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It turns out, Glasses doesn't have an iPod, but a Gigabeat...
- 1 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:49:58.71 ID:nD0FDWy80
- Gigabeat...?
- 2 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:52:30.47 ID:1wWHEygoO
- Thanks, man. Let's use this thread.
- 3 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:58:31.58 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- This thread it is, huh?
- 4 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:01:46.59 ID:nD0FDWy80
- We're staying in News Flash?w
Previous thread:
If you're new to this thread:
So much for the obligatory stuff.
- 5 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:03:47.80 ID:1wWHEygoO
- >>1 GJ
Won't posting the previous thread attract all the elitist oldfags?
- 6 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:04:12.32 ID:d7rKC1mp0
- I use a Gigabeat too!!
>>1 GJ
- 7 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:06:56.66 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>1 GJ
- 8 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:07:04.09 ID:nD0FDWy80
- 1000 Name:VIPPER Date:2008/01/20(Sun) 17:04:59.84 ID:lU6gjiJA0
If this post is >>1000, 1 will confess his love to Glasses within the first 100 posts of the next thread.
- 9 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:07:24.02 ID:ySvwebeU0
- >>1 GJ
- 10 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:08:34.26 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>1 GJ
- 11 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:08:59.62 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "I see, you've been working hard today as well. ^^ You even worked overtime.
I'm glad you were able to sleep yesterday. I was able to sleep well too.
Yes, I meant Ayanokouji Kimimaro. Looks like my mother is a fan. (lol)"
Do I reply like this!?
- 12 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:09:11.72 ID:1wWHEygoO
- >>8 Now that's something to look forward to.
- 13 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:10:01.29 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- Confess your love to her using the first word of every line in your e-mailwww
- 14 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:10:08.28 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- Will he confess within the first 100 posts or not? The suspense is too much!
- 15 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:10:29.39 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Here's an idea for a reply:
"Wow, you even worked overtime.
I guess it's only to be expected that there are lots of customers on Sundays. (+_+)
How long is your shift normally?
Yeah, my mother seems to like Kimimaro, she was happy when I put some Kimimaro and other older songs on her iPod for her. (lol)"
- 16 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:10:33.71 ID:1wWHEygoO
- So what do we ask her?
- 17 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:12:24.21 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- I'm
- 18 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:12:58.84 ID:+u85fMwM0
- How about asking Glasses about her favorite music artists?
- 19 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:14:20.11 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- If I really confessed my love to her within the first 100 posts, I'd be the most premature ejaculator in the worldwwwwww
- 20 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:15:03.19 ID:nD0FDWy80
- 1. Ask her about her workplace.
2. Ask her if she's working part-time to save up for something or if she has some different goal → probably to buy a Gigabeat.
3. Ask her what she normally does when she's not working.
You asked her about her favorite manga and stuff, didn't you? There wasn't much overlap with your tastes IIRC, right, >>1?
- 21 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:17:06.32 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "I see, you've been working hard today as well. You even worked overtime. I guess it's only to be expected that there are lots of customers on Sundays.(+_+)
I'm glad you were able to sleep yesterday. I was able to sleep well too.
Yeah, my mother seems to like Kimimaro, she was happy when I put some Kimimaro and other older songs on her iPod for her.
What kind of music do you listen to, Ms. Glasses?"
This is a pretty damn good reply, isn't it?wwwwwww
- 22 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:17:51.69 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- Isn't it better to expand on the manga topic?
- 23 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:18:58.20 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>21
Let's go with that for now.
But if you change the topic to music, I feel like it'll just end up backfiring on you, >>1w
- 24 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:19:21.08 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>20
Workplace → When she said she works at a bookstore, I asked her a little about it and that's about it.
Goal → Haven't asked her yet, but it's probably a Gigabeat.
What she normally does → Haven't asked her yet.
Favorite manga or books → I asked her, but forgot what she said. I remember how she said she likes pretty much everything.
- 25 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:19:23.36 ID:+u85fMwM0
- ELECT!! No, I mean EXCELLENT!!
I think it's good. Keep up the good work.
- 26 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:20:08.34 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Sentwwwwwwww
Even though I don't know jackshit about musicwwwwwwwwwPffwwww
- 27 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:21:28.99 ID:i/66Fgh20
- >>21
Looks good to mew
But whether asking her about music is a good idea or not depends on how much you know about music, >>1.
Also, if Glasses is friends with 2ndSis, it's possible that she's writing e-mails to your sister at the same time, right?
I'm not sure because I haven't read the previous thread yet, but does Glasses know that you're a shut-in?
- 28 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:23:06.52 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Our goal today should be to find out more about Glasses' private life.
- 29 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:23:16.70 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- Would
- 30 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:24:01.53 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>27
That's a pretty delicate matter, we really ought to write a mail to his sister and ask her about it.
- 31 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:25:15.26 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- I don't know why, but I imagine Glasses to look like Hakase Satomi from Negima.
- 32 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:25:57.42 ID:nD0FDWy80
- You haven't even asked her about her family name yet, have you?
Why don't you ask her and give her a better pseudonym based on it? I'm fine with "Glasses", but isn't it strange to keep going so long without asking her about her family name?w
- 33 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:26:13.05 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- There's this weird bird sitting on the balcony and it's been watching me fap for a while now.
It's incredibly lewd.
- 34 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:26:43.26 ID:clG1zKzi0
- You're a retardwwwwwwwww
- 35 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:27:29.89 ID:ySvwebeU0
- A birdwwwwwwww
- 36 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:28:30.54 ID:YQdkjs/t0
- Idea for a vertical confession:
"I hope work wasn't too hard on you today with working overtime and all. I
would have never thought that you work so hard since you didn't mention anything
like working part-time in a bookstore last time we met.
To be honest, I'm thinking of working part-time at a bar as it might be to my
taste. Since I don't have any experience with part-time jobs, I wanted to hear
your opinion as you're more experienced than me.
Damn, it's difficult to include "juices" without raising suspicion.
- 37 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:29:52.23 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- Yeah, well, jerking off can make a kind gentleman out of every horny man.
The effect only lasts for a very limited time though.
If you want it to last longer, blow your load three times in a row until you're completely empty.
Btw, has she replied yet?
- 38 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:29:57.61 ID:rC144Rmn0
- >>36
All I got out of your post is that it's difficult to use the word juices in a non-sexual context.
- 39 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:30:12.25 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- The Fapwatchingbird is still watching me...
It's so embarrassing. >///<
- 40 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:30:59.15 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- Don't give the bird weird nameswwwwwwwww
What are you fapping to, btw?
- 41 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:31:03.81 ID:ChC5MaHd0
- Isn't it better to get back the bigSisPod and fix the playlist to make things right?
- 42 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:31:37.03 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>39
That bird is a spy from Soul Society, you know?
- 43 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:31:58.57 ID:clw7edFmO
- I hope you're not fapping to Glasses.
- 44 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:33:08.54 ID:5BF+wzn2O
- Fapwatchingbirdwwwwwww
- 45 : I_want_to_become_one_with_a_cute_little_girl... : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:33:15.78 ID:q5fIMYuS0
- /Z,、
l~/ / _二フ
∠二ヽ-イ!」\\ >>39 Don't look at me like that... >///<
〉ァ〉|´⌒ヽ/ `\ /|
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| | r、」 ∨_-‐┘
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リL|__ト、〉、! \ \ |
>、 `\\\ Y
´ ̄ ∠)_y'‐ュ二;,‐、
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- 46 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:33:51.50 ID:xCXq12g8O
- >>43
I'm sorry.
- 47 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:33:52.65 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>39
The Fapwatchingbird has a built-in high-resolution CCD camera in the right eye.
- 48 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:34:16.07 ID:0gOEGI0g0
- Fapwatchingbirdwwwwwwwwww
Oh God, my sides hurtwwwwwwwww
- 49 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:35:07.70 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- I didn't last long when I imagined fondling Glasses' boobs and getting a footjob from Sweets.
I don't regret anything.
- 50 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:35:38.93 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>49
Oh, you!wwwwwwww
- 51 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:36:08.65 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>49
Sweets too!?www
- 52 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:37:10.94 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- Confess to her that you're a shut-in already.
And ask her to help you with your return to society.
How's that?
- 53 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:37:55.92 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- That bird is 2ndSis's loyal spy.
It observes every little thing you do only to return to 2ndSis's room to report it all to her.
And that's how you get sucked deeper and deeper into Glasses' and 2ndSis's joint scheme......
But don't forget that your oldest sister is actually the one pulling the strings.
- 54 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:37:57.21 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Write to her "Baby, if you were an iPod touch, I'd tap you all day.".
- 55 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:40:29.28 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Guys, forget the Fapwatchingbird.
She replied.
"Yeah! We have lots of customers on holidays. (smiley) No one comes on weekdays though. (>_<)
So you got some sleep?☆ I'm glad♪
Older songs, huh? Are you perhaps knowledgeable about music too?
I listen to music, but... I'm probably below average when it comes to that. (lol)
I don't know many songs, much less if it's newer stuff. (sweat)
What kind of music do you like, 1?"
Of course, the question came back to me... Guys, we have a problemwwwwwwwww
- 56 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:40:54.18 ID:clG1zKzi0
- >>49
Who did you think of when you came?
Sweets? Glasses?
- 57 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:41:47.81 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- Just tell her you only listen to anime songs.
She doesn't seem to be prejudiced against otaku, it should be fine.
- 58 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:41:55.00 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- Tell her the truth and list your favorite anime songs.
- 59 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:42:08.43 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Better play it safe and go with Ravel's "Jeux d'eau".
- 60 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:42:09.00 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- Name a few famous anime songs that don't sound like anime songs.
We might be able to measure her power level from her reaction.
- 61 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:42:12.01 ID:UNgv+NqIO
- Hey, weren't we going to Part Flash after the previous thread?
We don't decide things by post numbers anymore, what are we still doing here in VIP?
- 62 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:42:55.53 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>55
Yeah, we have a problem, alrightwwwwwwwww
- 63 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:43:26.31 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>56
Sumomo from Nanatsuiro Drops.
- 64 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:43:29.40 ID:ySvwebeU0
- Let's slowly shift from normals songs to anime songs...
- 65 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:43:54.58 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- >>63
You were having a foursome!?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 66 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:44:05.07 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- It's not a problem, it's your chance!
"I don't really have a genre I listen to a lot either.
So, why don't you recommend some of your favorite songs to me, Glasses?
I'll make sure to give them a listen."
or something along these lines. If you're lucky, she might even lend you her CDs and stuff.
And what was borrowed, must be returned.
That means, you'll have two opportunities to meet her, first to borrow the CDs from her, then to return them to her.
- 67 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:44:12.01 ID:+u85fMwM0
- How about Sound Horizon?
- 68 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:44:57.62 ID:6tuNrN9UO
- Salut Mademoiselle
- 69 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:48:04.17 ID:clw7edFmO
- >>66
That makes him seem rather unassertive though. A guy should be able to say what he likes.
Or she'll think he's one of those guys that always play it safe and just go with whatever the woman says which can be very tiring.
- 70 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:48:30.86 ID:RNP5EFWD0
- >>1
More like a Gibibyte.
- 71 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:49:41.78 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "I'm not very knowledgeable about music either. In fact, I think I'm below average when it comes to that too.
I don't really have a genre I listen to a lot either.
So, why don't you recommend some of your favorite songs to me?
I'll make sure to give them a listen.
By the way, I like ignited by T.M.Revolution."
I thought I'd mention an anime song that a fujoshi might like. Yay or nay?
- 72 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:49:53.90 ID:05MfrYDoO
- How about Bleach OPs and EDs?w
Or songs from other anime that fujoshi love, e.g. "Big Windup!".
- 73 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:50:09.81 ID:clw7edFmO
- You wouldn't want to date a girl who's so superficial she'd dislike you for being into anime songs anyway, so just tell her the truth.
- 74 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:50:11.35 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Why don't we go with anime songs by mainstream artists first?
"I don't know any recent mainstream songs either.
[Insert song] may be about all I know.
It's an anime song though. (lol)"
- 75 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:50:18.67 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- "I'm not sure if there's a genre I especially like.
I used to listen to Kinki Kids when 2ndSis was a fan of them.
But I personally prefer rock music!
I feel it's invigorating in many ways."
- 76 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:51:35.83 ID:clw7edFmO
- How come 1 is the only one using polite speech? Is Glasses older than him?
- 77 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:51:36.28 ID:i/66Fgh20
- It can be bands you used to listen to in the past too imo.
Btw, why did she ask if you're "knowledgeable about music too"?
What else are you knowledgeable about? Computers?w
Example for a reply:
"I think, rather than songs that are in the charts right now, I listen to older songs most of the time.
Currently, I listen to [insert band1] and [insert band2] a lot.
I also listen to my friends' anime song recommendations. (lol)
Which genre of music do you like, Ms. Glasses?"
Or is this too normal and boring?
- 78 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:51:58.55 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>69
It's part of the plan, of course.
If she's an otaku too, it might be okay to list only anime songs.
But if she's a normalfag, where's the sense in doing something that's likely to cause her to dislike you?
Deep dark secrets like that should only be shared after you've become good friends.
- 79 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:52:32.57 ID:nD0FDWy80
- If it was porn, okay, but these are just anime songs we're talking about here...
You wouldn't have a chance with her anyway if she was disgusted by something like anime songsw
Is the "So, why don't you recommend some of your favorite songs to me, Glasses? I'll make sure to give them a listen." part supposed to be a shift to casual speech? I guess it's weird if you both keep using polite speech forever, huh?
- 80 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:54:01.01 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- We'll soon be at 100 postsww
- 81 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:54:05.11 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "COLORS" (Code Geass OP)
"Dramatic" (Big Windup! OP)
"Ichirin no Hana" (Bleach OP)
Would these be better than "ignited"?
- 82 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:54:08.67 ID:nD0FDWy80
- Whoops, just noticed that Glasses uses casual speech...
Then it's kinda difficult to free yourself of casual speech if she doesn't ask you to first...
- 83 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:54:37.04 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>79
The problem in 1's case though is that he's not only into normal anime songs, but also weird shit like Chippaipanwww
- 84 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:54:47.28 ID:nD0FDWy80
- Let's go on the offense with mainstream anime songs first!
- 85 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:56:01.40 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>84
Mainstream anime songs? You must mean songs like Kiiroi Vacances and Mebae Drive!!
- 86 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:56:03.44 ID:+u85fMwM0
- I'd go with Karlmayer.
- 87 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:56:33.63 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>80 >>86
You guys are relentlesswwwwwwww
- 88 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:56:51.08 ID:clw7edFmO
- >>82 No, if she's already using casual speech, there's no reason why he can't slowly switch to casual speech too.
- 89 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:57:06.33 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- Switch to casual speech as if you've been using it from the beginning, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
- 90 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:57:33.30 ID:i/66Fgh20
- Huh?w
The way I see it, anime songs are songs that are actually used in anime and are included in their OST.
What you guys mean are just anime tie-up songs and not really anime songs imo.
- 91 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:57:45.80 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>76
I don't know her well and before I noticed it, I was already using polite speech...
I don't know if she's older than me or not.
- 92 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:57:48.24 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- "I've been listening to Karlmayer on endless repeat."
You can use this if you don't want to see her ever againwwwwww
- 93 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:57:51.03 ID:kiFUCzDk0
- I wanna know what happened to the Fapwatchingbird.
- 94 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:58:45.87 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- So which anime songs do I go with?wwwwwwwwwww
Porono Graffitti songs?wwwwwwwwww
- 95 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:58:56.92 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Tie-up songs should be okay.
- 96 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:59:49.92 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- >>94
Pick something from the bigSisPod playlist.
- 97 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:00:03.51 ID:nD0FDWy80
- The only anime songs I know are Keikenchi Joushouchuu and Together!
- 98 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:00:13.60 ID:05MfrYDoO
- >>94
Poronowwwwww Learn to spell it rightwww
- 99 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:00:39.36 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>96
I don't think she'd talk to him again if he did that.
- 100 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:01:15.13 ID:nD0FDWy80
- It all depends on her taste anyway, why don't you just tell her your favorite songs, >>1?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, you know? No sex songs though.
