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I got my hands on 2ndSis's iPod...

1 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:22:31.08 ID:Yu9W7x/f0
880 Name:1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw Date:2008/01/18(Fri) 22:58:34.73 ID:COwxeiUU0
I gotta go downstairs because BigSis is telling me to have something to eat. She sounds pissed.
I have the feeling she'll ask me lots of questions about what happened today. Anyways, I'll continue the report if the thread's still alive later, okay?
2 : I_want_to_become_one_with_a_cute_little_girl... : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:23:06.72 ID:x0TF8Sje0
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3 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:24:23.73 ID:B4zvDrPr0
The thread died just as I'd feared....
4 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:25:57.68 ID:6aDbGu3f0
>>1 Good job.
Yep, sure diedw
5 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:26:30.52 ID:vCulKqjP0
Thanks for the new thread, >>1.
6 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:26:55.37 ID:UIhnmiyl0
Hope 1 notices this thread.
7 : Hepnyan_the_Third ◆ox2bbuBs1M : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:27:09.60 ID:/8HRuNDm0
Take this shit to Part Flash.
8 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:33:32.42 ID:xpQOwwbX0
Good job, 1.
9 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:33:36.06 ID:d/AYg+kSO
Only if you go back to the tripfag general thread where you belong and stay there. ^^
10 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:34:19.06 ID:2JthGfSj0
>>1, thanks
I look away for a minute and the damn thread dies.
11 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:35:11.07 ID:LrwEIloxO
>>1 Good job.
12 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:35:47.17 ID:VFeITVP/0
>>1 GJ.
13 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:36:16.19 ID:Yu9W7x/f0
Well, it's true that we'd be better off in Part Flash.
But now is a bad time to change boards because >>1 wasn't around when the previous thread died to the 3-day rule.
14 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:37:29.46 ID:+ZlG+Baq0
Calm your tits, man, I'll trip up tomorrow and stop threads all day, okay?
15 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:38:19.53 ID:atxqo2Vk0
>>1, thanks.

How many posts did the previous thread have when it died?
Last time I looked, it had 909.
16 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:41:42.88 ID:6aDbGu3f0
I had just read the 912th post when it died.
17 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:43:16.35 ID:51EffA6b0
I can't stand Part Flash coz it's full of hidden affiliate programs.
18 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:47:59.74 ID:6aDbGu3f0
19 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:49:22.20 ID:VFeITVP/0
20 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:56:44.18 ID:6aDbGu3f0
21 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:59:01.06 ID:pNYAS3lx0
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22 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:02:30.85 ID:VFeITVP/0
What's taking 1 so long?
23 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:08:40.80 ID:B4zvDrPr0
>>1 is taking a bath with 2ndSis right now.
24 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:11:32.16 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Huh, what happened?
25 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:13:30.27 ID:clxPWt6z0
3-day rule.
26 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:14:25.66 ID:6aDbGu3f0
The thread died to the 3-day rule.
27 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:14:33.08 ID:B4zvDrPr0
FOX = Glasses
28 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:15:43.10 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
You mean, she deleted the thread? That wasn't nicew
29 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:19:18.93 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I forgot where I was in my report.
30 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:19:33.44 ID:B4zvDrPr0
So, what's with Glasses?
31 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:19:36.48 ID:2JthGfSj0
>>1, you're back!
Hurry up and continue the report!
32 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:21:39.99 ID:B4zvDrPr0
865 Name:1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw Date:2008/01/18(Fri) 22:49:44.41 ID:COwxeiUU0
In the end, we went to a Doutour Coffee shop. Before that, I only knew about Doutour from TVwww
As you can probably imagine, I was utterly clueless as to what to order, so I just went with what 2ndSis ordered again.
Then we chose to sit down on a sofa next to a window.
2ndSis: "Where do we go after this?wwwwwww"
Sweetie: "Let's go to (some boutique I don't remember the name of)!!"
Glasses: "Ahh, sounds good."
There I was, unable to take part in their conversation again. Bored out of my mind, I settled for watching a foreign couple make out.
Sweetie: "Do you have a girlfriend, 1?"
2ndSis: "No way in hellwwwwwww"
Me: "...May I return the question?"
2ndSis: "I'm not seeing anyone eitherwwwwww"
Me: "Yeah, I know that, thanks. We're family after all."
2ndSis: "Sweets has a boyfriend thoughwwww Show him your purikurawwwwww"
From her purikura, I could easily tell that her boyfriend was a real DON. It was my first time seeing purikura with the word LIVE written on it irl.

866 Name:1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw Date:2008/01/18(Fri) 22:51:43.28 ID:COwxeiUU0
That I got a hard-on when I saw their kiss on the purikura will forever remain my little secret.
33 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:22:33.45 ID:atxqo2Vk0
Somehow, it's different from what >>1 postedwww
34 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:23:51.67 ID:clxPWt6z0
Don't just change stuff.
35 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:29:48.47 ID:vKRRCiL30
>her boyfriend was a real DON
When did Sweets' boyfriend turn into a mafia boss?w
36 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:32:57.33 ID:926XIuOM0
Why the hell would the picture say LIVE?
37 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:32:58.40 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Soon, the topic shifted to relationships in general. For someone like me, it was nothing but torture.
A virgin guy like me talking to three girls living fulfilling (love) lives about love and relationships? What's this? A kind of punishment?
Sweets: "Have you had a girlfriend before, 1?"
Me: "S-S-S-S-Sure."
2ndSis: "Stop lying, idiotwwwwwwwwww"
Me: "It's true!"
I couldn't have told a bigger lie. I haven't even held hands with a girl yet.
Glasses: "What kind of girls do you like?"
Me: "Errr..."
I didn't know what to answer as I've never talked about things like that irl before. I seriously couldn't come up with anything.
Well, anything except "I like girls like Noe from true tears. ^^".
38 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:37:45.06 ID:B4zvDrPr0
39 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:38:11.66 ID:pNYAS3lx0
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40 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:41:10.52 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
"I like all girls..."
...is all I could say. I mean, what else am I supposed to say? I don't have the experience to have any preferences.
Sweets: "You like all girls? Are you serious?"
2ndSis: "Hilariouswwwwwwwwwwwwww"
Glasses: "w"
I didn't care much about about the other two, but seeing Glasses laugh at my answer was a shock for me. I thought she was in the same boat as me.
41 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:46:12.37 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Glasses: "w (How innocent and cute...)"
42 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:46:36.47 ID:2JthGfSj0
Why did you not say that you like Glasses there!?
43 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:48:28.88 ID:6xkfsxK+O
Anyone will laugh if you say stupid shit like "I like all girls"w
44 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:52:53.70 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
2ndSis: "When did you break up with your boyfriend again, Glasses?wwwww"
Glasses: "Didn't I tell you last time?"
2ndSis: "You did? I don't rememberwwwwwww"
Sweets: "I don't remember either."
While the girls were getting excited, I was the only one genuinely surprised that Glasses once had a boyfriend.
So even fujoshi can have boyfriends.
Me: "Ah, you broke up with him?"
Glasses: "Yeah. It was last year."
Me: "And why did you break up?"
Glasses: "..."
Was it a too personal question to ask on the first meeting with someone!!? I panicked a little.
45 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:54:11.67 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Don't dig so deep into itw
46 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 01:58:36.71 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Glasses: "Our personalities didn't match."
Me: "Personalities..."
2ndSis: "Wasn't he someone from your circle?wwww"
Glasses: "No, he was a senior from high school."
2ndSis: "He was?wwwww"
I was starting to get the impression that 2ndSis wasn't very close with Glasseswwww She seemed to know next to nothing about herwwwww
Sweets: "You mean the one you broke up with after only a short time?"
Glasses: "Yeah, that one."
There we go, they were talking about something I don't know anything about again. This time, it was about campus love life.
While I was shutting myself in, healthy young people of the same age were having relationships, enjoying their youth and having sex.
I suddenly felt like I wasn't a part of this world, as if I was some alien that's here for sightseeing or something.
47 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:02:14.47 ID:2JthGfSj0
48 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:04:33.66 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I don't have a thing for girls with glasses by the way.
49 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:04:36.10 ID:51EffA6b0
Ask Glasses about her e-mail addy so we can decide by post number what to write herwwwww
50 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:06:12.64 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Just date Glasses already!
51 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:07:34.02 ID:pb6m16xrO
It's about time you guys take this thread to Part Flash.
52 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:08:58.40 ID:2JthGfSj0
But >>1, if there are any girls in this world you could get, it's ones like her!
53 : Akechi_Mitsuhide ◆GZT/xIiF72 : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:11:18.25 ID:P8Pr96ps0
Is it only my imagination or did >>1's 2ndSis only introduce him to the Glasses girl because she wanted to do the poor guy a favor?
Though you can't rule out the possibility that she's just doing it for laughs and giggles and wants to see what happens if you stick two otaku together.
54 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:11:48.01 ID:MoBL/e4TO
Just got here, someone give me a summary in 30 lines please.
55 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:17:13.22 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
All I could do was absentmindedly listen to their conversation as I couldn't take part in it.
2ndSis kept going on and on about her part-time job. I was starting to think "Am I even needed here? Can I go home now?".
Until I noticed how Glasses was staring at me fixedly.
Me: "Is something the matter?"
Glasses: "Why don't you come to our circle room sometime?"
Me: "!!!!!!!!!"
I thought stuff like this only happens in adult games.
Glasses: "We have lots of manga and books lying around. Some of the members write their own short stories too."
Me: "Do you write too?"
Glasses: "No, no, I don'tw"
My gut feeling was telling me otherwise. I was 100% positive that this fujoshi writes her own stuff.
56 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:18:54.35 ID:FtAN8N8yO
Someone link me to the previous threads please.
57 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:19:34.05 ID:qJLzWK4Z0
Taboo word: Diary entry of the 10th.
58 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:20:57.89 ID:vKRRCiL30
59 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:25:52.19 ID:2JthGfSj0
Where did that come from, you lucky bastard!?wwwwww
60 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:26:51.50 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
But I'm a shut-in, you know? I had to put my life on the line to even leave the house, do you really think I could go to a university, the home of happy casuals!?
The state of confusion I was in, coupled with my nature of a natural born flag crusher who always does exactly the opposite of what is expected of me, made me say this.
Me: "Thank you for the offer, but I'm a little busy these days. Besides, I don't know as much about manga and books as you think."
Glasses: "I see. Well, what can you do?"
Me: "I'm sorry."
Glasses: "Then, let me know if you stumble upon something good to read, okay?"
Me: "Okay, if I find something good, I'll give it to 2ndSis and she can pass it on to you."
Boo yeah, crushing flags like a motherfucker.
61 : I_want_to_become_one_with_a_cute_little_girl... : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:28:33.67 ID:x0TF8Sje0
     /.:i  l.... /'´  / .::: /: /|;、ヽ;ヽ: |  i::::::::l:::::l
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62 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:28:47.31 ID:cWssE5th0
1, you stupid motherfuckerwww
63 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:30:47.55 ID:2JthGfSj0
Ahh, I see... She asked you to come to their circle room...
And here I thought she meant her private room.

But there's still some hope left, right?
64 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:33:06.30 ID:B4zvDrPr0
I thought she meant her room too, at firstw
Damn, anyone would have accepted her invitation, but you had to go and crush the flag...
65 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:37:00.55 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
2ndSis: "Shall we get moving again?wwwwwwwww"
Sweets: "Yeah, let's."
2ndSis: "Glasses, are you done too?wwwwwww"
Glasses: "Ah, yeah. Let's go."
I had somehow survived the talk session with only a few HP left.
2ndSis: "We're going to go shopping some morewww What will you do?wwww"
Me: "I'm going home."
2ndSis: "Isn't there some other place you wanna go?wwwwww"
Me: "I gotta go to a supermarket and buy curry roux."
2ndSis: "Rightwwwwww Ah, tell mom I don't need dinner todaywwww Laterwwww"
Sweets: "See ya."
Glasses: "Bye-bye."
While watching the three leave, I thought to myself.
"I did pretty good, far better than I would have expected of myself. I really hung in there. My first trip outside in a long time was a big success, considering I even got to talk to girls.
It'd be great if I could use this as a starting point to get used to going out little by little again."
Then I bought some curry roux and Neru Neru Nerune from a nearby supermarket and safely made it back home.
66 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:37:51.71 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Ah, damn, my heart starts beating fast whenever I see Alicia.
67 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:39:27.65 ID:cWssE5th0
Neru Neru Nerunewwwwwww
68 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:42:24.55 ID:hucOg5kK0
You're hopelessw
Can't get over your 2D complexw
69 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:42:53.74 ID:N3A2aOYV0
Do they still sell stuff like Neru Neru Nerune?wwwwww
70 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:45:01.61 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
As soon I got back home, I reverted back to my usual sluggish 2channer self.
It was only a few hours ago, I was posting my report in the previous thread when...
BigSis: "Hey! Get down here and eat something already!!!!!"
I heard a familiar angry roar from downstairs and a shudder went through my whole body.
After quickly posting that I'm going downstairs, I left the thread in a hurry as you guys probably remember.
But I'm sure even you guys couldn't guess in your wildest dreams what happened then.
71 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:45:01.88 ID:2JthGfSj0
She invited you over to their circle at your first meeting?
Admit it. You must be a pretty handsome guy, 1.
72 : I_want_to_become_one_with_a_cute_little_girl... : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:46:04.71 ID:x0TF8Sje0
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.   Vl/ |     |         i         |   |.\ | ,、|   >>66 Well, well...
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73 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:46:18.62 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I get always told that I have a girly face. In fact, it was what I got teased for in junior high.
74 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:47:25.90 ID:bToB741r0
Does that mean you do look like 2ndSis, >>1?
75 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:48:22.76 ID:B4zvDrPr0
76 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:48:57.28 ID:atxqo2Vk0
That's too good to be true.

Post the rest.
77 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:49:42.91 ID:tehl2L51O
I have found the answer to all riddles!
Fujoshi like male homosexuality, right? Additionally, they like androgynous guys the most. Get it? You're the perfect fujoshi material, 1. I bet you, Glasses has already started pairing you up with other guys in her head.
78 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:52:18.89 ID:2JthGfSj0
Girly looking guys usually pass for handsome.
This is a universal truth.
79 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:54:43.76 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
We may roughly have the same facial features which is why people who see us for the first time think we look alike because they expect twins to look alike.
But once they get to know us better, they say we don't look alike at all. Plus, we have completely opposite personalities and there's also the fact that I'm a boy and she's a girl.
If BigSis resembles Himesaki Shuri, I'm like the uglier male version of her.
80 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:56:17.19 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Because of my girly face, I got called a homosexual, a faggot, and bullied a lot in junior highwww
81 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:56:51.11 ID:78Sb/0fl0
I can't even count the times I have fapped to Himesaki Shuri.

A handsome shut-in NEET >>>>>> Unclimbable wall >>>>> An ugly guy that's not a shut-in NEET
In other words, I'm a loser and >>1 is a winner.
82 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:57:24.51 ID:7hQ2pLrCO
From your reports so far, it seems like both your big sister and little sister rank quite high in the looks department.

That means, >>1 does too...
Guys with cute or pretty sisters are usually handsome.
Source? The source is me.
83 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 02:59:21.52 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Cheh... I hate handsome guys...
84 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:07:22.03 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
BigSis: "How did it go?"
Me: "Yeah, umm... I went to the department store."
BigSis: "Right, good. Did 2ndSis go with you?"
Me: "Yes. (She didn't do shit though...)"
BigSis: "Actually, it was mom and I who asked 2ndSis to accompany you."
Me: "Is that right?"
BigSis: "When you said you'd buy her a diary, we figured it might be a good chance to get you to leave your room. We just want you to go out more and have fun with friends and maybe even a girlfriend."
Me: "I'm sorry."
BigSis: "Did you buy something for yourself too?"
Me: "I got myself a diary."
BigSis: "Oh youwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
85 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:08:48.19 ID:+KsK+VsQ0
Why so formal?w
86 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:09:38.12 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
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"Did you meet any cute girls?"
87 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:10:39.31 ID:51EffA6b0
I don't wanna see >>1 get together with Glasses.

What I wanna see is >>1 become friends with Glasses to find out about 2ndSis's weaknesses, so he can pull more pranks on herwwwwwww
88 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:14:04.29 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
With that one question, all the dots connected and everything that happened today added up.
Yes, it was all one big plot by BigSis. And 2ndSis was just a chess piece necessary to put her plan into practice.
The great tactician and wire puller then said to me with a smile on her face.
"It'd be more convenient for us if you got yourself a girlfriend instead of male friends, you know?"
89 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:23:09.21 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
BigSis: "So, did you meet any girls?"
Me: "Well, yeah, two girls joined us."
BigSis: "Were they cute?"
Me: "I don't know..."
BigSis: "Not cute enough?"
Me: "Are you perhaps toying with me?"
BigSis: "Don't you have any impressions to share? Did nothing interesting happen today?"
Me: "Nope. I got myself a diary and went home."
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BigSis: "We didn't send you there so you can get yourself a diary!!!!!!"
90 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:23:49.89 ID:2JthGfSj0
ElderSis is just wonderfulwwwwwww
91 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:27:42.51 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
ElderSis: "Absolutely nothing happened, huh?"
Me: "Absolutely nothing."
ElderSis: "Mom, this guy is absolutely useless."
Mom: "Well, well. I'm sure it'll somehow work out. Want anything with your curry?"
Me: "Do we have any cutlets left?"
Mom: "No, only eggs."
Me: "So I have only one thing to choose fromwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

After dinner, it was as if the fatigue from today finally got to me and I threw myself on the couch in the heated living room.
Engulfed in drowsiness, I fell asleep almost instantly.
92 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:30:45.51 ID:2JthGfSj0
Look, why don't you just fulfil BigSis's wish and...
start dating Glasses!
93 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:30:59.26 ID:7CYbX0DT0
94 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:36:44.98 ID:51EffA6b0
Get on good terms with Glasses and ask her if she knows something about 2ndSis and K!wwwwwww
95 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:41:17.27 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
When I woke up, no one was left in the living room, no one but 2ndSis playing with her cell phone in front of the TV.
When did she come back? And how long was I sleeping?
2ndSis: "G'morning. Were you tired?"
Me: "Yeah."
2ndSis: "Going to bed?"
Me: "I'm going back to my room."
When tomorrow comes, I will continue my NEET lifestyle. Nothing will have changed. I'll be a shut-in again.
Might as well go back into my room to jack off. With that in mind, I was about to leave the living room.
2ndSis: "You know, the Glasses girl from today..."
Me: "Yeah."
2ndSis: "I'm exchanging e-mails with her right now. You wanna write her an e-mail too?"
Me: "Eh?"
2ndSis: "She said she wanted to talk to you more. She also said she was convinced that you're a you-know-what even though you were trying to hide it. And she's right, isn't she? But don't worry, I didn't tell her anything."
Me: "Whoa, whoa..."
2ndSis: "Don't pee your pantsw Recommend some manga to her or whateverwww"
Me: "No, I really wouldn't know what to talk to her about..."
2ndSis: "'Hi, it's me, 1. Thank you for everything today.' should be good for a start."
Me: "Uhh..."
2ndSis: "Well, I'll just give you her e-mail address and you decide what to do with itwww"
Me: "Uhh..."
...is how it went, I think. I don't remember it clearly as I was still half asleep.
96 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:42:04.35 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Post numbers! Post numbers!
97 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:42:05.84 ID:6m6zUVxQ0
Not this thread againw
98 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:43:01.56 ID:cWssE5th0
From now on, this thread will be about guiding 1 to a fulfilling love life.
99 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:44:46.30 ID:F7/jgpXbO
Someone please post 1's specs or a summary on how it came to this.
100 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:46:57.22 ID:bToB741r0
It's time for a voting by post numbers, huh...
101 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:48:08.84 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Go read this first.
102 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:49:02.78 ID:zceSzp7IO
This threadwww
103 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:51:50.71 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I did as 2ndSis said and sent Glasses an e-mail. It had been ages since I last wrote an e-mail to someone.
"It's me, 1. Thank you for today. I had fun. Did you enjoy the shopping today?"
(This is the text I sent. By the way, 2ndSis typed it all in for me.)
When I was taking a bath, she replied with the following e-mail.
Subject: "Thank you too♪"
"Sorry for coming along unannounced today. (>_<) I hope you weren't put off by it. I enjoyed the shopping a lot today. Thank you too!☆"
(Her e-mail was a little longer, but I can't be assed to type it all out and omitted some of it.)
104 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:53:18.13 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Don't just omit stuffw
105 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:53:55.66 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
That's all I have to report.
I haven't replied to her e-mail yet because I don't know what to write.
I'm kinda afraid of getting any closer with a girl, but at the same time, I feel like it'd be stupid not to give it a try.
106 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:55:13.51 ID:cWssE5th0
I think it's a nice opportunity to get to know new people.
Come on, 1, why don't you give yourself a push just this once?
107 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:57:05.51 ID:wyuH58I10
Time for post numbers, huh?
108 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:57:45.85 ID:B4zvDrPr0
But we're right behind you!!
Don't give up!
109 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 03:58:38.89 ID:fib1eO+q0
A 16-year-old ♂ will answer to every post!

