sagashi
- Sketchbook Wo Motta Mama
- Prism
- Lolicon no Uta
- Kishimen
- Gloomy Sunday
- Mebae Drive
- The one Komiya Mao sings
- Maid-san Rock'n'Roll
- Euphoric Field
- Karlmayer
- Yuusha Ou Tanjou! Perfect Yell version
- Chu×Chu!! (Yui-nyan's adult game song)
- Keikenchi Joushouchuu☆ (I added my voice to the "Hai ! Hai ! Hai ! calls)
- Raspberry Heaven
- Colorful Days
- Sakuranbo Kiss
- Symphony
- Garnet (Idolm@ster)
- 470 : VIPPER -62,340 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:19:04.06 ID:nnuJixIdO
- http://dcss.no.land.to/test/mread.cgi/main/althrd/
- 471 : VIPPER -62,311 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:20:19.63 ID:SBBnpvjl0
- Keikenchi Joushouchuu☆ (I added my voice to the "Hai ! Hai ! Hai ! calls) ← I wanna listen to this so badwwwwww
- 472 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:21:42.35 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- - Quiz
- Nee... shiyou yo
- Motteke! Sailor-fuku
- Heart Sutra FullVer
- Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence
- Sketch Switch
- Linear Motor Girl
- Computer City
- Electro World
- Chippaipan CD
- Figu@Mate
- Isolation
- Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Otomegokoro + √Nekomimi = ∞
- 473 : VIPPER -62,465 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:22:16.67 ID:mfV16gqw0
- Oh, didn't know Karlmayer ep was already on the 1st generation bigSisPod.
The songs from SIREN could be a good alternative then.
- 474 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:22:24.62 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- - Tamura Yukari moaning
- Suiseiseki's Oshikari CD
- Mahou Shoujo Majikaru-tan!
- Deicide-Homage for Satan
- Toki no Tabibito
- Kumo ga Yuku no wa
- Watashi ga Fushigi
- Watashi no naka no Ginga
- Shounenki
- Yume no Hito
- Yume no Yukue
- Sayonara ni Sayonara
- Koiuta (Inugami Circus-dan)
- Imouto Wasurecha Oshioki yo
- Zankoku na Tenshi no These (BigSis called it the Cruel something Angel song)
- Komm, süßer Tod
- Fly me to the moon
↑The version with Asuka, Misato and Rei
- Tamashii no Refrain
- Hito to shite Jiku ga Bureteiru
- Odoru Akachan Ningen
- Climax Jump (Not the one by AAA)
The end.
- 475 : VIPPER -62,534 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:23:18.36 ID:mfV16gqw0
- >>472
Is Heart Sutra FullVer the one that's read by a Buddhist priest?
- 476 : VIPPER -62,622 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:25:22.67 ID:qrz3WlLvO
- You could make anyone mad with a list like thiswwwwww
- 477 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:28:37.99 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- 2ndSis can laugh off just about anything, but Karlmayer should be very disturbing, even for herwww
- 478 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:30:15.48 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- >>475
I don't know if it was a real Buddhist priest, but I remember when I was listening to it on endless repeat, I felt like throwing up after a while.
- 479 : ◆ExcednhXC2 : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:30:25.62 ID:WMAhdUIo0
- This is lame.
If you guys don't have anything better to do than this shit, read my new novel about Boon.
- 480 : VIPPER -63,621 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:40:30.42 ID:DDRzxQY90
- >>478
Eh? I can listen to it day in and day out without any problems.
- 481 : VIPPER -63,434 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:42:51.63 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- >>480
You're not perhaps a Buddhist priest, are you?w
- 482 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:43:47.67 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "2nd generation bigSisPod"
- Warship March
- Attack! Gag Manga Biyori
- Asahara Shoko's Theme
- Doutei So Young
- Wake-up.mp3
- Yume no Hyoko
- Kusabi by Oku Hanako
- Banzai Hitler Youth
- Suteki na Chinko Song
- Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Zenbu Koe
- Jinsei Owata Song (The happy escapism song)
- Fujisan by Denki Groove
- Kon'iro Tokimeki!!
- Sergeant Hartman's Marching Song
- Gensou Haijin
- Melt (Hatsune Miku)
- Senkou Shoujo
- Gunjou Biyori
- Roujin to Kodomo no Polka
- Yami no Shinshiroku - Shikeishikkou
- Karlmayer
- Donna Donna
- "Kinta no Daibouken"
- 483 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:44:23.17 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "Hamasaki Ayu"
- rainbow
- Seasons
- Voyage
- Uguu~♪ (Tsukimiya Ayu)
"Koda Kuu"
- real Emotion
- 1000 no Kotoba
- Cutie Honey
- Butterfly
- Ningyo Hime
- 484 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:44:52.63 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- "Porno"
- Apollo
- Jazz Up
- Libido
- Mahoroba○△
- Saudade
- Agehachou
- OP of the Persona anime
- Melissa
- Hitori no Yoru
- HEART OF SWORD - Yoake Mae -
- ignited
- crosswise
- vestige
- Web of Night
The end.
- 485 : VIPPER -63,781 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:45:08.65 ID:DDRzxQY90
- I'm reading the first thread right now and...
My sides hurtwwwwwwwwww What's with that threadwwwww
- 486 : VIPPER -63,871 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:45:11.57 ID:Qtle8ird0
- >>482
Good jobw
- 487 : VIPPER -63,871 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:47:38.09 ID:3A9d7EVKO
- Please add some Torihada Minoru songs.
- 488 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:48:59.15 ID:X/GyEHsR0
- Seems like my sisters are back. Let me go give them a lecture on iPod Theory.
- 489 : VIPPER -63,781 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:49:18.32 ID:DDRzxQY90
- Okay.
- 490 : VIPPER -63,781 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:50:11.75 ID:G9yhZ2gG0
- Don't know if someone already noticed, but >>485's ID is the title of a music video game.
- 491 : VIPPER -63,781 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:50:57.01 ID:cM/+SV2N0
- Too bad cuz I wanted to see more of you getting beaten up by ElderSisw
Good luck.
- 492 : VIPPER -63,871 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:51:27.07 ID:xC/psMza0
- Why don't we do the opposite of what we've done so far and add normal mainstream songs to >>1's iPod?
If the contents of his iPod are really that bad, we should fix it.
- 493 : VIPPER -63,781 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:51:27.12 ID:SO2tLmdg0
- >>1
Teach her in a way she would never understand → "Okay, to make up for what I did, I'll put the songs on your iPod for you."
And the bigSisPod is in your hands again.
- 494 : VIPPER -63,891 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:51:48.11 ID:DDRzxQY90
- >>490
Looks like a type of memory chip to me.
- 495 : VIPPER -63,891 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:51:57.95 ID:/7fVoiu70
Let's try this since there are so many people in this thread.
Is there anyone here who actually reads posts?
If yes, post "I came from VIP" in here ↓
I'll tell you how many VIPPERs are online then.
- 496 : VIPPER -64,187 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:57:48.60 ID:xC/psMza0
- >>495
The thread's already deadwwwwwww
- 497 : VIPPER -64,477 seconds left : 2008/01/11(Fri) 23:59:37.42 ID:fAx9HmkQ0
- Please give me the contents of the bigSisPod in a zip filew
- 498 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:09:03.81 ID:305UqQJb0
- >>1
Do you have any idea how bad I wanna get scolded by BigSis while completely naked!?
All the while getting laughed at by 2ndSis, of course...
Goddamn, I'm so fucking jealous of you.
- 499 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:09:54.96 ID:GOf1oJEm0
- Everyone get over here.
- 500 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:10:07.03 ID:fsiN4Ivt0
- BigSis should have heard this song before...
Rename the file extension xxx to m4a first though.
- 501 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:16:41.06 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- My sister was laughing heartily. Women can be so scary.
- 502 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:18:27.84 ID:fw36y7JX0
- Why was she laughing?
- 503 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:19:35.71 ID:JKhYazy/0
- >>502
Maybe she was just happy that she can put normal songs on her iPod.
ElderSis seems to have crazy mood swings.
- 504 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:25:36.37 ID:6LhUAkM70
- Finally caught up with you guysw
I wanna see this turned into a comicww
- 505 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:26:18.08 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Well, you see, she said she always wanted to put her favorite songs on an iPod and carry it around with her at all times.
She didn't know anything about iPods though and it was keeping her from getting one. She also feared she wouldn't be able to figure out how to use it anyway.
But when she saw her friends' iPods, she couldn't take it anymore and summoned all her courage to buy one.
But just as she'd feared, she didn't understand a thing after reading the manual and so the bigSisPod fell into my hands and we all know the tragic events that followed.
I'm sure she was very happy. She can finally walk around with her favorite songs in her iPod. At last, her dream came true.
She was laughing heartily while adding all her songs. After I taught her how to add songs, she even said "Thank you" to me.
- 506 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:27:21.95 ID:pmqhav9X0
- >>505
ElderSis is so cute it makes me feel bad for what I did...
Please tell her I said I'm sorry.
- 507 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:28:04.40 ID:8ua1hTCG0
- Elder sis is cute.
- 508 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:28:57.42 ID:305UqQJb0
- Just to make sure you guys got me right, when I posted that I wanna get scolded by BigSis while completely naked, I meant that only I'd be naked.
BigSis and 2ndSis would be wearing their normal clothes. This is important!
- 509 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:29:54.44 ID:znZYFVWQO
- This is going to turn into a classic thread full of happy and sad moments from this point on.
- 510 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:30:01.31 ID:fsiN4Ivt0
- >>505
Is BigSis a little slow in the head?
- 511 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:30:19.49 ID:fw36y7JX0
- Upload pics of BigSis!
- 512 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:33:15.26 ID:6LhUAkM70
- >>510
I think iTunes requires you to be well-versed in computers. I'm sure many iPod owners have problems with it.