- 101 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:01:18.69 ID:i/66Fgh20
- Safest choices would be bands like Mr. Children and Spitz, huh?wwwwwwwwww
I wonder if Perfume would be acceptable too.
- 102 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:01:23.36 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "I'm not very knowledgeable about music either. In fact, I think I'm below average when it comes to that too.
I don't really have a genre I listen to a lot either.
I think, rather than songs that are in the charts right now, I listen to older songs most of the time.
Currently, I listen to Perno and Utada a lot.
I also listen to my friends' anime song recommendations. (lol)
Which genre of music do you like, Ms. Glasses?"
Like this?
- 103 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:01:32.66 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- >>99
The joke, over your head.
- 104 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:01:52.84 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>90
Doraemon songs, Anpanman songs and the Evangelion opening theme are examples of true anime songs.
Anime songs are basically songs you can only hear in the anime itself. Though songs that were specifically made for a certain character are called anime songs too.
The Prince of Tennis for example had a lot of those.
- 105 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:02:23.80 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>102
Let's stop with the lies.
It'll only make everything harder in the long run.
- 106 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:02:34.42 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- Beautiful Suzuki's character song was really good.
- 107 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:02:51.26 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Or do I kick it up a notch and mention some Evangelion or Haruhi songs instead?
Btw, the Fapwatchingbird watched me fap, then flew off into the sky.
- 108 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:03:48.33 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- You better hurry up and send it. She's probably waiting for it.
- 109 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:04:02.00 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- >I also listen to my friends' anime song recommendations. (lol)
This looks like it might cause a lot of trouble later onwww
- 110 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:04:09.29 ID:clw7edFmO
- Get rid of the "friends' recommendations(lol)" part! It sounds really lame, especially if she already knows from 2ndSis that you're an otaku.
- 111 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:04:11.91 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>102
Who's gonna buy that shit?wwwwwwww
- 112 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:04:15.20 ID:kiFUCzDk0
- Guess the Fapwatchingbird flew on to the next fapping person...
- 113 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:04:22.08 ID:nD0FDWy80
- Didn't she say that she broke up with her last boyfriend because their interests didn't match?
Don't be afraid to reveal your power level.
You couldn't shock someone like her who directly picks an Evangelion notebook out of many anywaywwww
- 114 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:05:14.13 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>1
Well, this is just a recommendation from me, but tell her Super Eurobeat is great.
If you've never heard of it, tell her you're thinking of giving it a try.
Volume 90 is great for a start if you wanna buy them. You'd have to buy it second-hand, but at least it's cheap.
It contains lots of songs you never get tired of, I can strongly recommend it.
- 115 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:05:59.01 ID:i/66Fgh20
- If you really listen to Porno and Utada, I don't see why you shouldn't mention them.
But if she's an otaku, it might be also interesting to go all out from the start.
In any case, just don't tell any lieswwwwwwwwwwww
- 116 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:07:44.31 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- The problem is that he wrote he listens to them "a lot"w
- 117 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:07:51.24 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- I changed that line with "friends" and sent it.
- 118 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:07:59.04 ID:u7r0I+nX0
- Why not just tell her honestly what kind of music you like?
- 119 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:08:14.59 ID:nD0FDWy80
- I just listened to Mebae Drive. Wasn't it the song you love, >>1? The song itself is well, okay, I think.
But what's with the title?w
- 120 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:08:59.02 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>117
Heywwww You damn cowardwwwww Did you drop the line with the anime songs?wwww
- 121 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:10:31.45 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>120
Now, now, he can still write about anime songs after seeing her reaction, you know?
If you keep trying to land a KO punch all the time, you're gonna eat a counter punch and get left lying therew
- 122 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:11:01.98 ID:5BF+wzn2O
- I was a 2ndSisfag, but I've decided to switch to the Fapwatchingbird from today on.
- 123 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:11:40.07 ID:P6MHNQTp0
- Round Table feat. Nino should be safe!
- 124 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:12:24.93 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- Didn't you already send her a mail like "I'm actually a hardcore otaku, I just couldn't tell you in front of everyone last time."?
- 125 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:12:44.93 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- You'd have been better off with CHA-LA-HEAD-CHA-LA imo.
- 126 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:12:48.94 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- Hey, no reply from her yet?
- 127 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:13:44.27 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "I'm not very knowledgeable about music either. In fact, I think I'm below average when it comes to that too.
I don't really have a genre I listen to a lot either.
I think, rather than songs that are in the charts right now, I listen to older songs most of the time.
Currently, I listen to Perno and Utada a lot.
I also listen to anime songs a little. (lol)
Which genre of music do you like, Ms. Glasses?"
↑Sent it like this.
- 128 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:14:20.55 ID:nD0FDWy80
- A little? You listen to anime songs a little?wwwww
- 129 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:14:40.54 ID:clw7edFmO
- >>123
Huh? Round Table counts as otaku music then!?
I was listening to them thinking they must be a very popular band.
- 130 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:14:49.25 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- What in the world is a Perno?w
- 131 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:15:58.58 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>125
Together with this one.
,;i|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ii;、 _/
/||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ii;、 \
/ ̄ ̄\||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ii;゙ヽ, /
'" ̄ヽ ヽ!!|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||!!"ヘ < I'll give you romance
ヽ ゙!!!|||||||||||| |||||||!! iヽ── /
|||l ゙゙ヽ、ll,,‐''''"" | ヽ||||||||| I'll give you romance
|||l ____ ゙l __ \|||||||||
||!' /ヽ、 o゙>┴<"o /\ |'" ̄| If you show me your true bravery
\ / |ミミヽ──‐'"ノ≡- ゙'──''彡| |、 | |
 ̄| |ミミミ/" ̄ 、,,/|l ̄"'''ヽ彡|| |、/ / I'll give you romance
ヽ、l| |ミミミ| |、────フヽ |彡l| |/ /_
\/|l |ミミミ| \_/ ̄ ̄フ_/ |彡|l/  ̄/ I'll give you romance
\ ノ l|ミミミ| \二二、_/ |彡| フ
 ̄\ l|ミミミ|  ̄ ̄ ̄ |メ/ \ The glisten light flutters in your heart
| \ ヽ\ミヽ  ̄ ̄"' |/ /
/ \ヽ、ヾ''''ヽ、_____// /_ I'll give you an iPod
/ ヽ ゙ヽ─、──────'/|  ̄/
. / ゙\ \ / / \__
───'''" ̄ ̄ ゙゙̄ヽ、__,,/,-'''" ̄ ゙''─
- 132 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:16:34.97 ID:P6MHNQTp0
- >>129 Round Table without Nino should be fine as they didn't do any songs for anime.
But even with Nino, their stuff is definitely not otaku-like, I think.
- 133 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:19:58.62 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- She's as fast as alwayswwww About three times faster than mewwwwww
"I see, I see♪ Guess we're on the same level when it comes to music then.(lol)
I said I don't know many songs, but if it's Porno and Utada Hikaru, even I listen to their songs. (smiley)
Do you have any songs you can recommend to me?
Btw, you listen to anime songs too? Am I right in the assumption that you like anime, 1?
If yes, what kind of anime do you watch?
I don't think I have a favorite music genre either. (>_<) I listen to everything, even anime songs. (lol)"
She took our bait, guys.
- 134 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:21:07.84 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>133
Well done. It should be easier for you to talk to her about anime songs from now onw
- 135 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:21:58.32 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Oh snapwww I sent it as Pernowwwwwww
It's like as soon as I expose part of my private parts to her, she follows suit and exposes hers to the same degree.
This looks like it's going to turn into a battle of wits!!!!!!!
- 136 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:22:28.69 ID:nD0FDWy80
- Whoa, she snapped at the bait like a hungry fishwww Keep going and tell her more about the things you like.
But no porn, get it?w Though she's most probably rotten anywaywww
- 137 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:22:35.03 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Yeah, Glasses is very obviously a fujoshi, right?
- 138 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:22:36.87 ID:clw7edFmO
- So she already knew you're an otaku.
- 139 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:23:22.84 ID:vVYubjAQ0
- She's replying pretty quickly even if we assume she doesn't have have anything better to do right now.
In other words, it's proof that Glasses wants to continue the e-mail exchange with you, >>1!
- 140 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:23:37.96 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- This is a more interesting battle of wits than Liar Game, by far.
- 141 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:24:07.67 ID:xCXq12g8O
- Round Table is fucking awesome.
They were originally a Shibuya-kei band, I don't think they made any anime songs before Nino joined.
- 142 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:24:34.91 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>137
First off, show us what you're thinking of replying to her e-mail.
- 143 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:24:35.35 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>138
My guess is that 2ndSis whispered it to her. No idea how much she told her though.
I think Glasses is only acting like she doesn't know out of consideration.
- 144 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:24:48.63 ID:vVYubjAQ0
- Don't worry about outing yourself as an otaku if she's one too. It'd be an entirely different case if she was a normalfag though.
- 145 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:26:34.26 ID:i/66Fgh20
- I knew she'd take the baitwwwwwwww I lol'd because she reacted just as I thoughtwwww
It's like she wants to talk about anime so badw Guess she had a feeling that you were an anime otaku from the beginning.
- 146 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:27:48.49 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- I'd say she initially wanted to hide the fact that she likes anime too, but now that it's out, things should be pretty straightforward from now on.
For a start, I can recommend Romeo's Blue Skies.
- 147 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:28:35.88 ID:clw7edFmO
- Well, even if by any chance Glasses turns out to be a normalfag, she must've at least heard from 2ndSis about your interests.
At the very least, she won't be surprised. You know what, write her a list of your favorite songs and there's bound to be one or two songs she likes too.
- 148 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:29:22.30 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "Songs I can recommend?
How about Melissa and Beautiful World? (lol)
Yes, I listen to anime songs and watch anime too.
I've been watching almost all of the late night anime lately, like CLANNAD."
How's this?
- 149 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:29:37.11 ID:rC144Rmn0
- It's okay to name anime songs now, right?
Let's go with Mebae Drive.
- 150 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:30:08.94 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- I can't shake off the feeling that...
everything's just going according to 2ndSis's planw
- 151 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:30:40.97 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- If we're going to give her a list of songs, we have to make it as diverse as possible to make it easier for her to pick a song from itw
- 152 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:31:04.73 ID:clw7edFmO
- >>141
I don't know anything about anime songs, the only anime songs I ever listen to are from the Chibi Maruko-chan Complete OST.
But you've caught my interest with the keyword "Shibuya-kei".
- 153 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:31:06.53 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- >>148
You sure don't go easy on herwwwwwwww
Fujibayashi Kyou is mai waifu btw.
- 154 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:31:12.06 ID:5BF+wzn2O
- >>148
I'd love to pat you on the shoulder and say you did good since you came up with it on your own, but no, that one's not goodwwwww
- 155 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:32:21.87 ID:vVYubjAQ0
- If you like Mebae Drive, you must have watched Hidamari Sketch...... I did too.
- 156 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:32:23.06 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>148
>I've been watching almost all of the late night anime lately
Makes it seem like you stay up late every nightwwwwwwww
Better change it to "For example, I've been watching CLANNAD lately.".
- 157 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:32:29.80 ID:nD0FDWy80
- Even someone like me who doesn't know much about anime songs can tell that it's not a good idea to mention a title called "CLANNAD"...w
- 158 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:32:48.58 ID:05MfrYDoO
- >>148
Careful! There aren't many girls that know CLANNAD!!
- 159 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:32:54.12 ID:clw7edFmO
- 1 racks his brain to come up with a reply and we pick it apart... Poor guy. (・ω・`)
- 160 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:33:26.42 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- Do we even have proof that she's an otaku?
- 161 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:33:40.06 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "Songs I can recommend?
How about Melissa and Beautiful World? (lol)
Yes, I listen to anime songs and watch anime too.
I watch pretty much everything really, from Doraemon to late night anime."
- 162 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:34:59.74 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>156
Whoops, I only suggested it because I don't know any anime at all.
Judging from the reactions, I guess it's an anime you shouldn't mention, huh?w
I'll leave it to the experts in the thread.
- 163 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:35:21.48 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "Songs I can recommend?
How about Melissa and Beautiful World? (lol)
Yes, I listen to anime songs and watch anime too.
For example, I've been watching CLANNAD lately."
Better now? Or is it creepy to mention CLANNAD after all?
- 164 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:35:25.03 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- CLANNAD is cool because it's life, from the cradle to the grave.
- 165 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:35:41.40 ID:vVYubjAQ0
- CLANNAD may be famous now, but it's still based on an adult game.
- 166 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:35:55.57 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- >>163
It's wiser not to drop the title a specific anime.
She won't know how to react if she doesn't know it or doesn't like it.
- 167 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:35:58.37 ID:i/66Fgh20
- I'm not an expert, but for the first time, you seem like a genuine anime otaku to mewww
At the same time, you just reminded me of how creepy anime otaku arewwww
Anyways, here's an idea for the lines about anime:
I'm currently into an anime called [insert anime].
Before, I was addicted to [insert anime] and used to watch it a lot.
I prefer late night anime in general because the more interesting ones get aired at night imo. (lol)
- 168 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:36:14.38 ID:rC144Rmn0
- It's lame to play it safe!
- 169 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:36:20.33 ID:05MfrYDoO
- >>161
Ohh! Looks pretty good to me!
- 170 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:36:35.19 ID:clw7edFmO
- 1, my boy, could you switch to casual speech for the second half of your reply?
- 171 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:37:12.14 ID:nD0FDWy80
- Come on, don't hold back. Keep in mind, she's a fujoshi.
If you keep throwing weak jabs at her and she'll just lose interestw
- 172 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:38:08.20 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "Songs I can recommend?
How about Melissa and Beautiful World? (lol)
Yes, I listen to anime songs and watch anime too.
I watch pretty much everything really, from Doraemon to late night anime.
I'm currently into an anime called Minami-ke.
Before, I was addicted to Haruhi and used to watch it a lot."
I hope... it's okay now...
- 173 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:39:30.65 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>172
Wouldn't you say it's a lot better now? Though it makes you look like a fan of moe anime.
But hey, if you're into stuff like that, >>1, it's perfectly okay.
- 174 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:39:39.53 ID:LidLu/qz0
- I think Haruhi's a safe choice.
Let's just go with that one, shall we?
- 175 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:39:43.84 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- >>1
Yeah, well, Haruhi is more famous than you'd think.
I'm not sure about Minami-ke though...
- 176 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:39:55.59 ID:rC144Rmn0
- Now that sounds a lot more like an anime otakuwwwwww
You're so cool, big bro!
- 177 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:39:59.10 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- You know what?
>>1 isn't lying about the shut-in part. I can tell.
- 178 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:41:04.16 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "Songs I can recommend?
How about Melissa and Beautiful World? (lol)
Yes, I listen to anime songs and watch anime too.
I'd say I watch pretty much everything, from Doraemon to late night anime.
I'm currently into an anime called CLANNAD. Before, I was addicted to Haruhi and used to watch it a lot."
Sent it like this.
- 179 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:41:44.54 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- It gets worse and worse with every new revisionwwww
- 180 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:41:52.56 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Now this is real otaku talkww GJwwww
- 181 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:41:58.37 ID:nD0FDWy80
- CLANNADwwwwwww The bar's been raised all of a suddenwwwww
- 182 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:42:05.40 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- Is it really a good idea to mention CLANNAD?w
- 183 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:42:14.02 ID:clw7edFmO
- You sure write about yourself a lot. Guess there'll be no stopping you once you start writing to her about anime.
Hope she can keep up with you then.
- 184 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:42:38.43 ID:i/66Fgh20
- I only watch anime like Moyashimon, so I can't help you with that, but you could also ask her:
"Do you know Haruhi, Ms. Glasses?"
The only people who know about Haruhi are 2channers, NicoNicofags and anime otakuwwwwww
- 185 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:42:42.00 ID:9zpe4RPa0
- This is funwww
- 186 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:42:46.48 ID:LidLu/qz0
- CLANNAD may be based on an adult game, but it's not a porn game and the focus is on the sad story. I don't see anything wrong with mentioning it.
- 187 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:43:27.28 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- Why are you so obsessed with Doraemon and that CLANNAD one?wwwwww
I'm guessing you figured that by mentioning Doraemon you'd look less like an otaku, but uuun...w
- 188 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:44:54.91 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Sorry, guys. It's because I'm a shut-in and a genuine otaku that I couldn't come up with a reply she'd be pleased with.