Get over here, guys!www
110 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:00:56.05 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Subject: "Thank you too♪"
Sorry for coming along unannounced today. (>_<) I hope you weren't put off by it. I enjoyed the shopping a lot today. Thank you too!☆
I showered you with all kinds of questions, but it seems like I just had gotten the wrong impression of you.((+_+))
But I was impressed when you said you're a Comic Beam reader. (lol)
You looked like you were tired today, so please try to go to bed early today!
Let's meet up again!☆Good night!(sleeping smiley)
111 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:03:40.38 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Looks like she actually bought your "I'm not an otaku" actw
112 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:05:34.54 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Yeah, I guess you're right. Can't hurt to know a girl with glasses.

A vote by post numbers with so few people around? Are you crazy?wwwwww

Since when did VIP become so kind?ww I'm worried because it's you guys that are right behind me!www
Did you already forget all the trouble you've caused me so far?wwwwwwwwww
113 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:07:02.93 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I had no choice. I was too scared of the Sweets girl to reveal my power level.
114 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:09:42.97 ID:zceSzp7IO
>>110 I wouldn't go as far as saying this is your chance to get a girlfriend, but it surely can't hurt to make a new friend.

It doesn't have to be a long reply, something like "I'm glad I was able to talk to you too. If there is another opportunity, I'd like to meet you again." should do. Polite speech is okay at first, but you could also put it more informally and write something like:

"I'd love to talk to you about all kinds of things again."

In any case, it won't hurt to reply.
115 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:11:21.57 ID:zceSzp7IO
>>113 There's no need to be so scared because when it comes down to it, 2ndSis will be on your side too.
116 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:16:12.17 ID:TiNdaBFL0
I read everything up to "Itchy, tasty", where can I read the rest of this?
117 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:16:22.33 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I could become friends with Glasses to reveal 2ndSis's true characterwwww
Besides, I wanna know what happened to her and K toowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Oh boy, I think I'm getting pumped up for thiswwwwwwwwwwwwww
118 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:17:20.47 ID:4QaFw5Vy0
You should write a reply.

If you really want to change yourself, that is.
119 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:21:49.17 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I will reply. But I don't think it's a good idea to do it at this hour.
120 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:24:34.50 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I'll use that as a reference to come up with a good reply.

What if she's just using Glasses as a bait to make fun of my reaction..?
121 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:26:44.72 ID:4QaFw5Vy0
Send her a reply tomorrow morning then.
What you actually write isn't all that important as long as you reply imo.
Glasses will probably just take it from therew
All you have to do is play along and answer her questions.
122 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:27:42.85 ID:B4zvDrPr0
If she only wants to see your reaction, learn to laugh it off.
Say something like "I guess you actually like me, don't you, 2ndSis?".
123 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:28:30.15 ID:51EffA6b0
Very goodwwwwww
124 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:29:27.12 ID:51EffA6b0
What do you have to lose, idiot?wwwwww
She probably knows everything about you anyway since you're at home 24/7.
2ndSis, however, has a lot more to hide and a lot more to lose than youwwwwww
125 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:29:51.56 ID:atxqo2Vk0
Poor little Hug 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
126 : 125 : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:34:21.11 ID:atxqo2Vk0
Whoops, wrong thread.
127 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:34:50.36 ID:B4zvDrPr0
128 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 04:47:10.91 ID:tehl2L51O
>>1 is frantically trying to come up with a reply.
129 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 05:10:08.56 ID:MmIYupsC0
How the fuck do you get from the bigSisPod to this?w
Anyways, hang in there with whatever it is you're trying to do, >>1. Good night.
130 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 05:11:24.13 ID:bBB28XVT0
If you don't reply to a "Good night" e-mail on that night, it'll be only harder to send an e-mail on the next day.
But I guess it really is a bit too late for a reply now.
I can't be sure though as I don't know the sleep/wake cycles of a fujoshi.
131 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 05:15:09.70 ID:zceSzp7IO
For some reason, I'm more curious if Sweets is still awake.
132 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 05:50:14.08 ID:B4zvDrPr0
133 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 06:10:55.50 ID:4QaFw5Vy0
134 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 06:31:31.91 ID:Ul05SzuFO
135 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 06:36:13.10 ID:iT+ctT9o0
136 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 07:05:35.69 ID:+KsK+VsQ0
137 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 07:09:53.91 ID:8dGGuaClO
Phew, I'm glad the thread died yesterday shortly after I leftw
It seems like I didn't miss out on much thanks to that.

>>1 You're not motivated enough! Writing e-mails is all about motivation!

Guess the hardest part is yet to come.
138 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 07:53:19.54 ID:4QaFw5Vy0
139 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 08:17:42.43 ID:dvXw7lFO0
140 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 08:40:25.69 ID:TNhGDXdhO
141 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 08:52:36.71 ID:C9w/wI59O
142 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 09:16:59.36 ID:1IlHWjYjO
143 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 09:57:53.95 ID:bBB28XVT0
144 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 10:15:41.08 ID:51EffA6b0
bumps bumps
145 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 10:17:43.14 ID:bZCe3CX40
Funny how the thread title doesn't have anything to do with the thread anymoreww
146 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 10:42:24.86 ID:zceSzp7IO
Bumping because I'm back from my part-time job.
147 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 10:55:20.34 ID:17xAiW0Y0
I was in the other thread until the end, but missed out on the last one.
But I read it in the archive and I'm finally caught up again.

Bumping with great expectations for the continuation.
148 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 11:21:06.47 ID:Tk9Q38gPO
I-It's not like I'm bumping the thread for you, >>1!!! *blushes*
149 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 11:25:42.00 ID:zceSzp7IO
 ( (7 
 < ヽ
150 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 11:32:41.72 ID:nkmVe4df0
Bump bump
151 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 11:38:34.68 ID:8dGGuaClO
152 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 12:02:53.88 ID:0ft2EWCnO
This thread is going placeswww To think it started with the bigSisPodwwww
153 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 12:05:17.84 ID:clxPWt6z0
Just woke up.
Bumping for more Glasses goodness.
154 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 12:22:05.07 ID:TF8zZkRX0
Caught up with the thread.
And bump.
155 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 12:22:12.57 ID:hIGtkFnQ0
Sawajiri Erika makes her porn debut:
156 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 12:22:20.03 ID:Q9mGK1o60
Guys, hear me out, let me tell you about something that happened to me yesterdaywwwwwwwwwwwwww
Some creepy otaku was actually listening to a Gigabeat(LOL) in a train right in front of my eyes yesterdaywwww
And you know what I heard?ww If you fasten the Gigabeat(LOL) to its strap, it hangs upside down, can you believe that?www
And it only has a few gigabytes of storagewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I was likewwwwwwwww this guy's so lamewwwwwwwwwwww
So I pulled out my 80GB iPod out of my pocketwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
When he saw it, his face went all red and he quickly stuffed his upside-down Gigabeat(ROFL) into his bag and got off at the next station as if to run awaywwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Say what you will, the iPod is still TEH shitwwww Most of its users are handsome guys, while users of other players are all ugly as fuckwww
The whole world thinks the iPod is cool, stylish, and popular. It's world famous and I use it too!
The other players are seen as lame, "WTF LOL" tier and "creepy shit for otaku" tierwwww
I don't know much about them and I don't need to because why would you use anything besides the iPod? is what everyone sayswwwwwwwwwwwww
Just having an iPod with you instantly makes you popular among girlswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Well, the fat, snotty, uncircumcised, creepy, ugly non-iPodders would never understand and make all kinds of otaku-ish excuses only to live short tragic liveswww
Loserswwwww PffwwwwwwHahahahawwwwwwwww
157 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 12:39:13.02 ID:UVe4tg5Z0
A 3-lines summary for someone who missed the last thread, anyone?
158 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:03:30.22 ID:Z0wwmf810
159 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:04:10.53 ID:d/AYg+kSO
I fell asleep while I was waiting for >>1 to return and arrived even later at work than I'd plannedwwwww
Anyways, why don't you just write a coming-out e-mail? Something like
"I was lying when I said I'm not that interested in manga.
I didn't want to get ridiculed for it by 2ndSis.. Sorry."
should serve as a sufficient explanation.
160 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:10:33.14 ID:sw6FxA1X0
161 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:25:41.77 ID:UVe4tg5Z0
Ohh, hadn't seen that post, thanks. Didn't think 1's 2ndSis would be into Beastie Boys.
162 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:37:23.77 ID:d/AYg+kSO
163 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:48:26.59 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Sorry, before I knew it, I had fallen asleep and it was morning.
Anyhow, I just sent her a reply.
I don't know... if she'll reply though...
164 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:52:01.66 ID:diHgJAuf0
Good morning, I was waiting for you!
165 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:53:33.07 ID:17xAiW0Y0
I've been waiting for you~
166 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:54:26.69 ID:gOTPmuBp0
Morning! Though it's already afternoonw
167 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 13:56:52.53 ID:Hao2wWOt0
Good morning.
Hope she replies.
168 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:11:44.09 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Is it time for post numbers!?
169 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:13:33.34 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Sent her something along the lines of

"It was very nice talking to you too. I actually knew every manga you mentioned, Ms. Glasses!
If possible, I'd be glad to chat with you again. If you have any recomendations, I'd like to read them, as well."
170 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:14:34.46 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Nothing good will come out of going by post numbers now, will it?www
171 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:20:12.16 ID:wc4uICQ+0
The situation has changed. Both for >>1,
and for the thread,

it's best not to decide anything by post numbers anymore and instead try to make it actually work for him.
172 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:22:08.14 ID:pNYAS3lx0
I see, it's Operation: Capture Glasses' Heart now.
173 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:25:44.73 ID:YgpAnmej0
Yeah, I think we shouldn't decide things by post numbers anymore.
174 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:28:05.95 ID:B4zvDrPr0
It may be better for >>1 to not use the power of post numbers.
But do I need to remind you where you are?
175 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:28:38.33 ID:VFeITVP/0
With his writing skills, 1 should be able to get on well with Glasses.

What's more, you won't get the otaku treatment from her that you'd normally get from normal women.
176 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:29:58.27 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Come what may, I'll always abide by the rule of choosing whatever is best for the thread!!!
To hell with post numbers!
177 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:31:02.48 ID:B4zvDrPr0
You're a man among menw
178 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:31:16.93 ID:s9mHwQsp0
There's still people in this thread who didn't notice that it's already decided.

We have to handle this matter with the utmost care!
179 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:31:23.03 ID:pNYAS3lx0
At your first meeting, you probably looked horrible with your long, messy hair.
And still you managed to get this far with her.
So if you at least get your hair under control before you meet her next, you should be able to make an even better impression on her.
If you happen to be her type, I feel like you could score with her pretty easily.
The way I imagine fujoshi, they don't dawdle and get straight to the point if you know what I mean.
180 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:37:02.83 ID:VFeITVP/0
If we decided what to write Glasses by post numbers and 1 wrote something mean after acting like a pussy in front of her, she'd never talk to him again.

If 2ndSis hears about it too, his whole family will know and 1 will be dead meat.
181 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:41:17.03 ID:UIhnmiyl0
Don't do the decide-by-post-numbers shit, seriously.
Worthless acts will only lead to worthless results is what my teacher used to say.
If you pull any more stupid pranks, your family will completely lose faith in you.
I'm a man too, I get that you wanna prove you're not a chicken, but just take it slow and careful this time.
182 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:47:14.69 ID:K7uB5tLZO
iPod Man
183 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:48:00.47 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Alright, alright, what about taking a bulk of posts like >>10-20 and then choosing the one you like best?
184 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:48:55.92 ID:0io4LaQv0
Why do we even need the post numbers shit?
185 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:49:24.87 ID:VFeITVP/0
The question is if Glasses is in a state to reply right now.
186 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 14:49:57.66 ID:gOTPmuBp0
Don't go by post numbers. Just don't.
It'll be the end of everything.
187 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:00:01.00 ID:tehl2L51O
I had a lot of fun reading the bigSisPod threads. This time, it's my turn to help you out.
188 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:00:37.50 ID:6xkfsxK+O
I find reading >>1's own e-mails more interesting than some lolrandumb ones chosen by post numbers.
189 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:03:05.82 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Oh, what a heartwarming thread this is turning into.
But the people in the thread can't do shit for you, >>1, it's you who has to get shit done.
By the way, isn't it about time we took this to a more suitable board?
190 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:06:07.06 ID:o/3PkuAC0
If we changed boards now, all the people that'd see this thread for the first time would completely fuck up the voting by post numberswww
191 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:06:13.54 ID:tehl2L51O
It won't be too late to change boards when this thread is over.
192 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:07:09.85 ID:51EffA6b0
I don't care about the heartwarming stuff, I just want 1 to become friends with Glasses and find out more about what happened between 2ndSis and Kwwwww
193 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:09:12.30 ID:VFeITVP/0
How long until something new happens?
194 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:17:00.08 ID:VFeITVP/0
Bumping to save the thread, just in case.
195 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:22:06.70 ID:fYg7ggNL0
Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
196 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:25:05.36 ID:VFeITVP/0
1 got his hands
on Glasses' e-mail address,
but is afk right now.
197 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:25:53.11 ID:+eNMCDTe0
We don't decide things
by post numbers anymore.
We heartwarming now.
198 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:29:53.67 ID:UIhnmiyl0
I saw 1 leave his house in a long time and put in
love and effort to write an e-mail to
Glasses. I can go to bed happily now.
199 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:35:34.57 ID:tehl2L51O
1 went to bed too, huh?
200 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:37:16.89 ID:fYg7ggNL0
Now I get it. I had read up to the point when 1 was finished with the momPod and announced that the 2ndSisPod would be next.
So when I saw this thread, I was like "Yes, he found the 2ndSisPod!" and got confused when you guys were talking about something completely differentw
201 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 15:43:02.85 ID:B4zvDrPr0
202 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 16:04:32.25 ID:0io4LaQv0
Why do the eyes of a girl with glasses look so different and cute when they take off their glasses?
203 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 16:04:44.58 ID:VFeITVP/0
204 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 16:17:00.62 ID:C9w/wI59O
I'll sacrifice my day off and do everything I can to help bring Glasses and >>1 together!
So, come on, >>1!

205 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 16:23:40.52 ID:zvasH0Vq0
Here's another thread that's been diverging from its original goal and going off into an interesting direction in the last few days.
Both have my undivided attention and I want both to meet a happy end...

206 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 16:43:46.02 ID:39XOqbtH0
207 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 17:06:18.87 ID:B4zvDrPr0
I wanna eat sweet-and-sour pork with Chinese black vinegar...
208 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 17:10:16.34 ID:tehl2L51O
Cute Glasses is cute.
209 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 17:30:26.47 ID:tehl2L51O
210 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 17:56:21.57 ID:2JthGfSj0
211 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 17:57:01.11 ID:8dGGuaClO
Ahh... I wanna do itwww
212 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 17:57:28.30 ID:w/I6jE190
Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
213 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 18:08:27.55 ID:B4zvDrPr0
5 minutes until
you fall in love
with Glasses.
214 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 18:18:28.10 ID:C9w/wI59O
A 2channer is going to
do his best to make
a fujoshi with glasses fall for him.
215 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 18:22:59.13 ID:0ft2EWCnO
Ah, they're airing Train Man todaywwww
216 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 18:25:29.05 ID:tehl2L51O
Do we know for certain that she's a fujoshi?w
217 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 18:33:30.01 ID:8dGGuaClO
>>216 Yes, a very assertive one at that.
218 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 18:36:13.38 ID:55sn0rZY0
How old was >>1 again?
219 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 18:38:30.94 ID:C9w/wI59O
20, I think.
220 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 18:59:59.51 ID:B4zvDrPr0
I wanna eat a CalorieMate.
221 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:00:43.07 ID:fYg7ggNL0
Just eat another one of your snakes, Snake.
222 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:23:16.49 ID:C9w/wI59O
Springhares are so damn cute.
223 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:24:30.28 ID:8dGGuaClO
Hope 1 gets up soon.

I bet she's already replied to his e-mail.
224 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:36:12.39 ID:C9w/wI59O
He might just proceed to watch Train Man if he gets up now.
225 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:43:44.84 ID:VFeITVP/0
This Train Man shit is getting annoying.
226 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:45:30.44 ID:B4zvDrPr0
227 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:47:03.45 ID:8dGGuaClO
He must have seen Train Man enough times already.