And in a way, the program itself is a total mess imo.
- 513 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:35:48.76 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>506
Don't worry, she's not mad at you because I took a beating in your stead. That goes for all of you btw.
She's gonna crush your penis with her foot.
- 514 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:39:09.99 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- That's what I like about her. Will you give me BigSis?.
- 515 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:39:11.28 ID:6LhUAkM70
- >>513
So, what are you going to perpetrate next?
- 516 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:40:00.26 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>511
Please make do with the image I use in my reports.
It's partly because BigSis is a sweets girl that's not into computers, of course, but yeah, the program itself is a bit difficult to use.
- 517 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:41:18.89 ID:sX6L2lSp0
- >>516
With image, you mean...

- 518 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:42:07.57 ID:fw36y7JX0
- >>517
I think my PC broke.
- 519 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:45:21.41 ID:znZYFVWQO
- 2ndSis, the new character in our story, is just as cute. I'm so envious you got two cute older sisters.
- 520 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:49:42.29 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>517
No, that's the wallpaper I've been using for quite some timewww
BigSis has always been said to resemble Himesaki Shuri. Here's a picture:
- 521 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:50:44.21 ID:fsiN4Ivt0
- Did BigSis watch Nodame?
- 522 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:50:49.88 ID:5jcZiGYvO
- My first time here.
I was happy HEART OF SWORD made it into the bigSisPod playlist, but seeing "Kinta no Daibouken" at the end cracked me upwww
- 523 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:51:49.30 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>504
Into a comic?wwwwwww
I wish I could read this thread as a bystander and laugh my ass off like you guys...
- 524 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:54:11.51 ID:baK5ffKZ0
- I hope the six songs in the Ayu playlist were all cover versions by Lady Mebuta.
- 525 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:54:50.68 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>519
No, BigSis is my only older sister. 2ndSis and I are the same age, actually.
- 526 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 00:56:08.65 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>521
I dunno... Maybe? She likes TV soaps.
- 527 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:01:02.43 ID:fsiN4Ivt0
- Then you could burn a CD full of classic songs and tell her they're all from Nodame or something.
- 528 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:05:20.01
- 2ndSis is the same age as you... In other words, you're twins.
And you don't have a smaller sister?
- 529 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:06:31.69 ID:CDEmuRENO
- I don't get what the guy with the ID fsiN4Ivt0 is trying to do.
- 530 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:09:47.68 ID:sX6L2lSp0
- >>520

So BigSis looks like this?
- 531 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:20:15.51 ID:q1PNgDfk0
- Please explain the threads and everything else to BigSis and tell her we're all sorry.
Tell her we wish her a wonderful iPod life too.
- 532 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:20:54.39 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>530
I remember fapping to that...
- 533 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:23:21.69 ID:305UqQJb0
- I like my bitches well-mannered.
You know, ones that are actually sluts and just put on a well-educated front.
>>1's big sis has what you need to become one.
- 534 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:27:54.14 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>528
We're like Kagami and Tsukasa. How do you call it? Fraternal twins?
- 535 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:30:06.17 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>530
Yeah, pretty much.
She'd never forgive me if I told her about the threadwwwww
- 536 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:30:48.46 ID:eg8hHM3G0
- We need specs!
- 537 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:32:53.66 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- Stop indulging in your fantasies!
All this is just your fantasy, right..?
- 538 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:47:18.21 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>536
My specs?
Sorry. It's real.
- 539 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:51:30.37 ID:74wlXdZeO
- Did she like any of the songs at all?
- 540 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 01:54:20.24 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- I guess it's not right for the one who requested them to say this, but I'd assume she liked Gunjou Biyori and Senkou Shoujo.
- 541 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:00:37.91 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- She probably liked Dango Daikazoku seeing how she seemed to know it.
I don't know about Gunjou Biyori and Senkou Shoujo though. I feel like she was so turned off by the first song that she didn't listen that far into the playlist.
- 542 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:02:35.78 ID:eg8hHM3G0
- >>specs
Ages of your siblings?
- 543 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:05:00.17 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- I wish I too had a pretty sister like >>1.
- 544 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:23:06.14 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- bigSisPod
23-year-old sweets girl
20-year-old happy normalfag
20-year-old virgin shut-in
- 545 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:23:51.77 ID:iAI37JTi0
- >>544
No 3rdSisPod, huh?
- 546 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:26:10.81 ID:NHaW+Oq+0
- We need the specs of the momPod!!!!!!!!!!111
- 547 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:27:40.01 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- You're a shut-in?
- 548 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:29:47.56 ID:faDa94j20
- I just read a summary of the first thread.
So basically, if you were to summarize the first thread in three lines:
Anime songs (Otaku songs?)
Punched three times by BigSis
Is this correct?
- 549 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:31:03.85 ID:/7oGoD5E0
- >>548
- 550 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:32:58.33 ID:faDa94j20
- >>549
Oh, so we got a new character. Thanks.
- 551 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:36:50.57 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>545
That depends on my parents' efforts. You can't exclude the possibility that it turns out to be a second son though.
489 years old, hobby is gardening
Haven't left the house in quite some time.
What summary?
- 552 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:38:32.66 ID:faDa94j20
- >>551
- 553 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:41:56.53 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>551
Is your mom a witch?
- 554 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:44:59.07 ID:5BnH+8BQ0
- >>551
Don't make me laughwwww My sides hurt from laughingwwwwwww Your momwwwwwww
- 555 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:45:22.22 ID:q1PNgDfk0
- >>552
There's already a summary of this?
I could have used one when I found this thread a few hours ago and saw that the previous thread was already dead. The last half of the thread is hilariouswwww
- 556 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:45:58.26 ID:JKhYazy/0
- >>551
She's about as old as Gacktw
- 557 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:49:00.35 ID:faDa94j20
- >>555
I've only read a summary so far, so I don't think I'm qualified to post here yet.
I'll be lurking for a while first.
- 558 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:54:36.77 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- It was a typo. I meant to write "48 or 49".
- 559 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 02:57:15.96 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>552
Another new summary blog for 2ch threads, huh?
- 560 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 03:26:22.16 ID:znZYFVWQO
- I'm going to bed hoping for the 2ndSisPod to be the next one we mess with.
- 561 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 03:40:26.40 ID:6LhUAkM70
- Does 2ndSis even have an iPod?
- 562 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 03:47:46.87 ID:wxQrmYWY0
- >>1
Looks like you had a rough time because of us.
Go get your two sisters' iPods now.
It's time to show you and them how kind VIP can be if we try to.
- 563 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 03:51:56.76 ID:EemqzfAj0
- BigSis can't have added that many songs to her iPod in one day.
That's why it's only right to grab her poor half-filled iPod now and fill it with songs for her.
That is what a truly kind little brother would do.
- 564 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 03:53:50.63 ID:6LhUAkM70
- It'll be a lot more work, but next time, we have to edit the intro (or the first 10 seconds) of each song in a way that they sound like the songs BigSis wanted and after that, it suddenly changes to our songs.
- 565 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 03:57:42.77 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- >>562
That's it!!
- 566 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 04:03:43.04 ID:znZYFVWQO
- I've been doing some thinking and realized the following.
1's big sister is a tall pretty girl with long black hair → 2ndSis, having inherited the same genes, is probably cute too → 1 and 2ndSis are twins → Thus, 1 must be cute too
...oh God.
- 567 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 04:16:05.37 ID:NtU9e6Yh0
- Can one of you start a thread with the title
"Seems like Kojima Yoshio can't pronounce the letter 'P' anymore"
for me? The content of the opening post doesn't matter.
- 568 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 05:13:09.86 ID:whNliXTMO
- This thread is a good thread.
- 569 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 05:55:47.94 ID:7jTgrFhX0
- bu
- 570 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 06:55:43.49 ID:+eo2CjgD0
- bump
- 571 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 07:26:35.29 ID:8ua1hTCG0
- ho
- 572 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 07:40:29.32 ID:hn8dyWWoO
- ri
- 573 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 08:03:55.10 ID:8ua1hTCG0
- e
- 574 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 08:05:36.03 ID:iCuuO1cVO
- mo
- 575 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 08:23:28.55 ID:SwDde56U0
- ri
- 576 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 08:44:22.10 ID:EemqzfAj0
- to
- 577 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 09:06:41.67 ID:TbZtuxUp0
- Bump.
- 578 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 09:39:48.67 ID:8ua1hTCG0
- bump
- 579 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 09:57:17.94 ID:IEeLyjq5O
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 580 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 11:19:32.93 ID:XwqAGKOn0
- bigSisPod
- 581 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 11:36:32.13 ID:6LhUAkM70
- dadMp3
- 582 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 11:38:21.69 ID:yGVNzXb20
- grampsLP
- 583 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 12:22:55.65 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- Good thread.
- 584 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 12:53:17.86 ID:92I8rB2Q0
- bump
- 585 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 12:54:59.16 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- Will this thread continue...? Will 1 do something...?
Does he even have the motivation to?
- 586 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:17:11.56 ID:hn8dyWWoO
- Miracles occur if you continue to believe in them.
- 587 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:24:17.71 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- The momPod is in my hands now.
- 588 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:24:49.89 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Here we go!
- 589 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:27:21.42 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- He's back━━(゚∀゚)━━ッ
- 590 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:27:42.98 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- The only iPods here right now are the myPod and the momPod.
BigSis probably took the bigSisPod with her and I have no idea where the 2ndSisPod is.
- 591 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:29:14.04 ID:/7oGoD5E0
- The momPod will be filled with canzones, opera songs, classical music, am I right?
- 592 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:29:24.89 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- Will we decide by post number again?
- 593 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:30:34.74 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- Oh, you're backw I've been waiting for this.
- 594 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:32:04.51 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- This is just... wow.
- 595 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:33:03.04 ID:EemqzfAj0
- What's wrong?