I fucked up.
- 189 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:45:27.66 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- >>187
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw "uuun" in your post was Galaxy Angel-uun. I'm a hopeless case...
- 190 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:45:43.28 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- The way I imagine Glasses, she likes manga along the lines of:
One Piece
- 191 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:45:53.62 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- >>188
Don't give up before she's even replied yet.
- 192 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:46:12.13 ID:nD0FDWy80
- You might as well have tossed a coin.
It's a sad truth that there are women in this world who show a strong aversion against porn games, porn manga and everything related to porn as if they were holy virgins themselves, you know?
- 193 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:46:59.33 ID:LidLu/qz0
- >>190 I can see her reading the rest, but Jojo?
- 194 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:46:59.39 ID:clw7edFmO
- 1, even if you'd written something to please her, it'd only have sounded fake and not like you at all! Don't worry so much.
- 195 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:47:02.75 ID:rC144Rmn0
- Now she knows how broad your taste in anime is! It goes from Doraemon to CLANNAD!
- 196 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:47:20.06 ID:5BF+wzn2O
- You didn't fuck up. Remember, you're up against a Hollow.
- 197 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:48:24.73 ID:clw7edFmO
- You should've mentioned Laputa too while you were at it.
- 198 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:48:32.37 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>188
No, you didn't fuck upw
We're almost 100% certain that she's a fujoshi, she should be able to cope with whatever you throw at her.
But try to mention anime she'd find interesting too.
- 199 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:49:24.09 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- So we're dealing with a fujoshi here? Let's see, what do I know about fujoshi?
Uhh, all I can come up with is Hiyorin... I'm a hopeless case...
- 200 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:50:33.93 ID:rC144Rmn0
- >>199
What a coincidence, me too. Though, in my case, it was a Hiyorin with big boobs.
- 201 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:52:42.78 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- (Glasses is googling "CLANNAD" right now...)
- 202 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:53:22.84 ID:xFJsWjvf0
- She hasn't replied yet?
- 203 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:53:27.12 ID:XdCnSMHy0
- "Let's create the new phrase of the year togetherwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
Take a look the posts >>873-879 in the thread.
Then vote for the top 5 phrases you'd like to see chosen for the phrase of the year.
The winning phrase will be announced in a new thread.
- 204 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:53:28.27 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- She's probably busy watching Sazae-san.
- 205 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:53:54.29 ID:LidLu/qz0
- >>204
That's it!!
- 206 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:55:12.81 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- Rather than trying to write something she'd be happy with...
Try to think of what to write to bait a fujoshi. Get it?
- 207 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:55:40.09 ID:05MfrYDoO
- I, for one, think going with Haruhi was a good idea.
Because you see, there's something called KoizumiXKyon and fujoshi love it.
- 208 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:55:44.23 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>206
That's it.
- 209 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:56:51.84 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- A reply camewwwwwwwww
"Those two are pretty recent songs, aren't they? (lol)
I knew you watch anime. (smiley) What else would you stay up late every night for? (smiley)
I'm never confident I can stay up that long, so I record them instead. But I haven't gotten to watching them at all. (sweat)
You really like Dora-chan, don't you, 1? Well, I like him too♪
I haven't watched Doraemon since the voice actors and the art changed... Once in a while, I watch the old Doraemon movies though. (smiley)
As for Haruhi, I have all the original light novels. (lol) You seem like a loyal viewer of KyoAni's works, 1. (lol)
I'm about to go out to a meal with 2ndSis now! (^u^)
I'll write you an e-mail again. ☆"
- 210 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:57:36.76 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- I knew it, she was watching Sazae-sanw
- 211 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:58:09.80 ID:clw7edFmO
- Isn't it weird when it seems like you always have the time to reply to her e-mails?
She might end up thinking you're a slacker with nothing to do.
So why don't you sometimes wait for a few hours before you reply? If you were a normal guy with a normal life, you wouldn't have to worry about stuff like that though.
- 212 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:58:10.42 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- No reaction to CLANNAD... huh?
- 213 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:58:33.28 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- I don't get it. Is this a good reaction or a bad one?
- 214 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:58:36.83 ID:Rphxfp+00
- KyoAniwwwwww
- 215 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:59:08.50 ID:nD0FDWy80
- She ignored CLANNADw
It's obvious she's quite the otaku since she used the acronym "KyoAni", but I guess it was still too early to mention an adult game, huh?
What do we do now?
- 216 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:59:09.27 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- To think we'd see the word KyoAni in one of her e-mails...
- 217 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:59:28.49 ID:rC144Rmn0
- She figured out that you're a KyoAni fanw
- 218 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:59:33.87 ID:xFJsWjvf0
- She's going out to a meal with 2ndSiswwwww
- 219 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:59:36.41 ID:KoL9yR4M0
- Wait a moment, guys.
Isn't it too hasty to decide that Glasses is a severe case of a fujoshi?
But wow, KyoAni?w
- 220 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:59:41.08 ID:xCXq12g8O
- Meal with 2ndSis
- 221 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:59:46.20 ID:05MfrYDoO
- Good job, OP.
I knew Haruhi was a good idea.
- 222 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 18:59:57.38 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- She'll go out to a meal with 2ndSiswwww
And tell her everything about your e-mailswwwwwwww
- 223 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:00:15.75 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- Meal with 2ndSis.....
- 224 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:00:39.04 ID:P6MHNQTp0
- Glasses must be a master otaku with 18 years of field experience.
- 225 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:01:09.03 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- She wrote KyoAniwwwwww
More importantly, she's going to have a meal with 2ndSiswwwwwwwwwww
- 226 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:01:12.21 ID:sXORs2vtO
- For those who don't know, CLANNAD was animated by KyoAniww
- 227 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:01:13.04 ID:nD0FDWy80
- Ahh, with 2ndSis, she means your second sister, >>1...
Well, for now, send Glasses a reply and try to meet up with your second sister.
- 228 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:01:49.27 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Which department is 2ndSis enrolled with at university?
- 229 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:01:52.72 ID:xFJsWjvf0
- Send 2ndSis an e-mail.
- 230 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:02:12.16 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "Okay, have fun! TTYL!
Say hello to 2ndSis for me!!"
is what I replied.
- 231 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:03:05.67 ID:clw7edFmO
- Yeah, 1, go to 2ndSis and and ask her to help you out with Glasses.
- 232 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:03:05.89 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>230
She'll say hello to your sister for you nowwww
- 233 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:03:22.84 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- You even wrote TTYL?wwww
- 234 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:03:54.20 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- Where can I find a summary of this thread?
- 235 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:04:27.01 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- 2ndSis isn't at homewwwwwwwwwwwwww
Haven't seen her since yesterdaywwwwwwwwwwwww
- 236 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:04:49.55 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>234
- 237 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:06:19.79 ID:clw7edFmO
- What if 2ndSis and Glasses have been hanging out together since last night?
- 238 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:06:38.38 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>228
Department of education.
- 239 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:07:32.31 ID:5BF+wzn2O
- Can't take my eyes of this threadwwwww
- 240 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:08:17.73 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- I have a really bad feeling about thiswwwwwwww
- 241 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:08:57.83 ID:rC144Rmn0
- >>237
Another one of 2ndSis's traps.
- 242 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:09:57.22 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- The Fapwatchingbird is back btw. What does this bird want from me?
- 243 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:10:53.93 ID:yaZfndVz0
- >>242
Does that mean the Bird flag has been raised?
- 244 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:12:01.56 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- >>242
It means, Mr. Bird is after his anus.
- 245 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:12:24.13 ID:clw7edFmO
- >>242 It wants you to do you-know-what again.
- 246 : 2ndSis : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:14:36.65 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- : : : : : : : :./: :/ : : :.;、: : : : : : .:.:.ヽ: :/ ヽ
: : : : : : :/: : : : :/: : :.:厂`ヽ; :.ヽ.:. : : .:.| Glasses, l
: : : : : :/: :.:./:./.: : :./ |: :.:.l.:.: : : :| show me|
: : : : :.,′.:/:;イ: :l: :/ |: :.:.|:.|.:. :.:.| the mails|
: : : :.:.|: : /:/ | /|:.:l j:.l:/|:.|:.:| : | 1 sent |
: : : :.:.|:.:/「:冂:{丁:ト /ィ'ナTオ: !.:.:| to you |
: : : :.:.l:.代斤テ寸:.{ / 厶孑fテ | : | w |
: : .:.:从 ` `¬'′ └ー'イ.:.j: : \___.ノ
: : : :.{:トヽ、 ,イ:.ノ.:. : :|:.:|
: :l: : |:| 彡イ: : : : .:|:.:|
: :l: :.ハ ' '′ /.:.: : : : :|: j
: :|:.:{:.从 'ー---‐ァ' ,イ: : : : } : j:/
: :|:.:|:{\\ ` ̄´ l:/.:. : .:./: /
:.小从 `ゝ> 、 ,イ__,イ: : ;彡':.:/
ヽト、{ \ `ツ´| 又イ/ ,//
| ヽ `<.__/ | ,イ\ __
| ,仆、 | | ト、
ト、 /l:|爪 | j | ゙i、
! >、,//:h:|:l\_./ / | | ヽ
゙、 // 川:| / / | | l
\// / 川. / / リ | |
- 247 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:14:43.94 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Just when I was about to get my camera to expose its perverted visage on the internet, it flew away.
Did I unknowingly leave the Glasses route and enter the bird route somewhere along the way?
- 248 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:15:42.10 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>246
Ahhhhhh, I can totally see her say that.
But I trust Glasses not to show them to her.
- 249 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:15:54.08 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>247
The bird route has only two possible ends though, the forever alone end and the suicide end.
- 250 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:15:56.29 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- >>247
Since when were you under the impression that you were on the Glasses route?
- 251 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:16:18.11 ID:yaZfndVz0
- It's also possible that you're actually on the 2D route.
- 252 : Glasses : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:16:55.09 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- /.:i l.... /'´ / .::: /: /|;、ヽ;ヽ: | i::::::::l:::::l
/.::l l:/ / , ;'::// :: .イ:: /; l:|ヽ. ヾ,ヾ| |:::::::::i:::::l
イ::l. l /:::: / / // /; |:| ヽ ヾ;| |:: :::i::l;;::l
/ .l :l. l レ:/ / / // !| ヽ | |: ::|::|;;:|
/ i | l l::ケ' ̄l/..:`.`/ ー|‐- 、 i:| | :|:::∧
! | | |:__>ナ‐tjトiミ '´,た_ ``┤ :| |::ト;:ヽ
. i ! | |: ゝ`-' ' ' iソ iYヾニ | :| |::ト, :::i
∧ | |:. i `l_, _l´ `" ;. | :| |:ト; ;/ See what he wrote to me? Can you believe it?
ヾ .i | |::. ヽ、 _ノ ;: ',. i ,| :.| |::/V What do I do with him now?
〉.l | |:ヽ _ ` - ' ィ | l.| |:!ヽ.:ヽ
/::/i l |:::::::`i 、 ヽ _ ̄' ノ .| | l.| |:ヽ ヽ ::ヽ
i/...:| l |::::::::| >i 、 , ' | | i.| |:、::ヽ.ヽ:::l
, -‐' ´l i l |:::::::| / i ` -- ' !.| i.| i ヽ;ヽソ
. , ' ´ l l. l |:::::::|' ' Y l l l `ヽ
/ , ' |.l l .|::::::i | | | i `ヽ
- 253 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:17:47.38 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>252
I creeped her out with my e-mails, didn't I...
- 254 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:18:27.44 ID:M2yQH9i10
- >>1
Do you think Glasses is into Tokusatsu?
My girlfriend has been showing signs of turning fujoshi and she likes it.
I hear, most female otaku are into Tokusatsu.
- 255 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:18:49.92 ID:nD0FDWy80
- >>253
You? Creep her out!? Dude, it's highly likely that she belongs to that strange type of people who are responsible for bizarre inventions like the Yaoi Hole, you know?
- 256 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:19:57.02 ID:yaZfndVz0
- >>253
She's otaku enough to have bought all Haruhi light novels. Rather than being creeped out, she's probably just happy she found a fellow otaku she can talk about otaku stuff with...
- 257 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:20:02.60 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- FUUUUUUCK! I have to do something before I've completely switched to the bird route!!!!
But what if that bird is actually a ♀...?
- 258 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:22:00.28 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- If 2ndSis is in the department of education, can we follow that Ms. Glasses is there too?
If yes, it might be your chance, Mr. Glasses.
- 259 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:23:05.69 ID:rC144Rmn0
- Ask her if she thinks Nurikabe X Kitarou is a good pairing.
- 260 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:23:17.69 ID:yaZfndVz0
- You wanna do something? Good. Get 2ndSis to take you with her when she goes out with Glasses next time.
Writing e-mails back and forth won't get you anywhere.
- 261 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:26:13.79 ID:clw7edFmO
- Tell her that you always wanted to read the Haruhi light novels and get her to lend them to you personally.
- 262 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:28:17.17 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- Glasses and 2ndSis should be having dinner together right now, talking about this and that.
- 263 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:28:31.56 ID:LidLu/qz0
- >>1 Have you read the Haruhi light novels?
If you have, it could serve as a nice topic of conversation for you two.
- 264 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:31:41.46 ID:i/66Fgh20
- You know, maybe it's not that she's a big otaku, but that she's just into light novels?
It's difficult to tell from her e-mails which shows she's currently watching.
Judging from the way she writes, however, I feel like she's suppressing her power level just like 1 though...
Btw, what the heck is KyoAni?wwwwwwww
Also, I don't think a girl would talk to you about adult games even if she happens to know them.
For now, since you both seem to know Haruhi, talk to her about that until you find a new topic.
- 265 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:34:18.22 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- >>246
KyoAni is the studio that made the Haruhi anime and the Lucky☆Star one, among others.
- 266 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:35:58.01 ID:LidLu/qz0
- I'd like to add that CLANNAD is a KyoAni anime too.
- 267 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:36:21.63 ID:1wWHEygoO
- Why would you ask her to say hello to 2ndSis?
She'll probably just tell her everything...
Meh, maybe it'll save you the trouble of having to tell her yourself.
- 268 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:37:32.37 ID:LidLu/qz0
- Is this 2ndSis you guys keep mentioning our enemy or something?
- 269 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:37:50.38 ID:yaZfndVz0
- >>267
At the same time, it might give 1 the opportunity to find out more about Glasses from 2ndSis.
- 270 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:39:14.29 ID:bVVxA9vW0
- The >>1 of this thread says he wants his picture photoshopped.
Get in here if you can into photo editing:
1 Name:VIPPER Date:2008/01/20(Sun) 18:01:25.59 ID:0bNh/RxXO
I'll post my picture in a bit, please make me look handsome in it. Because I feel like it'll actually turn me into a more popular guy starting tomorrow.
- 271 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:40:24.94 ID:1wWHEygoO
- If this didn't creep Glasses out, nothing will. You might as well take off your limiters then, >>1w
- 272 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:40:35.85 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>257
Don't switch to the bird route! You haven't talked to her about so many things yet, like that TV show that reveals how anime voice actors look likewww
- 273 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:42:56.16 ID:i/66Fgh20
- So CLANNAD and Haruhi were both made by KyoAni?
Guess it's decided that she's a fujoshi then, huh?
Because if she was a casual anime watcher, she wouldn't know which animation studio did which anime...w
I also think 2ndSis only let you meet Glasses the other day because she knew that you two share the same hobbies.
One more thing. In my mind, most fujoshi are 2channers, so what if Glasses is one too and stumbles upon this thread?
As far as I've checked, everything up to the previous thread is already on the summary blogw
- 274 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:56:40.00 ID:LidLu/qz0
- No one here anymore?
- 275 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:59:13.44 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- I'm just lurking. I don't have anything to contribute coz I don't know shit about anime.
- 276 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 19:59:21.58 ID:yaZfndVz0
- I'm still aroundw
What's >>1 doing? Is he having dinner?
- 277 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:00:45.67 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- I am here.
- 278 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:01:51.45 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- I'm guessing you still haven't gotten a reply yet.