Or is Train Man > Glasses?

Was it Doraemon > Glasses?
228 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:50:00.08 ID:+ZiXYKIt0
Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
229 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:54:54.38 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Not really interested in watching Train Man.
230 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 19:55:28.55 ID:0ApuDyhM0
1 is back━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!
231 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:01:03.08 ID:2JthGfSj0
Welcome back, 1!
232 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:01:17.47 ID:C9w/wI59O
1 is here━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!
233 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:03:48.63 ID:8dGGuaClO
>>1 Good morning!!!!!
234 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:07:11.98 ID:8dGGuaClO
>>1 Did Glasses reply?
235 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:08:45.00 ID:/Iv1WZcj0
Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
236 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:08:55.59 ID:VFeITVP/0
Took you long enoughww
Hurry up and tell us what happened!
237 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:36:24.39 ID:8KDCQjJx0
Tomorrow's a Sunday, ask her out to lunch!
238 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:37:25.43 ID:hucOg5kK0
This thread brings a smile to my face.
239 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:39:27.00 ID:tZA9JT/c0
Ask her out to lunch and finish it up with your milk as dessert!
240 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:41:32.72 ID:bfN/u1V10
Isn't this guy the next Train Man?
241 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:42:42.72 ID:VFeITVP/0
On a day Train Man airs, a new Train Man is born, huh?ww I like itw
242 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:48:56.91 ID:8dGGuaClO
Eating pudding and waiting for the report.
243 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:52:06.48 ID:2JthGfSj0
Guess 1 is watching Train Man even though he said he's not interested.
Or something else happened...
244 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 20:57:56.82 ID:B4zvDrPr0
>>1 often disappears for hours....
245 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:04:21.81 ID:8dGGuaClO
Some idiot's moving into the apartment downstairs at this time of the day...
246 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:05:07.67 ID:8KDCQjJx0
It's probably someone fleeing by night.
247 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:09:05.67 ID:B4zvDrPr0
A moonlight flit, huh?
248 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:12:01.30 ID:8dGGuaClO
Someone who had to spontaneously move at night, maybe?
249 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:16:23.99 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
She's not replying...
250 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:17:35.99 ID:VFeITVP/0
Still no reply!?
251 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:20:36.80 ID:8KDCQjJx0
Do we write more e-mails to get shit started or do we just keep waiting...
252 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:20:42.23 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Yo, iPod Man.
253 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:22:02.35 ID:2JthGfSj0
Sending more e-mails would only come off as annoying... Seriously.

It's best to expect her not to reply until tomorrow and wait.
254 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:22:04.48 ID:8dGGuaClO
He's iPoMan. Anyone else feel like... we're having fun at his expense?
255 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:24:49.86 ID:8KDCQjJx0
Just so you don't get me wrong, what I meant is that it might get shit started in this thread.
Of course, I don't believe that sending more e-mails would help them hit it off.
256 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:25:25.30 ID:yCpZqD2o0
Nah, his name shouldn't be iPod Man.
I find bigSisMan or 2ndSisMan more fitting...www
257 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:26:12.22 ID:clxPWt6z0
Then he should be called sistersHaremMan.
258 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:26:36.42 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Hey, >>1 aka iPod Man.
Ask 2ndSis for advicewww
259 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:32:22.21 ID:8dGGuaClO
>>258 You're a smart onew

BigSis might be able to give him more caring advice though.
260 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:35:27.14 ID:8KDCQjJx0
Yeah, I can see BigSis being especially kind to him if he asks her for advice.
261 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:37:24.39 ID:cysBHpCF0
When in trouble, ask ElderSis.
262 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:38:06.04 ID:18fHpcmk0
He should let BigSis write the diary of his and Glasses' future togetherw
263 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:38:44.43 ID:fYg7ggNL0
But BigSis turns out to be a real klutz when it comes to giving advice on love and relationships and is overwhelmed with the task.
264 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:40:57.10 ID:8dGGuaClO
>>263 That would just backfirewwww
265 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:41:41.29 ID:Oi7lm5t20

Look at all these retards posting their real phone numbers herewwww
266 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:43:19.61 ID:B4zvDrPr0
(´Д`;)Huff huff
267 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:47:41.25 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Train Man is interestingw
268 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:48:43.08 ID:clxPWt6z0
I knew you were watching it!www
269 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:49:43.04 ID:C9w/wI59O
You ARE watching it!www You asdfghjkl;'
270 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:49:53.52 ID:8KDCQjJx0
You seem pretty fucking interested to mewww
271 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:51:16.55 ID:8dGGuaClO
>>1 Didn't you say you weren't interested!?wwww
272 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:51:42.87 ID:yCpZqD2o0
You damn tsunderewwwwwwwwww
I'm watching it too thoughw
273 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:52:43.15 ID:2JthGfSj0
I'm watching toowwwwww
It's entertaining, isn't it?wwwww
274 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:53:04.39 ID:cysBHpCF0
Go to ElderSis and tell her "I want to be like Train Man too..."www
275 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:53:22.48 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I'm watching it for the first time and I like itw Looks like I was biased against it without having seen it.
276 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:53:42.25 ID:clxPWt6z0
I watched it like 5 times already.
277 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:54:18.16 ID:yCpZqD2o0
Good job!
278 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:55:58.57 ID:B4zvDrPr0
I like that.
279 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:57:17.84 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
Oh well, after all, it's just a movie. It doesn't work out as easily in reality.
280 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:57:52.07 ID:bfN/u1V10
I feel like it could work out if it's you.
281 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:58:27.90 ID:VFeITVP/0
Your starting point is a lot better than Train Man's.
282 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:58:59.17 ID:8dGGuaClO
>>1 Go watch it together with BigSis!!!
283 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:59:08.95 ID:cysBHpCF0
But your life is a movie and you're the main protagonistwwww
284 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 21:59:30.81 ID:2JthGfSj0
podMan's heroine is a fujoshi.
285 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:04:28.30 ID:8dGGuaClO
Ahh, right, she was a fujoshiwwww I forgotw
286 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:05:15.29 ID:clxPWt6z0
Watch it with your mom...
287 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:09:18.70 ID:tehl2L51O
I've been meaning to write this for a while now, but... >>1 is a tsundere, right?
288 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:12:45.71 ID:57eACRLxO
Wasn't Hermes an entry-level otaku too?
289 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:13:34.57 ID:BUU0CaUx0
Just got here.
290 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:15:21.05 ID:tehl2L51O
I like how the heroine is a fujoshiww
291 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:16:26.20 ID:8KDCQjJx0
This is a bit more raw and unpolished than Train Man though.
292 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:34:57.08 ID:Yu9W7x/f0
I know, let 2ndSis pick out some clothes for you while making fun of you.
293 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:42:37.70 ID:B4zvDrPr0
So, is it already decided that he'll ask 2ndSis for advice?
294 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:44:02.57 ID:8KDCQjJx0
No, he should go to his oldest sister instead.
She's without a doubt the type to get happy when she's asked for advice.
295 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:47:08.27 ID:C9w/wI59O
ElderSis may be a better counsellor personality-wise, but since Glasses is friends with 2ndSis, it's wiser to ask her for advice imo.
296 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:48:24.04 ID:clxPWt6z0
BigSis is mai waifu.
297 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:50:24.08 ID:6qk7kAPiO
For some reason, I have the feeling 2ndSis is a flag crusher too.
I'm for asking ElderSis too.
298 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:50:40.71 ID:8dGGuaClO
If he asks 2ndSis, she'll just instantly forward it to Glasses and set him up again!

He should ask BigSis first!
Though I'm pretty sure that if you asked Glasses out or something, 2ndSis would find out anywayw
299 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:51:45.11 ID:B4zvDrPr0
And if he asks BigSis, she'll just instantly forward it to 2ndSis....
300 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:52:27.98 ID:78Sb/0fl0
: : : : : : : :./: :/ : : :.;、: : : : : : .:.:.ヽ: :/      ヽ
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301 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:53:52.62 ID:18fHpcmk0
Made this on an impulse.

302 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:55:37.81 ID:hucOg5kK0
303 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:55:46.64 ID:TU8hSu1m0
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  /| l  l   |     `ー=-     / l l |         
 // イ l  l   |      `     イ  l l |          
.// | l  l   | ヽ、     ,.  1 l  l l |             
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     l  l   ├-、   ` ーl \|l   l l |
     l  l   |-‐――‐<|.  |l   l l |
304 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:57:28.27 ID:8dGGuaClO
>>299 Not if he makes her promise not to tell anyone first.

She seems manly as fuck, I'm sure she'd keep her word.
305 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 22:59:58.37 ID:yCpZqD2o0
It should say bigSisMan thoughw
306 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:02:57.93 ID:C9w/wI59O
Train Man traced to look like the iPod ads.
The idea is great!!
307 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:03:17.75 ID:pNYAS3lx0
Send Glasses an e-mail about Train Man and see how she reacts.
308 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:03:34.98 ID:2JthGfSj0
Train Man's going to end soon, I hope 1 comes back then.
309 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:04:29.34 ID:p15BA2nB0
And here I thought you got your hands on Jigen Daisuke's iPod.
310 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:04:53.86 ID:VFeITVP/0
Is 1 still not back?

iPod Man, come back!www
311 : I_want_to_become_one_with_a_cute_little_girl... : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:05:49.29 ID:x0TF8Sje0
                   /  //           ヽ\
                     /   //     /      }\. │ヘ
                /    /   //         `│ ∧
               /     /  //   /     /   ヽ|  :∧
               ノl       f' ///   /   /_厶  \|   ',
            /イ|     |//, / // //'´ ̄|lヽ \|    }
       _    /  {{ |       |//// // /   jハ \j   │
        `  ̄   ノ '|.     |  / __/ハ     __    \ |    |
                / /ハ     | _x==ミ      ィ= =x._ イ   ∧
           / 〃ハ    | `´            `刈    ハ \
            { /'/ ハ.    |       j     f^1 / |∥  ハ \ノ      >>303 Well, well, well♪
           ∨// 小.    |        `    j | j |∥  | }  ヽ
           /'´ /ノ ,l    l \    ー _一ノ ノ'´/ノ|   ド、__ _ノ
            〈_,斗-‐'´|   ∨ |丶、/´ ̄ ̄   //ノ|  │  `ヽ、
              /,>=-、  |    | {. /       _ イ |│  |  /⌒\
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           |    \ │    |_ノ |    い/   /│|   j'´      │
           |     \{    |\ |    ∨   /ヘ.|/  /         !
          }       \、   :|   |      V ̄ ̄ \/  /     __/
312 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:10:13.36 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I don't know what to say to this...wwwwwww
313 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:11:11.92 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Ohh! iPod Man!
314 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:11:28.21 ID:clxPWt6z0
315 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:12:36.16 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
She's not replying!wwwwww I feel like dyingwwwwwww
316 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:15:10.53 ID:B4zvDrPr0
For now, ask BigSis or 2ndSis for advice.
If it was up to me though, I'd let the people in the thread decide it...
317 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:15:29.43 ID:C9w/wI59O
Yeah, let's see what kind of advice they'll give you.
318 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:16:24.97 ID:0ft2EWCnO
If Apple launched a new series of iPods called momPod, bigSisPod and the 2ndSisPod, wouldn't they sell like hotcakes?wwww
319 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:16:29.57 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
The question is which of my sisters is more dependable when it comes to giving advice.
It's probably BigSis.
320 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:16:45.38 ID:CTzjD++h0
Yeah, let's ask her, let's do it.
321 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:18:08.46 ID:bZCe3CX40
When will you ask your sweets big sister for help if not now?w
322 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:18:11.97 ID:6qk7kAPiO
Ask ElderSis.
323 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:18:16.53 ID:clxPWt6z0
My vote goes to BigSis.
324 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:18:26.86 ID:Yu9W7x/f0
Tell me how you honestly feel, >>1.
You said it'd be stupid not to give it a try, but are you interested in Glasses as a girl at all?
Do you feel anything if you imagine Glasses and some other guy holding hands or kissing?
325 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:18:28.71 ID:CTzjD++h0
326 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:20:58.33 ID:yCpZqD2o0
I'm for BigSis too.
There's no doubt that she's worried about >>1 and would love to help him.

How come no one's suggested his mom so far?
327 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:23:01.66 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Or his dad.
328 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:23:27.23 ID:C9w/wI59O
Or his aunt.
329 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:24:25.92 ID:6qk7kAPiO
If I were him, I'd use asking the elder sister for advice thing as an excuse to make a move on ElderSis herself.
330 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:27:52.99 ID:IGJfhQJM0
>>315 You could ask 2ndSis to give Glasses a call to find out what she's doing.
She could be out working part-time, for all we know.
331 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:28:38.99 ID:VFeITVP/0
Get Glasses' phone number from 2ndSisww
332 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:29:35.85 ID:C9w/wI59O
That's it!
333 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:29:49.55 ID:8KDCQjJx0
A phone call now isn't an option imo.
334 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:30:24.18 ID:8KDCQjJx0
>>333 here.
I was referring to >>331.
335 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:31:12.05 ID:C9w/wI59O
It'd be okay if 2ndSis were to call Glasses because of something else though.
336 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:32:09.61 ID:j240Y54cO
I agree. Calling someone because they didn't reply to your e-mail within a day would just make you look very impatient.
337 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:32:25.70 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I GOT A REPLY!!!!!!!!111111111111111
338 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:33:01.67 ID:clxPWt6z0
Oh shit
339 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:33:01.28 ID:C9w/wI59O
She replied━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!! Fuck yeah!
340 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:33:06.20 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
341 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:34:02.82 ID:kLjQcYdT0
342 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:34:25.89 ID:B4zvDrPr0
343 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:34:30.85 ID:2JthGfSj0
344 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:34:45.70 ID:clxPWt6z0
What did she write? What did she write?
345 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:35:33.77 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
It's a fucking wall of textwwww
346 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:35:58.31 ID:C9w/wI59O
Oh boy!
347 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:36:00.63 ID:B4zvDrPr0
Forward it to your PC!
348 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:36:32.90 ID:clxPWt6z0
Upload itww
349 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:36:52.52 ID:C9w/wI59O
But don't you omit stuff again.
350 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:37:10.68 ID:8KDCQjJx0
Stop laughing and show it to us.
351 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:38:35.21 ID:fzXI3Dwa0
Here it comes!
352 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:41:56.97 ID:CIBRHsqK0
Train Man is good, but iPod Man isn't half bad either☆
353 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:48:34.59 ID:B4zvDrPr0
            ∧  ∧
            |1/ |1/
          / ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
         /        ヽ
        /  ⌒  ⌒    |
        | (●) (●)   |   >>1
        /          |
       /           |
      (          _ |
      (ヽ、       /  )|
       | ``ー――‐''"|  ヽ|
       ゝ ノ       ヽ  ノ
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
            ∧  ∧
            |1/ |1/
          / ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
         /        ヽ
        /  ⌒  ⌒    |
        |  へ  へ    |   Hehe, just felt like calling you♪
        /          |
       /           |
      (          _ |
      (ヽ、       /  )|
       | ``ー――‐''"|  ヽ|
       ゝ ノ       ヽ  ノ
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
354 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:50:44.02 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
"I'm sorry I took so long to reply (sweat)
I was at work all day today... I could have replied during one of the breaks, but I needed time to think carefully about what to reply. (+o+)
I'm so glad you knew the manga I mentioned. (lol) I was worried I had misjudged you and kept pestering you about something you're not interested in... (smiley with a troubled face)
I'm glad I got to talk to you too♪ I had heard a lot about you from 2ndSis and was curious what kind of person you really are!
And it turns out you're so different from your sister personality-wise. (some smiley) I was so surprised!!
Let's talk about manga again sometime☆
Though I'm not sure if my recommendations will be of any use to you(^_^;)

Ah, I hope you weren't sleeping. I'm sorry if I woke you up."
355 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:52:04.28 ID:B4zvDrPr0
356 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:52:10.37 ID:2JthGfSj0
Now what do we have here...
357 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:52:45.57 ID:cysBHpCF0
Nice Glasses you got there.
358 : Grey_Savant ◆savant/wi6 [(  ・ω・)っ†] : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:53:02.18 ID:nHQhQUl+0
Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
359 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:53:04.77 ID:6qk7kAPiO
"Don't worry, I wasn't sleeping.
My favorite pairing is Dearka x Yzak btw."
360 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:53:10.89 ID:h4Z65U290
She seems like a good girl.
361 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:53:47.78 ID:CIBRHsqK0
The Glasses route has been activated... well, half activated.
362 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:54:00.70 ID:j240Y54cO
Cute Glasses is cute.
363 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:54:03.42 ID:8KDCQjJx0
>I could have replied during one of the breaks, but I needed time to think carefully about what to reply
Now, how do we take this?
364 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:54:04.63 ID:B4zvDrPr0
A friend of >>1's 2ndSis
is a fujoshi and
is exchanging e-mails with >>1 for the first time.
365 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:54:09.50 ID:yCpZqD2o0
Dude, this isn't the time to be laughing about how long her e-mail is.

It's not even long ffs. Doesn't it seem like she's interested in you?
366 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:54:26.98 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
How many years had it been since I'd last heard a ring tone in this house that didn't belong to one of my family members... Hadn't heard my ring tone in ages...
367 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:54:31.29 ID:xQi2zMKG0
Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
368 : Grey_Savant ◆savant/wi6 [(  ・ω・)っ†] : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:54:39.98 ID:nHQhQUl+0
369 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:54:59.72 ID:2JthGfSj0
370 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:55:05.13 ID:B4zvDrPr0
"How do I reply without touching on the taboo subject of him being a shut-in...."
371 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:56:21.24 ID:clxPWt6z0
Am I the only one who thinks Glasses is extremely moe?
372 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/19(Sat) 23:58:00.46 ID:Y9Jp9nVc0
I don't have the faintest idea what to reply to her e-mailwwww
I've been a shut-in for so long I think I'm starting to forget Japanesewwww
373 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:00:02.25 ID:plL3YCkM0
Do you guys think she knows that I'm a socially unfit virgin shut-in?
374 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:00:37.61 ID:lYVe9dJuO
First of all, make sure to tell her how happy you are that she replied to your e-mail.
375 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:00:54.25 ID:SEa4gRw/0
How about "What did 2ndSis tell you about me?"?
376 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:01:17.66 ID:kEQSp4Tv0
You have to include something like "You must be tired from working part-time all day".
377 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:02:18.26 ID:EYoXYG9Q0
Add a sentence explaining how you knew the manga she mentioned, but were too nervous to talk to her about them.
378 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:02:32.16 ID:+DWi3Kfu0
Looks good to me.
Just write some random e-mails to her and then...
ask her out on a date.