Is the momPod full of K-Pop music or what?
- 596 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:33:53.33 ID:fw36y7JX0
- Oh boy, oh boywwww It's the momPod's turn now!wwww
- 597 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:34:01.21 ID:7jTgrFhX0
- The momPod..w
- 598 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:34:04.48 ID:/ngN1oRV0
- I have high hopes for the momPod.
- 599 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:34:29.42 ID:6LhUAkM70
- How come everyone in your family has an iPod?w
Give me one of them!ww
- 600 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:36:47.63 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- Post what's on the momPod!
- 601 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:37:36.51 ID:EemqzfAj0
- http://www.uploda.net/cgi/uploader1/index.php?file_id=0000283443.mp3
For starters, add this.
- 602 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:39:38.99 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- The contents of the momPod:
- Ayanokouji Kimimaro's Bakushou First Super Live! With love to all middle-aged and older people
- Touhoushinki's Forever Love
- Touhoushinki's SHINE/Ride on
That's allwwwwwwwwwwww
What the hell is Touhoushinki?w Sounds like the name of some fujoshi animewwwwwwwww
- 603 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:40:20.52 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Kimimarowwwwwwwww
- 604 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:41:19.08 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- There's only 3 songs on itwww
The momPod is actually my old one. I gave it to her when I bought a newer iPod.
- 605 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:41:33.45 ID:Aocj1RIbO
- KIwMIwMAwROwww
- 606 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:44:52.31 ID:QqO6CRQk0
- Touhoushinki... that Korean band, huh...
- 607 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:44:53.11 ID:fw36y7JX0
- I happen to have the same Kimimaro CD.
- 608 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:46:14.28 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>587
Your mom has an iPod?
You sure have a trendy mom.
- 609 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:46:26.10 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- It's the newest game from the Touhou Project!
- 610 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:48:26.73 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- I'm listening to Kimimaro right now. Guy's pretty funny.
- 611 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:49:02.81 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>604
If your mom doesn't user hers, give the momPod to 2ndSis.
- 612 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:49:25.61 ID:EemqzfAj0
- So, we're going to fill her iPod with songs this time?
- 613 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:52:39.18 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>609
Yeah, I thought it was some kind of anime too, but as it turns out, it's a Korean band.
2ndSis has a new one she bought herself.
I'm not sure if we should really do the same thing to the momPod...
- 614 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:55:51.77 ID:07L9zcRO0
- Thanks for everything so far, >>1! I want a big sis like yours too!
Also, please tell me where the AA you use when you get punched by BigSis is from!
- 615 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 13:57:41.68 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- Oh boyww
- 616 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:00:12.15 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- Oh, so 2ndSis does have an iPod.
- 617 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:00:32.76 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Yes, she does.
- 618 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:01:02.52 ID:FHU6fSnH0
- >>613
Add some rakugo classics on her iPod then.
- 619 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:02:21.63 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- Is 2ndSis sweets too?
- 620 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:02:24.81 ID:6LhUAkM70
- >>613
Tell us which 3 songs were on it!
In the momPod's case, I feel like, instead of adding anime and otaku songs as a prank like before, we should rather expand on the 3 songs that are already on it and add more of the same kindw
- 621 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:03:06.02 ID:fw36y7JX0
- >>620
( ^ω^)...
- 622 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:04:09.37 ID:6LhUAkM70
- >>618
For rakugo, I'd recommend San'yuutei Utanosuke.
- 623 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:04:12.82 ID:EemqzfAj0
- >>620
Then we don't have a choice but to expand on the Touhou songswwwwwww
- 624 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:04:16.14 ID:NMGILjH90
- [The New Year's] Trolling-People-In-Chat Tournament in VIP
- 625 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:04:55.06 ID:6LhUAkM70
- Ahh, didn't see that you already posted about the 3 songsww
- 626 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:06:34.71 ID:6LhUAkM70
- >>623
I don't think >>1 would survive thatw
- 627 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:07:45.55 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>626
It's way too late to put on the breaks.
- 628 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:08:58.06 ID:FHU6fSnH0
- >>624
We did that kind of shit more than 5 years ago already...
- 629 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:09:14.88 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Just went and asked my mom.
Me: "There's almost nothing on your iPod, mom."
Mom: "Ufufu."
Me: "Want me to add more songs to it?"
Mom: "Oh, you'd do that for me? Thank you."
- 630 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:09:39.83 ID:fw36y7JX0
- >>629
You're actually gonna do it!?wwwww
- 631 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:11:05.19 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- If BigSis heard about this, she'd probably do everything to prevent it from happening.
But as it so happens, mom and I are the only people in the house right now... hihihi
- 632 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:12:26.24 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>629
Here we have one of the rare cases of a mother that's kind to her shut-in son.
And >>1 goes and betrays her trust...
- 633 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:12:28.91 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Just in case, ask her what kind of songs she wants to have on her iPod.
Doesn't mean we'll fulfil her wishes though. Just in case...
- 634 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:13:37.04 ID:fw36y7JX0
- We should at least try to fulfil her wishes thoughw
- 635 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:14:10.07 ID:6LhUAkM70
- >>629
Well, well... ufufu.
- 636 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:15:23.64 ID:6LhUAkM70
- It's definitely more fun to make a playlist for someone AFTER hearing about their wishesw
- 637 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:16:19.53 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Even if we add songs to her iPod, will she even listen to them?
Seeing how there were only 3 songs on it, she doesn't seem too much into music and iPods...
- 638 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:16:36.07 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Kimimaro & Co. will be gone if I synchronize the iPod with my computer, so I better make sure I have them ready before I start the synchronization.
I'm pretty sure I had his CD somewhere...
I'm not going to betray her trust. I'll do a Kimimaro best of.
Let me go ask her.
- 639 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:17:48.04 ID:fw36y7JX0
- You can still save the songs that are on it.
There are tools for it, but you can do it manually too.
- 640 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:18:16.36 ID:6LhUAkM70
- >>637
Even so, there are Touhoushinki songs on her iPod.
Speaking of which, who put those Touhoushinki songs on her iPod in the first place?w
- 641 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:18:44.90 ID:YzsjqoNx0
- >>1, please don't do that to your mom. (´;ω;`)
- 642 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:19:20.54 ID:vsQkmls4O
- >>638
Just use the tool PodYarou.
- 643 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:20:14.32 ID:EemqzfAj0
- >>640
Read the posts, manwwwwww
- 644 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:22:44.44 ID:6LhUAkM70
- >>643
No, no, I'm asking because >>1's reaction tells me that the Touhoushinki songs were added by someone else after he gave the iPod to his mom.
- 645 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:23:32.97 ID:EemqzfAj0
- My bad, I just had a brain fartw
- 646 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:24:07.73 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- At the very least, we need to add the Wake-up.mp3.
- 647 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:24:47.20 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>646
That would make his mom would cry...
- 648 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:25:04.78 ID:fw36y7JX0
- Since she seems to be into stand-up comedy, I'd add Torihada Minoru's Rakugo de Sex.
- 649 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:26:10.78 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Ah, it's gone...
- 650 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:28:27.11 ID:EemqzfAj0
- >>647
What if >>1's mom gets the wrong message and comes to him the next morning and...
- 651 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:29:19.44 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Just when I was wondering who was messing with her iPod, it turns out to be 2ndSis.
Seems like she was the one who put the Touhoushinki and Kimimaro songs on it.
I asked mom what kind of music she wants, but she said anything's fine.
- 652 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:30:29.32 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>651
Anything's fine, huh...?
Guess we don't have much of a choice then, do we...?
- 653 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:31:10.76 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Unlike with the bigSisPod, there are no requests and limitations, huh?
That means we can add whatever the fuck we want, doesn't it?
- 654 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:33:43.39 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- Better start extracting mp3 files from all your hentai anime, guys!w
- 655 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:34:23.70 ID:JKhYazy/0
- We don't even need to disguise our songs this time, huh...? We're gonna have a field day with this one.
- 656 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:35:10.04 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- She said anything's fine, but we seriously can't make her listen to a playlist like the ones on the bigSisPod.
We have to make it songs a mature woman like her would be happy to hear.
My mother's in her 50s now, so... songs that were popular about 30 years ago, maybe?
- 657 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:36:25.28 ID:fw36y7JX0
- Music that's so nostalgic it makes her tears, I mean, her tits fall out. Gotcha.
- 658 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:36:48.55 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- Add some Nakamura Masatoshi for her.
- 659 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:37:08.83 ID:pmqhav9X0
- I'd love to suggest joke songs, but if it's your mom...
- 660 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:39:56.32 ID:AxS29gSxO
- We could add the Isaji version of Sen no Kaze ni natte, for example.
- 661 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:40:39.74 ID:MOLBlyfe0
- Hana no Chuu 3 Trio
- 662 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:41:03.63 ID:EemqzfAj0
- This could be difficult...
I wonder if this'll remind her of how she too used to feel more than 40 years ago.
I do believe that this is more to her liking than that wake-up fellatio song.
Let it feel her young again and make her juices flow♪
Pass: vip
- 663 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:45:24.39 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>662
- 664 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:46:24.85 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- We need some motherfucking Julie in there!!
- 665 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:47:40.27 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- I lol'dwww
- 666 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:48:29.23 ID:5u6lmWZU0
- http://a32.chip.jp/zyasutisu/
- 667 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:54:39.10 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Hey, I'm seriously racking my brain trying to give you serious suggestions here and you call me retard.
She seems to be into Korean stuff, how about we add some random Korean music?.
- 668 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:55:36.21 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Oh, right, Julie!! No doubt about it!!
Let's decide by post number!! >>675
- 669 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:56:13.01 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- fast forward
- 670 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:56:19.60 ID:EemqzfAj0
- The theme of Abarenbou Shougun
- 671 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:57:28.99 ID:k+abVkRA0
- That Ibu Masatou track.