Let's wait for it together patiently.
- 279 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:02:33.84 ID:LidLu/qz0
- When do you think Glasses and 2ndSis will be back?
- 280 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:03:17.13 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Dunno. I don't think it'll take very longw
- 281 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:04:51.36 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- What if 2ndSis brings her home with her...
- 282 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:05:52.02 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>281
I have to remodel my room then!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 283 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:05:52.46 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Tidy up your roomwwww
- 284 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:07:27.93 ID:LidLu/qz0
- >>282
How does your room look like now?
- 285 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:08:00.92 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- I don't think Glasses will actually come to your place, but clean up your room anyway, just to be surewww
- 286 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:08:07.30 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Upload pics of your room please.
- 287 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:08:40.58 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- Woot! Pics of 1's room!
- 288 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:09:21.85 ID:i/66Fgh20
- Yeah, I'd like to see your room too, 1wwww
- 289 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:09:38.42 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Start with changing the wallpaper on your PC, manw
- 290 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:11:32.46 ID:1wWHEygoO
- By the way, where do you go in FF4 when Cecil's alone with that little girl?
I entered a cave after wandering around aimlessly, but Cecil quickly died...
I know this isn't the right thread for this, but maybe someone knows.
- 291 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:11:39.26 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- I did some analysis.
Those two are pretty recent songs, aren't they? (lol)
(She knows the two songs and even knows they're anime tie-up songs.)
I knew you watch anime. (smiley) What else would you stay up late every night for? (smiley)
(She can understand why someone would stay up late for anime.)
I'm never confident I can stay up that long, so I record them instead. But I haven't gotten to watching them at all. (sweat)
(That she records stuff means she's watching at least one or two anime of the current season.)
You really like Dora-chan, don't you, 1? Well, I like him too♪
(Hey, there we have something we both like.)
I haven't watched Doraemon since the voice actors and the art changed... Once in a while, I watch the old Doraemon movies though. (smiley)
(Glasses prefers Nobuyo's voice.)
As for Haruhi, I have all the original light novels. (lol) You seem like a loyal viewer of KyoAni's works, 1. (lol)
(Is she a Haruhi fan? Since she knows KyoAni, does she know CLANNAD too?)
I'm about to go out to a meal with 2ndSis now! (^u^)
I'll write you an e-mail again. ☆
(A meal with 2ndSis means that she might tell 2ndSis everything that's happened so far.)
- 292 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:12:46.26 ID:1wWHEygoO
- >>1 Upload pics of how your room looks like before you clean up:
- 293 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:13:03.42 ID:LidLu/qz0
- >>291
If she knows KyoAni, she might know other Key anime too.
- 294 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:13:12.02 ID:pX+pil+a0
- Can't wait for the pics.
- 295 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:13:50.48 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- I've never uploaded a picture to imepita before, how do I upload one from a cell phone?
- 296 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:14:49.03 ID:c0BoRYiM0
- 1, do you think Glasses likes you?
- 297 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:15:34.52 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Her last line "I'll write you an e-mail again. ☆" is a big step forward imo.
Let's just hope 2ndSis doesn't ruin itwwww
- 298 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:16:44.75 ID:i/66Fgh20
- If 2ndSis and Glasses are having dinner alone, they're bound to talk about >>1, their common subject.
Dunno what happens if there's someone else with them thoughw
- 299 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:16:44.86 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Send a mail to p@imepita.jp with the picture you want uploaded attached.
- 300 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:17:09.46 ID:1wWHEygoO
- Attach a picture to an e-mail and send it to >>292.
You'll get a reply with an image URL. Post it here.
- 301 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:17:26.46 ID:yaZfndVz0
- >>295
Take a picture with your cell phone and send it by e-mail to imepita.
They'll reply with an address of an image.
Post said address in the thread.
- 302 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:23:13.94 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Stuff like this is all over my room.
My bed is under it btw.
http://imepita.jp/20080120/732240 (Image was deleted by 1.)
- 303 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:23:52.53 ID:yaZfndVz0
- 304 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:24:15.80 ID:1wWHEygoO
- >>302 wwww
I don't know what to say.
- 305 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:24:30.19 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- What in the actual fuck?wwwwwwwwwww
And you're even a niconico fagw
- 306 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:24:45.73 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- >>302
I can see mai waifu therewwwwwwwwww
- 307 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:24:53.86 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- That looks horriblewwwww
- 308 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:25:11.21 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- The only things in my room are a TV and a PC on a desk.
Oh, and a bookshelf next to the door. That's all.
- 309 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:25:27.71 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Not as bad as I figured, actually. But even if you manage to become friends with Glasses,
will you be able to give up on all those girlfriends in your room?
- 310 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:25:40.93 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Reported and called the policewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 311 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:26:32.51 ID:i/66Fgh20
- You might wanna start by taking off all those posters....w
Take pictures of the rest of your room and upload them while you're at it.
- 312 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:26:58.47 ID:1wWHEygoO
- Take the posters off carefully and hide them somewhere safewwww
- 313 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:26:59.08 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- Taking off all those posters would be a start.
- 314 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:27:28.23 ID:LidLu/qz0
- Upload a pic of your bookshelf.
- 315 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:28:55.42 ID:pX+pil+a0
- >>302 is mai waifu.
- 316 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:31:14.49 ID:TRkT6T2T0
- I know it depends on where she lives, but what do you guys think she's watching this season?
ARIA maybe? Or Gundam if she's a fujoshi.
- 317 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:31:36.36 ID:Fy/MJMACO
- Show us the rest of your room.
- 318 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:31:56.15 ID:clw7edFmO
- Are the people in this thread really otaku virgin shut-in NEETs with uncircumsized penises?
- 319 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:32:21.14 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- >>316
Are there many girls that watch ARIA?
- 320 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:32:52.56 ID:N3KqQL3E0
- Guys, hear me out, let me tell you about something that happened to me yesterdaywwwwwwwwwwwwww
Some creepy otaku was actually listening to a Gigabeat(LOL) in a train right in front of my eyes yesterdaywwww
And you know what I heard?ww If you fasten the Gigabeat(LOL) to its strap, it hangs upside down, can you believe that?www
And it only has a few gigabytes of storagewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I was likewwwwwwwww this guy's so lamewwwwwwwwwwww
So I pulled out my 80GB iPod out of my pocketwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
When he saw it, his face went all red and he quickly stuffed his upside-down Gigabeat(ROFL) into his bag and got off at the next station as if to run awaywwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Say what you will, the iPod is still TEH shitwwww Most of its users are handsome guys, while users of other players are all ugly as fuckwww
The whole world thinks the iPod is cool, stylish, and popular. It's world famous and I use it too!
The other players are seen as lame, "WTF LOL" tier and "creepy shit for otaku" tierwwww
I don't know much about them and I don't need to because why would you use anything besides the iPod? is what everyone sayswwwwwwwwwwwww
Just having an iPod with you instantly makes you popular among girlswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Well, the fat, snotty, uncircumcised, creepy, ugly non-iPodders would never understand and make all kinds of otaku-ish excuses only to live short tragic liveswww
Loserswwwww PffwwwwwwHahahahawwwwwwwww
- 321 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:33:37.71 ID:1wWHEygoO
- This might be >>1's turning point in his lifewwww
Let's help him escape his 2D obsession!
- 322 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:33:43.08 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- I can't be assed to take pics of every corner of my room. It wouldn't be very interesting to look at anyway.
For now, I'll show you the worst parts of my room instead.
http://imepita.jp/20080120/738970 (Image was deleted by 1.)
There's a small TV on top of this.
- 323 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:34:38.88 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Huh? Where have I seen that before...
- 324 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:34:58.40 ID:lB32oZMg0
- Oh boyw A NESwww
- 325 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:35:09.12 ID:004QfZm90
- >>322
What's a flute doing there? Is it a recorder?
- 326 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:35:21.09 ID:1wWHEygoO
- >>318 I'm a 33-year-old salaryman and I'm not a virgin. What now?
- 327 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:35:23.96 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- I see a recorderwwwww Why do you have a recorder?wwww
- 328 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:35:35.89 ID:iC0YGOGG0
- If you read this post, you're doomed to have a traffic accident.
There's only one way to avoid it.
↓Go to this thread and post the following without writing anything in the e-mail field.
If you don't, you're doomed to end up in a traffic accident tomorrow.
It's even more effective if you repost this post in a different thread.
- 329 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:35:53.84 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- A recorderwwww
And a NESwwwwwwww
- 330 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:35:55.06 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- You still play NES in 2008?wwww
- 331 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:36:19.62 ID:1wWHEygoO
- I love how there's a recorderwwwwwwww
- 332 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:36:25.85 ID:c0BoRYiM0
- Well, I'll be damnedwwww
Didn't expect 1 to be a retro gamerww
- 333 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:36:41.85 ID:clw7edFmO
- Am I just seeing things or is that a recorder?
- 334 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:36:56.57 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- Why do you have a recorder? Are you Jaguar?wwwwwwwww
- 335 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:38:53.03 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Looks pretty normal to me, there's no need to tidy up imo. On the contrary, leave it like that and she might offer to do it for you.
- 336 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:40:00.72 ID:yaZfndVz0
- It looks super messy if you let all the cables lie around on the floor.
- 337 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:40:43.48 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- >>335
Do you really think >>1 could sit back and watch as Glasses tidies up his room? There's probably way too much he doesn't want her to see.
- 338 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:40:53.59 ID:1wWHEygoO
- Go to Daiso and get one of those rolling cleaners!
If nothing else, just make sure you get rid of the heaps of pubic hair on the floorwwww
- 339 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:41:05.38 ID:rC144Rmn0
- Is it an alto recorder?
- 340 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:41:10.57 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Hide your Playstation for now and leave only the NES and the recorder there for her to seewww
- 341 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:41:19.52 ID:i/66Fgh20
- You sure you're not just showing us the cleaner parts of your room?w
- 342 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:41:24.60 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Here you can see the part of my bookshelf with my treasured box of DVDs:
http://imepita.jp/20080120/743200 (Image was deleted by 1.)
- 343 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:41:31.80 ID:clw7edFmO
- It sucks having to clean upw
- 344 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:42:04.40 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Don't panic if she should start cleaning up your room and instead try to catch a glimpse at her cleavage when she bends over something.
That should be more up your alley, >>1.
- 345 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:42:22.32 ID:tv8Kauuq0
- Don't mind me, just a 28-year-old man with wife and kids coming through.
- 346 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:42:58.88 ID:rC144Rmn0
- Hidamari Sketch DVDswwww
- 347 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:42:59.72 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- >>342
Fuck yeah, Yunocchi!
- 348 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:44:20.20 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- When I die, please bury me with my Hidamari DVD box in my coffin.
- 349 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:44:23.14 ID:TRkT6T2T0
- >>319
I wouldn't know, I'm not a woman.
But it's about the only late night anime I can think of this season that girls might watch. I can't imagine them watching "GeGeGe no Kitarou" or "You're Under Arrest". Can you?
- 350 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:44:28.87 ID:i/66Fgh20
- I once had a girlfriend and she never cleaned my room for mewwwww
- 351 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:45:31.96 ID:rC144Rmn0
- >>348
Don't worry, I'll gladly hold on to it and treasure it as a keepsake of you.
- 352 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:46:32.29 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Not every girl likes cleaning up others' rooms, it's better to just do it on your ownw
- 353 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:46:37.45 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- The Nanoha and Fate posters are my favorites.
Well, okay, I got a Miku poster too, but I don't watch niconico that muchwww
And yes, I still play NES. I like my NES more than my PS2, to be honest.
My recorder is a soprano recorder.
- 354 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:47:00.86 ID:Rphxfp+00
- Is that a "Shikii no Jūnin" volume lying around in your bookshelf?
It's great, isn't it?
- 355 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:47:08.06 ID:clw7edFmO
- Forget getting my room cleaned, my ex-girlfriend didn't even let me into her roomw
- 356 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:47:23.79 ID:yaZfndVz0
- Cover the shelf with a thin cloth using drawing pins, it should make for a much cleaner look.
Glasses cleaning up your room?www In your dreams, maybewwwwwwww
- 357 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:48:08.07 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>354
Yeah. I like Comic Beam manga, especially if it's by Shimura Takako.
- 358 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:50:11.75 ID:rC144Rmn0
- I'm not sure because my eyes are bad, but I think I see some Azumanga Daioh and Mokke volumes in that shelf.
- 359 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:52:50.88 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- I don't see why he should hide his otaku stuff.
It'd be something else if it was porn or gore, but this is harmless.
As long as you keep it neat and tidy, most girls won't really mind.
- 360 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:54:31.19 ID:JFzVLr7m0
- >>357
In other words, >>1 is into boys and girls at the beginning of puberty with gender identity disorder, huh?
Btw, Anna is mai waifu.
- 361 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:54:35.52 ID:mexI/Uki0
- Just got here, summary in 3 lines please.
- 362 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:54:35.21 ID:eLIsGogH0
- Is it just me or is everyone making fun of the Gigabeat?
I happen to have one and I'm charging it up for tomorrow right now...
- 363 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:55:01.18 ID:Rphxfp+00
- >>354
I like both Comic Beam and Shimura Takako too. I personally find Love Buzz to be her best work.
If it's Shimura Takako manga, I'm sure even girls can enjoy them without any of the usual prejudices.
- 364 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:55:21.47 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- I'll get out the vacuum cleaner and clean my room now!!!!!!!!!
And I guess Miss Nanoha will have to go into hiding for a while.
I really can't let Glasses see it if she should decide to show upwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 365 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:55:58.34 ID:mexI/Uki0
- I wonder if I'm the only one that has a Gigabeat T401S?
- 366 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:56:32.96 ID:Rphxfp+00
- I quoted the wrong post. orz
I meant to quote >>357
- 367 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:56:39.93 ID:yaZfndVz0
- We don't even know if she'll come to your placewww And you should always try to keep your room clean, regardless of whether a girl's coming to visit you or notwwwww
- 368 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:57:08.92 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- My favorite Shimura Takako manga is probably Dou ni ka Naru Hibi. Add it to the list of things in my room I have to hide.
- 369 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:58:05.18 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Glasses might like manga like "Sora no Manimani".
- 370 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:58:25.84 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- If I was you, I'd show her how I like 2D, but always make clear how I prefer 3D when it comes down to it.
For instance, when you enter your room together, say "Nanoha, I have returned!". With that, you're sure to capture the heart of a girl like her that's a fan of Gato.
- 371 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 20:58:33.54 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- Am I the only iRiver user here?
- 372 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:01:02.19 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>370
I'm sure that's a great advice, but I'm afraid I can't really follow youw
- 373 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:03:38.97 ID:lU6gjiJA0
- You don't want her to think you're an anime otaku, right? Then just let some 3D porn lie around for her to see.
- 374 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:04:00.64 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- >You seem like a loyal viewer of KyoAni's works, 1. (lol)
It's like she's being sarcastic and is making fun of 1 with this line. Or am I just thinking too much into it?
- 375 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:04:05.88 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Time to clean up.
- 376 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:04:53.58 ID:lvPJURw50
- >>371
- 377 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:07:42.99 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>374
No, I agree. Glasses probably doesn't really like KyoAni stuff.
- 378 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:08:34.68 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- >>377
So that's what it means, huh?
- 379 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:08:37.31 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- You said she likes Gundam, so I figured a famous line by Gato would be good.
Should she start getting suspicious of your 2D obsession, tell her you only appreciate it as a form of art and there are no romantic feelings involved. That should clear you of any suspicion.
I know what I'm talking about because I told my girlfriend the same thing when she found my premium photobooks of Miyazaki Aoi and Aoi Yuu and she actually believed me (or at least I think she did).
- 380 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:12:58.44 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>378
Don't you think she'd comment on it a little more if she liked it?
You know, it might be a good idea to tell her your top 1 or 2 favorite manga.
- 381 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:18:09.00 ID:yaZfndVz0
- Don't get your hopes up though, I don't think you'll find many anime and manga you both likew
- 382 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:19:03.04 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>1
Shouldn't she have replied by now?
- 383 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:22:18.35 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Glasses and 2ndSis probably aren't finished with their after-dinner chat yet.
- 384 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:23:48.84 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- >>383
>after-dinner chat
After-dinner chat about 1's e-mails, to be exact.