How about asking her out to a manga cafe or something like that?
379 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:03:01.58 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Either she doesn't know or she knows, but it doesn't bother her much.
Your first time meeting her was outside, so that should have wiped out your image as a shut-in if there was any.
And your actions from now on will show whether you're really socially unfit or not.

As for you being a virgin, well.......
380 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:03:30.70 ID:+u85fMwM0
It might be a good idea to hint at how she doesn't have to be extra nice to you because you're a shut-in.
381 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:03:36.33 ID:lYVe9dJuO
Most girls don't really care if a guy is a virgin or not, do they?
382 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:03:59.48 ID:mHxdUqsK0
You have to stress that you'd love to talk to her about manga more.
383 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:04:14.22 ID:n0dLcJsWO
Yeah, the best way to become friends with her is to have lots of passionate otaku talk with her!
384 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:04:21.58 ID:nqYq9Phi0
I'm a girl and I think virgin guys don't deserve to live.
385 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:04:35.72 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Send her an e-mail that goes like
"Look, I'm actually a very shy guy, y'know, especially with strangers, so when I met you girls Glassy and Sweety for the first time the other day, I was pretty nervous even if I didn't let it show on my face. (sweat)
But I somehow made it through and it was all thanks to you, Glassy, cuz we hit it off well because we had so much in common.
I really owe you big time. ^^"
and she'll know why you're always behaving so strangely when you meet.
386 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:04:38.63 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I was thinking I'd ask BigSis for advice, but she's not homewwwwwwwww
387 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:05:46.52 ID:j3H5YoJT0
Pff, big sisters are never there for you when you need them.
But don't fret, my friend, you got us.

If necessary, we'll keep you company until the morning!
388 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:06:03.58 ID:D9Pxb4Zc0
Hurry up and send her a thank you e-mail before it gets too late.
Use >>374-376 as references.
389 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:06:19.98 ID:+u85fMwM0
Don't ask 2ndSis for advicewww
390 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:06:23.04 ID:QNq3Cqsk0
A simple reply like
"You must be tired from working part-time all day.
Don't worry, I wasn't sleepingw"
will do, just don't make her wait too long!
391 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:06:40.47 ID:8cYCta710
Most of us are virgins too though...
392 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:07:24.62 ID:clw7edFmO
What's wrong with virgins?
I'd take a virgin over a creep who's only done it with hookers any day of the year.
393 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:07:34.35 ID:hvNAjoBS0
A date..? As in meeting up with her alone? I don't think I'd survive a scenario like that.

Wouldn't that make me sound like a DQN?
394 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:08:21.54 ID:mFP3rFXn0
To get you started:
"You sure worked hard today. m(__)m
Do you work everyday? (← With this, we'll know how often she works.)
What kind of a part-time job is it? You don't have to answer if you don't like though.
I was doing [insert activity] when you replied. (← This'll show her that it's absolutely okay to send e-mails to you at this time of the day.)"

How's this?
395 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:09:24.19 ID:mFP3rFXn0
Here's >>394 again.
When you use it, modify it as you see fit.
396 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:09:35.58 ID:clw7edFmO
1, do you even want to have a date with her?
397 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:09:45.39 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I just went through a collection of sample e-mails I found on google, but it didn't help at allwwwww
398 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:10:19.28 ID:rLUopPW/0
399 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:10:25.68 ID:eMIDPTEnO
I'm not telling you to use it word for word!w
I might have overdone it a little, but it's still better than appearing too cold and formal.
400 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:11:00.26 ID:mFP3rFXn0
Why did I read >>398 as GTFO?
401 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:11:53.64 ID:hvNAjoBS0
"You sure worked hard today. m(__)m
Do you work everyday? And what kind of a part-time job is it?
You don't have to answer if you don't like though.
I was watching Train Man when you replied!"

Like this?
402 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:12:29.73 ID:j3H5YoJT0
"You sure worked hard today. m(__)m
Do you work everyday? (← With this, we'll know how often she works.)
What kind of a part-time job is it? You don't have to answer if you don't like though.
I was masturbating when you replied. (← This'll show her that it's absolutely okay to send e-mails to you at this time of the day.)"

Go with this.
403 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:12:40.08 ID:yaZfndVz0
Let's make it a little less formal.

"Wow, you're a hard worker. m(__)m
What kind of part-time job is it btw?"

Go with this.
404 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:12:48.89 ID:lvPJURw50
Ditch the third line.
405 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:13:36.23 ID:mFP3rFXn0
>>401 I don't see anything wrong with it.
Send it.
406 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:13:55.47 ID:eMIDPTEnO
I think it's better to ask only one question per e-mail.
It must be annoying to get so many questions at once.
407 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:14:07.48 ID:rLUopPW/0
Hold on, say something about how you met the other day.
And one more thing, don't ask more than one question in an e-mail.
408 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:14:16.04 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Get rid of the third line and it should be okay.
409 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:14:21.15 ID:j3H5YoJT0
I prefer this one.
Instead of asking many questions at once, you should ask one question at a time to have a longer e-mail exchange with her.
After a while, she might even start writing about stuff you wouldn't expect on her own.
410 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:14:22.98 ID:8cYCta710
Doesn't >>401 make you appear way too aggressive?
You know, asking too many questions and stuff.
411 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:14:33.60 ID:clw7edFmO
Don't forget to show her that, even though you'd love to continue the e-mail exchange, you're worried if she's not too exhausted and tired from working all day.
412 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:15:02.83 ID:hvNAjoBS0
"You sure worked hard today. m(__)m
Do you work everyday? And what kind of a part-time job is it?
You don't have to answer if you don't like though.
I was watching Train Man when you replied!"

Sent it like this... My hands are shaking. I'm so scared.
413 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:15:11.71 ID:mFP3rFXn0
I just wanna get this off my chest.
You guys are so kind...
414 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:15:40.14 ID:8cYCta710
I lol'd when I saw how the last few posts were all about asking too many questions at once.
415 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:15:54.64 ID:j3H5YoJT0
But dude, Train Man ended more than an hour agowwwwwwwww
416 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:16:07.31 ID:yaZfndVz0
Well, can't do anything about it if you've already sent it.
From now on, make it one question per e-mail.
417 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:16:14.73 ID:hvNAjoBS0
OH FUUUUUCK! I thought you guys had agreed that it's okay! I already sent it!!!!!!
418 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:16:22.52 ID:3p8y1TFw0
"You sure worked hard today. m(__)m
I wasn't sleepingw
Speaking of which, what kind of job do you have?"
419 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:16:29.98 ID:mFP3rFXn0
>>414 I don't see what's so bad about asking multiple questions at once, feels more natural to me.
420 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:17:13.96 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Well, it's okay, I guess.
It's definitely better than appearing completely indifferent.
421 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:17:21.87 ID:lvPJURw50
422 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:17:32.11 ID:3p8y1TFw0
You should have refreshed the thread before you sent itw
But well, there's no use crying over spilt milk. Btw, granny said it leaves a good impression if you reply within 15 minutes.
423 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:17:51.69 ID:yaZfndVz0
Calm down.
If she's not extremely short-tempered, it won't be a problem.
424 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:17:53.74 ID:8cYCta710
We unanimously agreed that it's too many questions at once.
425 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:18:17.00 ID:rC144Rmn0
I'll be honest. >>402 leaves the best impression on me.
426 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:18:41.34 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Guess I'm too confused to even read the words that are written here right before mewwwwwww
I need to take a deep breath and count prime numbers or something.
427 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:18:48.87 ID:suaU9ri/0
>>1 is freaking out nicelyw
428 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:19:19.74 ID:lvPJURw50
"Let's be mean to posts with prime post numbers!" thread: http://yutori.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1200755040/
429 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:19:52.68 ID:yaZfndVz0
Guys, let's have some Hermes black tea and calm down...
430 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:20:29.40 ID:mFP3rFXn0
Come on.
Don't worry, her interest in you won't change because of one strange reply.
On the contrary, if you keep sending her replies that are too smooth and polished, she could get the wrong impression and think you're used to chatting up girls or something.
431 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:20:39.04 ID:8cYCta710
Trust me, she won't take long to reply!
The e-mail exchange has only begun, chill.
432 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:20:46.99 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Prime numberswww
By the Train Man analogy, Glasses is Hermes, right?w
433 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:20:48.70 ID:hvNAjoBS0
She already replied1111 She's so fast!!!
434 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:21:28.69 ID:yaZfndVz0
Alright! Let's work out our next plan!!
435 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:21:45.94 ID:eMIDPTEnO
She replied!
436 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:23:03.00 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Which one of you guys made that Jigen thread?wwww
437 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:23:03.90 ID:lTc6CYvK0
What does her reply say?
438 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:23:31.94 ID:j3H5YoJT0
I say she works in a bar.
439 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:23:38.16 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Glasses already heard some stuff about him from 2ndSis, so she should know that he's far from being used to chatting up girls, shouldn't she?
Though if his e-mail is too creepy, he might just get cut offw
440 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:24:42.33 ID:lvPJURw50
You're thinking too much into it if you're worried about things like that.
441 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:24:43.76 ID:mFP3rFXn0
Well, her reply will probably be something like
"I work in a [insert workplace], usually on [insert weekdays].
You were watching Train Man? I unfortunately missed it.
It was good, wasn't it?".
So you start your reply like
"Oh, so you work in a [insert workplace]?"
and go from there.
442 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:24:48.55 ID:8cYCta710
Sounds about right. She's a university student after all.
443 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:24:59.41 ID:eMIDPTEnO
An Internet cafe or a maid cafe would be better.
444 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:25:41.89 ID:hvNAjoBS0
"Yeah, looks like they were showing Train Man on TV. (>_<) I have yet to watch the movie version.
I watched the TV soap version though♪ Gekidan Hitori was hilarious☆
As for my part-time job, I work in a bookstore four times a week. (picture of a book)"
445 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:26:16.71 ID:mFP3rFXn0
oh boy
oh boy
446 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:27:00.97 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Glasses is so fine.
447 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:27:11.34 ID:60fHeHhF0
637 : VIPPER:2008/01/20(Sun) 00:11:43 ID:vKOtotn7O
VIPPERs are seriously creepy, they should just die.


LOOKwwwwwwwwwwwwALL THIS BUTTHURTwwwwwwwww
448 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:27:17.26 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Isn't working in a bookstore kinda unusual?
449 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:27:18.86 ID:3p8y1TFw0
We got a bookstore girl!
450 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:27:34.45 ID:mFP3rFXn0
Is it a bookstore you know?
451 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:27:56.28 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Oh Godww Give Glasses to meww
452 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:28:07.53 ID:lvPJURw50
Girls that work in bookstores are great.
Seriously, they're awesome.
>>1, don't fuck it up.
453 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:28:22.32 ID:suaU9ri/0
Now, what's going to happen from here on...
454 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:28:44.75 ID:eAgJ12Qn0
Bookstore? I bet she works in Toranoana.
455 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:28:58.93 ID:8cYCta710
She seems like a bookworm girl from the outside, but she's actually a fujoshi...
456 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:29:27.84 ID:rC144Rmn0
A university student that works at a bookstore... and wears glasses...
Unusual? Naw, there are tons of 'em.
457 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:29:48.14 ID:Uu+9iyms0
Works in a bookstore, huh? Nice.
458 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:29:58.69 ID:3p8y1TFw0
"Yeah, Gekidan Hitori was funnyw It's like the role was made for himw
 Working in a bookstore is unusual, isn't it? Four times a week must be tough. ><"
459 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:30:03.31 ID:n0dLcJsWO
>>454 wwwLet's ask her if she works therewwwww
460 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:30:29.84 ID:rLUopPW/0
I feel like working in a bookstore now.

As for the reply, how about something like this?
"Oh, you work in a bookstore? I think it suits you well.
If it's a place I know, I'd like to pay you a visit."
461 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:30:34.96 ID:yaZfndVz0
A bookstorewww Her specs are so damn high!!www

How about this for a reply:
"A bookstore, huh? Next time I need a book, I'll buy it at your place then. (lol)

By the way... To tell you the truth, I hadn't watched Train Man before either..."
462 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:30:41.83 ID:xoqc725w0
    /:::::::::::::/l:::::/l::::::::::/l::::::::::::::::::ヽ         ┌──────────  
   .l:::::::::::/ .l::::/ l:::::::/ l/ヽ:::::::::::::l         |
   {::::::::/ \..l::/u. l:::/ / ヽN:::::::}          <  I work in a bookstore four times a week♪
"^ ゙̄lr"/ ー-=l/ 、v レ∠=-ー..u.l/゙゙、' ̄^"'''ー-  |
   .{ |////.゙'i "////.| .l         └──────────
.  -ヽ l// .__    _...、//| /ー、
/: : ゙''|.、  .r'  .゙''''"   ゙!  ノl": : : ゙ 、
l : : : ! \、l        ノ./: ! : : : :.ヽ
463 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:31:13.79 ID:5BF+wzn2O
It's not unusual at allw
Everything seems unusual to you because you're a shut-inwww
Anyways, Glasses is the perfect girl for you, >>1. Go get her, tiger!
464 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:31:21.00 ID:mFP3rFXn0
Look here.
This may be just my opinion and not a big deal, but...
make sure to come up with some common interests to talk about.
Women love common interests more than you think.
And don't you ever forget what you said and what she said.
If you should forget it....
I'll leave it to your imagination what will happen then...
465 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:31:28.95 ID:eMIDPTEnO
"Train Man was fun!
Do you surf the net, Glasses?"
Like this.
466 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:32:42.85 ID:lvPJURw50
Man, she's like everyone's type here... I'm in despair...
467 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:32:43.23 ID:hvNAjoBS0
That'd be my bet too.
468 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:32:45.80 ID:oY7rQKUI0
You have yet to explain to her why you acted like you didn't know what she was talking about last time.
469 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:33:45.85 ID:8cYCta710
Don't they work until 12 midnight?
470 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:34:06.20 ID:mFP3rFXn0
Well, if it's a bookstore you know...
"Oh, that bookstore? I'll pay you a visit from time to time. ^^
They have many [insert something you remember from the bookstore, it can be anything], don't they?
What are you in charge of?"

How's this?
471 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:34:18.94 ID:PuglYgbT0
As a matter of fact, they just went on sale.

472 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:35:03.19 ID:mFP3rFXn0
And in case it's a bookstore you don't know:
"Oh, where is that bookstore located?
I know most bookstores in town. ^^"

would be an option.
473 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:35:19.76 ID:hvNAjoBS0
"Oh, you work in a bookstore? I think it suits you well.
If it's a place I know, I'd like to pay you a visit. Is it okay if I stop by sometime?
The movie version of Train Man was fun too. It was my first time watching it actually.
Do you surf the net, Ms. Glasses?"

is what I sent.
474 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:35:24.96 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Up to 5 hoursww I hang around in VIP more than 12 hours a day, what am I supposed to do?ww
475 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:35:52.74 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Didn't we tell you to ask only one question per e-mail?w
476 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:36:04.15 ID:mFP3rFXn0
This is greatww
Must be nice to be still so youngwwww
477 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:36:08.46 ID:pO155NNq0
>>471 That's pretty impressive actuallywwww
478 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:36:19.34 ID:lvPJURw50
"If it's a place I know, I'd like to pay you a visit." is kinda weird, isn't it?
Also, if you wanted to ask her about the bookstore, why did you ask her if she surfs the net too?
479 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:36:38.10 ID:mFP3rFXn0
>>475 Nah, I think it feels very naive and natural.
480 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:36:53.49 ID:yaZfndVz0
Okay, okay, good job.
481 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:37:58.49 ID:hvNAjoBS0
So it comes with the Alicia AAs?w I gotta order it.
482 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:38:37.91 ID:hvNAjoBS0
One question per e-mail.
One question per e-mail... One question per e-mail... One question....
483 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:39:05.55 ID:rLUopPW/0
It's okay to ask many questions at once if she's interested in you.
"He wants to know more about me so bad."
is what she'll think, so there's no need to worry.

It's true because I said so.
484 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:39:06.05 ID:mFP3rFXn0
Your replies shouldn't be too perfect imo.
On the other hand, even if you write something stupid to her...

Your sisters will somehow put things right again. (The real mastermind is your mom though. I'm sure of it.)
485 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:39:33.58 ID:eMIDPTEnO
The questions this time are pretty harmless, I don't see any problems with asking them at once.
486 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:40:33.61 ID:rC144Rmn0
Alicia will always be by your side.
487 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:41:09.40 ID:yaZfndVz0
Now, now, loosen up a littlew
It's not like your e-mails are completely offwww
488 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:41:20.62 ID:jvjvK+Rj0
Does Glasses look like this?

             /´.:::::::::::::::...` ヽ         
          ./:::::::::::/`ヽ、:::::::::::::::::::::::. i
        l.:::::::::/    ヽ、.::l.::::::::::::.l.
        l.:::.ヘl \   / `l.::::::::::::.l
          l::::[l´●`r‐r{´●`].::::::::::l  Smirk
         l::.ヘ⊃ 、_,、_, ⊂⊃::::::::.〈   
          l:::::::/⌒l,、 __,イ:::::::::::::::.ヽ 
.          l:::/.  /::|三/:::/ / ヽ、:ゝ
          レ|  l ヾ∨::://ヒ::::彡,レ'
489 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:41:25.76 ID:n0dLcJsWO
Spoiler: 1 thinks he's exchanging e-mails with Glasses, but it's actually his mom pretending to be Glasses with a fake e-mail address.
490 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:41:54.35 ID:8cYCta710
The problem is not if the questions are harmless or not.
Asking lots of questions at once will make him appear clingy and annoying.
491 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:41:58.80 ID:rLUopPW/0
Oh, youwwwww
I laughed because that came out of nowherewwwwww
492 : I_want_to_become_one_with_a_cute_little_girl... : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:42:27.53 ID:q5fIMYuS0
                 _,,. ---- 、
               r フ‐ァ─- 、  \
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              { /_ィフ ノト、 l:.. ヽ :! ヽ
            _/_Y´n)  ゙_ヽ /   }ハ_」
       _,. ‐''´   ,.、 l 、   ぅハ/  .:/:.イ
       ヽz  rぅ   `" ヽ_z   / .::/:. :Y
        1 `      _\- '´ .::/:.. .:|
      ,. ─|   _   {{_ ))}_::.イ:.  .:|  Well, well... Ufufu
    r‐/  {:|  (( ..)) /    ヽ\l:.l  l /
    {  {   ヾ、/ ̄ヽく     /| /:.:l ノ ハ
    `ー'| r‐、 (__ つ//\   /ハ 〈ヽ:l/    }
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      /         i     〈 :/:.  /
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493 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:42:33.75 ID:oY7rQKUI0
I said it before and I'll say it again. BigSis is mai waifu.
494 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:42:38.14 ID:004QfZm90
> Do you surf the net, Ms. Glasses?