The one that goes like "-Who's there? -It's the police, open up! -Whooo? -The police!! -WHOO? -THE POLICE!!!!"
- 672 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:57:36.45 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>667
I do appreciate your efforts, but I don't want to get thrown out of the house yet.
- 673 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:57:58.23 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- How about this?
pass: piv
- 674 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:57:59.97 ID:SQiY/gtn0
- Simon & Garfunkel
El Condor Pasa
- 675 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:58:23.94 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- >>673
- 676 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 14:59:39.31 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- Some OFF COURSE, maybe?
- 677 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:00:27.23 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Would she like Beatles?
- 678 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:01:33.22 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- I'm the one who suggested >>673, yet I've never listened to it in full.
It's just something I picked up from PINK Channel.
- 679 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:02:10.92 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- How about Sada Masashi?
- 680 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:03:28.57 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>673
- 681 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:04:17.48 ID:/tLTg/bzO
- >>680
What happened!?
- 682 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:07:01.21 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- - A maid sex voice picked up from PINK Channel
- 683 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:08:08.28 ID:EemqzfAj0
- >>673
I enjoyed it.
Though I'm a bit embarrassed that I was thinking of suggesting it too.
- 684 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:08:49.71 ID:baK5ffKZ0
- If she likes Korea, she'll love this.
Black Wide Show - The top 10 songs of Japan and the world: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1984827
- 685 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:16:53.00 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- I found this when I searched for "South Korean pop culture" and "playlist" on niconico.
The album "Encyclopedia of Pon-Chak" by Epaksa: ttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1496685
- 686 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:19:51.07 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Why don't you use the same playlist as the one on BigSis's iPod?
And when your mom gets mad and goes "What in blue heaven is this!?", you just tell her:
"Huh, but it's the songs BigSis was listening to on her iPod. I figured it can't be that bad and copied it over to your iPod."
Then it won't be you who gets in trouble, >>1.
- 687 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:19:53.14 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- First of all, we can't be sure that she really is into South Korean pop culture.
>>690 is next.
- 688 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:20:53.94 ID:yGVNzXb20
- The South Korean nation.
- 689 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:21:04.62 ID:yGVNzXb20
- I meant to write
The South Korean national anthem.
- 690 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:21:23.87 ID:/ngN1oRV0
- The Winter Sonata theme song.
- 691 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:21:49.39 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- The playlist should start with a recording of 1 shouting "I love you, [the first name of 1's mom]!".
- 692 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:22:36.18 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- >>1, calm down.
A wise man called Mens Truation once said...
"If it's only once, it may be a false alarm."
If the rest of the playlist is fine, your mom will probably just think you accidentally added it and overlook it.
- 693 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:23:13.60 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- - A maid sex voice picked up from PINK Channel
- From the Beginning Until Now (Winter Sonata theme song)
- 694 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:23:48.53 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>692
Your words have encouraged me.
- 695 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:24:15.26 ID:EemqzfAj0
- >>692
This is already the third sex voice track we made him add though.
- 696 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:25:23.62 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Sorry, but I see quite a few good suggestions already, so please let me pick some of them too.
- A maid sex voice picked up from PINK Channel
- From the Beginning Until Now (Winter Sonata theme song)
- Sada Masashi
- Beatles
- Julie
- Simon & Garfunkel
- 697 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:26:17.40 ID:JKhYazy/0
- >>694
She'll just think to herself "So he listens to this kind of stuff...", but that should be it.
Your elder sisters probably won't be silent about it thoughw
- 698 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:26:22.39 ID:fw36y7JX0
- Ousama (The guy who does covers of famous non-Japanese songs by translating them directly to Japanese)
- 699 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:26:41.92 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>675
- 700 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:27:43.55 ID:/tLTg/bzO
- Shall we add some Anzen Chitai?
- 701 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:29:24.62 ID:EemqzfAj0
- Can't we add any video clips?
- 702 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:31:27.55 ID:cMZftbNw0
- Yoshi Ikuzou's Ora Tokyo sa igu da
- 703 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:43:40.23 ID:fAapzWdj0
- Arigatou by KOKIA
- 704 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:43:45.58 ID:4lPtY4UfO
Matsu wa
Ruby no Yubiwa
This is going to make her relive her youthful days...
- 705 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:46:17.93 ID:znZYFVWQO
- Karinui. It's really easy on the ears.
- 706 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:48:18.12 ID:AxS29gSxO
- >>705
Is that the one Noto sings?
- 707 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:50:30.32 ID:7jTgrFhX0
- Yagami Junko
Oohashi Junko
Add their songs and your mom's bound to go "Whoawwwww".
- 708 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:50:58.63 ID:hiEDziAc0
- Tulip
Gou Hiromi
Yamaguchi Momoe
Yoshida Takuro
Kousetsu Minami
- 709 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:52:48.11 ID:znZYFVWQO
- >>706
Yeah, I love it, listen to it quite often too.
- 710 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:55:21.28 ID:EemqzfAj0
- I got it!!
Nagatsuki Kannazuki
- 711 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:57:40.89 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- You know, this time, for your mom, we could do what BigSis wanted you to do last time and add all kinds of EXILE, Ayu and Koda songs...
- 712 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:57:56.53 ID:lCp9gfeB0
- Arai Yumi
Takeuchi Mariya
Nakajima Miyuki
I want you to add these.
- 713 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 15:58:56.32 ID:hiEDziAc0
- Misora Hibari
- 714 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:01:16.38 ID:SQiY/gtn0
- My mother said she likes Inoue Yousui.
- 715 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:01:36.70 ID:9gVL8Y4dO
- Add Miko Miko Nurse and say you just accidentally added it again.
- 716 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:01:46.49 ID:tPb6ld9mO
- Kayama Yuuzou and Ishihara Yuujirou should be safe choices.
- 717 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:02:30.72 ID:fIgNzJcO0
- Misoji Misaki from Lucky Star
- 718 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:04:01.00 ID:GkVl8JI8O
- Garo, add some Garo.
- 719 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:04:41.02 ID:3J4jhDyp0
- I feel like even if you added the weirdest songs, your mom's only reaction would be a simple "Thank you" with a forced smile.
- 720 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:07:02.44 ID:hiEDziAc0
- >>716
Those are from an even older generation though.
- 721 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:08:30.35 ID:/ngN1oRV0
- What about Char?
- 722 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:09:57.94 ID:7jTgrFhX0
- Ouyang Feifei
- 723 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:12:35.04 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- Ringo no Uta
Sora no Shinpei
Akai Kutsu
Koujou no Tsuki
- 724 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:12:39.58 ID:cMZftbNw0
- Here's some serious suggestions from me:
Gosanke, Shin Gosanke and Hikawa Kiyoshi
- 725 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:17:57.32 ID:NHaW+Oq+0
- I'll just leave Koyanagi Rumiko's Seto no Hanayome here.
- 726 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:35:16.52 ID:/7oGoD5E0
- I'd add ¡El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!
- 727 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:35:41.83 ID:whNliXTMO
- Sneak into 2ndSis's room and look for her iPod.
- 728 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:36:51.14 ID:9gVL8Y4dO
- While we're at it, tell us about your mom's specs.
- 729 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:43:37.46 ID:JR7JBxsQ0
- Compared to when we made the bigSisPod playlist, you guys are being really gentlemen-likew
- 730 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:48:02.49 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- We need a song that changes the direction we're going.
- 731 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:51:08.87 ID:1rF6cY+fP
- What's with Inoue Yousui?
- 732 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:52:00.92 ID:Tn7tXKOV0
- Just got here.
It's pretty amazing how everyone in your family has an iPodw
- 733 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:53:03.65 ID:Ru1m7Ia60
- Sasowarete Flamenco, Dou ni mo Tomaranai
Ahh, I wanna go to a titty pub...
- 734 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:54:17.32 ID:AI7x4iFn0
- Haga Kenji's The NeverEnding Story
- 735 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:55:08.69 ID:rwTveEwA0
- I personally wanna see all of Maki Izumi's Hyakunin Isshu! in therewww
I can upload the whole album for you if you want.
- 736 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:55:10.20 ID:gzsy3fZh0
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 737 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 16:55:43.74 ID:znZYFVWQO
- Why are you guys such mommy's boys?
- 738 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 17:00:22.10 ID:AxS29gSxO
- http://nicovideo.jp/watch/sm386725/
Add this please. My mother loves this song.
- 739 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 17:23:52.05 ID:yGVNzXb20
- Misora Hibari is indispensable for a playlist like this.
- 740 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 17:33:25.87 ID:yGVNzXb20
- ttp://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20080112-00000903-san-int
- 741 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 17:33:50.18 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- Teresa Teng is definitely indispensable too.
- 742 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 17:33:50.46 ID:yGVNzXb20
- Sorry, meant to post in a different thread.
- 743 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 18:07:19.93 ID:XwqAGKOn0
- Kaze wo Atsumete by Happy End
How come everyone's suggesting normal songs?w
- 744 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 18:09:33.94 ID:cg/YpaSc0
- Alice should be added.
- 745 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 18:20:45.63 ID:znZYFVWQO
- Where'd 1 go?
- 746 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 18:52:50.67 ID:DRs5q5d90
- Will we never get to mess with the bigSisPod again?
- 747 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 18:55:39.85 ID:wy8knd8N0
- bump
- 748 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:01:54.21 ID:v89/fDlhO
- Shall we add Purple Town?
- 749 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:18:27.80 ID:7jTgrFhX0
- Subarashii asa ni HU HU HU
- 750 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:33:47.93 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- I'm having a hard time making a list out of all these suggestions.
- 751 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:34:11.56 ID:wy8knd8N0
- >>750
>>1 is back!
- 752 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:43:27.98 ID:h9u5nKK90
- It begins!