- 385 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:34:09.82 ID:McvGbBLiO
- You guys are still at it?
I got tired of this already.
- 386 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:38:43.60 ID:LidLu/qz0
- >>385
Get out then.
- 387 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:39:08.95 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>385
But you still came to check it out.
- 388 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:42:46.08 ID:9zpe4RPa0
- >>385
Tsundere much?
- 389 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:43:25.16 ID:ySvwebeU0
- >>385
Why so tsundere?
- 390 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 21:45:52.80 ID:1wWHEygoO
- Okay, >>1 should be finished cleaning his room and Glasses and 2ndSis should be finished with their conference now...
This could be even more fun if 1 got more serious about Glasses.
- 391 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:06:09.97 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Is 1 still cleaning?
- 392 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:10:28.85 ID:05MfrYDoO
- It's about time we stop calling him 1, don't you guys agree?w
I'm for giving him a real name.
- 393 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:12:39.31 ID:9zpe4RPa0
- Then how about "pod"?
- 394 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:13:22.63 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- Let's go with iPod Man.
- 395 : God_Of_All_People ◆banmin/.2k : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:14:30.39 ID:n8ZXuc/B0
- PodMan
- 396 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:15:04.36 ID:pX+pil+a0
- ♂Pod
- 397 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:15:09.31 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- Fapwatchbird.
- 398 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:17:01.92 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Gigantes
- 399 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:17:23.82 ID:lvPJURw50
- broPod
- 400 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:19:36.96 ID:pX+pil+a0
- Looking at the suggestions, it might be best to call him >>1 after all.
- 401 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:21:06.18 ID:ZyB3O/IX0
- 1Pod
- 402 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:21:25.45 ID:lB32oZMg0
- Flute.
- 403 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:22:55.41 ID:pX+pil+a0
- >>402 I don't know why, but I laughed...www
- 404 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:23:13.78 ID:rC144Rmn0
- fapPod
- 405 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:24:08.36 ID:lvPJURw50
- 1Beat
- 406 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:24:11.86 ID:05MfrYDoO
- >>393->>399
I love you guysww
What a dilemmawww
I'd personally go with iPod Man as it seems the safest choice.
That or Fapwatchbird.
- 407 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:27:15.42 ID:LidLu/qz0
- Isn't Fap Man a great name?
- 408 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:30:17.23 ID:004QfZm90
- >>407
Did you call me?
- 409 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:33:47.55 ID:1wWHEygoO
- FapGuile
- 410 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:33:50.07 ID:LidLu/qz0
- >>408
Are you God?
- 411 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:35:58.26 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Why is he so weak against his big sister?
- 412 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:39:38.97 ID:yaZfndVz0
- It's not that he's weak against his big sister, his big sister is strong.
- 413 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:43:02.08 ID:4CkZA1Ys0
- But that's what's good about her.
- 414 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:44:43.88 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>411
bigSisPod summary blog:
- 415 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:45:04.18 ID:pX+pil+a0
- I want a big sister so bad...(;゚Д゚)
- 416 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:47:57.45 ID:5BF+wzn2O
- I got a good laugh out of Fapwatchingbird.
- 417 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:49:09.44 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- Me too. What a great naming sensew
- 418 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:52:08.42 ID:pX+pil+a0
- I imagine the Fapwatchingbird to be one of those really colorful birdswww
- 419 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:52:49.69 ID:lvPJURw50
- >>418
This thread should be called
The Fapwatching Bird Chronicle
from now on.
- 420 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:54:28.84 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- Yeah, like those colorful birds you find in Costa Ricawwww
- 421 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 22:59:52.22 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- Train Man vs. iPod Man, huh?
Sounds kinda cool imo. ^^
- 422 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:00:05.06 ID:1wWHEygoO
- >>1 is still cleaning his room, huh... Don't tell me he got addicted to cleaning.
I can see him digging up an old book he hasn't seen in a long time and getting all absorbed in reading itw
- 423 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:01:21.80 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- I bet 3000 pesetas that he's fapping.
- 424 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:02:42.54 ID:pX+pil+a0
- 500 gil that the Fapwatchingbird is watching him fap.
- 425 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:03:14.33 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- A local TV channel is doing a special on yaoi.
What the hell is wrong with this show?w
- 426 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:03:52.56 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- 700 pesos that the Fapwatchingbird paid him a visit again.
- 427 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:05:18.54 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- 10 Perica that the Fapwatchingbird is picking on his dick.
- 428 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:08:22.65 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- I got an e-mail, I got an e-mail!
"I'm back!☆ Are you still awake?"
is all she wrotewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 429 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:09:28.22 ID:ySvwebeU0
- Send a reply immediately.
- 430 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:09:44.34 ID:yaZfndVz0
- 100$ that he's fapping while imagining how it's like to ravage Sweets and Glasses with his tongue at the same time.
- 431 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:09:56.80 ID:lvPJURw50
- Reply like the fist of the north star!!!!!!!
- 432 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:11:17.26 ID:hvNAjoBS0
What do I write?
- 433 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:11:24.11 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- "Welcome back! (smiley) I always stay up late. Of course, I'm awake! (lol)"
should be fine.
- 434 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:11:24.21 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- Write that you were playing the recorder!
- 435 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:11:26.41 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>428
That's short considering it's from Glassesw
"Welcome back! ^^
Where did you two eat at?
Speaking of my sister, I haven't seen her since yesterday... (lol)"
Let's try to sound her out.
- 436 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:11:48.39 ID:ySvwebeU0
- "Yes, I'm awake.
What are you doing right now?" should be okay, shouldn't it?
- 437 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:12:03.53 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Man, you guys talk about the most insignificant things when I'm gonewwww
- 438 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:13:43.00 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "Welcome back! Yes, I'm awake! I was cleaning my room and playing the recorder when I got your e-mail.
Where did you two eat at?
Speaking of my sister, I haven't seen her since yesterday... (lol)"
Is it okay like this?
- 439 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:14:10.18 ID:+u85fMwM0
- >>436 looks good for a start.
- 440 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:14:30.47 ID:yaZfndVz0
- Ask her if 2ndSis didn't tell her any weird things about you!
- 441 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:14:37.52 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Why would you play the recorder at this hour?wwwwww
- 442 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:15:01.48 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Sent.
- 443 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:15:44.45 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- No one cares if you were playing the recorderwwww
- 444 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:16:10.26 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- Dudeww Play a flute at night and snakes will come to you!!
- 445 : Fapwatchingbird : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:16:43.25 ID:aRtFiVFtO
- (ΦеΦ)
- 446 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:16:53.12 ID:eULmYMZh0
- Why would you mention the stupid recorder?
- 447 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:17:03.80 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- >>444
Are you my mom?
- 448 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:17:06.91 ID:lvPJURw50
- >>444
It wasn't snakes, but a burglar in our case.
- 449 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:17:50.50 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>It was the devil in my case.
- 450 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:18:10.88 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- In >>1's case, it'd be BigSis that'd come to him...
- 451 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:18:35.79 ID:Tj8/NqLS0
- >>444
That's what my grandma used to say.
- 452 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:21:28.73 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>442
Did you send >>436?
- 453 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:21:51.00 ID:NgZ6vEorO
- >>433
This one is good.
- 454 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:23:27.57 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- You didn't actually send it with the line about the recorder, did you...?
- 455 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:23:31.28 ID:LidLu/qz0
- >>453 Seconded.
- 456 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:24:13.73 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Whoawwwww She's quickwwwwww
"I'm glad you're still awake♪ But why are you playing the recorder!? (lol)
You were cleaning your room? (smiley) So, is it clean now?
We went to a restaurant called Kichiri. It was what you'd call a casual dining restaurant, I think? (>_<)
The food was yummy. (heart) Have you been there?
2ndSis said the exact same thing about you! (lol) Guess that's twins for you. (smiley)"
Casual din-... what...?
- 457 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:24:27.11 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- 1 already said in >>442 that he sent it.
- 458 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:24:44.62 ID:lvPJURw50
- Casual dining (lol)
- 459 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:24:57.53 ID:oY7rQKUI0
- Guess she's a sweets girl too.
- 460 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:25:16.03 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- Finally got an e-mail from Glasses, huh?
That means, 2ndSis is already back home or will soon be.
See if you can get her to tell you what she talked about with 2ndSis, but do it indirectly.
- 461 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:25:50.97 ID:lvPJURw50
- >>456
Wait a second, can we follow from "2ndSis said the exact same thing about you!" that Glasses asked 2ndSis about you, >>1?
- 462 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:26:12.97 ID:yaZfndVz0
- Tell her you've never been at the restaurant and that you'd love to go, but you're afraid to because you're not used to dining in restaurants.
- 463 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:27:00.72 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>456
Casual Dining
To put it simply, casual dining restaurants are a little more elegant than family restaurants, but cheaper than fine dining restaurants.
Many of them are western-style btw.
- 464 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:28:00.56 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- 1 hasn't seen 2ndSis since yesterday. ←→ 2ndSis hasn't seen 1 since yesterday. Is this what she means?
This is the first time I see the term "casual dining", but it's probably just a certain type of restaurant or something.
Women love to use random English words like that. (lol)
- 465 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:28:46.21 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- Can't believe you sent the version with the recorderwwww
"When I saw my recorder, I remembered how I used to play it and couldn't resist♪ Yes, my room is a lot cleaner now!
Casual dining...? What kind of place was it? I'd love to try it out too someday. (smiley)
2ndSis said the same thing? (lol) It's funny because we live in the same house. (smiley)"
How's this?
- 466 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:29:21.20 ID:8cYCta710
- Casual dining? Is that like casual wear?
- 467 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:29:43.85 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- "I remembered how I used to play it and couldn't resist"wwwwwwww
- 468 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:30:12.78 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- "I was just joking when I said I'm playing the recorder. (lol)
When I was cleaning my room and started sorting my bookshelf, I got distracted and ended up reading one manga after another.
Kichiri... Can't say I've been there. I'd love to go, but I'm a bit afraid because I'm not used to dining in restaurants.
Speaking of which, did 2ndSis tell you something else about me?"
Like this, maybe?
- 469 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:30:32.83 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Isn't it better to ask more indirectly? You know, like "What do girls talk about when they're dining together?".
- 470 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:30:51.72 ID:+u85fMwM0
- Yeah, sounds natural and good to me.
- 471 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:31:33.36 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- I don't see why notw
- 472 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:31:34.39 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- : : : : : : : :./: :/ : : :.;、: : : : : : .:.:.ヽ: :/ ヽ
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: : : :.:.|: : /:/ | /|:.:l j:.l:/|:.|:.:| : | her |
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- 473 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:31:37.01 ID:NgZ6vEorO
- Shouldn't you try to use more casual speech in your e-mails?
- 474 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:31:39.95 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Seems like you're getting used to it now.
- 475 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:31:44.00 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- >>468
Good job.
I see you're getting more and more used to writing e-mailsw
- 476 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:31:52.79 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Send it like that then?
- 477 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:32:00.09 ID:eULmYMZh0
- Yeah, should be fine.
- 478 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:32:04.19 ID:Oy9Nc6TS0
- Guys, this newfag is doing some sort of internet radio showww
URL to stream:
- 479 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:32:08.20 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- Change the 3rd line to
"I've never had a meal at fancy places like that, but I'm a regular customer at Yoshinoya if it counts for anything!"
Do itw
- 480 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:32:40.78 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Sure, send it.
- 481 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:33:13.70 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Sent. >///<
It looks like 2ndSis is back too.
- 482 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:34:23.38 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- 483 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:34:26.73 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- >///<
Go talk to her as if nothing happened.
- 484 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:34:43.28 ID:NgZ6vEorO
- Ask 2ndSis indirectly about today!
- 485 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:35:00.66 ID:eULmYMZh0
- You have to sound her out!
- 486 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:35:08.50 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- 2ndSis is back at lastw
- 487 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:35:22.62 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Oh, looks like it's time for a post number vote after a long time!
- 488 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:35:27.91 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- Isn't it kinda suspicious if you go talk to her as soon as she's back?w
Am I the only one who thinks it'd totally look like you want to sound her out?
- 489 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:35:47.16 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- Or will 2ndSis make the first move?
- 490 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:36:22.82 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- For starters, you could go say hello and see how she reacts.
- 491 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:36:25.65 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- How about watching TV in the living room and waiting for her to come talk to you on her own?
- 492 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:36:26.33 ID:3DFF3Wx90
- Why don't you serve her some tea and try to get on her good side?
- 493 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:36:39.62 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- >>488
Wouldn't it be be more natural if you pretended you were going to the restroom and said something like "Oh, you're home. Welcome back." when you pass by her on the way?
- 494 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:37:32.38 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Did he go talk to her?w
- 495 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:37:33.65 ID:05MfrYDoO
- Hey!!
Change your name to iPod Man or Fapwatchbird already!!www
- 496 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:38:49.43 ID:pX+pil+a0
- While I was in the bath... things got really interesting againwwww
- 497 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:38:59.34 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Ah, shall I go say hello to her then?
- 498 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:39:43.40 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- But be subtle about it.
- 499 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:39:43.83 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- >>1
That's right!
- 500 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:39:47.83 ID:UIvE/pRh0
- Go to her.
Just in case, bookmark this thread on your cell phone so you can directly ask us for help.
- 501 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:39:56.62 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>497
That's right.
- 502 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:40:37.02 ID:ySvwebeU0
- That's right!
- 503 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:40:39.75 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- >>497
Sure, get going.
- 504 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:41:11.46 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- Can't wait to see how it plays out!
- 505 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:41:54.27 ID:pX+pil+a0
- ( ・Д・) GO!
- 506 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:51:39.81 ID:t8z7fw4P0
- I wanna get abused by 2ndSis.
- 507 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:52:34.63 ID:Rz7BadLT0
- I can't help but imagine his family to look like Minami-ke characters.
- 508 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:53:40.66 ID:ySvwebeU0
- >>507
Yeah, well, it's mostly because of all the Minami-ke AA he uses.
- 509 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:54:44.10 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- shinitai
- 510 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:54:45.99 ID:jLvAxIErO
- For some reason, I find 1 getting used to writing e-mails little by little kinda moe.
- 511 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:55:39.83 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- What's wrong???!!!!!!!1111111
- 512 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:55:39.62 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- What's wrong?
- 513 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:56:13.00 ID:J1ZPVJWP0
- What's wrong!!!?
- 514 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:56:22.63 ID:li7sANZr0
- Shini-tai (死に体)
is a term used in sumō wrestling. Literally meaning 'dead body' or 'dying body,' the term is used to describe a wrestler who was not first to fall or touch outside the ring, but who had no chance of winning owing to the superior technique of his opponent.
Antonyms: Iki-tai (生き体)
- 515 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:56:59.28 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- Can't believe it all started out with...
a simple prank on the bigSisPod.
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- 516 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:57:37.23 ID:pX+pil+a0
- 517 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:57:40.78 ID:yaZfndVz0
- Oh Godwwwwwwwww
- 518 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:57:48.80 ID:ySvwebeU0
- What's wrong?!
- 519 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:58:18.96 ID:clG1zKzi0
- Glasses let 2ndSis read all your e-mails, right?
- 520 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:58:20.29 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- And then Glasses shows up...
/,イ;;,;:.|/|'| |ヽi|::;ト:|ヽ:|、::|ヽ;;ヽ_,
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Now, what will happen next!?
- 521 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:58:22.06 ID:hvNAjoBS0
- Before I report what happened, I think I'll reply to the e-mail I just got from Ms. Glasses.
- 522 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:58:27.64 ID:ZyB3O/IX0
- What happened!?
- 523 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:59:17.91 ID:mFP3rFXn0
- Did you find out that you weren't really exchanging e-mails with Glasses, but with 2ndSis pretending to be Glasses?
- 524 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:59:25.62 ID:eMIDPTEnO
- >>521
Post the e-mail.
- 525 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:59:26.45 ID:TSc67Lmc0
- >>521 Wha?ww That only makes me more curiousww
- 526 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 23:59:55.82 ID:NgZ6vEorO
- >>523 So he walked into her trap like a moth to a flame, huh?
- 527 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:01:27.84 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Tell us more, man.