Glasses: "Yeah, I'm in VIP from time to time."
495 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:42:57.79 ID:yaZfndVz0
Speaking of which, I still don't have a clear image of what Glasses looks like.
496 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:43:33.06 ID:3p8y1TFw0
It's Glasses!
497 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:43:37.96 ID:eMIDPTEnO
498 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:45:15.05 ID:pO155NNq0
Wanna find out if Glasses is a 2channer? Use some wwww in your e-mail.
499 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:45:18.80 ID:hvNAjoBS0
She replied.

"Working in a bookstore suits me well? (lol)
I'm not sure if you know the place... But it'd be embarrassing if someone who knows me came to the store. (lol)
The Train Man movie was fun, huh?♪ Is the story any different from the TV soap version? (smiley)
All I know about it is that the main cast is not Ito Misaki and Ito Atsushi!
Yeah, I use the Internet. (smiley) It's indispensable for reports and stuff. (smiley)"

Is she very quick to reply or am I too slow...?
500 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:45:24.92 ID:BAxTgYTu0
Just got here, summary in three lines please.
501 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:46:28.47 ID:mFP3rFXn0
No, it's normally even faster.
Sometimes, it's just one-liner e-mails going back and forth.
502 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:46:33.63 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Try to add a "Hihihi, sorrywww" somewhere in your next e-mail to see if she uses 2chwww
503 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:47:13.81 ID:+u85fMwM0
It's what's considered normal in this world nowadays...
504 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:48:13.99 ID:eAgJ12Qn0
Amazing how she can remember the names of the actors. That's a university student for ya.
505 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:48:24.36 ID:J+Wz3Gnu0

Glasses: "I'm on Part Flash right now."
506 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:49:04.21 ID:+u85fMwM0
Anyone should be able to remember them if you're not completely senilewww
507 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:49:22.71 ID:DHK5on1DO
How come Glasses isn't asking him anything?
508 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:49:33.74 ID:3p8y1TFw0
I guess I'm senile then.....(´;ω;`)Uh...
509 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:49:37.47 ID:8cYCta710
I can only remember names of voice actors.
510 : 71 : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:50:02.71 ID:rLUopPW/0
That's just how girls are.
I had to learn it the hard way.
511 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:50:18.46 ID:yaZfndVz0
That's the normal pace for an e-mail exchangewww

Here's an idea for a reply.
"Hmm... Please let me know which bookstore it is if it's okay with you.
I might pay you a surprise visit. (lol)
But you had to work until late at night today, huh?
Could it be that working in a bookstore is a lot harder than I imagined?"
512 : 505 : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:50:31.48 ID:J+Wz3Gnu0
Sorry, wrong thread.
I was watching both this thread and the one in >>205... orz
513 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:51:24.96 ID:hvNAjoBS0
If this turns out to be BigSis's or 2ndSis's attempt at blackmailing me, I'll jump out of the window.

I'm not sure who she looks like. I can't remember much about her looks apart from her stylish glasses with a red frame and her mouth that's shaped like Manabe Kaori's.
514 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:51:49.22 ID:n0dLcJsWO
Even in a normal conversation, it wouldn't be good to just keep asking one question after another.
515 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:52:29.01 ID:8cYCta710
The first line is unnecessary imo.
Makes it seem like he wants to know her workplace like really bad, don't you think?
516 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:52:41.92 ID:j3H5YoJT0
She's not really fast.
If you think she's fast, be honest and comment on it in your next e-mail.

"Sorry if I'm slow at replying to your e-mails.
 I'm not used to it because I've only written in morse code so far. OTZ"

This should get you a laugh and leave a favorable impression on her.
517 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:53:45.86 ID:j3H5YoJT0
A blackmail, huh?
I wouldn't rule it out completely.
518 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:54:12.51 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I don't know any actors. But I probably know every voice actor.
I had to google the actors Glasses mentioned in her e-mail because the names didn't ring any bells. I recognize their faces though.
519 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:54:37.97 ID:DHK5on1DO
I see...
I was worried she's not asking 1 any questions because she's not interested in him at all.
520 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:55:06.57 ID:clw7edFmO
521 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:55:33.01 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Guys, shouldn't we call it a day after one or two more e-mails?
You guys are so slow at deciding on a reply that Glasses won't get any sleep tonight if this keeps upwwwwww
522 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:56:08.26 ID:3p8y1TFw0
She might start writing about private things once she gets sleepy.
523 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:56:38.58 ID:8cYCta710
No, look, if he writes the e-mail after that in morse code like "beep beep beep beep", she might like it. Aren't fujoshi into guys missing a few screws?
524 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:56:42.95 ID:hvNAjoBS0
"Sorry if I'm slow at replying to your e-mails. I'm not used to it because I normally write in morse code. (lol)
You're right, I understand why you'd be embarrassed if someone you know came to your workplace. I'm sorry.
But you had to work until late at night today, huh?
Could it be that working in a bookstore is a lot harder than I imagined?"

This is what I sent. I think I'm getting used to it a little.
525 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:56:55.09 ID:oY7rQKUI0
When you pay her a visit at her workplace, give her the VIP treatment.
526 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:57:09.94 ID:yaZfndVz0
Wasn't the male actor the one who played Chibi Norida in Kamen Norida?

In your next e-mail, try to include a sentence about how you were too nervous to talk about manga last time and everything should be alright.
527 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:57:13.67 ID:j3H5YoJT0
In that case, you could casually out yourself as an otaku with an e-mail like

"Oh, you seem like you know many actors.
 I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to actors. OTZ
 But if it's voice actors, I could spend a whole night talking about them."
528 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:57:19.53 ID:8cYCta710
He actually sent the morse code jokewwww
529 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:58:52.79 ID:lvPJURw50
I feel like this is going extremely well.
This can't be your first time, >>1.
530 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:59:09.08 ID:3p8y1TFw0
531 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:59:14.50 ID:j3H5YoJT0
You sent itwwww
The morse code thing was just a jokewwwww
You even made it sound like you're faster if you write in morse codewwwwwwwww

What will you do if she asks you what [insert word] is in morse code?wwwwwww
532 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:59:25.38 ID:rLUopPW/0
Nice one with the morse codewwwwww
It's going quite well imo.
533 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 00:59:28.38 ID:J+Wz3Gnu0
Not bad. Keep going.

Don't forget to ask her if she has to work tomorrow too.
It's to show her your consideration that she shouldn't stay awake too long in that case.
534 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:01:28.08 ID:1sPBx8a10
What if she doesn't know what morse code is? Did you consider that?
535 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:01:49.47 ID:TMCP6ca80
No, the morse code joke was a poor movewww
536 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:02:00.70 ID:oY7rQKUI0
What will you do if she replies in morse code...?
537 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:03:01.59 ID:eMIDPTEnO
For some reason, I expect people who've read many books to know stuff like morse code.
538 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:03:07.30 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Glasses: "Morse code.... Oh wow.... I guess you're just as 2ndSis told me...."
539 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:03:32.11 ID:PuglYgbT0
I'm 100% positive that

"What's morse code?"

will be her replyw
540 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:04:08.64 ID:lvPJURw50
100 iPods that her reply will start with "Ahaha".
541 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:04:23.19 ID:hvNAjoBS0
She already replied.

"What the heck is morse code? (lol)
No, there's no need to apologize. (>_<) You're welcome to come to our store to look for manga♪
I'm not sure if it's a hard job. It's fun because I love books though! Since I don't have much to do during vacation... I don't really mind working all day!
1, you don't have a part-time job currently, right? Is it because you're too busy with something else?"

It's all over, guys.
542 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:04:33.19 ID:yaZfndVz0
If she doesn't know about morse code, just say "Nevermind, it was just a joke.".
543 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:04:41.17 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Wait, shouldn't she at least have heard about morse code?
544 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:05:30.51 ID:j3H5YoJT0
            _  -───-   _
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      | │                   〈   !
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     /⌒!|  =彳o。ト ̄ヽ     '´ !o_シ`ヾ | i/ ヽ !  ・・- ・・・・ ---!
     ! ハ!|  ー─ '  i  !    `'   '' "   ||ヽ l |
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    ヽ {  |           !           |ノ  /
     ヽ  |        _   ,、            ! , ′
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      _ -‐┤ ゙、 \           /  ! l  |`ーr─-  _
 _ -‐ '"   / |  ゙、   ヽ ____  '´   '│  !  |     ゙''‐- 、,_

545 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:06:41.08 ID:3p8y1TFw0

"Then I'll come to look for manga the next time I'm freew"
 It must be nice to have turned your hobby into your job.
 As for me, well, I'm busy with all kinds of other thingsw"

546 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:06:46.16 ID:TMCP6ca80
That's a difficult question... Guess it's no time to be worrying about the morse code jokew
547 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:06:50.68 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Ask her to reserve a manga for you until you go get it.
548 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:06:52.33 ID:8cYCta710
"To tell you the truth, I'm a creator." should work.
549 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:06:53.83 ID:004QfZm90
>Is it because you're too busy with something else?

"You see, I'm on house watch 24/7..."
is what you shouldn't write, 1.
550 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:07:12.65 ID:5lIIXRdfO
-・ ・・ -・-・ ・
-- --- ・-・ ・・・ ・
-・-・ --- -・・ ・
551 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:07:20.80 ID:rC144Rmn0
"I'm too busy making iPod playlists these days to work part-time..."
552 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:07:29.09 ID:1sPBx8a10
Oh, it's great that she asked you to stop by her store!
That means she doesn't mind if her colleagues think you're acquaintances.
553 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:07:29.91 ID:3p8y1TFw0


554 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:07:58.92 ID:PuglYgbT0
"I do want to work part-time. It's just that I can't decide where to work."

Let's pretend the morse code joke didn't happen.
555 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:08:03.14 ID:clw7edFmO
I can't be the only girl here that thinks this is kinda boring because it's going too smooth.
556 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:08:07.83 ID:+u85fMwM0
"too busy with something else"wwwwwwwww
557 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:08:11.53 ID:WSpWUfXcO
Even if you make weird excuses, she'll find out sooner or later.
558 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:08:36.53 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Why don't you just tell her that you're a shut-in otaku?
559 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:09:24.40 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Wouldn't that lead to him having to get a part-time job?www
560 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:10:27.11 ID:j3H5YoJT0
Send something like this:

"Yeah, I do think I should get a job.
 You think I should look for one too?"

And take it as a good opportunity to try working part-time.
561 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:10:32.81 ID:3p8y1TFw0

Work together with her in the bookstore!!!!!

562 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:10:32.92 ID:TRwTLKD40
I can't help it.
Whenever she writes (lol), I can't help but think she's making fun of him.
I guess I was in VIP too long.

"Don't mind the morse code thing, it was just a joke. (lol)
 You're right, I'm not working.
 I only quit recently, so I'm kinda like a NEET right now. (lol)
 In fact, I'm looking for a nice job!"

How's this?
But if you're gonna use this, you have to tell 2ndSis first and ask her to play alongwwwwwwwwww
563 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:11:13.46 ID:3p8y1TFw0
564 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:11:29.13 ID:rLUopPW/0
Idea for a reply:
"Morse code goes like beeeep beep beeeep. Never heard of it?
Sorry, on second thought, please forget it. (lol)
Yeah, I'd definitely like to go to your store when I'm free!
Please tell me the address then.
It must be nice being able to work in an environment where you're surrounded by things you like.
I've been wanting to get a part-time job too, do you have any recommendations?"
565 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:11:43.51 ID:eMIDPTEnO
"I'm currently not working because I've been a bit emotionally distressed lately.
I'm planning on working again once I've calmed down."
566 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:12:05.94 ID:yaZfndVz0
Is it just my imagination or is everyone here trying to get 1 to start working?www

How about this?
"I don't know if it's because I'm not as nervous as last time, but I keep making stupid jokes.
Please just ignore them. (lol)
As for working part-time, I'd love to if I find a good place to work at..."
567 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:12:46.82 ID:8cYCta710
It's about time you call it a day.
Don't ask any new questions and let her go to bed.
568 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:13:33.48 ID:hvNAjoBS0
"Ah, it was just a joke. Please forget it. (lol)
A part-time job, huh? I've been thinking of getting one and as a matter of fact, I'm currently looking for a good place to work at.
I envy you, Ms Glasses, because you were able to turn your hobby into your job.
Which reminds me, I'm really sorry for being rather tight-lipped the other day.
It was partly because my sister was there and... also because I'm very shy around people I don't know well.
I actually love manga and books and I'd have loved to talk to you more about them.
Next time, I'll make sure to bankai! (lol)"

I thought I'd throw in a manga reference. Can I send it like this?
569 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:14:12.19 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Looks okay to me!
570 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:14:35.91 ID:yaZfndVz0
Yeah. Gotta end it with this e-mail or the next one.
571 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:14:37.42 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Oh, I should have added "Do you have to work tomorrow? Are you not tired?".
572 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:14:46.23 ID:TRwTLKD40
Right. Let's add something like
"Ah, I'm sorry if I kept sending you e-mails without looking at the time!
Since I'm a night person, I always stay up late anyway, but if you're tired, please don't hesitate to go to bed, okay?"
at the end.
573 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:14:56.25 ID:eMIDPTEnO
I think it's good.
574 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:15:19.79 ID:j3H5YoJT0
Looks good as far as I can tell.
575 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:15:23.25 ID:J+Wz3Gnu0
Take a good look at >>533 and >>567.
Let's not get carried away and be more considerate of her.
576 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:15:42.33 ID:yaZfndVz0
It's okay. But only because she likes Bleach.
577 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:15:51.74 ID:8cYCta710
Nah, there's no need for that.
If she's tired, she's sure to put an end to the e-mail exchange on her own.
578 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:15:59.28 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I already sent it though. I wonder if she's tired. Hope I'm not keeping her from going to bed.
579 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:16:10.48 ID:rLUopPW/0
The bankai pun is so bad it hurtswwwwwww
580 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:16:51.57 ID:TRwTLKD40
Good going.
What's left is to slowly shift from polite speech to more casual speech.
Should make it easier for her to open up.
581 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:16:58.84 ID:rC144Rmn0
I hope I'm the only one that laughed at the bankai pun.
582 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:17:04.29 ID:3p8y1TFw0
>>577 Seconded.
583 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:17:33.24 ID:BAxTgYTu0
Yeah, the bankai pun was uncalled for...
584 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:18:13.83 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Hey, don't talk shit about my ultimate bankai!ww
585 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:18:19.36 ID:oY7rQKUI0
No, that corny pun is just perfectww
586 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:19:03.28 ID:8cYCta710
The bankai pun is fine imo.
587 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:19:49.46 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Well, it's not really a bankai as Glasses probably heard from 2ndSis already that you're an otaku, >>1.
588 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:19:51.42 ID:PuglYgbT0
The bankai pun should be fine because she'll understand it.

The next reply will be the last for today.
589 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:20:03.57 ID:yaZfndVz0
You're still only at shikai level of releasewwww
590 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:20:05.10 ID:eMIDPTEnO
What's wrong with the bankai pun?w
591 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:20:21.20 ID:hEokCpju0
Help us get pictures of her tits.

"If this thread gets 1000 posts before 1:30, I'll upload pics of my girlfriend's perfectly shaped tits"
592 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:24:24.54 ID:hvNAjoBS0

"I see. A good place to work at, huh? It'd be nice if it was some place near your place, wouldn't it? (smiley)
Why don't you try to turn your hobby into your job too? What are your hobbies?
There's no need to worry about last time at all! I'm very shy around strangers too. (smiley) But you were very easy to talk to, 1.☆
Let's talk some more next time! I'll go Hollow too, so don't worry! (lol)
Are you staying up late tonight?"

I don't get the going Hollow partw Is she worrying about me staying up too late?
593 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:24:26.34 ID:oY7rQKUI0
She hasn't replied yet?
594 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:25:01.45 ID:PuglYgbT0
Glasses is so cutew
595 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:25:43.47 ID:rC144Rmn0
This is going extremely well.

Apart from the bad pun about going Hollowwwwwww
596 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:25:53.95 ID:eMIDPTEnO
I wanna hold her.
597 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:26:09.54 ID:Qxd3Fczc0
Glasses is adorable.
598 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:26:11.89 ID:SyFqxrMzO
"Go Hollow"wwwww
599 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:26:12.80 ID:3p8y1TFw0

Answer her question with "I like books."!!!!
Also, add this!
"Yes, I'm not going to bed yet. Is it okay for you to stay up this late too?"

600 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:26:27.16 ID:oY7rQKUI0
So, is it confirmed that Glasses is a fujoshi?
601 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:26:33.02 ID:QGUMaKe40
What a good girl.
602 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:26:56.54 ID:5BF+wzn2O
Holy shit, she's gonna go Hollow while >>1 hasn't even shikai'dwww
He's gonna get killedwwww
603 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:27:17.86 ID:CbpTICZg0
She may be a good girl, but she's still a fujoshiwww
604 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:27:35.58 ID:J+Wz3Gnu0
Now it really is time for >>533 or >>567.
605 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:27:45.09 ID:yaZfndVz0
She'll go Hollowwwww

Alright, now tell her how she was easy to talk to too, note how late it already is and thank her for keeping you company this long.
606 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:27:49.60 ID:TRwTLKD40
If she goes Hollowwwwwwwww you can't win against herwwwwwwwwww

"I happen to like books too.
Maybe I'll apply for a part-time job at the bookstore you work at, Ms. Glasses (lol)
607 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:28:00.89 ID:rLUopPW/0
Ms. Glasses seems to be a good person.
So good a person it almost feels rude to leave out the "Ms.".

Why do you make Bleach puns if you don't know much about Bleach?wwwww
608 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:28:23.94 ID:8cYCta710
Asking if you're staying up late tonight is probably a roundabout way of saying that she's tired and wants to call it a day.
609 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:28:32.59 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I just googled "going Hollow". Could it be that it's the Bleach equivalent of a Super Saiyan 3 transformation?
Glasses is extremely strong if that's trueww
610 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:28:54.22 ID:j3H5YoJT0
Since she's asking
"Are you staying up late tonight?"
reply with
"Yeah, I'm going to stay up pretty late tonightw
 What about you, Ms. Glasses?"
If she's not going to bed yet either...
continue the e-mail exchange a bit longer.
611 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:29:35.44 ID:rC144Rmn0
Reply with "What a coincidence, my mother and my big sister have long turned into Hollows as well.".
612 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:29:48.41 ID:eMIDPTEnO
I thought the same thing.
613 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:31:07.69 ID:V9opQPHW0
She seems tired, let her sleep already.

I think you've asked more than enough questions for today.
614 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:31:37.80 ID:CbpTICZg0
As long as you don't fuck up, you'll have many more opportunities to chat with her.
So why don't you call it a day today?
It's important to play hard to get too, you know?
615 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:32:44.69 ID:PuglYgbT0
Let's relax and take it slow.