- 753 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:49:37.23 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- - Ayanokouji Kimimaro's Bakushou First Super Live! With love to all middle-aged and older people
- Touhoushinki's Forever Love
- Touhoushinki's SHINE/Ride on
- A maid sex voice picked up from PINK Channel
- From the Beginning Until Now (Winter Sonata theme song)
- Sada Masashi
- Beatles
- Julie
- Simon & Garfunkel
- Matsu wa
- Ruby no Yubiwa
- Karinui
- Yagami Junko's Omoide wa Utsukushisugite
- Tulip
- Gou Hiromi
- Kiiroi Vacances by Peach Moon Academy Class 1-C
Yamaguchi Momoe
Yoshida Takuro
Kousetsu Minami
Arai Yumi
Takeuchi Mariya
Nakajima Miyuki
Misora Hibari
Teresa Teng
- 754 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:50:46.56 ID:yGVNzXb20
- How about the song Nagoriyuki?
- 755 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:50:48.12 ID:rwTveEwA0
- The sex voice from PINK Channel sticks out like a sore thumbwwwwwww
- 756 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:51:13.74 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Yamaguchi Momoe
Yoshida Takuro
Kousetsu Minami
Arai Yumi
Takeuchi Mariya
Nakajima Miyuki
Misora Hibari
Teresa Teng
I need their most representative song respectively. Or just make it songs by them that will drive a mature old woman crazy.
- 757 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:52:29.18 ID:DRs5q5d90
- >>756
If it's Hibari songs you want, I got her best-of album!
- 758 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:52:32.90 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- - Nagoriyuki
- 759 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:53:16.69 ID:1rF6cY+fP
- For Yamaguchi Momoe, I'd go with Ii Hi Tabidachi.
Are you not going to add Inoue Yousui to the list?
- 760 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:54:00.13 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- - Misoji Misaki
Suggest one of her songs then. It can be her most famous song or just one you like.
- 761 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:54:39.72 ID:yGVNzXb20
- Makihara Noriyuki - Donna Toki mo
Hiramatsu Eri - Heya to Y-shirt to Watashi
Imai Miki - PRIDE
Kome Kome Club - Roman Hikou
Saitsu Kazuo - Saboten no Hana
REBECCA - Friends
Kome Kome Club - Kimi ga iru dake de
Adding these should be more than enough.
- 762 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:54:47.40 ID:ceXU+XvM0
- Just got here, 3-lines summary please.
- 763 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:56:18.65 ID:/ngN1oRV0
- Guess we're going for a normal playlist this time.
- 764 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 19:58:38.22 ID:yGVNzXb20
- >>763
I think the plan was to make a playlist full of normal songs and then throwing in a few land mines here and there.
Or am I getting the wrong idea?w
- 765 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:04:17.87 ID:9gVL8Y4dO
- >>764
That's what I was hoping for, actually.
- 766 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:06:26.43 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- Teresa Teng
I Only Care About You
- 767 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:06:36.20 ID:DRs5q5d90
- >>760
Tokyo Kid
- 768 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:07:03.74 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- - Ayanokouji Kimimaro's Bakushou First Super Live! With love to all middle-aged and older people
- Touhoushinki's Forever Love
- Touhoushinki's SHINE/Ride on
- A maid sex voice picked up from PINK Channel
- From the Beginning Until Now (Winter Sonata theme song)
- Sada Masashi - Shourou Nagashi, Kanpaku Sengen
- Beatles - Help, Hey Jude
- OFF COURSE - Yes-No/Ai no Owaru Toki, I LOVE YOU/Yoru wa Futari de
- Julie - Katte ni Shiyagare
- Simon & Garfunkel - El Condor Pasa
- Pink Lady - UFO
- Amin - Matsu wa
- Terao Akira - Ruby no Yubiwa
- Kogami Akira - Misoji Misaki
- 769 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:07:32.88 ID:JK+Pko630
- Messing with the momPod this time?wwww
- 770 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:08:39.62 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- - Noto Mamiko - Karinui
- Yagami Junko - Omoide wa Utsukushisugite
- Tulip - Kokoro no Tabi
- Gou Hiromi - 2 Oku 4 Senman no Hitomi
- Yamaguchi Momoe - Ii Hi Tabidachi
- Iruka - Nagoriyuki
- Teresa Teng - I Only Care About You
- Misora Hibari - Tokyo Kid
- 771 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:08:59.05 ID:DRs5q5d90
- A few more of Misora Hibari's most representative songs:
Kawa no nagare no you ni
Sakura no Uta
Omatsuri Mambo
- 772 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:10:03.63 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>761
That looks like a list from the 90s to me though.
Just take a look at the playlist. There are already some land mines planted in it.
- 773 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:10:35.30 ID:aiZFStDz0
- What's fun about this?
- 774 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:14:30.83 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- All right, the playlist is complete.
I'll go with this.
- 775 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:14:46.35 ID:LgTENdJs0
- Hirayama Miki - Manatsu no Dekigoto
- 776 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:15:34.92 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- - Ayanokouji Kimimaro's Bakushou First Super Live! With love to all middle-aged and older people
- Touhoushinki's Forever Love
- Touhoushinki's SHINE/Ride on
- A maid sex voice picked up from PINK Channel
- From the Beginning Until Now (Winter Sonata theme song)
- Sada Masashi - Shourou Nagashi, Kanpaku Sengen
- Beatles - Help, Hey Jude
- OFF COURSE - Yes-No/Ai no Owaru Toki, I LOVE YOU/Yoru wa Futari de
- Julie - Katte ni Shiyagare
- Simon & Garfunkel - El Condor Pasa
- Pink Lady - UFO
- Amin - Matsu wa
- Terao Akira - Ruby no Yubiwa
- Kogami Akira - Misoji Misaki
- Noto Mamiko - Karinui
- Yagami Junko - Omoide wa Utsukushisugite
- Tulip - Kokoro no Tabi
- Gou Hiromi - 2 Oku 4 Senman no Hitomi
- Yamaguchi Momoe - Ii Hi Tabidachi
- Iruka - Nagoriyuki
- Misora Hibari - Tokyo Kid, Kawa no nagare no you ni
- Teresa Teng - I Only Care About You
- Kiiroi Vacances by Peach Moon Academy Class 1-C
- 777 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:15:39.43 ID:yGVNzXb20
- >>772
Whoopswww I ended up listing the songs I grew up with, huh?w
- 778 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:15:47.63 ID:N+mf4uvv0
- I wish you the best of luck then.
- 779 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:16:25.31 ID:LgTENdJs0
- Watanabe Machiko - Kamome ga Tonda, Mayoimichi
- 780 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:18:06.44 ID:/ngN1oRV0
- Mizutani Yutaka - California Connection
- 781 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:18:55.34 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- >>785 gets added next.
- 782 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:23:00.70 ID:znZYFVWQO
- The national anthem
- 783 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:23:29.00 ID:v89/fDlhO
- Wake-up.mp3
If we wanted to make a normal best-of 70s and 80s playlist, we could just call some NHK fan over and make him post their Music Box playlist and we'd be done.
Which is exactly why need to add some land mines for good measure.
- 784 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:25:28.73 ID:9gVL8Y4dO
- If you look closely, there are some odd songs in there like the one by Noto and the maid sex voice.
- 785 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:25:35.72 ID:crDSttzK0
- Godzilla
- 786 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:27:09.85 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- As opposed to the bigSisPod, let's try to add mostly normal songs to the momPod with a few land mines inbetween.
- 787 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:28:06.24 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- I take it you mean Godzilla's entrance theme.
>>790 is next.
- 788 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:30:16.20 ID:LgTENdJs0
- Christopher Cross - New York City Serenade
- 789 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:31:20.60 ID:RUTkTqFo0
- http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1324714
- 790 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:33:06.05 ID:LgTENdJs0
- Bohemian by Katsuragi Yuki
- 791 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:35:40.77 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Next: >>795
- 792 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:38:55.56 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- -Zan-
- 793 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:45:35.01 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- 794 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:51:23.47 ID:znZYFVWQO
- Motteke! Sailor-fuku
- 795 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 20:51:47.60 ID:znZYFVWQO
- Motteke! Sailor-fuku
- 796 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:01:52.46 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Okay, here goes the last one: >>800
- 797 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:02:23.69 ID:7QRSFxdk0
- Tatakae! Nani wo!? Jinsei wo!
- 798 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:02:44.91 ID:yGVNzXb20
- Doraemon Ondo
- 799 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:02:53.77 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- >792
- 800 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:03:06.68 ID:7QRSFxdk0
- Tatakae! Nani wo!? Jinsei wo!
- 801 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:03:16.60 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- >792
- 802 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:10:02.66 ID:wy8knd8N0
- I'm getting tired of this.
- 803 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:13:39.54 ID:6LhUAkM70
- I'm not getting tired, but this thread is the most fun when the playlist voting is going really fast or when 1 reports what happened afterwards.
- 804 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:18:59.58 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- I think we're all getting tired, so I'll finish up the momPod now. Thank you for your suggestions, everyone.
- 805 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:27:32.77 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Oh right, I forgot to report this. BigSiss were making a fuss earlier today thinking the OP of the Persona anime we put in the Porno playlist is actually Porno's new song.
It was a pitiful sight.
- 806 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:34:03.80 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- >>805
She'll find out someday...
- 807 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:38:07.52 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- I pray to God that the land mines that still lay scattered in the bigSisPod will never go off.
- 808 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 21:59:01.15 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>805
- 809 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 22:04:39.10 ID:9zSfrOS0O
- Where is everyone!?wwww
I hope your mom will be happy about the playlist.
- 810 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 22:05:27.38 ID:rwTveEwA0
- >>809
Wouldn't it be scary if your mom was happy about a sex voice from PINK Channel?