- 528 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:05:26.07 ID:r97HQ9o/0
- Seriously now, what happened...
- 529 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:05:49.16 ID:7QHxIabi0
- "I find it hard to tell when you're joking and when you're not. (+o+)(lol) And here I thought you were good at playing the recorder. ((>_<))
So you weren't able to clean up after all? I know what you mean though, whenever I see my manga, I can't resist it either. Before I know it, I'm already reading them♪ I wonder why that is. (smiley)
Wanna go to Kichiri together then?
What do you mean, did 2ndSis tell me something else about you? (lol)"
This is what she sent.
- 530 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:07:00.08 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Wait, is she...?
- 531 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:07:06.30 ID:oYYweEr80
- Why would an e-mail like that make you want to die?
- 532 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:07:08.24 ID:zQjeIrli0
- 533 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:07:12.56 ID:OZQKitJeO
- "Let's go to Kichiri!"
is the only possible answer.
- 534 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:07:17.80 ID:4hnntect0
- You don't have a choice but to go.
- 535 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:07:25.44 ID:r97HQ9o/0
- Isn't she like asking you out?w
- 536 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:07:27.15 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- She's totally into you!
- 537 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:07:48.13 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I'll explain the situation later, please let me reply to her e-mail first.
- 538 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:08:18.96 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- You should just accept her invitationwww
- 539 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:08:47.01 ID:Y/D/HwAkO
- How does that lead to >>509?
- 540 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:09:36.20 ID:G9meRb2n0
- "I am good at playing the recorder. Next time we meet, I'll play a song you like for you.
While I'm writing this, my room is soaking wet and ready for you, Glasses."
Write this.
- 541 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:10:34.87 ID:IopIA9dR0
- Sell your PSP and get yourself a DS!!
- 542 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:10:46.33 ID:OZQKitJeO
- "Yeah, I read so much manga that I couldn't clean my room much at all. (lol)
But well, it's still a lot cleaner than it was before, I guess.
I'd love to go to Kichiri!
Let's go together next time we're free."
- 543 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:11:15.90 ID:7QHxIabi0
- "Ah, but I do have a recorder and I can play it too! Believe it or not, I practice playing the recorder. (lol)
I quit cleaning up my room halfway in this time... So next time, I'm planning on going the whole nine yards and becoming a true cleaning demon.
I'd love to go to Kichiri! Please let me join you next time!"
Something along these lines?
- 544 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:11:38.61 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Ask her if you can find any nympho sluts to chat up in Kichiri.
- 545 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:12:02.73 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Ok.
- 546 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:12:03.91 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>543
- 547 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:12:10.02 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- I can't be the only one that thinks 1 is definitely getting better at composing e-mails...wwww
- 548 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:12:29.56 ID:zQjeIrli0
- >>I'd love to go to Kichiri! Please let me join you next time!
You sound so desperate...
- 549 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:13:24.47 ID:r97HQ9o/0
- Would it really sound desperate to her?
It sounds pretty normal to mew
- 550 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:13:39.47 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- "I'd love to go to Kichiri! Please let me join you next time!"
should be changed.
- 551 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:14:22.75 ID:zQjeIrli0
- At least, tone it down to something like
"I wonder what Kichiri is like.
I rarely get to go to places like that, so would you go to Kichiri together with me sometime?"
- 552 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:14:49.00 ID:OZQKitJeO
- I think there's no need to tone it down.
When talking about a place you're interested in but you've never been to, isn't it normal to go all "Yeah! I wanna go!"?
- 553 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:14:59.23 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- How about changing "recorder" to "flute"?
- 554 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:14:59.49 ID:oYYweEr80
- >>551
"Would you go to Kichiri together with me sometime?" is even worse imo.
- 555 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:15:23.84 ID:7QHxIabi0
- "Ah, but I do have a recorder and I can play it too! Believe it or not, I practice playing the recorder. (lol)
I quit cleaning up my room halfway in this time... So next time, I'm planning on going the whole nine yards and becoming a true cleaning demon.
I'd love to go to Kichiri!
Let's go together next time you're free."
I'll send it like this.
- 556 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:15:38.53 ID:PbhBrtXe0
- "Please let me join you next time you go to Kichiri." should be okay.
- 557 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:16:00.88 ID:G9meRb2n0
- >>553 Change it to "flute", so he can let Glasses play HIS flute, right? Did I catch your drift?
- 558 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:16:16.25 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>555
Do it.
- 559 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:16:35.57 ID:booVB+4vO
- His e-mail skills are improving, all right, but there are still a few hints of his shut-in ways leftww
- 560 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:16:44.12 ID:oYYweEr80
- In that case, he might as well directly change it to shakuhachi.
- 561 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:16:45.32 ID:zQjeIrli0
- Nice.
He's writing his e-mails on his own now...
He sure has grown...
He's even getting triples now, damn.
- 562 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:17:16.51 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I can play my shakuhachi like a master.
- 563 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:17:49.24 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- I like how you've almost completely switched from polite to casual speech.
- 564 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:17:51.48 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- wwww
All the more reason to change "recorder" to "shakuhachi" then, no?
- 565 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:17:51.87 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- >>562
- 566 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:18:11.09 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Why are you on the playing end?wwww
Anyways, report what happened already.
- 567 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:18:32.75 ID:zQjeIrli0
- What did 2ndSis say?
- 568 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:18:48.67 ID:booVB+4vO
- Stop writing stupid shit and tell us what happened!
- 569 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:18:51.82 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>562
- 570 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:19:49.54 ID:QNxImspHO
- >>562
You must be a real master if you can play the shakuhachi all by yourself.
- 571 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:20:53.60 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Don't you need someone else to play the shakuhachi for you?www
- 572 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:21:35.54 ID:PbhBrtXe0
- You're gonna make 2ndSis play it for you, right?
- 573 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:22:07.21 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I went down to the living room, pretending to get myself something to drink.
2ndSis was lying around on the couch watching TV. I could see her panties.
Me: "Huh? You're home. Welcome back."
2ndSis: "Yeahwww I'm backwwwww"
Me: "Where were you?"
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2ndSis: "You know damn well where I waswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
- 574 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:22:36.66 ID:G9meRb2n0
- I wanna see her panties.
- 575 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:22:45.95 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Here we go━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!
- 576 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:23:22.75 ID:4hnntect0
- So she really knows everything.
- 577 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:23:42.42 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>573
She knew you were exchanging e-mails with Glasses, huh?
>>Me: "Where were you?"
You shouldn't have asked this...
And instead waited for her to make the first move...
- 578 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:23:43.83 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- And it all comes back━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!
- 579 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:23:44.19 ID:r97HQ9o/0
- I figured she'd say thatw
- 580 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:24:10.06 ID:Y/D/HwAkO
- She knows everything about your e-mailswwwwww
- 581 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:24:39.01 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- I'd seen this coming from a mile away, but I still can't take my eyes off this threadwwww
- 582 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:25:03.92 ID:G9meRb2n0
- I wouldn't be surprised if Glasses had been forwarding all your e-mails to her.
- 583 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:25:15.31 ID:OZQKitJeO
- So Glasses mentioned your e-mails. So what? Doesn't mean she told 2ndSis everything.
Is that all you have to report?
- 584 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:25:30.95 ID:zQjeIrli0
- I'm at a point where I don't even care anymore whether this is all true or 1 just a big troll!!
- 585 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:25:43.77 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Write to Glasses that 2ndSis is making fun of you while flashing her pantieswww
- 586 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:26:29.32 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- >>584
Same here, bro, same here.
- 587 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:26:31.18 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Do me a favor and ask 2ndSis what brand the girdle she's wearing today is.
- 588 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:27:08.89 ID:amPpnZKu0
- Oh, looks like you've made some progress since the last time I checked.
2ndSis knows everything you've written to Glasses, no doubt about itw
- 589 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:27:14.22 ID:CPnmNpS20
- >>573
Does that mean...
we were just dancing on top of 2ndSis's panties all this time...?
- 590 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:28:22.68 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>589 Well, gee, thanks for that clever comment.
- 591 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:28:24.86 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Her Counter ability inflicted the status effect Confuse on me.
Me: "Eh? No, I don't know what you're talking about."
2ndSis: "I hear you're getting along greatwwwwwwwwww"
Me: "What do you mean?"
2ndSis: "You and Glasses."
Me: "I get e-mails from her, so I reply to them. That's all."
Glasses: "You're awfully nice to girls, huh?wwwwwwwww"
Me: "T-T-That's not true... You didn't tell her something weird about me, did you?"
2ndSis: "Who knows?wwwwwwwwwwwww"
Me: "You're so stupid."
2ndSis: "You're the one who's stupidwwwwwwwwwwwww"
Seems like she found something new to tease me about. And I bet it'll take days until she gets tired of it.
I hate it, but I can't do anything right now because she's got the upper hand on me...
- 592 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:28:27.67 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Well, even if she's read all your e-mails, they were pretty harmless so far anyway. Who cares?w
- 593 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:28:43.22 ID:zQjeIrli0
- Huh?
While 2ndSis was gone, was she together with Glasses the entire time?
- 594 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:30:03.61 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I don't know. I ran out of the living room with my tail between my legs and tears in my eyes.
- 595 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:30:08.92 ID:OZQKitJeO
- "You're the one who's stupid"wwwwwwww So moewwwwwww
- 596 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:30:35.55 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Instead of arguing with 2ndSis, you should turn her into your ally and use her.
- 597 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:30:38.48 ID:r97HQ9o/0
- I see why that'd make you feel like dyingw
- 598 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:30:39.97 ID:4hnntect0
- There's no need to feel down, cheer up!
- 599 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:30:54.54 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- I bet 2ndSis will tell your whole family about it and by tomorrow, your mom will be making red bean rice for dinner to celebrate the newswww
- 600 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:31:02.05 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Don't cry, you just made an important first step!!!
Why don't you try to be a little nicer to 2ndSis and less scared of BigSis from now on?
- 601 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:31:15.01 ID:Y/D/HwAkO
- Look at it this way: Now that the cat is out of the bag, you can ask 2ndSis for advice about Glasses!
- 602 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:32:09.50 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- He could try to find out more about Glasses from 2ndSis.
- 603 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:32:13.02 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>594
Cheer up, man! She was going to find out sooner or later anyway!
- 604 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:32:53.05 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Even if I were to ask her for advice, I know from her reaction just now...
she'd just laugh at me like "wwwwwwwwwwwwwww".
BigSis would surely try to cheer me up and tell me all kinds of kind things, but she's still oblivious to what's going on yet.
VIP is really the only place I have.
- 605 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:33:22.99 ID:r97HQ9o/0
- You've changed a lot compared to how you were in the first thread.
I'm proud, sonw
- 606 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:33:33.73 ID:oYYweEr80
- It must have been hilarious for 2ndSis to watch how >>1 took her bait like an idiot.
- 607 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:34:23.89 ID:booVB+4vO
- Cheer up, virgin.
- 608 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:35:35.17 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- But at the same time, 2ndSis must be happy that podMan is starting to become interested in the outside world after being a shut-in for so long.
- 609 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:35:46.99 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Ignore 2ndSis and her mocking comments.
If it hadn't been today, she would've found out on the day of your first date with Glasses.
- 610 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:36:18.59 ID:7QHxIabi0
- It's very much like 2ndSis to come up with this nasty way of payback.
Without getting her own hands dirty, she sets up a bait for the target, that'd be me, (and what's more, she chose Glasses as the bait because she knew I'd take it).
Then she sits back to watch it unfold and laughs at me from above. This is the worst.
- 611 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:36:20.28 ID:G9meRb2n0
- She might laugh at you first, but with time, she's sure to see how serious you're about Glasses and have a change of heart.
And that's why we should decide by post numbers what to say to 2ndSis next.
- 612 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:36:44.63 ID:zQjeIrli0
- I wonder what 2ndSis's motive really was though...
For all we know, 2ndSis might have asked her friends
"Do you know a girl that could be right for my shut-in big brother?"
and earnestly looked for someone for you.
And one of her friends suggested Glasses like
"Didn't Glasses get dumped by her boyfriend for being an otaku? She might be perfect for him."
which is why 2ndSis asked Glasses along on that day...
That'd explain why 2ndSis doesn't know much about Glasses and it'd also prove that she's doing all this for your sake.
Well, I'm just grasping at straws thoughwww
- 613 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:37:18.97 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- In any case, women are scarywww
- 614 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:37:23.50 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>610
Let's have a post-number vote on 2ndSis!
- 615 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:37:36.94 ID:8l0Op7Ho0
- It's okay! It's not as bad as you think.
You've only written a few e-mails for only a few days now, haven't you?
I don't think there's anything about your conversation with Glasses you should be ashamed of, so...
Keep going like that!
Ignore 2ndSis and her taunts for now!
- 616 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:38:54.62 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Foil her plans by actually making Glasses your girlfriend!www
- 617 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:39:11.06 ID:a8cDLaSA0
- Hang in there, Fapwatchbird.
- 618 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:40:20.64 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- So have we decided what we're going to call OP now?www
- 619 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:40:21.24 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Hang in there, Fapwatchingbird!
- 620 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:40:38.35 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Never mind my sister, we need to reply to Ms. Glasses' e-mail...
"So you CAN play the recorder♪ Which songs can you play on it? I hated playing the recorder in school. (smiley) My fingers are just too short for a recorder. (cry)
Yeah, yeah!☆ You should always try to keep your room clean. (smiley) My room is pretty clean, you know? (lol)
Sure, let's go together next time then. (smiley) I'll be looking forward to it!!"
Glasses is kinda cute.
- 621 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:40:50.26 ID:zQjeIrli0
- iPod Man in Glasses
- 622 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:41:08.52 ID:4hnntect0
- You've come this far, you don't have a choice but to do it, Fapwatchingbird!
- 623 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:41:09.91 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- Oh? Is >>1 starting to fall in love?
- 624 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:41:31.33 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Write that you can play the Haruhi theme song standing on your head.
- 625 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:41:41.59 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>620
So which songs can you play?w
- 626 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:42:06.83 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Looks like you've made a pretty decent impression on her.
Can you even play any songs, Fapbird?www
- 627 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:42:20.45 ID:a8cDLaSA0
- Considering how late it is and how she ended that e-mail, the next e-mail is probably going to be the last one for today.
- 628 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:42:33.05 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>626
I lost it at Fapbirdww
- 629 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:42:42.73 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Change the topic by saying
"2ndSis is teasing me again..."
and wait for her to ask you what happenedwwwwww
- 630 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:43:23.79 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Huh? I'm Fapwatchbird/Fapwatchingbird now?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Speaking of which, that bird didn't come again. Wonder if it'll visit me tomorrow.
- 631 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:43:24.35 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>629
What a gamble.
- 632 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:44:01.35 ID:booVB+4vO
- Hang in there, Fapwatchingbird!
- 633 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:44:43.62 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- >>629
Might turn out to be a pretty good move, actuallywww
- 634 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:45:47.32 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>612
Man, what a tearjerker. I shed manly tears.
But let me assure you. No way in hell is 2ndSis that nice. Btw, I'm the youngest child in the family.
- 635 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:46:04.42 ID:OZQKitJeO
- How is that a good move?w
- 636 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:46:14.23 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- Hang in there, Fap!
- 637 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:46:30.18 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- That's just how family often is though.
- 638 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:46:47.77 ID:8l0Op7Ho0
- "Casual dining... was it?
Sounds like it might be difficult to get used to at firstw
But if it's with you, I might be fine.
Tell me when you're free next time, okay?
I'll be looking for a good place in the meantime."
How about this?
- 639 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:48:07.99 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- >>638
Not a word about the recorder...
That's it!www
- 640 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:48:31.22 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I can play all kinds of songs though.
- Suteki da ne (that FF10 song)
- Sakura
- Kimi ga Yo
- Dark World from FF6 (World of Ruin world map theme)
- the Azumanga Daioh tune that plays during the eyecatches and the one that plays during the preview of the next episode
- 641 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:49:00.98 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>638
Yeah! Let's just completely drop the recorder topic!www
- 642 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:49:25.02 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- >>640
Hey, you can play pretty good songs.
- 643 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:49:45.88 ID:OZQKitJeO
- You've been practicing the recorder too muchwwwwww
- 644 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:49:58.84 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>640
Glasses probably knows them all.