616 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:33:09.70 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Except he's not playing hard to get at allwww
617 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:33:32.05 ID:rq5GqqyL0
"If this thread gets 1000 posts before 1:30, I'll upload pics of my girlfriend's perfectly shaped tits"
618 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:33:46.11 ID:w/7xK1PgO
Shikai (lieutenants) < bankai < (Unclimbable wall) < (Hollow mode)
619 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:34:43.75 ID:CbpTICZg0
On the contrary, she's not playing hard to get either and he's still having problemsw
620 : 618 : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:34:45.11 ID:w/7xK1PgO
On the far right, I meant to write
"Hollow mode (Main protagonist)
621 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:36:45.15 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Time for a good night e-mail.
622 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:37:27.82 ID:hvNAjoBS0
"What a coincidence, my mother and my big sister have long turned into Hollows as well.
My hobby as a job, huh... Working in a bookstore like you do might be pretty nice, actually. (lol)
You were easy to talk to too last time and I enjoyed myself!
You're right, I'm not going to bed yet.
I'm sure you're tired from working all day today, so please go to bed now."

Wonder if it's okay like this. My head feels like it's starting to hurt from thinking too much.
623 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:37:31.89 ID:3p8y1TFw0
If you suddenly end the conversation, she might get the wrong idea and think "Ah, maybe he got tired of talking to me.".
624 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:38:09.11 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Started ordering her around, eh?w
625 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:38:40.25 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Oh Masters of the Art of E-mail Writing, if there are any creepy or weird parts in my e-mail, please fix them!
626 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:38:44.66 ID:PuglYgbT0
>You're right, I'm not going to bed yet.
>I'm sure you're tired from working all day today, so please go to bed now.

I wouldn't send this part.
627 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:38:46.53 ID:+u85fMwM0
"You're tired, aren't you?
Please don't force yourself to stay awake if you are."

Should be more like this imo.
628 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:39:27.64 ID:TRwTLKD40
"I'm not going to bed yet.
I'm sure you're tired from working all day today, so please don't hesitate to sleep if you feel like it!"

would be better imowwww
629 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:39:43.87 ID:8cYCta710
End it with a "Sorry for keeping you up so long when you're tired.".
630 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:39:51.98 ID:j3H5YoJT0

"I'll have a wank and then go to bed too."

at the end of your e-mail and send it.
631 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:39:54.82 ID:hvNAjoBS0
"What a coincidence, my mother and my big sister have long turned into Hollows as well.
My hobby as a job, huh... Working in a bookstore like you do might be pretty nice, actually. (lol)
You were easy to talk to too last time and I enjoyed myself!
You're right, I'm not going to bed yet.
Please don't force yourself to stay awake if you're tired from working all day."
632 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:40:32.27 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Looks okay.
633 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:40:43.41 ID:oY7rQKUI0
I say, just send it like that.
It's not good if it's too smooth anyway.
634 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:40:50.70 ID:lvPJURw50
Finally a good reply that shows consideration for her and lets us hope for a continuation of the e-mail exchange.
635 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:40:50.96 ID:rLUopPW/0
Looks good to me!
636 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:40:52.13 ID:BAxTgYTu0
The "so please go to bed now" part is unnecessary.
637 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:40:56.92 ID:hvNAjoBS0
638 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:41:37.20 ID:j3H5YoJT0
"What a coincidence, my mother and my big sister have long turned into Hollows as well.
My hobby as a job, huh... Working in a bookstore like you do might be pretty nice, actually. (lol)
You were easy to talk to too last time and I enjoyed myself!
You're right, I'm not going to bed yet.
Please don't force yourself to stay awake if you're tired from working all day.
I'll have a wank and then go to bed too."
639 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:41:39.67 ID:rLUopPW/0
Okay, back to waiting for her reply.
640 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:41:42.62 ID:3p8y1TFw0
"Cool TAK" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iegH_5fWWUo
641 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:41:49.76 ID:WSZQmuFc0
642 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:41:53.15 ID:lvPJURw50
>>1 is slowly but surely on his way to to becoming a happy normalfag.
643 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:42:10.53 ID:KecGTevR0
Finally caught up with the thread.
644 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:42:10.54 ID:vUKFpBpy0
Can't wait for her reply.
645 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:42:14.33 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Sorry, wrong thread.
646 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:42:26.87 ID:yaZfndVz0
>I'm sure you're tired from working all day today, so please go to bed now.

"Thank you for keeping me company when you're tired. Please have a good rest now. m(__)m"

Wouldn't something like this be better?
647 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:42:28.20 ID:hvNAjoBS0
That means, she's the strongestww even though she's just Glasseswwwww
648 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:42:40.20 ID:eMIDPTEnO
It's normal to wish your significant other a good night in your last e-mail for the day even if you're not going to sleep yet.
649 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:43:18.63 ID:rC144Rmn0
These e-mails reek of Bleach.
650 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:43:52.79 ID:PuglYgbT0
"I'm pretty sleepy actually. (lol)
Ms. Glasses, you must be tired from working all day too.
Well then, let's continue this some other time!
Good night."

How's this?
651 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:44:51.66 ID:3p8y1TFw0
I don't know, it's like you're trying to forcefully put an end to the conversation....
652 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:44:53.64 ID:J+Wz3Gnu0
Okay. Well, it should do the job.
Brb, taking a bath.
653 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:45:16.50 ID:n0dLcJsWO
>>647 Hey, asshole, don't you make fun of Ms. Glasses!
654 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:46:35.65 ID:j3H5YoJT0
What kind of relationship do you want to have with Glasses?

1. Normal friends
2. Otaku friends
3. Date her
4. Bone her
5. Go down in history as the great Crusher of Flags

What will you do?
Tell us honestly.
Depending on your answer, we'll give you different advice.
655 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:47:06.22 ID:yaZfndVz0
Go to an internet cafe when you're free next and read the rest of Bleachwwwww

Speaking of Bleach, wasn't there a woman with glasses among the Visored?
656 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:47:09.10 ID:eMIDPTEnO
"I'm pretty sleepy actually. (lol)
I'm sure you're tired from working all day too, Ms. Glasses, so let's continue this some other time.
Well then, I'll e-mail you again!
Sorry for keeping you up this late. m(__)m
Have a good night then. Bye bye."
657 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:49:18.34 ID:V9opQPHW0
>>656 should be fine imo.
658 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:49:49.34 ID:hvNAjoBS0
She replies as quickly as ever.

"Ahaha☆What if they're all Vasto Lorde? (lol)
Yeah, a bookstore might be a good idea if you like books! It's fun♪ The wage isn't very high though. (smiley)
I stay up late every night, but I have to work tomorrow... (smiley)
You should go to bed already too, 1. (lol)"

Crap, she's getting really technical about Bleach.
659 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:50:37.83 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I'm sorry I got carried away.
660 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:50:58.63 ID:yaZfndVz0
Glasses is going completely Hollow therewwwwww

Alright! It's time for the good night e-mail!
661 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:51:22.65 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Vasto what...?
Someone please explain.
662 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:51:52.48 ID:eMIDPTEnO
663 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:51:55.54 ID:oY7rQKUI0
I don't really get what she's talking about, but I get that she's 100% fujoshi.
664 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:52:37.10 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Tell her to hang in there at work and don't forget to wish her a good night.
665 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:52:48.19 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I sent >>656.
666 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:53:37.76 ID:PuglYgbT0

Evolved Hollows are known as Menos Grandes (Spanish for "less big/not as big," kanji translates as "Great Hollow"),
and are further subdivided into the towering but mindless Gillian (kanji translates as "Least of the Great Hollows"),
the cunning and animalistic Adjuchas (kanji translates as "Intermediate Great Hollow")., and
the deceptively humanoid Vasto Lorde (Spanish for "complete lord," kanji translates as "Great King of the Hollows").
Each of these categories is more powerful and rare than the last, with a Gillian demanding the involvement of
Soul Reaper officers to stave off, while Vasto Lordes pose an existential threat to the entire Soul Society.
667 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:53:48.62 ID:004QfZm90
I don't regret a thing.
668 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:54:24.66 ID:rLUopPW/0
"But being able to turn your hobby into a job must be really nice.
It'd be great if you could introduce me to a job at your bookstore. (lol)
You're going to work tomorrow too? Please hang in there!
Okay, I'm going to bed now. (lol)
I'll e-mail you again, good night."

I don't know why, but I always end up using formal speech. ><
669 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:55:26.59 ID:hvNAjoBS0
She repliedwwww

"Okay, okay. (smiley)
Thanks. ☆ It was fun. (smiley)
Good night! TTYL."
670 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:56:03.83 ID:oY7rQKUI0
You can totally tell how she's been wanting to go to bed for a while nowwww
671 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:56:11.59 ID:yaZfndVz0
First of all, you can rank the Hollows by power like this:

Menos > Huge Hollows > Normal Hollows

Furthermore, Menos Hollows can be divided into 3 groups: Gillian, Adjuchas and Vasto Lorde.
Among them, Vasto Lorde are the strongest.
672 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:56:11.97 ID:rLUopPW/0
She sure replies fastwww

I think you've made a pretty good start!
673 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:56:47.16 ID:3p8y1TFw0
674 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:56:55.83 ID:eMIDPTEnO
For now, I'm just glad you survived so many roundsw
675 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:57:26.25 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Thanks to you too.
676 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:57:37.98 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Power level-wise, it's like Cell from Dragon Ball then?
677 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:57:52.87 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Finally over, huh... I'm exhausted...
I'll go take a dump.
678 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:58:16.74 ID:lvPJURw50
Glasses is so cute.
679 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:58:48.96 ID:rC144Rmn0
I don't even understand the explanationswwwwww
680 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:59:44.23 ID:PuglYgbT0
BigSis = Buu
2ndSis = Frieza
Mother = Cell

681 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 01:59:44.94 ID:rLUopPW/0
>>677 Good job.
Make sure to read up on Bleach until you meet her againwww
682 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:00:06.79 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Looks like Glasses got the so-called Love Deficiency Disease.
683 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:00:39.79 ID:yaZfndVz0
In layman's terms, they're basically the strongest enemies right after the strongest bosseswww
684 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:01:37.43 ID:w/7xK1PgO
Seeing how she's using "TTYL", she might be into MMO's too.
685 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:02:32.58 ID:rC144Rmn0
I get it now. I know it doesn't change a thing if I get it, but I dow
686 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:02:33.81 ID:eMIDPTEnO
People use TTYL practically everywhere, not only in MMO'sw
687 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:03:09.21 ID:clw7edFmO
You're using less formal speech now, aren't you?
If you want her to loosen up more, you could tell her it's okay to drop the formal speech too. It has to come from you first because you're older than her.
She'll probably politely decline anyway, but that's okay too.
688 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:03:11.56 ID:BAxTgYTu0
You're hitting it off pretty well imo.
All that's left now is to ask her out to the movies or to lunch before you run out of things to talk about.
If you don't eventually move on from e-mailing, it'll most likely not result in anything.
689 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:04:53.42 ID:eMIDPTEnO
It'd be great if you could try to find out a bit more about her tastes next time.
690 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:05:35.38 ID:oY7rQKUI0
I, for one, prefer the BigSis route.
691 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:06:05.25 ID:rLUopPW/0
Tomorrow, wait for the time when she gets off work and then...
write her another e-mail.
692 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:06:49.65 ID:yaZfndVz0
I guess yaoi will come into play sooner or later, huh...
693 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:08:32.63 ID:n0dLcJsWO
>>1 Write more about yourself! If you don't, she'll soon not know what to talk to you about anymore and the e-mails will stop too.
694 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:12:13.69 ID:clw7edFmO
My guess is that she's heard so much about him from 2ndSis that she's afraid of asking questions regarding his private life.
695 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:12:43.30 ID:J+Wz3Gnu0
Well, tomorrow (or maybe the day after because tomorrow's a Sunday), 2ndSis is sure to talk to you about today's e-mails.
So, for future reference, it's important that you answer the question in >>654.

Guess as soon as you sent the last e-mail, your nervousness started fading and now your asshole muscles are starting to relax toow
696 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:12:53.97 ID:eMIDPTEnO
The problem is that there's too much about >>1's private life that he can't talk aboutwwwwww
697 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:14:27.02 ID:3p8y1TFw0
I put together the whole e-mail conversation between >>1 and Glasses in a text file. Anyone need it?
698 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:15:42.57 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I was too busy with writing e-mails that I missed almost all of the CLANNAD rebroadcast!!!!
699 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:17:17.81 ID:LidLu/qz0
This weeks's episode was pretty great.
700 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:17:18.19 ID:n0dLcJsWO
No, I'm not talking about private matters, I mean things like what >>1 is into, what he finds moe, which characters he finds cool and which anime, manga he's been watching lately. And if there happen to be some common interests, he'll have enough to talk to her about for years to come.
701 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:17:24.84 ID:clw7edFmO
Oh, youw
702 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:17:36.06 ID:j3H5YoJT0
3D > 2D

Are you aware that this is what you're choosing?
703 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:17:44.20 ID:yaZfndVz0
In the end, you'll always be into 2D, huh?wwwwwwww
704 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:18:20.48 ID:5BF+wzn2O

Pull yourself together, manw Instead of the 2D Kotomi on your screen, you should be caring more about the 3D Glasses that's right in front of you, you idiot!
705 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:19:25.02 ID:LidLu/qz0
Leaving Kotomi aside for now, what are your plans, 1?
706 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:20:35.55 ID:3p8y1TFw0
I put this together in like 5 minutes, sorry if an e-mail is missing or something.
707 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:21:43.11 ID:hvNAjoBS0
All I got out of that is that those Minestrone or Vasto Lorde or whatever they're called are very strongw

Could you speak in a language I understand?ww
708 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:23:06.70 ID:3p8y1TFw0
Had a good shit?
709 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:23:20.60 ID:U80AleaG0
This week's CLANNAD was the best.

Cute Kotomi is cute.
710 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:24:12.36 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Kotomi is so cute.
711 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:24:39.81 ID:lvPJURw50
Glasses is cuter no matter how you look at it...
712 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:25:34.59 ID:rC144Rmn0
Dude, get away from 2D and move up a dimension!wwww
713 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:26:24.14 ID:LidLu/qz0
Kotomi is cute, but the cutest is definitely Tomoyo.
Especially when you've played Tomoyo After.
714 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:26:35.11 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I guess I'll have to read up on Bleach. But Bleach is full of difficult, western sounding names like those Minestrone or whatever they're called, right?
I don't know if I can endure it....
715 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:27:52.91 ID:3p8y1TFw0
There are enemies in Bleach that are called Minestrone????
716 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:27:57.66 ID:yaZfndVz0
In the end, they're just a result of power levels getting out of hand. Read the manga and you should be fine.
717 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:28:16.55 ID:rLUopPW/0
Is that Kotomi girl really that cute?
Someone please post a picture.
718 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:28:59.00 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Thanks for ruining my day.
719 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:31:27.20 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I'm not sure how I feel about her yet...
My first impression was "She's a fujoshiwwwwwww" after all. But I'm glad I got to have that e-mail conversation with her.
I don't know about boning her, but I know I want to fondle her boobs.
720 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:31:35.84 ID:nD0FDWy80
Glasses: Please tell me more about your private life, 1.
1: ttp://up2.viploader.net/pic/src/viploader564065.jpg
721 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:32:23.27 ID:LidLu/qz0
Are they big?
722 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:35:25.65 ID:hvNAjoBS0
This is Kotomi:

723 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:36:26.20 ID:li7sANZr0
Look at it this way, this is not only your chance to get to date a woman, but also to escape your shut-in NEET ways.
For now, just try to give it your best shot.
724 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:36:31.71 ID:rLUopPW/0
Oh damn, I think I'm in love.
725 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:36:44.22 ID:rC144Rmn0
Look, what's Kotomi got to do with all this?wwwww
726 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:37:18.32 ID:1sPBx8a10
Next goal: Get your hands on the glassesPod and put all kinds of stuff on it
727 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:37:19.51 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Next time you see Glasses, upload a pic or a purikura of her afterwardsw
728 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:39:44.92 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I remember how they were fighting some Shinigami last time I checked, but now it seems like they're fighting something called Minestrone.

Yes, big.
729 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:41:46.86 ID:U80AleaG0
Could you elaborate more on how big they are exactly!!?
730 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:42:22.38 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Before I can even think about stuff like dating, romance and so on, I have to quit being a shut-in NEET.

She'll wipe the floor with me should she go Hollow though.
731 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:42:50.89 ID:eAgJ12Qn0
Huh, her boobs are big?
I'll have to adapt my mental image of her then.
732 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:45:16.66 ID:kiFUCzDk0
Did you just say she's got big boobs? You...

You son of a bitch...!!
733 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:45:28.00 ID:li7sANZr0
Well, what should I say.
I think this might turn out to be a minor turning point in your life, 1.
It should be worth a shot, so give it your best, but don't forget to enjoy yourself too.
734 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:46:06.30 ID:hvNAjoBS0
It was when we entered that cafe. When she took off her rather thick jacket, she was wearing a T-shirt with long sleeves under it.
I remember how her boobs looked full and round under her shirt.
They should be at least C or D. I can tell because adult games.
735 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:46:26.22 ID:LidLu/qz0
Which ones are bigger? Hers or Kotomi's?
736 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:47:21.56 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I sure as hell didn't think something like this would happenwwwwwwww
I'm so glad I got punched by BigSiswwwwwwww
737 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:47:36.27 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Hot damn.
738 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:47:54.03 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Do you even need to ask? Kotomi's, of course.
739 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:48:42.39 ID:5BF+wzn2O
So who do you like more? Kotomi or Glasses?
740 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:48:47.51 ID:kiFUCzDk0
You just can't give up on that Kotomi girl, huh?
741 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:49:00.03 ID:M1w1GCvx0
Figures how you can't remember anything about her face except her Manabe Kaori mouth, but remember all about the size of her breasts.
742 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:49:06.76 ID:10DvzRjh0
Revised version
1. Secure two panties of your little sister (preferably ones with soft texture)
2. Take two blanket sheets, fold them into the shape of an ass and put the panties on it.
3. Stick your penis between the two panties and keep thrusting in and out.
This feels really good.
If it's used panties, feel free to sniff them before you insert your penis to enhance the experience.
743 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:49:56.75 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Kotomi so far.
744 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:50:42.80 ID:LidLu/qz0
Good observation, sir.
745 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:52:32.35 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I couldn't take a good look at her face, but I did glance at her boobs a few times.
It didn't really turn me on though since I'm not into boobs. I have a foot fetish.
746 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:53:01.95 ID:kiFUCzDk0
But you still wanna fondle them!
747 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:54:31.06 ID:5BF+wzn2O
You spell Glasses with three katakana too. When you talk to her, call her Glasses-chan.
748 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:54:31.48 ID:LidLu/qz0
You say you wanna fondle her breasts and the next moment you say you have a foot fetish. What's that about?
749 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:55:34.95 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I've never fondled any boobs in my life, I want to try it at least once before I die!
750 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 02:58:19.53 ID:rLUopPW/0
It's a man's instinct to look at a woman's boobs if they're big, isn't it?
751 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:02:04.39 ID:LidLu/qz0
True that. I get turned on too when I see big boobs.
752 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:02:16.37 ID:J+Wz3Gnu0
Sorry, I'm going to bed now.
But before that, what will you do about the next thread?
This one will probably be dead when I come back tomorrow.
If it's possible, I want you to start the next one in Part Flash...
753 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:03:38.04 ID:U80AleaG0
It's a pain to keep it alive through the night here, I'm for moving to Part Flash if this is gonna continue.
754 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:04:29.81 ID:LidLu/qz0
I prefer staying here in VIP since it's a lot faster.
755 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:05:50.88 ID:nD0FDWy80
Create a thread in Part Flash if you want, but I think it's better to stay in VIP for the difficult part until he gets together with her. We can leave the summarization and organization to that blog.
756 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:12:08.97 ID:oY7rQKUI0
I fear >>1 is already asleep.
757 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:13:47.26 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I'm awake.
758 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:13:55.80 ID:LidLu/qz0
>>1 did say he wanted to try fondling someone's boobs before he dies...
Guess he's dead.
759 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:14:28.09 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Oh, he was awakew
760 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:15:03.01 ID:PuglYgbT0
I imagine Ms. Glasses to look like this.