You probably meant the other songs thoughwwww
- 811 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 22:08:10.80 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- What? We're adding land mines in this playlist too?ww
- 812 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 22:24:19.17 ID:znZYFVWQO
- The thread's about to end, why don't you go get punched by BigSis one last time?wwwwww
- 813 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 22:27:44.91 ID:3gx258nN0
- Move this to Part Flash already
- 814 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 22:28:52.08 ID:QHbG3jbU0
- Aren't the songs in the momPod a bit too normal?
We gotta add more random songs!wwww
- 815 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 22:31:24.01 ID:QHbG3jbU0
- I got my hands on BigSis's iPod...3
↑ Made the next thread in Part Flash.
- 816 : I_want_to_become_one_with_a_cute_little_girl... : 2008/01/12(Sat) 22:49:20.85 ID:f8UAhgmG0
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- 817 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:00:12.06 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- We don't need a third thread.
- 818 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:02:53.15 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- But then we won't be able to read your report. We don't have to get the third thread to 1000, just let it die when you're finished with your report.
- 819 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:04:19.95 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- So, do I report about the terrible situation I'm in over there?
- 820 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:04:43.91 ID:yGVNzXb20
- No, do it here.
Tell us more about your terrible situation.
- 821 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:04:55.37 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- Report it here.
- 822 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:06:46.46 ID:QHbG3jbU0
- >>817
You heard the man.
- 823 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:09:42.51 ID:EJs2wk3EO
- Please report what happened.
- 824 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:10:33.59 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Let me report what happened from start to end then.
First of all, here are the final playlists for the momPod:
- Ayanokouji Kimimaro's Bakushou First Super Live! With love to all middle-aged and older people
- Touhoushinki's Forever Love
- Touhoushinki's SHINE/Ride on
- From the Beginning Until Now (Winter Sonata theme song)
- Sada Masashi - Shourou Nagashi, Kanpaku Sengen
- Beatles - Help, Hey Jude
- OFF COURSE - Yes-No/Ai no Owaru Toki, I LOVE YOU/Yoru wa Futari de
- Julie - Katte ni Shiyagare
- Simon & Garfunkel - El Condor Pasa
- 825 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:12:01.33 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>824
That's a perfectly normal playlist.
- 826 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:12:47.74 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- - Pink Lady - UFO
- Godzilla's theme
- Amin - Matsu wa
- Terao Akira - Ruby no Yubiwa
- Kogami Akira - Misoji Misaki
- Motteke! Sailor-fuku
- Noto Mamiko - Karinui
- Yagami Junko - Omoide wa Utsukushisugite
- Tulip - Kokoro no Tabi
- Gou Hiromi - 2 Oku 4 Senman no Hitomi
- Yamaguchi Momoe - Ii Hi Tabidachi
- A maid sex voice picked up from PINK Channel
- Iruka - Nagoriyuki
- Misora Hibari - Tokyo Kid, Kawa no nagare no you ni
- Teresa Teng - I Only Care About You
- Kiiroi Vacances by Peach Moon Academy Class 1-C
- 827 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:16:17.43 ID:AxS29gSxO
- Seeing the sex voice from PINK Channel in the list cracks me up everytimewww
- 828 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:16:26.55 ID:QHbG3jbU0
- >>826
Looks pretty normal to me.
- 829 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:18:55.99 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Additionally, I made a playlist with the title "Secret" with the following songs:
- Saikyou OX Keikaku
- Loli ga Suki da to Sakebitai
- Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
- Koi no Miracle Densetsu
- Ofukuro-san
- 830 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:19:39.12 ID:yGVNzXb20
- Ofukuro-sanwwwwwwwwwww You didn't have to put it in the "Secret" playlistwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 831 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:21:25.62 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- So there I was taking part in the cozy family gathering in the living room, thinking about how my thread is nearing its end.
You know, doing some reminiscing about everything that happened. Like how I got punched, then punched some more and punched in the end too.
- 832 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:21:26.85 ID:QHbG3jbU0
- LMAOwwwwww
- 833 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:23:11.54 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- >>831
Don't forget how you got licked too.
- 834 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:23:20.29 ID:4lPtY4UfO
- So much has happened...
- 835 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:23:37.97 ID:yGVNzXb20
- How you got approached by 2ndSis is another good memory...
- 836 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:28:20.78 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- In the living room, 2ndSis was watching TV, lying sprawled on the couch in front of the TV.
Mom and dad were having a friendly chat while drinking sake. That's when I came into their conversation...
Me: "Mom. I put lots of songs on your iPod."
Mom: "Well, well. So that's what you were doing? You really didn't have to."
Me: "No, I just added all kinds of older songs a friend of mine recommended to me."
Mom: "Is that right? What kind of songs are on it now?"
I start browsing through the momPod.
Mom: "Waah, there's Julie! Haven't heard his songs in years."
Dad: "Ohh. You knew about an old artist like that?"
Me: "Well, yeah!"
Mom: "The Julie from back then had such a pretty face..."
Then she talked for several minutes about the good old times. As it turns out, Mom is a fan of Julie.
- 837 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:29:36.11 ID:lJcA2E1l0
- ttp://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm123469
- 838 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:30:31.97 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- By the way, dad kept pestering me about how I should give Momoe songs a listen and stuff.
What's more, the songs he wanted me to listne to were on old tapeswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 839 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:30:59.00 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- Dad: "Oh, looks like she's not at hom-"
Mom: "D-Dear!"
Dad: "Cough cough"
- 840 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:31:54.14 ID:4lPtY4UfO
- Yes! Our playlist is off to a great start!
- 841 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:34:11.83 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- We sat there listening to good old songs together for a while.
Listening together as in sharing headphones, of course.
It was a nice happy family activity, no matter how you looked at it.
Until all of a sudden...
2ndSis: "What's that?wwww What are you doing?wwwwww"
- 842 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:34:43.45 ID:yGVNzXb20
- Here comes 2ndSiswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 843 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:36:48.62 ID:zjbYrm+mO
- Uh oh.
And what's with BigSis?
- 844 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:37:28.31 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Mom: "Your brother was so nice to put lots of songs from when your dad and I were young on my iPod.^^"
Dad: "You try listening to them too. There are some really nostalgic ones!"
(No, no. There's no way songs from the 70s and 80s could be nostalgic to 2ndSis...)
2ndSis: "Whoawww >>1wwwww Since when did you become such a good son?wwwwwwPfffww"
- 845 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:37:34.82 ID:WHHg5g9t0
- Ahh
- 846 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:37:58.57 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- I have no idea where BigSis is btw.
- 847 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:38:04.74 ID:yGVNzXb20
- Pfffwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 848 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:38:20.69 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwPfffwwwwwwwwwwww
- 849 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:38:48.08 ID:QHbG3jbU0
- Sorry, but BigSis is sleeping next to me right now.
- 850 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:39:32.26 ID:AxS29gSxO
- Can you really call that being a good son?wwww
- 851 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:41:29.50 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Me: "You stay away. Go somewhere else."
2ndSis: "Whoawwww You actually added some decent songs this timewwwww Good jobwwwww"
Me: "Of course, I did. Almost all songs on my computer are decent."
2ndSis: "Let me listen toowwww Let mewwww listenwwwww toowwwwwwwww"
- 852 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:42:15.34 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- She should just go listen to her own iPodwwww
- 853 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:42:22.93 ID:AxS29gSxO
- I have a really bad feeling about thiswwwwwwwww
- 854 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:42:53.74 ID:yGVNzXb20
- 2ndSis is so annoyingwwwwwwwwww But that's what I like about herwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 855 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:43:02.12 ID:1X4iPbJs0
- Everything seems to indicate that the 2ndSisPod will be the next target.
- 856 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:47:04.07 ID:qI9wUvHV0
- There's still hope for this thread to continuew
- 857 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:47:05.12 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Dad: "Let me have a listen next, okay?"
Mom: "Wait. There's Pink Lady in here too!"
Dad: "Ohh! Let me listen!"
Mom: "No, wait. There's no Takuro..."
2ndSis: "Quickwwww Let me listen to it toowwwwwww"
Dad: "Hey, I was first."
(They like it... It's finally time for me to get rewarded for all my efforts...)
- 858 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:47:45.38 ID:yGVNzXb20
- I can't wait for your missing big sister to come home.
- 859 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:48:31.63 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- Not long until 1 gets thrown out of the house.
- 860 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:50:04.23 ID:AxS29gSxO
- Only a little until hell breaks loose.
- 861 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:50:04.27 ID:zjbYrm+mO
- I pity 1 for getting thrown out of the house when it's so cold outside.
- 862 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:50:47.26 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- Mom: "Just wait a little while, okay?♪"
- 863 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:51:08.24 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- : : : : : : : :./: :/ : : :.;、: : : : : : .:.:.ヽ: :/ ヽ
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2ndSis: "I know how we can all listen to it together..."
- 864 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:51:52.74 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- She brought speakers, didn't she...
- 865 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:52:02.49 ID:ZgCPTOg50
- >>863
- 866 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:52:33.96 ID:iHt5Jw7W0
- 2ndSis...
- 867 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:52:48.85 ID:/vyNC/EV0
- It's time for "Welcome home, my Master~♪" to get played loud in front of your whole family!
- 868 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:53:56.46 ID:JKhYazy/0
- Oh crap......
- 869 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:54:26.88 ID:AxS29gSxO
- Let's make babies.
- 870 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:56:56.08 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Looking back now, I was very naive.
Me: (What is she talking about? It's an iPod, you can't listen to it together with three people...)
After a short while, 2ndSis returns from the second floor. With a single cord in her hands.
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2ndSis: "We can connect the iPod to the speakers with this..."
- 871 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:57:10.25 ID:cMZftbNw0
- >>1
You didn't add Hikawa Kiyoshi's Zundoko Bushi?
- 872 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:57:45.54 ID:VjsTu2YK0
- Hihihi
- 873 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:57:55.26 ID:KbYFjr/O0
- 874 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:58:36.50 ID:zjbYrm+mO
- Which songs were played loud?