- 645 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:50:10.70 ID:7QHxIabi0
- "Casual dining... was it?
I bet I'll be a nervous wreck at first until I get used to itw
But if it's with you, I might be fine.
Tell me when you're free next time, okay?
I'll be looking for a good place in the meantime.
Ah, is it okay for you to be up so late? You have lectures tomorrow, don't you...?"
Something like this?
- 646 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:50:35.93 ID:CPnmNpS20
- >>Now you realize that 1 can actually play the recorder
- 647 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:50:41.46 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- >>645
- 648 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:51:17.21 ID:7QHxIabi0
- 649 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:51:35.21 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- Ok.
- 650 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:51:44.16 ID:OZQKitJeO
- One moment you boast about how you can play the recorder and the next you completely drop the subject. Isn't that weird?
- 651 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:52:04.01 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>645
I like how you sound worried about her being up so late!
Also, you just casually asked her out on a date, you know?
- 652 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:52:04.75 ID:YeGQkX1p0
- >>645
>But if it's with you, I might be fine.
You... You're pretty good.
- 653 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:52:39.48 ID:kTO9sKvc0
- So I just got back from work and thought I'd check the thread...
But holy shit, he got so far while I was at work!www
>>1 is amazing...
- 654 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:53:01.62 ID:booVB+4vO
- Your recorder is, of course, called Fapwatchingflute, right?
- 655 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:53:08.34 ID:MohpCVsR0
- >the Azumanga Daioh tune that plays during the eyecatches and the one that plays during the preview of the next episode
Please record yourself playing it with your cell phone and upload itw
- 656 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:53:20.15 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- His e-mail writing skill has surpassed mine...
- 657 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:53:32.61 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- >>1's e-mails may not be anything out of the ordinary, but they're pretty good.
- 658 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:54:15.71 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- You sure went all out therewwwww Let's just hope you don't get shot downwwwwwwww
- 659 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:54:54.66 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- I bet >>1's heart is pounding like madw
- 660 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:55:13.85 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Fapwatchingflutewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 661 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:55:42.40 ID:a8cDLaSA0
- You should remove the superfluous dots in "You have lectures tomorrow, don't you...?".
- 662 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:56:30.97 ID:PbhBrtXe0
- What a long name for a recorderwww
- 663 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:56:36.68 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Well, we should shorten it to Fapflute then.
- 664 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:57:13.64 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Faprecorder would work too btw.
- 665 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:57:23.22 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- F-Flute
- 666 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:58:00.57 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Fa-Flute
- 667 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:59:39.82 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>655
Sure. But not today because if I play the recorder now, snakes will come.
- 668 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 00:59:44.43 ID:O1WJ1OLqO
- Oh, is this today's recorders general thread?
- 669 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:00:42.39 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I'm so nervous I think I'm going to get an abdominal hernia....
- 670 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:01:15.00 ID:CPnmNpS20
- >>668
2ndSis: "I got my hands on my brother's Fapwatchingflute..."
- 671 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:01:26.42 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Can't wait for her reply.
- 672 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:01:53.88 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- You're so cute!
- 673 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:02:05.86 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>669
An abdominal herniawwwwwww
But well, everyone feels like that at first. Hang in there!
- 674 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:02:18.29 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I'm scared of going on a date with her, but I'm just as scared of getting turned down.
- 675 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:02:36.03 ID:MohpCVsR0
- >>667
No hurries, I can wait for it as long as needed.
But man, I can't wait for her reply.
- 676 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:02:49.96 ID:7QHxIabi0
- she replied
- 677 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:02:52.42 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- Can I ask you something just to be on the safe side, >>1?
What do you really want to do with Glasses?
- 678 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:03:29.57 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- >>674
I think I know that feel.
Because I was once a shut-in myself.
- 679 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:03:32.02 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- What will she do? Will she say yes or no?wwwwwwwwwwww
- 680 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:04:05.92 ID:kTO9sKvc0
- If she should say yes, you'll have to make yourself presentable first.
Get a new haircut at a beauty parlor and let ElderSis pick clothes for youw
- 681 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:04:13.31 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Looks like this will decide if you can escape your shut-in ways or not.
But who would've thought a few days ago that it'd come to thisw
- 682 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:04:27.26 ID:8l0Op7Ho0
- It's all in your hands now, Glasses!
- 683 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:04:30.23 ID:nBBSJWG00
- Goddamn.
- 684 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:04:51.68 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Can't wait.
- 685 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:05:04.71 ID:YeGQkX1p0
- Can't wait x2
- 686 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:05:34.12 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- Can't wait x3
- 687 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:05:38.06 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- We all can't wait for her replywwww
- 688 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:06:09.54 ID:OZQKitJeO
- can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait
- 689 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:07:43.33 ID:kTO9sKvc0
- Can't stop refreshing the thread!!
- 690 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:09:52.16 ID:7QHxIabi0
- "You worry too much! (lol) It's okay if you're not used to it, you'll be just fine♪ We had a private room for ourselves today, so you don't have to worry about other people either!
Speaking of which, shall we go to Kichiri first? Though I'd also like to go to a restaurant you suggest. (smiley)
Do we go this week? Are you free this week, 1? Tell me which days of this week you're free, 1☆
Yeah, I have lectures tomorrow, so I'll be going to bed soon. (smiley)"
- 691 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:10:29.24 ID:G9meRb2n0
- You could go tomorrow.
- 692 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:10:44.66 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- Looks good.
- 693 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:10:49.77 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- 694 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:11:05.95 ID:OZQKitJeO
- It's okay if you're not used to it, you'll be just fine. (heart)
- 695 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:11:09.97 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Inviting you to a private room right off the bat... She's quite good at this game herself, isn't she?
- 696 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:11:22.89 ID:kTO9sKvc0
- She said yesーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 697 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:11:27.65 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Uhh...
This is difficult...
I feel like it's better to tell her that you're a shut-in now before it's too late.
- 698 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:11:40.51 ID:7QHxIabi0
- "All right! I'll write as soon as I know when I'm free next!
I'm sorry for keeping you up so late! Good night! Ttyl!"
I sent this in a hurry.
- 699 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:11:39.38 ID:6b99JiCZO
- Ahh...
Look how he's enjoying himself.
What a lucky guy he is.
- 700 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:11:58.70 ID:8l0Op7Ho0
- Whoa, whoa! This looks promising!
Call it a day for today, but starting tomorrow, try to free up your schedule.
1! Give it your best shot, man!
I'll be rooting for you!w
- 701 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:12:01.85 ID:OZQKitJeO
- "My only free day this week is tomorrow."
- 702 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:12:12.61 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- You fucking did it, Fap!!
But this is only the beginning, the real deal starts now!
For starters, I'd visit a beauty parlor if I were you.
- 703 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:12:21.22 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I'm a NEET though. I'm free seven days a week. orz
- 704 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:12:28.48 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Why do I suddenly feel so irritated?wwww
- 705 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:12:53.88 ID:G9meRb2n0
- barber shops are closed today, but what about beauty parlors?
- 706 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:13:17.22 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- Is this the ">>1 Modding Project!"!?
- 707 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:13:44.69 ID:LgThuI1X0
- "Shall we go on your next day off?"
should be okay.
- 708 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:13:48.35 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>705
Most of them are closed.
- 709 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:13:49.21 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Okay, let's mod >>1 from now on!www
- 710 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:13:50.25 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- I personally want a vote by post numbers so we can ruin your date before it takes place.
- 711 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:13:55.67 ID:YeGQkX1p0
- I'm envious as fuck coz you seem to be having so much fun.
- 712 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:15:00.88 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- 713 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:15:10.28 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- First of all, change your hairstyle to Guile's from SF2.
- 714 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:15:42.56 ID:7QHxIabi0
- "Okay.(*^ー゚)v♪ Until next time.☆
Good night."
is what she replied, but my hands are shaking and I feel nauseous.
- 715 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:16:23.45 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>714
You reckless sonuva...w
- 716 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:16:34.81 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- Wouldn't it be wise to ask your sisters to make you look cool for the date?
- 717 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:16:35.36 ID:G9meRb2n0
- On a date, your first move is the most important, so start off by giving her a Rubik's cube as a present.
- 718 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:16:52.34 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- >>714
You naughty little boy! ( ´∀`)σ)゚Д゚;)
- 719 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:17:04.73 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- Play your flute and calm down.
- 720 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:17:09.52 ID:r97HQ9o/0
- Why a Rubik's cube?www
- 721 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:17:18.95 ID:O37nANSlO
- 1, will you be fine all alone with Glasses?
- 722 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:17:23.76 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- No worries, there are many new beauty parlors lately that open every day of the year.
I work in such a beauty parlor, I should know.
- 723 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:17:31.47 ID:YeGQkX1p0
- Even though Glasses is younger than me, it feels like she's older for some reason.
- 724 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:17:32.45 ID:g/Zc9IwS0
- Oh boy...
This is exactly the kind of turn of events we VIPPERs lovewww
But it should be the same for you too, >>1. You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?
At least more than when you were messing around with your BigSis's iPodwww
- 725 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:17:36.32 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>714
Upload a pic of yourself.
So we can decide your new haircut.
- 726 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:18:32.36 ID:7QHxIabi0
- It's hell to go. And it's hell not to go.
Do you guys understand this feeling? You probably have to be a shut-in to understand.
I'll have to go outside again! Then right into the clutches of death! And Glasses is a fujoshi!
- 727 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:18:39.79 ID:LgThuI1X0
- >>690
Why a private room?w
- 728 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:19:15.93 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- The day of the date hasn't been decided yet!
We still have enough time left!
First, take pics of what you think are your most fashionable clothes and upload them!
- 729 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:19:28.04 ID:G9meRb2n0
- For your new hairstyle, it should be something a fujoshi would like, like Cygnus Hyouga's or Edajima Heihachi's hairstyle.
- 730 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:19:45.39 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- >>726
This is your opportunity to get out of your room!
Muster up some courage!
- 731 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:20:03.44 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>726
Calm downww
- 732 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:20:08.04 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Let me look at Kotomi pictures for a while to regain my composure.
- 733 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:20:35.69 ID:8l0Op7Ho0
- Think of it as rehabilitation!
You rarely ever get a chance like this!
Why don't you try to change yourself little by little from now on?
Don't worry, you'll be fine.
You'll get used to going on a date once you've been to one once or twice.
- 734 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:21:00.81 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Wait. What am I supposed to do now?
- 735 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:21:20.09 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Don't you want to fondle Glasses' boobs!?
- 736 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:21:23.52 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Start a post-number vote on what to do to 2ndSis, of course.
- 737 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:21:39.29 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Now that it's come to this...
I still think it's better to tell her you're a shut-in.
It's definitely better if she hears about it from you than from 2ndSis.
- 738 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:21:40.58 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- Calm down first. We'll think about what to do after that.
- 739 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:22:28.33 ID:O37nANSlO
- You better not let this chance slip away.
- 740 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:22:39.65 ID:YeGQkX1p0
- Fapwatchingbird, come quickly!!!!!!
- 741 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:22:44.87 ID:booVB+4vO
- Calm down, Fapwatchbird!!
But man, this thread is going placeswwwww I'm excited as fuck too.
- 742 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:23:22.59 ID:6b99JiCZO
- Making memories together is important when it comes to dates.
Meet up with her at that casual whatsitsname restaurant.
Go shopping while constantly flirting with her.
Buy her a small present like a keyholder.
The next time you ask her out, she'll have your present with her.
You talk about it.
>>1 is now a happy person and drops dead like all happy people should.
- 743 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:23:50.56 ID:LgThuI1X0
- >>734
It might not be a good idea to give yourself a complete makeover in such a short time.
Show us your favorite clothes in your closet for now.
- 744 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:24:22.06 ID:G9meRb2n0
- If not a Rubik's cube, then how about this for a present? ttp://onion.ocnk.net/product/195
It's a flyswatter made in Finland. I'm sure she'll like it.
- 745 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:24:51.17 ID:QNxImspHO
- I have a lab tomorrow, but I can't sleep... Anyways, now that it's decided that you'll go on a date, shouldn't we decide what to do about your hairstyle and what clothes to wear for the date?
- 746 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:25:26.46 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- Wow, wow, aren't you guys getting ahead of yourselves?
- 747 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:25:36.11 ID:8l0Op7Ho0
- I have to work tomorrow too...
I think I'm going to bedw
- 748 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:25:45.05 ID:G9meRb2n0
- I don't know much about hairstyles, but for clothes, why don't you just wear a Jinbei?
- 749 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:25:58.21 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I'm a little calmer now. Throwing up helped.
- 750 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:26:32.70 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Do I upload pics of my clothes then?
- 751 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:26:52.12 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- Jinbeiwww
Do you want Fapbird to freeze to death?www
- 752 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:27:03.73 ID:LgThuI1X0
- Don't throw up!www
- 753 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:27:14.91 ID:O37nANSlO
- You actually threw up?w
- 754 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:27:21.15 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>750
Are you okay?
For now, try to upload pics of as many of your clothes as you can.
- 755 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:27:27.11 ID:YeGQkX1p0
- Upload pics of Glasses' boobs too while you're at it.
- 756 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:27:56.57 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- 2ndSis's panties too, please!
- 757 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:28:06.78 ID:LgThuI1X0
- >>750
Yeah, upload them.
Who knows, maybe your clothes aren't as bad as one would expect of an otaku shut-in.
- 758 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:29:14.30 ID:QNxImspHO
- Wtfwww You threw upwww
If it's really that tough for you, you shouldn't push yourself. (´・ω・`)ノシ
In some cases, it's safer to stay holed up in your room than to try too hard to blend into society...
- 759 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:31:39.83 ID:amPpnZKu0
- Oh, I see you've made some more progresswwwwwww
Glasses seems very interested in meeting you. Keep up the good work and continue your mission.
When you say you threw up, you mean your penis threw up, right?www
- 760 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:32:14.41 ID:FWkV5Puk0
- Minami-ke is on.
As always, the animation is so creepyw
- 761 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:36:43.89 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- What a lucky bastard you are. I haven't felt this excited about something in a long time.
And I can't believe it's because of some stranger in the internetw
Thanks, Fap.
- 762 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:37:53.32 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Thank you☆Fap!
- 763 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:39:16.61 ID:7QHxIabi0
- This was my outfit last time (after BigSis did some changes):

From top to bottom:
Shirt with long sleeves I bought in Uniqlo
Uniqlo sweater
BigSis's winter jacket. She let me borrow it because she rarely wears it
Uniqlo jeans that are too short for me
And some weird shoes that didn't fit into the picture
- 764 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:41:35.12 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- >>763
That looks like an outfit that'll keep you warm when it's cold and windy out.
- 765 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:41:37.84 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- A normal casual outfit should be good, no?
Judging from the clothes, Fapbird is a beanpole.
- 766 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:41:48.08 ID:OZQKitJeO
- That flute case looks awesomew
- 767 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:41:53.80 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- How should I put this... Once you take off the jacket, it's pretty much game over.
- 768 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:42:06.15 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>763
I think it's okay. But you can't really wear the same thing as last time...
I'd say it's best to ask BigSis what to wear again.
Without a word to 2ndSis, of course. Though she'll probably find out anyway.
- 769 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:42:55.70 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Why don't you borrow more clothes from ElderSis? With your slender feminine build, her clothes will surely fit you, Fapkins.
- 770 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:43:08.49 ID:J8Fr7ibk0
- Isn't it better to leave out the sweater?
Also, how about wearing a muffler?
- 771 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:43:23.60 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- The jacket is the only thing that isn't lame and it's not even yourswww Do something about itwwwww
- 772 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:43:33.79 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- Fujoshi usually seem to prefer slender guys, so maybe that's why she likes Fap.
- 773 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:43:52.50 ID:OZQKitJeO
- We need to work on your color coordination because it lacks so-called "accent colors".
As it is, your outfit looks a bit too dark and dull.
- 774 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:44:26.22 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- I get that fashion and style is important, but in OP's case, shouldn't we go for a neat and clean appearance this time?
- 775 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:44:42.65 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- Ah, I know!
Just get yourself one of those good-looking knitted shirts.
You know, one with skinny sleeves, for example.