761 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:15:08.34 ID:LidLu/qz0
Ah, he's still awake.
762 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:15:31.68 ID:oY7rQKUI0
763 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:15:40.06 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I'm fine with wherever you guys want to start the next thread.
I've been reporting everything since the bigSisPod, so I'll continue the reports as long as there's a next thread.
764 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:16:22.50 ID:LidLu/qz0
If Glasses really looked like that...
I'd still want to root for >>1, but I'd be pissed a little at him too.
765 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:17:25.48 ID:rLUopPW/0
I feel the exact same way.
766 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:17:28.23 ID:hvNAjoBS0
So moewwwww Savedwwwwwww
767 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:19:26.20 ID:5BF+wzn2O
He sleeps all day, of course, he's still awake.
768 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:24:40.44 ID:hvNAjoBS0
When we were talking about Ms. Glasses' ex-boyfriend in the cafe, 2ndSis was like "Which boyfriend again?ww".
I guess that means she must have had more than one boyfriend, right?
She probably has a fulfilling love life even though she's a fujoshi. She probably has sex too.
I wonder how a (fujoshi) x (shut-in anime otaku) pairing is supposed to work in the first place.
I also wonder how old she is. Even though she's a fujoshi.
769 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:24:40.95 ID:LidLu/qz0
Is anyone else even around?
770 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:25:31.57 ID:hvNAjoBS0
No one's around anymore, huh?wwwwwwwwww
771 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:26:24.87 ID:eMIDPTEnO
She's probably the same age as you.
772 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:26:31.17 ID:qGk8/Lf50
I can't believe it myself, but I'm still around.
773 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:26:57.14 ID:nD0FDWy80
I'm around.
You won't have any problems with your years of experience in adult games, >>1.
The question is if you can get that far with herw
774 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:27:15.79 ID:LidLu/qz0
Oh, still awake?
Isn't it a little too early to be thinking about dating her?
You should be concentrating on becoming normal friends with her for now.
775 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:27:55.07 ID:LidLu/qz0
Looks like everyone was still lurking in here.
776 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:28:02.08 ID:oY7rQKUI0
I am around though.
777 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:28:55.21 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Now that I think about it, I don't really know anything about Ms. Glasseswwwwwww
She, on the other hand, has 2ndSis as a source of information about me, so she must be informed about me to some extent.
While I don't know her family name. I don't even know her age.
778 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:30:12.56 ID:eMIDPTEnO
I'm thinking it's about time I go to bed and dream about sleeping together with Glasses.
779 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:30:31.49 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Seeing how she knew Gundam SEED, she must be an anime otaku.
780 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:30:45.65 ID:PuglYgbT0
Well, you have 2ndSis as a source of information about Glasses. Same thingw
781 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:30:47.13 ID:LidLu/qz0
Yeah, Vasto Lorde is about all you know about Ms. Glasses.
782 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:31:05.10 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Good. Now you know what to ask her next.
783 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:31:50.82 ID:5BF+wzn2O
I'm around too.
Don't think too much into it. Shut-ins have this tendency to overthink things.
Nothing good will ever come out of overthinking things.
784 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:31:54.26 ID:DaOrUzXuO
Whenever I catch up to a thread, it's already about to end.
785 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:32:57.26 ID:U80AleaG0
I'm still here toow

I'm listening to a radio show that'll end at 5am, so I can't go to bed until thenw

Assuming you can find out her age through 2ndSis, you could ask her about her family name tomorrow.
786 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:33:29.80 ID:hvNAjoBS0
All I was able to find out about her today is that she can go Hollow.
787 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:33:48.77 ID:LidLu/qz0
Do we already have a plan for our next move tomorrow?
788 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:34:55.64 ID:LidLu/qz0
That's nothing. I'm around even though I was down with a cold and felt like puking my guts out until yesterday.
789 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:35:00.07 ID:eMIDPTEnO
No, he ought to ask her about her age personally.
Asking 2ndSis somehow doesn't feel right to me.
She's still young, it should be okay to ask her about her agew
790 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:35:28.86 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I don't know when her shift will start and when it will end, so I'm not sure when to send her an e-mail tomorrow.
If we assume that she's an otaku, I guess it's best to reveal my power level to her little by little and share my tastes with her...
791 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:35:34.65 ID:rLUopPW/0
Love begins with getting to know your partner, my friend.
792 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:36:48.42 ID:5BF+wzn2O
Look how calm he is now compared to when he was writing the e-mails. lol
793 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:37:34.33 ID:hvNAjoBS0
2ndSis entered university right after high school, so Glasses is either the same age as me or older if she repeated a year in high school.
794 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:38:19.10 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Ah, there's also the possibility that she failed the entrance exam once or twicewwwwwww
795 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:39:37.24 ID:TCNBAVo3O
I guess, you never know what's coming next in lifew One moment you're a loner, the next moment you made yourself girl friends and you're hitting it off pretty well with one of them. I'm so envious of youww
796 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:39:50.38 ID:LidLu/qz0
If she mentions a book or a manga you know, you could go "Ah, I know that one!!" and take it from there.
797 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:42:04.47 ID:hvNAjoBS0
And if it's a yaoi manga, I'll have to put in some extra effort, huh?
798 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:43:52.31 ID:LidLu/qz0
My buddy Yocchan was reading a fujoshi Boys Love book like a normal book and he seemed to be actually enjoying it.
799 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:44:16.70 ID:hvNAjoBS0
BigSis just came home and I think she's slightly drunkw
Now she's talking to someone on the phone at this ungodly hourwwwwwwwww
800 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:45:24.23 ID:M1w1GCvx0
Try asking her "Is it your boyfriend?"wwwwwww
801 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:45:42.00 ID:nD0FDWy80
Are you going to do something to BigSis again? ^^^
802 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:46:01.88 ID:LidLu/qz0
Looks like we're back to messing with BigSis.
803 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:49:30.85 ID:hvNAjoBS0
"Is it your boyfriend?"wwwwwwwwwwww
Shall I go ask her that?
804 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:49:59.15 ID:tdggaS170
Do it.
805 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:49:59.64 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Making a voting by post numbers with so few people around doesn't make any sense, does it?www
806 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:51:33.07 ID:M1w1GCvx0
Please ask her thatwwwww
807 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:51:34.15 ID:TCNBAVo3O
You're gonna get punched again...
808 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:52:47.01 ID:qGk8/Lf50
I could take care of the "fast forward" posts if we make a voting by post numbers.
809 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:53:26.55 ID:5BF+wzn2O
Did >>1 go to ask her the question?wwwww
810 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:54:05.49 ID:LidLu/qz0
It's not only the number of voters that counts, you know? And there are still at least 10 people around.
811 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 03:58:09.68 ID:gEJMLT770
Can't wait to see how she reacts.
812 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:00:48.22 ID:jLvAxIErO
I think I like where this is going.
813 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:01:36.21 ID:hvNAjoBS0
           /: : :/:/: ,': : : : : : : l: :!  ヽ: ト、: : : : : ハ : : : : : :ハ
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"Huh? What are you, retarded? Go to bed. And die."
is what she said. She seemed quite drunk.
814 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:02:32.36 ID:oY7rQKUI0
Can we take this as a no?
815 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:02:44.73 ID:nD0FDWy80
Since she told you to die, you must have done something to deserve it. Did you grope her breasts?
816 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:02:47.67 ID:LidLu/qz0
Let's quickly decide if we're gonna go by post numbers or not.
I gotta go to sleep soon.
817 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:02:47.64 ID:yaZfndVz0
BigSis sure came home at a good timewww
818 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:04:07.19 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Nah, no voting by post numbers this time. The thread is about to end too.
I do wonder if BigSis has a boyfriend though.
819 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:06:40.89 ID:LidLu/qz0
Then what about the next thread? Do we just stay in VIP?
820 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:10:07.26 ID:UIvE/pRh0
I don't like Part Flash because it's so slow.
If there's a next thread, it should be in VIP.
Who cares if this thread dies tonight? Someone will start a new one tomorrow because we're at an interesting part right now.
821 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:11:26.85 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I'll go wherever the next thread is. If I manage to find it, that isww
822 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:11:38.81 ID:G3b2ChnJ0
Caught up!
823 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:13:32.95 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Come to think of it, I've seen BigSis now, but I have yet to see 2ndSis today.
Though I'd rather not because she'd only make fun of me.
824 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:18:29.31 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Guess it's about time I go to bed...
825 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:18:42.58 ID:UIvE/pRh0
First of all, this series of threads has always been about iPods.
Thus, it only makes sense if our next target is Glasses' iPod.
I'll be rooting for you if you want to become friends with Glasses or whatever, but don't forget to get your hands on her iPod so we can make a playlist by post number votes againwwww
First of all, you'll have to somehow ask Glasses tomorrow if she has an iPod to begin with.
But if you ask her directly like "Do you have an iPod?", it might end up reaching 2ndSis's ears.
Instead, ask her in a roundabout way like "What kind of music do you listen to?".
Because if you ask her specifically about an iPod and she mentions it when 2ndSis is around, it'll all be for naught.
But then again, it's possible that she already warned Glasses and told her about what you did to her iPod.
In that case... you'll just have to do something about itwwwww
826 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:21:39.78 ID:UIvE/pRh0
I'm going to bed too.
Title of the next thread: "I got my hands on my Glasses' iPod..."
Put in some effort and make it happenw
827 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:23:50.60 ID:yaZfndVz0
Well, what to do now...
828 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:23:52.41 ID:M1w1GCvx0
Regardless of whether she was warned or not, getting your hands on someone else's iPod if they're not family is an extremely difficult task, isn't it?wwww
829 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:30:04.87 ID:8g5j5B1jO
>>1 should just buy an iPod and exchange iPods with Glasses.
"Let's exchange iPods with our favorite music on them!"

It's perfect.
830 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:33:07.67 ID:j3H5YoJT0
When that happens, we'll make the playlist by post number voting, of course.

Count on me to spam the thread with Heart Sutra votes.
831 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:38:45.37 ID:5BF+wzn2O
Acquiring the glassesPod could prove to be quite difficult with 2ndSis behind her back.
In any case, the next thread should contain one of the following keywords in the title: BigSis, iPod, 2ndSis or Glasses.
832 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 04:52:35.99 ID:5axiHnJB0
Odoru Megane Ningyou
833 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 05:35:11.57 ID:aGAuR/B40
834 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 05:52:22.23 ID:eAgJ12Qn0
835 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 06:41:12.25 ID:Pvntz5paO
836 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 07:03:20.93 ID:7tf6FhJV0
Obvious troll is obvious.
837 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 07:10:40.46 ID:tdggaS170
838 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 07:23:11.74 ID:1wWHEygoO
Looks like shit went down last night.

Didn't think that >>1 could be so talkative. lol

Reminds me of how I used to date a university girl with glasses and two crooked teeth a long time ago. She worked at a bookstore too.

It was more than 8 years ago to exact... How time flies.
839 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 07:43:19.03 ID:Cwd6Tt2HO
840 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 08:30:46.49 ID:1wWHEygoO
>>836 Him being a troll is what this thread is all aboutwwww
841 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 09:13:29.75 ID:t8z7fw4P0
Cute 2ndSis is cute.
842 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 09:23:53.02 ID:yaZfndVz0
I tried adding some colors to 2ndSiswww

843 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 09:34:28.78 ID:a3moHQ1v0
Btw, what do you guys think of the second season Minami-ke: Okawari?
844 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 09:37:22.30 ID:m7fZ4S360
845 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 09:44:16.20 ID:ghOxwEALO
846 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 09:55:20.90 ID:M3my87DX0
What's the source of this anyway?
847 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 10:14:41.95 ID:aGAuR/B40
Why'd you draw it? You could have simply taken the original panel from the mangawwwww
848 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 10:14:53.73 ID:yaZfndVz0
849 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 10:19:23.37 ID:T15bJFAEO
It's Yoshino from Minami-ke.
FYI, it's from the first panel on page 34 of the 4th volume.

Yoshino the Impregnable
850 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 10:30:15.66 ID:lF2cI2p8O
I know I'm a little late to the party, but >>1 should ask 2ndSis how much she's told Glasses about him.
851 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 10:31:33.77 ID:aGAuR/B40
Yeah, but thing is he hasn't seen 2ndSis since he wrote the first e-mail to Glasses.
852 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 10:32:17.09 ID:5rGSrcWK0
853 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 10:39:56.76 ID:M3my87DX0
Brb going to buy Minami-kew
854 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 11:28:03.06 ID:MDXYit8p0
855 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 11:47:46.00 ID:yaZfndVz0
Bumping with a drawing of how I imagine >>1 to look likewww

856 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 11:48:14.66 ID:eMIDPTEnO
While >>1 was getting advice in VIP yesterday, Glasses was getting advice from 2ndSis who slept over at her place.
857 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 11:59:41.89 ID:vVYubjAQ0
>>1 & VIPPER VS. Glasses & 2ndSis
Is this right? I have no idea what I'm doing! ><
858 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:12:05.23 ID:5BF+wzn2O
Yeah, that's about rightw Well, we definitely outnumber them.
859 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:14:01.08 ID:qGk8/Lf50
Why Minami Akira?wwwwww
860 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:16:45.22 ID:hvNAjoBS0
You made me look way too handsomewwwww
861 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:18:33.58 ID:eMIDPTEnO
862 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:18:57.86 ID:yaZfndVz0
WTFwww That's how you look like in the AA you usedwwww where you get punchedwwwwww Retardwwwwwww

Nevermind that, any new developments on your side?
863 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:19:22.95 ID:ySvwebeU0
864 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:24:44.07 ID:5BF+wzn2O
In order to come up with plans for a date, you'll have to tell us where you live first, >>1.
You're somewhere in Kansai, right?
865 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:33:28.27 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Good morning.
No new developments so far. Haven't seen 2ndSis either.
866 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:34:39.25 ID:hvNAjoBS0
The only thing that's changed is that I've got toothache now. My wisdom tooth is coming out.
867 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:38:50.69 ID:tdggaS170
Don't you find it tough being a shut-in NEET?
I've been living like a NEET for half a year now and it's getting tougher by the day.
868 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:40:06.82 ID:yaZfndVz0
You said you don't even know Glasses' family name, right?

By the way, I haven't slept a wink since yester... day...
869 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:42:29.29 ID:vVYubjAQ0
It's a new day, anyone care to give me a summary of what's happened so far?
870 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:45:13.07 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Is it really a good idea to post here where I live?wwwwww

It's tough, but it's not something you can simply change if you want to.
871 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:46:42.91 ID:hvNAjoBS0
bigSisPod arc

momPod arc

2ndSisDiary arc

Glasses arc
872 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:47:49.75 ID:yaZfndVz0
I wouldn't reveal my address if I were you.
If this was only about you, who cares, but I wouldn't want something to happen to BigSis or Glasses.
873 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:50:05.41 ID:eMIDPTEnO
"If this was only about you, who cares"w
874 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:54:10.55 ID:OOURrIsV0
This isn't your fucking diary or something. Die.
875 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:54:11.60 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Rightwww I'll leave my address to your imagination then.
I'm wondering about when to send her an e-mail today.
876 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:56:49.36 ID:5BF+wzn2O
But VIP is our diary.
877 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 12:57:49.84 ID:yaZfndVz0
Why don't you send her one in a few minutes?
You know, a "Good Morning" email.

When did you send her the first e-mail yesterday again?
878 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 13:00:05.51 ID:hvNAjoBS0
She sent the first e-mail yesterday at 11:30pm if that's what you mean.
879 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 13:00:20.87 ID:OOURrIsV0
     /⌒  ⌒\
   /( ●)  (●)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \  But VIP is our diary, he says.
  |     |r┬-|     |
  \      `ー'´     /

        /_ノ  ヽ、_\
 ミ ミ ミ  o゚((●)) ((●))゚o      ミ ミ ミ
/⌒)⌒)⌒. ::::::⌒(__人__)⌒:::\   /⌒)⌒)⌒)
| / / /     |r┬-|    | (⌒)/ / / //
| :::::::::::(⌒)    | |  |   /  ゝ  :::::::::::/    Can you believe that?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
|     ノ     | |  |   \  /  )  /
ヽ    /     `ー'´      ヽ /    /
 |    |   l||l 从人 l||l      l||l 从人 l||l  bang bang
 ヽ    -一''''''"~~``'ー--、   -一'''''''ー-、
  ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) )  (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒))

880 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 13:03:41.67 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Just throwing out an idea for a reply.
I'm sorry if you weren't able to get much sleep yesterday because I kept you up so long with my e-mails.
Have you already started your shift?
You're such a hard worker. m(__)m
While my only plan for the day is to put Kimimaro songs on my mom's iPod because she asked me to... I seriously don't have anything to do. (lol)"
She might say something about iPods if she has one.
She seems like she's into music too.
881 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 13:17:08.26 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Think she's into music? Wait... could this be the start of the glassesPod arc...?
882 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 13:22:07.98 ID:eMIDPTEnO
She wouldn't ask you what kind of music you like if she weren't into music herself to some degree.
You might actually get your hands on the glassesPod somedayw
883 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 13:25:08.38 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Or I'm going to leave another mark in history as a legendary flag crusher.
884 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 13:46:09.66 ID:TSc67Lmc0
I come back to see what's up the first time after the 2ndSisPod arc and 1 is flirting with a girl! WTF!
885 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 13:57:09.51 ID:vVYubjAQ0
Whew, just skimmed through the thread.
It's just as you said yourself, >>1, you won't get anywhere unless you escape your shut-in NEET ways first.
886 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 14:07:16.02 ID:M1w1GCvx0
Why don't you wait with the e-mail until the time of the day she replied to you yesterday?