- 875 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:59:10.26 ID:AxS29gSxO
- It's over. Game over.
And another scar was left on the family.
- 876 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:59:14.04 ID:ZXSPfx1fO
- Oh boy...
- 877 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:59:22.74 ID:NX1sKrQF0
- Me: "Eh...."
2ndSis: "Okay, here we gowwwwwwwww
Me: "Don't... do it...."
Mom: "Oh♪ Didn't know we can listen to it on speakers♪"
Dad: "Good job, my daughter!!!!!!!!!!"
2ndSis: "wwwwwwwwPfffwwwwwwwwUhhwwwww
Me: "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!"
- 878 : VIPPER : 2008/01/12(Sat) 23:59:50.12 ID:yGVNzXb20
- wwwwFAMwwwILYwwwww COLwwwwwwwLAPSEwwwwwwwwwww
- 879 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:00:20.76 ID:pzROlHtx0
- 880 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:00:34.38 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- 2ndSis has to be doing it on purpose...
- 881 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:00:44.35 ID:K9cTpQkV0
- NOOOOOOOOOwwwwwwwwwwww
- 882 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:00:58.34 ID:pzROlHtx0
- Alright, it's slowly time for the obligatory "Y'all got trolled" post we've all been waiting for.
- 883 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:01:06.53 ID:EMdNXmVR0
- Speakers: "Y'all got trolled."
- 884 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:01:17.34 ID:iat3PAU40
- So I got scared and quickly fled out of the living room. I seriously don't know what to do anymore.
I can't go back down there... Help me, guys.
- 885 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:01:35.67 ID:exSKyaXh0
- I bet 2ndSis is doing it on purposewwww
- 886 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:02:00.55 ID:sq7QnpLn0
- I have no idea what's going on here, but it's obviously a troll thread.
I see threads like this all the time here.
- 887 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:03:10.44 ID:K9cTpQkV0
- We seriously don't need the self-triumphant "It's a troll!" posts before the OP admits it himself.
- 888 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:03:29.82 ID:gwlvblab0
- >>886
- 889 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:06:40.44 ID:iat3PAU40
- >>883
Oh, you!wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 890 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:08:48.79 ID:9Qbbp1Wp0
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 891 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:10:12.00 ID:P+ht8WfWO
- >>890
"Sorry, but y'all got trolledwwwwwwwww"
- 892 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:11:28.99 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- Denpa songs were added into BigSis's iPod.
Things escalated and an erotic voice recording was added to mom's iPod.
The speakers say "Y'all got trolled".
- 893 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:13:28.00 ID:AQke8bSa0
- Then I guess, right about now, the sex voice is playing in the living room and your parents are getting into that kind of mood too, huh?
- 894 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:14:52.36 ID:pzROlHtx0
- >>893
That means, a 4th child will be born. Congratz, >>1.
- 895 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:15:15.63 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- If it's a little sister, upload pics of her in about 10 years.
- 896 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:15:16.56 ID:pzROlHtx0
- Let us all try to come up with a name for >>1's new brother or sister together!
- 897 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:15:30.46 ID:iat3PAU40
- Sorry to disappoint you guys. If I was trolling, I'd get the message and end this thread now with a "Y'all got trolled!" post, but I can't.
I need to stop them before they get to the "Secret" playlist. What do I tell them?
It'd be weird to just go in there and tell them to stop all of a sudden, wouldn't it?
- 898 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:16:54.15 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- Nah, you can't say you were trolling anymore.
Even if you were trolling, now that everyone thinks you're trolling, you have to finish what you started and keep this act up until the end.
- 899 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:17:18.17 ID:EY7J2mQQO
- Don't worry, 1, everything will be fine. Because you're just trolling.
- 900 : NURUPO VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:17:40.81 ID:P+ht8WfWO
- >>897
"I think some of my songs accidentally ended up on your iPod, can I have it back?"
- 901 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:17:46.68 ID:pzROlHtx0
- >>897
"Sorry to interrupt you guys when you're listening to the iPod, but can I have it for a moment? I need to erase some porn I put on it."
Should be fine.
- 902 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:18:08.99 ID:exSKyaXh0
- >>897
Isn't it a little too late to do anything?
- 903 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:18:09.57 ID:iat3PAU40
- Well, the maid sex voice thing is definitely erotic, but nothing that's too extreme.
Even if they listened to it, I'm sure 2ndSis will probably just stop it and tell my parents it just accidentally ended up there during the making of the playlist.
However. I feel like the "Secret" playlist went a bit too far.
- 904 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:18:13.58 ID:1+Yhs3aX0
- If you read this post, you're doomed to have a traffic accident.
There's only one way to avoid it.
↓Go to this thread and post the following without writing anything in the e-mail field.
,- -、
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- '´;;;;;;;ヽ、;;;;;;;;;;ヽ、;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ー、
If you don't, you're doomed to end up in a traffic accident tomorrow.
It's even more effective if you repost this post in a different thread.
- 905 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:19:01.60 ID:8EN2njEEO
- "Everyone, don't move! There's a poison trap set up in that iPod!!" should be okay.
- 906 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:19:26.46 ID:iat3PAU40
- >>900
Thanks, I'll use that.
- 907 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:19:27.57 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- >>903
Is 2ndSis really capable of doing something as sensible as that?www
- 908 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:19:53.72 ID:jJ3mMWe70
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 909 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:20:34.14 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- I fear that if 1 said what >>900 suggested, 2ndSis would just get curious and interfere even more instead.
- 910 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:23:07.49 ID:gwlvblab0
- >>906
"I copied everything my friend sent me directly onto the iPod, so let me check if he didn't mix in something weird."
Would this not work either?
- 911 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:23:53.79 ID:pzROlHtx0
- >>909
>>1: "I think some of my songs accidentally ended up on your iPod, can I have it back?"
2ndSis: "Eh? What kind of songs?wwww Let me listen to them!www Let me listen!www"
- 912 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:24:29.64 ID:Qu8kNgE+O
- Huh, everyone's giving serious advice.
- 913 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:24:34.19 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- There's one foolproof way to prevent the worst-case scenario.
Accidentally break the iPod itself.
- 914 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:25:11.78 ID:iat3PAU40
- No one was downstairswwwwwwwwwwwww
Seems like they all got tired of listening to the iPodwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I feel stupid for running down there with a red facewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 915 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:25:44.37 ID:pzROlHtx0
- >>914
What if they're gone because they all listened to you-know-what.
- 916 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:26:03.35 ID:4VHsey7mO
- And it turns out they heard it all...
- 917 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:26:18.22 ID:P+ht8WfWO
- >>914
No one was downstairs.
2ndSis is masturbating.
Your mom and dad are getting it on.
- 918 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:26:35.38 ID:9Qbbp1Wp0
- >>915
Oh shit... so they heard it all right after that...
- 919 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:28:42.49 ID:iat3PAU40
- >>915
- 920 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:28:49.79 ID:Qu8kNgE+O
- >>914 Huh, where's 2ndSis?
Also, I don't get why you didn't add a recording of yourself jacking off.
- 921 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:29:07.94 ID:gwlvblab0
- >>919
Stay strong and don't kill yourself.
- 922 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:29:12.14 ID:8EN2njEEO
- >>1: "Huh... It's after midnight and there's still no one at home..."
- 923 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:30:35.42 ID:iat3PAU40
- 2ndSis seems to be in the bathroom.
For now, I'm deleting the "Secret" playlist on the momPod.
- 924 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:30:41.62 ID:K9cTpQkV0
- >>919
For now, go to 2ndSis's room!
- 925 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:30:46.74 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- >>916
iPod with speakers: "N-No, please don't..."
Everyone: "?"
iPod with speakers: "...please you can't, Master"
2ndSis: "Pfffwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
Parents: "......"
iPod with speakers: "Please. I... If it's only once..."
2ndSis: "Pffwww Bwahahawwwwww
Dad: "Stop it."
2ndSis: "wwww...... Okay."
Mom: "..."
Dad: "..."
2ndSis: "...I'll go take a shower."
- 926 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:31:28.56 ID:9Qbbp1Wp0
- >>925
Does that mean 2ndSis is sensible enough to know when to stop?
- 927 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:31:43.77 ID:iat3PAU40
- Oh God. I'm seriously getting scared now.
What should I do if they heard it all?
- 928 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:31:47.33 ID:P+ht8WfWO
- >>923
Upload it, upload it!
She's masturbating in the bath, isn't she?
I'm sad no one noticed my NURUPO.
- 929 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:32:35.14 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- 2ndSis seems to be the mischievous type that gets carried away easily and ends up overdoing it.
So she trolls as much as she can before she flees the scene.
Her behavioural patterns so far remind me of myself so much it's frightening.
- 930 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:32:36.27 ID:iat3PAU40
- >>925
Stop that shit because I can see that actually happening.
- 931 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:33:15.63 ID:jJ3mMWe70
- I don't really get what's going on, but >>930, my friend.
May your soul rest in peace.
- 932 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:33:39.73 ID:iat3PAU40
- >>924
Good idea. This is my chance to get my hands on the 2ndSisPod.
- 933 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:34:19.04 ID:exSKyaXh0
- >>932
Youwwwwwwwww never learn, do you?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
But that's also one of the things I like about you.
- 934 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:34:26.54 ID:P+ht8WfWO
- >>925
What song is that supposed to be?
- 935 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:35:11.61 ID:Qu8kNgE+O
- If you're that worried, ask 2ndSis if they heard it all. But even if they did, she probably just thinks it's another prank since she knows about the songs you put on BigSis's iPod.
- 936 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:35:42.95 ID:9Qbbp1Wp0
- It'd be hilarious if 2ndSis got out of the bath while you're still looking for the 2ndSisPod.
- 937 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:35:49.48 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- Yeah, 2ndSis will just assume it's some prank you pulled.