Think of it like this:

She sends an e-mail to you until then → She's interested in you.
She doesn't → She's not interested in you → Start of the glassesPod arc
887 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 14:08:47.55 ID:hvNAjoBS0
But since she was the one to write the last e-mail yesterday, isn't it my turn to send her an e-mail now?
Isn't it how it works if you think of conversation as playing catch?
888 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 14:15:35.79 ID:TSc67Lmc0
Well, Glasses is working right now anyway...
Let's try to come up with a Plan B until then. We got plenty of time left.
889 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 14:43:20.02 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Yeah, she's probably working right now. In Toranoana.
I'm also wondering what to write to her... Should I start using smileys and pictographs in my e-mails too?www
890 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 14:45:59.10 ID:TSc67Lmc0
Your e-mails might appear too stiff without any smileys.
My girl friend said it's perfectly okay for guys to use smileys too.
891 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 14:54:45.49 ID:eMIDPTEnO
I think it's okay too.
What's labelled DQN-like in VIP is often surprisingly normal and acceptable out there irl.
892 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 14:56:07.32 ID:CbpTICZg0
Wait, so we all assume that she works in Toranoana now?www
893 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 14:59:11.95 ID:zOTMxDGe0
You'll want to have at least the sweating emoticon, the musical note one and a laughing one ready.
894 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:01:35.42 ID:UIvE/pRh0
Are you free today?
Do you want to go with me to a manga cafe with couple seats?"

You never know until you try.
895 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:03:21.37 ID:+u85fMwM0
Don't. It's creepy for a guy to use many smileys.
896 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:16:12.22 ID:1wWHEygoO
"Good morning. Thanks for keeping me company until late at night yesterday.

Are you working right now? Sorry if I'm keeping you from it."

Something like this maybe?
897 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:16:44.10 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I'm sorry if you weren't able to get much sleep yesterday because I kept you up so long with my e-mails.
Have you already started your shift?
You're such a hard worker. m(__)m
While my only plan for the day is to put Kimimaro songs on my mom's iPod because she asked me to... I seriously don't have anything to do."

I'm thinking of sending this one.
898 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:19:50.72 ID:1wWHEygoO
>>1 I think that's fine for a start.
899 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:21:11.46 ID:+u85fMwM0
Yeah, why not?
Feels more natural and if it's like this, it might make a better impression than when it's too smooth.
900 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:21:20.02 ID:1wWHEygoO
If she were to suddenly reply now, I'm not sure if we'd be able to help you with so few people aroundw
901 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:24:16.60 ID:zOTMxDGe0
I'm on standby.
902 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:25:34.18 ID:CbpTICZg0
Glasses might be quite the player considering how 2ndSis was like "Which boyfriend?www".
If she is one...
try not to get played by her, okay?
903 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:26:24.21 ID:zOTMxDGe0
She has him twisted around her little finger already thoughwwww
904 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:27:02.20 ID:mFP3rFXn0
Well, yeah...

It's a Sunday, go pay her a visit when her shift is about to end.
905 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:29:47.47 ID:1wWHEygoO
Who cares about Glasses' past? Focus on the now, guyswwww
906 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:31:10.88 ID:zOTMxDGe0
Yeah, who cares if some small membrane is still there or not?
907 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:31:43.66 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I sent it.
As expected of Sunday afternoons, there sure aren't many people around. What if she replies now...
I tried reading Bleach from the start again. Now in order to read the rest, I guess I'll have to either buy them or go to a manga cafe. I don't wanna go out though.
I also tried to educate myself over at the yaoi board. I almost lost my mind in the process.
908 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:31:58.52 ID:8sDjEhj9O
I know what you could do. She's a fujoshi after all. This one sentence should be enough.

"Will you wind, or not wind?"

Send it.
909 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:34:03.80 ID:eMIDPTEnO
>>1 seems like a diligent student.
910 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:34:10.40 ID:hvNAjoBS0
....pay her a visit? Then what? We'll be all alone together, you know?
What am I supposed to talk to her about? Where are we supposed to go?
But first and foremost, if I wanted to pay her a visit, I'd have to leave the house first!
911 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:34:30.35 ID:1wWHEygoO
What do you need to educate yourself on yaoi for?wwww

If it's Bleach you need, I have all the volumes here. Wish I could give them to you.
912 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:35:55.26 ID:eMIDPTEnO
"Come to my place."
913 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:36:07.33 ID:1wWHEygoO
>>1 Yeah, just invite her over to your place.
914 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:36:56.16 ID:5BF+wzn2O
A simpler summary site would be good.
That sparely visited blog offers a general outline of the threads, but it's difficult to get a grasp without character profiles and more details.
915 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:39:43.77 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Is it already time to call her over? Does it work like that normally?
If I'm going to call her over, I'll have to renovate my room and do a major cleanup first.
I have to hide the stuff that should be hidden too.
It's going to be a busy Sundaywwwwwwwwwwwwww
916 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:41:40.58 ID:zOTMxDGe0
Isn't it better to do stuff like that when you know for sure that she's coming?
917 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:42:23.93 ID:hvNAjoBS0
You're absolutely right.
918 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:42:59.44 ID:eMIDPTEnO
You've only had lunch with her once (and nothing happened) and exchanged e-mails for a day. It's too early for thatw
919 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:44:11.56 ID:WSRYpb9N0
Are you guys for real? It's way too early.
920 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:44:28.87 ID:t8z7fw4P0
But if 2ndSis was to come to his place to see 2ndSis, she could check out his room while she's at it.
What? It could happen.
921 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:45:15.48 ID:i/66Fgh20
You should keep your room tidy whether a girl is coming over or not.
And go on a normal date with her before thatwwww
922 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:45:56.54 ID:hvNAjoBS0
You're right... 2ndSis and I live in the same house... orz
923 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:47:15.69 ID:hvNAjoBS0
You guys keep talking about going on a date, but I wouldn't even know where to begin.
It'd be so much easier if there was a map with possible date spots to choose from like in TokiMeki Memorial.
924 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:48:11.99 ID:ySvwebeU0
Real life's just not as easy.
925 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:48:16.09 ID:zOTMxDGe0
At the bare minimum, get rid of any dubious objects in your room and clean it from time to time.
926 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:48:30.65 ID:i/66Fgh20
How about going to the movies, the theatre or some other place she'd like to go to?
927 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:48:58.75 ID:pTO9Vx0+0
Isn't there a bigger department store near your place?
One with bookstores and clothes shops inside.
928 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:50:45.64 ID:zOTMxDGe0
It doesn't have to a particular place, you know? Wandering around aimlessly while talking about a manga you both like doesn't sound bad to me.
929 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:52:24.59 ID:nng8/dMWO
Just got here.
930 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:52:33.56 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Speaking from experience, a movie theatre is the most appropriate place for a first date.
Some girls would rather go to an art museum though.
For now, you should try to find out what kind of place she'd prefer.
931 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:54:46.69 ID:zOTMxDGe0
To be honest, it's too early for a date too.
932 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:57:07.10 ID:t8z7fw4P0
What do you say to lending and borrowing manga from her for a start?
And have some small talk with her when you meet her at a manga cafe to exchange the manga.
If she's interested in you, she'll insist on meeting you and won't say something like "Just give the manga to 2ndSis and I'll take them from her"
933 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:58:47.14 ID:vVYubjAQ0
It's way too fucking early to ask her out on a datew
I'm sure Glasses trusts >>1 more than she'd trust some random stranger because he's her friend's brother, but that's about it.
934 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:59:16.32 ID:i/66Fgh20
It might be best to try to find some common interests before you try anything else.
Then you should go out and have some fun with her outside.
It'd be great if there was something like a video game exhibition going onwww
935 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 15:59:54.13 ID:3DFF3Wx90
If you're a shut-in otaku NEET, what's wrong with her being a fujoshi?
936 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:03:32.37 ID:zOTMxDGe0
Keep writing e-mails to see if you can find any common interests!

But can you think of anything you like that she might like too?
937 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:03:43.98 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Is it too early for a date or not?wwww Which is it?wwwww
Yeah, I really have to get rid of the dubious objects in my room and clean up. There's lots of pubic hair everywhere in my room too.
938 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:05:29.18 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Glasses is starting to seem cuter and cuter to me for some reason.

939 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:07:26.97 ID:5BF+wzn2O
Look at a picture of Kotomi and you'll come back to your senses.
940 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:08:27.87 ID:3DFF3Wx90
Here's what you do on a date: Go to a cafe, have an Americano or two and sit around for about two hours and then go on a strawberry hunt with her.
The most important point is to show her that you're a good listener.
Don't be too quiet, throw in appropriate words like "yeah", "uh-huh" and "I see", but not too often either. A good listener encourages the speaker to open up more and talk about everything on their mind, you see?
941 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:08:38.25 ID:tdggaS170
You shouldn't get your hopes too much.
The higher your expectations, the greater your disappointments.
942 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:11:05.18 ID:i/66Fgh20
They say love is blind, so if you believe you like her, you'll probably like her more and more as time goes bywwww
It's not a problem if it's mutual, there's no need to hold back and you might eventually go out.
But if it's not mutual, you'll just end up being a bother to her and you won't get anywhere.
If you're serious about her, however, ask 2ndSis to play cupid for youwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Only if you're serious though.
943 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:16:14.28 ID:hvNAjoBS0
So, going on a date means going to the movies, a bookstore or on a strawberry hunt, huh?
Add going to a cafe to the mix and we got a perfect datewwwwwwww
944 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:18:11.99 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Yep, can't go wrong with that.
From time to time, go visit some Zaku mass-production plants with her and you'll be finewwwwwwwwwwww
945 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:20:07.23 ID:1wWHEygoO
For starters, it'd be nice to find something that connects you to her.
946 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:21:23.26 ID:ppyUskLJ0
There's that diary you bought! Start an exchange diary with her!wwwwwwwwww
947 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:22:08.11 ID:eMIDPTEnO
That's it.
948 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:23:19.25 ID:hvNAjoBS0
It is!?
949 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:23:23.73 ID:1wWHEygoO
First, you have to get her to become interested in you with your e-mails.

Asking her out to a date comes after you got to know a lot more about Glasses.

I mean, you don't even know if she likes outdoor activities like going on a strawberry hunt.
950 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:23:54.89 ID:nD0FDWy80
Do people even do exchange diaries nowadays? Ahh, you guys exchange diaries with yourselves, huh?www
951 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:24:34.57 ID:1wWHEygoO
Are you gonna show her all the diary entries you've written so far?wwwwwwww
952 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:27:11.12 ID:eMIDPTEnO
But suggesting something like starting an exchange diary out of the blue is hardwwwwwwwwwww
953 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:30:03.88 ID:nD0FDWy80
Are you guys serious about the exchange diary?
Not everyone likes the idea of an exchange diary, you know? For some, it's just childish or a pain in the ass.
Exchanging e-mails is one thing, but it's rather rare for grown-ups to do something like an exchange diary.
954 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:32:11.11 ID:1wWHEygoO
It should be easy to suggest it snce she was there when he bought it the other day.

"Remember how we went to buy a diary the other day?
I don't think I can keep it up for very long, so would you like to start an exchange diary with me?
You should try keeping a diary too!w"

Seems like it could work to me. No?
955 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:35:27.17 ID:1wWHEygoO
She might actually say yes if you asked her now, you know?

Try suggesting it casually, like it was a joke.
956 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:35:39.43 ID:Lq5yR10YO
Start an exchange diary and change her from a stranger eyeing you into a major admirer of you.
957 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:38:07.02 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I got an e-mail from her!!!!!!
958 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:38:45.85 ID:1wWHEygoO
Here we go again!wwww
959 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:39:24.21 ID:+u85fMwM0
960 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:40:17.72 ID:nD0FDWy80
Just when something finally happens, the thread endswww Will the next thread have a different title?
961 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:41:08.35 ID:rxwRNYkE0
It begins!
962 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:41:57.23 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I was in the middle of jerking off!!!!
963 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:42:44.26 ID:hvNAjoBS0
Damn, she replied at a bad timewwwwwwww
The thread's about to end toowwwwwwwww
964 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:42:57.53 ID:1wWHEygoO
No glassesPod to be found.
965 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:43:42.22 ID:1wWHEygoO
Heywwww Don't start jerking off all of a sudden!wwww
966 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:44:09.91 ID:TSc67Lmc0
>>1 LOLwwwww
What the hell are you doing?wwww
967 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:44:53.22 ID:1wWHEygoO
I want the next thread to have "Glasses" in the title, but don't make it look like a thread with many parts.
968 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:45:12.52 ID:eMIDPTEnO
969 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:46:04.61 ID:1wWHEygoO
Things are getting excited againw
970 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:48:03.31 ID:eMIDPTEnO
Oh boy, oh boy!
971 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:48:42.71 ID:rC144Rmn0
Just continue to fap to Glasses' e-mail!
972 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:50:06.12 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I slept well yesterday! (lol) Did you get any sleep, 1?
My shift was supposed to end at 4pm, but I had to work overtime a little.(T_T)
We had too many customers to close on time. It's a Sunday after all... (smiley)
By Kimimaro do you mean Ayanokouji Kimimaro? So your mother likes Kimimaro, huh? (smiley)
It's such bad weather today. (umbrella pictograph)"

Why is Glasses so skilled at writing e-mails?
973 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:50:28.46 ID:nD0FDWy80
Started the next thread. ^^^
974 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:51:28.71 ID:eMIDPTEnO
I think she's pretty normal as far as e-mail skills gow
975 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:51:53.36 ID:TSc67Lmc0
Yeah, she's normalw
976 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:51:56.15 ID:1wWHEygoO
977 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:53:53.93 ID:1wWHEygoO
Glasses sure writes long e-mails.

Either she likes writing e-mails or she's interested in >>1...
978 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:54:06.10 ID:WSRYpb9N0
Seems like a normal e-mail to me.
979 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:54:40.58 ID:nD0FDWy80
What were you going to ask her first again? Which bookstore she works at?
Let's try to keep the conversation going while answering her questions.
980 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:55:15.97 ID:i/66Fgh20
What skills? Her e-mails are totally normal...
But I really like how she asked if >>1 got any sleep.
981 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:55:26.87 ID:tdggaS170
I don't see this continuing for very long.
982 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:56:18.52 ID:hvNAjoBS0
So where do I go for the next thread?
>>973 looks like a perfectly shitty thread to me. Do I go there?
983 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:56:27.16 ID:lU6gjiJA0
Why don't you try exchanging manga with her?
984 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:57:00.39 ID:nD0FDWy80
Shitty threadwww You come up with a better title and make a thread that's not shitty yourself then! The thread's slow enoughw
985 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:57:14.68 ID:hvNAjoBS0
So I'm the one that has no skills at all, huh?wwwwwwww
986 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:57:59.90 ID:1wWHEygoO
Please forget the thread in >>976.

I just wanted to see how it's like to start a thread.
987 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:58:11.85 ID:AbWLAyuyO
"I see, you've been working hard today as well. ^^ You even worked overtime.
I'm glad you were able to sleep yesterday.
I was able to sleep well too."

How's this for a start?
988 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:58:36.07 ID:clw7edFmO
Wait, the exchange diary idea is a joke, right? Is this a joke thread!?
I'd be weirded out by a suggestion like that even if it was my boyfriend.
989 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:58:45.97 ID:nD0FDWy80
Put iPod in the title of the next thread and everyone should be able to find it, right?
990 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:59:23.51 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I'm always amazed how you guys manage to come up with such nice replies.
Maybe I ought to buy a book of sample e-mails or something.
991 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:59:44.12 ID:tdggaS170
Of course, it's a joke.
Keeping an exchange diary is a real pain, no one in their right mind would do it.
992 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:01:01.47 ID:1wWHEygoO
Add some simple questions in there.
993 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:01:49.39 ID:hvNAjoBS0
The exchange diary thing might have been a joke, but I've been writing an entry into my diary everyday since I bought it.
2ndSis said I can write about anything I want.
994 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:03:17.87 ID:clw7edFmO
No matter how good an impression a boy makes, if he puts too many damn smileys and pictographs into his e-mails, it's ruined. Two, don't use more than two.
995 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:03:34.22 ID:lU6gjiJA0
This thread is basically a diary for 1, isn't it?
996 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:04:25.49 ID:i/66Fgh20
If you want someone to reply to your e-mail, adding one or two questions can make it a lot easier and more encouraging for them.

If they ask you "How did you like XXX?"
and you reply with "It was YYY."

it makes it more difficult for them to write a reply, you know?
However, if you add a question to your reply, they're bound to reply unless they're busy with something or can't reply right now.

Remember when you had to compose texts at school? It's basically the same thing.
Didn't they tell you to not just write "XXX was fun.", but write something like "XXX was fun because blah blah" instead?w

Though the most annoying e-mails are ones that are written like blog posts without any questions and you don't know what to reply...
997 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:04:33.09 ID:hvNAjoBS0
I'm only using the threads as my diary because I figured I can't just stop after I did it in the first few threadsw
998 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:04:44.70 ID:clw7edFmO
What do you even write into your diary when you never leave the house? You must have a very vivid imagination.
999 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:04:54.41 ID:1wWHEygoO
If this post is >>1000, 1's big sister will be mine.
1000 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:04:59.84 ID:lU6gjiJA0
If this post is >>1000, 1 will confess his love to Glasses within the first 100 posts of the next thread.
1001 : 1001 : Over 1000 Thread
   Only   /
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 could get i :::.              \         ,.' ´         .ヽ  For real?
 away with l::::::.              `rィ     /            . . :i  Happy
  being happy _ゝ:::               ノ彡 _,、/             . . :.:く normal-
 normalfags j::::::               イ彡; j{ニj             . . :.:j`厶 fags!?
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 HAHAHA  {|`ヽ、::::;;ヽ       / ,ノ /ノ  How 了.  ー‐-、  ..  . . :.::,': :: :: |: /|\
 HAHAHA  ヽ   \:::\    , イ,イレ'  ) lame  |     "''    : :../::/: :: :/  ,イ::::::\
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   !!!!!!!  /;|     ,イ´.:.:.:.:.:.:`,!     ノ       > 、   . . :.:::_ィ‐'´ ,. '´ _,/::::::::::::::: 
                                          We've reached post 1001 after a long time.
                             Die happy normalfags & die newfags! NEET QUALITY FOREVER!!

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