But what about your parents?
- 938 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:36:09.58 ID:Qu8kNgE+O
- >>932 Put a pic of your dick in it.
- 939 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:36:37.54 ID:pzROlHtx0
- >>925
Later that night...
iPod with speakers: "N-No, please don't..."
Dad: "......"
iPod with speakers: "...please you can't, Master"
Dad: "...gulp"
iPod with speakers: "Please. I... If it's only once..."
Dad: "......"
2ndSis: "Dad, what are you doing?"
Dad: "!!"
2ndSis: "...I'll go take a shower."
- 940 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:36:52.13 ID:CxZ5h6Tm0
- I see you're still going hard at it, >>1!
- 941 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:37:40.07 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- >>939
Oh Godww
- 942 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:38:07.87 ID:Qu8kNgE+O
- >>939 Damn..w
His mother gets the wrong message → Pays >>1 a visit in his bed that night
Meanwhile, his father and 2ndSis...
- 943 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:39:14.22 ID:9Qbbp1Wp0
- >>942
What are you smoking?www
- 944 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:40:13.49 ID:jJ3mMWe70
- >>939
That's some heavy shit...:: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
. . : : : :: : : :: : ::: :: : :::: :: ::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
. . .... ..: : :: :: ::: :::::: :::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Λ_Λ . . . .: : : ::: : :: ::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
/:彡ミ゛ヽ;)ー、 . . .: : : :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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 ̄ ̄ ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
- 945 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:42:20.27 ID:YQCS+KmC0
- Let's fill the 2ndSisPod with maid sex voice tracks disguised with fake file names.
- 946 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:42:30.32 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- The "serial slayer of women's iPods" case.
- 947 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:43:54.91 ID:pzROlHtx0
- 2ndSis: "...I'll go take a shower."
Shower: "...I'll let you take me."
- 948 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:44:27.62 ID:CxZ5h6Tm0
- Shower: "...I'll shower 2ndSis."
- 949 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:44:55.79 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- Me: "...I'll go take 2ndSis's shower."
- 950 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:47:21.66 ID:jJ3mMWe70
- Dad: "I'll go take a shower because my dick's crusty from my daughter's pussy."
- 951 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:47:28.08 ID:9Qbbp1Wp0
- Dad: "....I'll go take my wife's shower."
- 952 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:55:35.13 ID:VpbPayVy0
- Dad: "...Take my white shower!"
Mom: "......okay. Just sleep."
- 953 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:56:54.47 ID:iat3PAU40
- Couldn't find anything.
- 954 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:57:35.91 ID:VpbPayVy0
- You actually went to her room!?www
- 955 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:58:02.40 ID:9Qbbp1Wp0
- Oh, he's backww
Guess she took it with her to the bathroom.
- 956 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:59:25.85 ID:jJ3mMWe70
- Or she threw it out of the window.
- 957 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 00:59:33.00 ID:CxZ5h6Tm0
- You're not back empty-handed, are you?
- 958 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:01:29.81 ID:1GfTjjRF0
- You could check the play counts of the songs to see if they listened to them, you know?
- 959 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:03:15.34 ID:iat3PAU40
- I couldn't even figure out what is where. Her room is that much of a mess.
- 960 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:04:10.79 ID:EMdNXmVR0
- >>959
Well, for now, upload a pic of her panties.
- 961 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:04:21.65 ID:CxZ5h6Tm0
- Upload a pic of her room.
- 962 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:05:18.65 ID:iat3PAU40
- >>929
She's exactly as you described her. While BigSis is sweets.
Well, at least, I'm a relatively normal young man.
- 963 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:06:09.73 ID:EMdNXmVR0
- >>962
But you're a shut-inw
- 964 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:07:16.98 ID:his0V2WsO
- No, you're the weirdest of them all because you're here in VIPw
- 965 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:08:21.00 ID:VpbPayVy0
- >>929
So you and 2ndSis are both the type that makes a real mess during a drinking party and leaves quickly, huh?www
They're the worstww
And I'm always the one who has to take care of the mess afterwardsw
- 966 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:09:44.13 ID:iat3PAU40
- I need to know if they listened to any weird songs, so I think I'll go ask 2ndSis in a roundabout way without raising any suspicions.
But how do I do it?
- 967 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:09:58.97 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- >>965
- 968 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:10:55.18 ID:8gqev0hv0
- >>966
"Don't you think older songs often have really raunchy lyrics?ww"
- 969 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:15:42.89 ID:iat3PAU40
- >>968 Any better ideas?ww
- 970 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:17:40.72 ID:i2Vb6Pjr0
- "Hey, so how did you like it?www"
- 971 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:19:45.54 ID:iat3PAU40
- >>970 Okay, I'll go with that and try to find out something.
- 972 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:20:25.93 ID:YQCS+KmC0
- If they really listened to all songs, that line will make you sound like a total pervert though.
- 973 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:22:07.65 ID:BUjUWhRf0
- Ask her "Huh? You're not listening to the iPod anymore?"
2ndSis: "*blushes*" ← bad
2ndSis: "Got bored." ← good
- 974 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:23:03.71 ID:8gqev0hv0
- >>972
If they really listened to all songs, he'll look like a pervert with or without that question.
- 975 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:25:00.55 ID:VOB1BGmK0
- Ask her: "Huh? You're not listening to the iPod anymore?"
2ndSis: "Youwww fucked up so bad this timewwww ← bad
2ndSis: "Got bored." ← good
- 976 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:26:11.91 ID:jJ3mMWe70
- "Huh? You're not listening to the iPod anymore?"
2ndSis: "Mmhh... brother... Ahh, I can't stop, it feels too gooooood!" ← good
2ndSis: "Die, you worthless piece of shit." ← bad
- 977 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:27:08.49 ID:pzROlHtx0
- "Huh? You're not listening to the iPod anymore?"
2ndSis: "Youwww fucked up so bad this timewwww ← bad
2ndSis: "I'll go call BigSiswwww ← bad
- 978 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:29:11.04 ID:jJ3mMWe70
- 2ndSis: "Eek, don't come closer! Stay awaaaay!"
>>1 "Keep your voice down and I won't hurt you... Be quiet." ← very bad
2ndSis: "I'll go make out with BigSis." ← very good
- 979 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:30:10.91 ID:VpbPayVy0
- "Huh? You're not listening to the iPod anymore?"
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〃:八 : : : : ,.<_:| l::| |:.:':, \〈.: : : : : : : : :.∨.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : !: :.|
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↑ bad
- 980 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:31:11.22 ID:i2Vb6Pjr0
- >>977
I'm fine with thiswwwwww
- 981 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:35:54.57 ID:iat3PAU40
- Sorry it took so long, I ended up watching TV with herwwwwwwww
- 982 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:36:21.80 ID:K9cTpQkV0
- I wonder which of the scenarios >>1 is going through right now...
- 983 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:36:32.88 ID:jJ3mMWe70
- >>981
- 984 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:37:32.75 ID:CxZ5h6Tm0
- >>981
Son, I am disappoint.
- 985 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:38:31.37 ID:kbQOvnk70
- If this post is >>1000, 1's big sister will become my wife.
- 986 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:38:50.25 ID:kbQOvnk70
- If this post is >>1000, 1's big sister will become my wife.
- 987 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:39:05.83 ID:exSKyaXh0
- If this is the 1000th post, 1's 2ndSis will become my little sister.
- 988 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:39:11.90 ID:kbQOvnk70
- If this post is >>1000, 1's big sister will become my wife.
- 989 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:39:13.72 ID:VpbPayVy0
- You son of a biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!
But it looks like you were worrying over nothingw
Otherwise, you wouldn't be watching TV together like that.
- 990 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:39:45.22 ID:2QRVraEFO
- If this is the 1000th post, 1's big sister becomes... whatever she wants.
Just to ruin the 1000 GET for you guys.
- 991 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:40:09.63 ID:kbQOvnk70
- If this post is >>1000, 1's big sister will become my wife.
- 992 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:41:14.21 ID:kbQOvnk70
- If this post is >>1000, 1's big sister will become my wife.
- 993 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:41:59.72 ID:jJ3mMWe70
- While watching TV next to each other, >>1 was fingering 2ndSis and 2ndSis was stroking >>1, huh?
- 994 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:42:01.38 ID:kbQOvnk70
- If this post is >>1000, 1's big sister will become my wife.
- 995 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:42:11.59 ID:iat3PAU40
- 2ndSis is busy watching TV.
Me: "Hey, so how did you like it?"
2ndSis: "Like what?"
Me: "I thought you wanted to listen to mom's iPod so bad."
2ndSis: "Ahh, thatwwww"
Me: "Were there any songs you'd heard before?"
2ndSis: "Well, yeahwwwwwwww"
Me: "So did you like it or not?"
2ndSis: "Yeahwwwwwwww
Me: "There were only good songs, right?"
2ndSis: "I didn't listen to all songswwww"
I pump my fists.
Me: "By the way, where is BigSis?"
2ndSis: "Dunno..."
Me: "Huh..."
Then I watched some TV with her before I came back.
- 996 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:42:19.18 ID:CxZ5h6Tm0
- If this post is not >>1000, >1 will quietly make the next thread himself.
- 997 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:42:20.27 ID:pzROlHtx0
- Next thread:
- 998 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:42:23.96 ID:9Qbbp1Wp0
- If this post is >>1000, 1's big sister will become my wife.
- 999 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:42:33.55 ID:kbQOvnk70
- If it's this slow, I can easily get >>1000.
- 1000 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:42:43.97 ID:kbQOvnk70
- If this post is >>1000, 1's big sister will become my wife.
- 1001 : 1001 : Over 1000 Thread
/ ⌒ ⌒ ::: \
| (●), 、(●)、 | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, | < A Happy New Year ! 2008
| ト‐=‐ァ' .::::| \_____
\ `ニニ´ .:::/
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