- 776 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:44:58.44 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Damn, you guys are pretty harshww Who do you think you are? Fucking Piko?wwww
- 777 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:45:00.95 ID:ENpzUOLd0
- >>763
In any case, I don't think it's a good idea to wear jeans that are too short for you.
It probably depends on how short it really is though.
- 778 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:45:16.93 ID:LgThuI1X0
- >>763
Don't you have a shirt or something you could wear instead of that sweater?
And if it's not too much to ask, you should switch to jeans that are darker in color.
Dat recorder casewww
- 779 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:45:35.74 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- No, we're more like IKKO!www
- 780 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:45:54.82 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- Can't say anything about the pants until I see them on you. If they're not too weird, you can keep them, but you should probably buy new clothes for the rest.
- 781 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:46:10.81 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Well, you probably can't do much about your clothes when you're still a shut-in NEET.
But it's cold out, so you should at least put on some Genji gloves to keep your hands warm, you know?
- 782 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:46:56.99 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- >>781
Yeah, they're great because they let you attack twice in a turn toowww
- 783 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:46:59.69 ID:P4Uodtg60
- You'll be fine as long as you don't take off the jacket.
Keep in mind. You lose if you take it off.
- 784 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:47:17.62 ID:7QHxIabi0
- 2ndSis just came into my room and she was like
"What are you making all that noise for?wwwwwww Go to bed already!wwwwwwww"
She totally knows.
- 785 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:47:47.83 ID:qsUIzXD80
- If my hunch is right, this thread was started by none other than 2ndSis.
- 786 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:47:52.04 ID:J8Fr7ibk0
- I agree with >>778.
And the shirt should be a nice accent color.
- 787 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:48:02.08 ID:LKVsJH7v0
- 2ndSis always comes at the best timewww
- 788 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:48:03.68 ID:YeGQkX1p0
- What else did she say? Could you post the whole conversation?
- 789 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:48:07.86 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- That sweater is a faux pas imo.
Even if it's cold out, long sleeve T-shirts would be better as they don't make you look bulky.
But the biggest problem is that your outfit suddenly becomes really lame as soon as you take off that jacketw
Btw, if you're not good at color-coordinating your clothes, just play it safe and go with all black.
- 790 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:48:31.85 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Okay, IKKOs, what is an "accent color"?
- 791 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:48:47.99 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Don't you have any other sweaters? Preferably one that's so thick that it'll make her go "Aren't you hot? Why don't you take it off?".
- 792 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:49:01.69 ID:OZQKitJeO
- I feel like a few knitted pieces of clothing could do wonders here.
Since the jacket is rather dark in color, a light-colored muffler and a knit cap would be perfect.
- 793 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:49:42.66 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- Make sure to take sunglasses and a mask with you.
- 794 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:50:08.57 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I feel like a dumbass because I don't have the slightest clue what you guys are writing aboutwwwwwwwww
- 795 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:51:08.63 ID:J8Fr7ibk0
- >>790
An accent color is supposed to add life to plain color schemes.
Like mellow red in your case.
- 796 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:51:14.30 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- I love men that look good in a cardigan!
- 797 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:52:23.82 ID:G9meRb2n0
- All alone with Glasses in a private room... I can see why you'd get hot.
And if you strip, you should be wearing a tank top under the sweater. The kind that Mr. Abe would like.
- 798 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:52:28.61 ID:IopIA9dR0
- >>1
The jacket looks fine, but you should really do something about the rest.
As for shoes, Jack Purcells would do the job.
- 799 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:52:58.74 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- >>790
It's a bold color we want you to add to your color scheme so you don't look like a pile of shit with all those dull colors.
- 800 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:53:33.65 ID:OZQKitJeO
- What's your budget, Fapboy?
- 801 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:54:02.78 ID:nC0QWNqp0
- Would a whitish shirt coupled with a cardigan sweater work?
It's a very safe choice imo...
In any case, OP should wear normal clothes instead of going all dressed up.
- 802 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:54:07.19 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- 799
"Like a pile of shit"ww
- 803 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:54:10.40 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Jack Purcell? Is that the ultimate weapon of some RPG character?
- 804 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:54:24.60 ID:LgThuI1X0
- How about a simple white shirt?
Wear a V-neck T-shirt under it.
And for jeans, I'd go with indigo.
Brand doesn't matter, you can even get all your clothes in Uniqlo if you want.
But make sure to buy the right size.
- 805 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:54:42.58 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Sounds like the name of an inequality to me. Jack Purcell's inequality.
- 806 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:54:42.79 ID:kTO9sKvc0
- Cute Glasses is cute.

- 807 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:56:01.26 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- >>806
Next time, draw her with a flute between her... Sorry, nevermind.
- 808 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:56:31.77 ID:7QHxIabi0
- "Indigo" reminds me of the first season of pokemon.
- 809 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:56:38.04 ID:LHqMyfy20
- Finally caught up with the thread.
I lost it at "ultimate weapon"wwwwww
- 810 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:56:46.71 ID:r97HQ9o/0
- >>806
Cute Glasses is cute.
- 811 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:57:29.02 ID:Yc76tIqnO
- That's like pretty fucking cutewww
- 812 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:57:34.59 ID:LgThuI1X0
- You can't go wrong if you wear a white shirt and a V-neck T-shirt with long sleeves under it.
As for pants, I'd recommend non-washing jeans.
If you're broke, just buy them in Uniqlo.
Don't buy clothes that are too big for you though.
- 813 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:57:42.66 ID:ENpzUOLd0
- >>794
Let me explain.
- Since all your clothes are dark, you should wear one or two pieces of clothing that are a brighter color.
- Wear a shirt instead of the sweater (a shirt is usually a garment with a collar and a full vertical opening with buttons)
Another option is to wear a long sleeve T-shirt made from a thin fabric.
Hope I got it right myself.
- 814 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:58:25.60 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- Cardigans and sweaters don't look good on bulky guys with distinct faces though. It all depends on who's wearing it. Shouldn't we ask 1 about his outer appearance first?
- 815 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:59:07.44 ID:FgEnwY5R0
- How long is your hair?
- 816 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:59:13.12 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>814
- 817 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:59:14.11 ID:URXuGmFo0
- >>806
I'm so jealous, I want a girlfriend like thatーーーー
- 818 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:59:26.07 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- Come to think of it, we haven't decided which songs OP should put on his iPod when he goes out.
- 819 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:59:36.66 ID:G9meRb2n0
- A fujoshi like Glasses might be into men wearing kilts, the national dress of Scotland.
I'm not telling you to wear kilts now, but keep it in a corner of your head, just in case.
- 820 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:59:41.10 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>806
My body moved on its own and saved it.
- 821 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 01:59:43.26 ID:IopIA9dR0
- http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/hanjiro/
Give yourself a makeover for cheap at Hanjiro.
- 822 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:00:40.51 ID:LHqMyfy20
- Guys, you can give >>1 the best fashion advice in the world, but it's useless if he doesn't get it.
Wouldn't it be faster and more effective if he got his big sister to help him out with it?
Just tell her the truth, tell her that you're going to eat out with Glasses.
- 823 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:00:54.86 ID:J8Fr7ibk0
- That is a sweatshirt, not a sweater.
And personally, I wouldn't wear sweatshirts outside, much less on a date.
A white shirt would be great.
One more thing, hairstyle is very important.
Make sure to visit a beauty parlor.
- 824 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:01:27.17 ID:PbhBrtXe0
- For shoes, any Converse, Adidas, Nike sneakers should do.
For trousers, skinny jeans of a darker color would be nice.
For the upper body, get a long sleeve T-shirt and a jacket.
A down jacket, maybe. If you got all this, you should at least look like a normal person.
- 825 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:01:32.53 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Going to a beauty parlor might prove to be the first big hurdle...
- 826 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:01:38.20 ID:6b99JiCZO
- Believe it or not, this might be the happiest time of your life, >>1.
Wondering what to wear for your first date might seem like a tough time for a shut-in otaku like you are now, but there'll come a time when you'll look back and realize how it was the time of your life.
- 827 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:02:45.37 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>814
I'm like the uglier male version of Himesaki Shuri.
I'm quite skinny too.
Long. Kinda like Kumeta's hair in the OP of Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei.
- 828 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:03:41.90 ID:kTO9sKvc0
- When you go to a beauty parlor, you'll be asked
"What can I do for you today?".
Simply reply with a
"I'd like a haircut.".
When I first went to a beauty parlor in junior high, I was startled by the question and didn't know what to say for a moment.
- 829 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:04:10.90 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Long is actually better because there are more things you can do with long hair.
I'm glad you don't have short hairw
- 830 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:04:32.67 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I can't follow my own thread anymorewwwwwwwwww
I'm just sitting here staring at the screen, completely cluelesswwwwwwww
- 831 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:04:36.96 ID:YeGQkX1p0
- >>814
Why do you always have to compare yourself with Himesaki Shuri?wwwwwww
- 832 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:05:05.49 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- The name Himesaki Shuri doesn't ring any bells with me.
You'll have to show me a video of her.
- 833 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:05:47.30 ID:IopIA9dR0
- Make an appointment → Pick a hairstyle from a catalog before you head to the beauty parlor → Show them a photo of the hairstyle you picked → Get your hair cut → Style your hair with wax and you've made it. It's not hard, really.
As for clothes, buy fashion magazines for men like "FINEBOYS" or "smart" and pick clothes you like out of them.
- 834 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:06:13.19 ID:G9meRb2n0
- >>830 The overall consensus is that you should ask BigSis's advice on clothes and hairstyle and then introduce her to me.
- 835 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:06:41.03 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- Keep in mind that you have to make an appointment when you go to a beauty parlor!
Just tell them you want an appointment for a haircut and they'll take care of the rest.
- 836 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:07:19.02 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Take a magazine clipping of a hairstyle you like with you to the beauty parlor.
They have hairstyle catalogs, but you'll have a very hard time deciding on one on the spot, >>1.
- 837 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:08:06.34 ID:KLIiIrSB0
- Shouldn't you be lowering your head and begging 2ndSis to tell you how much she knows about the whole thing?
- 838 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:09:23.90 ID:7QHxIabi0
- All kinds of hurdles are waiting for me.
- I have to go outside to buy new clothes
- I don't have much money to buy said new clothes
- Will BigSis become my ally?
- I have to go to a beauty parlor to get my hair cut
- I don't feel confident about entering a beauty parlor, much less about talking to the employees. If I'm not careful, I might get a panic attack.
- How do I get by from now on with what little budget I have?
- I have to come up with things to talk to Glasses about beforehand
- I have to get used to going outside again
- I have to educate myself on yaoi. And read up on Bleach.
- Can this kind of thread even survive in VIP...?
- What is the truth behind the Fapwatchingbird? Will it come tomorrow?
And so on and so forth...
- 839 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:09:25.20 ID:zGWUPny30
- What a creepy thread.
- 840 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:09:32.39 ID:IopIA9dR0
- http://www.beauty-box.jp/style/mens/
These should serve as references. The rest is up to you, 1.
- 841 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:09:35.07 ID:PbhBrtXe0
- Don't you have any female friends, 1?
- 842 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:09:38.54 ID:ENpzUOLd0
- >>830
I too think that he should ask his BigSis for advice.
It'd be even better if she went shopping for clothes with him.
- 843 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:09:53.06 ID:mEp7Q/DZ0
- http://kazuyanorenai.blog.shinobi.jp/
- 844 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:10:58.46 ID:nC0QWNqp0
- First of all, I don't know what you're trying to do with Glasses, >>1.
But it's possible that 2ndSis and Glasses are in permanent contact with each other.
Btw, there's this one word you have to keep in mind when socializing with people: Cleanliness
I know, you see people wearing dirty and worn-out clothes everywhere, but if we're perfectly honest, almost everyone thinks "LOL WHAT A BUM" when they see them...
- 845 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:11:09.21 ID:6b99JiCZO
- When a hairdresser asks you "What's it gonna be?",
don't tell him you want a hairstyle that won't embarrass you when you're with a girl. He'll tell you off and give you a long-ass lecture about self-confidence.
- 846 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:11:19.67 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>838
Just pretend you're asleep when you're at the beauty parlorw
- 847 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:11:27.71 ID:LHqMyfy20
- Wasn't it BigSis who asked 2ndSis to take you with her that time when you went shopping for a new diary?
Then she'll gladly help her little brother get himself a girlfriend.
- 848 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:11:28.20 ID:oTW4LNLlO
- You'll probably have to take off your winter jacket in a restaurant like Kichiri, so you should get yourself a nice long-sleeve T-shirt or something similar to wear under it.
And get BigSis to style your hair with wax.
Now get off your butt and take pics of 2ndSis's panties to post them here.
- 849 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:11:53.27 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Upload pics of 2ndSis's girdle!
- 850 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:13:17.02 ID:FgEnwY5R0
- BigSis will become your ally, don't worry about that.
There's no need to worry about the Fapwatchingbird either, it'll surely visit you tomorrow again.
- 851 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:13:46.60 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Look, guys. Train Man was just fiction, a movie, get it?
If real virgin trash ends up in a situation like this, they'll find themselves confronted with a mountain of problems. A whole new world of problems.
Life just doesn't work like in Train Man.
- 852 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:13:51.38 ID:OZQKitJeO
- And pics of 2ndSis's bewbs too!
- 853 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:15:20.74 ID:yF/KhkZWO
- >>838
- I have to go outside to buy new clothes
Order them online.
At Uniqlo, for instance, shipping fees are free for purchases more than 5250 yen.
- Will BigSis become my ally?
Make her.
- I don't feel confident about entering a beauty parlor, much less about talking to the employees. If I'm not careful, I might get a panic attack.
I just clam up and stay silent the entire time.
I'm a cheap customer that comes only for a haircut anyway. I bet they fucking hate me.
- How do I get by from now on with what little budget I have?
Get a part-time job.
- I have to come up with things to talk to Glasses about beforehand
Talk about anime.
- I have to get used to going outside again
Start by taking night walks.
- I have to educate myself on yaoi. And read up on Bleach.
That's what wikis are there for.
- 854 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:15:31.59 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Guys, forget about 2ndSis already!!! She's not on our side!! She's an ENEMY!!
- 855 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:15:38.06 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>851
You can't deny though that you're hitting it off quite well and fast too....
- 856 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:15:59.84 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Don't worry, it's not like the world revolves around you, 1.
The people outside are too busy with their own lives to take notice of you. So please live your life the way you want it without worrying about what others might think.
Now get to taking pics of 2ndSis's girdle already... A BigSis is fine too.
- 857 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:16:28.84 ID:MVUiVwHM0
- ttp://shop.mindwind.jp/shopdetail/003009000028/order/
Maybe something like these?
These may not be all the rage, but at least you won't look like an otaku anymore.
Wear BigSis's winter jacket over it and you're set.
- 858 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:16:54.71 ID:G9meRb2n0
- I'd use the word "VILLAIN" instead of "ENEMY", it sounds cooler!!!!
- 859 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:16:57.86 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Say, what is a "girdle"?
- 860 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:17:00.49 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- First of all, relax. In other words...
Go jerk off.
- 861 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:17:21.96 ID:LgThuI1X0
- - I have to go outside to buy new clothes
Make an effort.
- I don't have much money to buy said new clothes
Buy them cheap at Uniqlo.
- Will BigSis become my ally?
She'll probably get a big bang out of it, but she'll help you.
- I have to go to a beauty parlor to get my hair cut
- I don't feel confident about entering a beauty parlor, much less about talking to the employees. If I'm not careful, I might get a panic attack.
No one expects you to frequent a beauty parlor, think of it as a one-time thing.
- How do I get by from now on with what little budget I have?
Get a loan from the BigSis Finance Company.
- I have to come up with things to talk to Glasses about beforehand
I think you'll be fine. You two seem to have the same tastes.
- I have to get used to going outside again
Make an effort.
- I have to educate myself on yaoi. And read up on Bleach.
Why do things the hard way when you can just let her teach you?
- Can this kind of thread even survive in VIP...?
On the contrary, there's a demand for it.
- What is the truth behind the Fapwatchingbird? Will it come tomorrow?
Now that is the main question here.
- 862 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:17:36.26 ID:J8Fr7ibk0
- >>851
It's looking really good so far, so don't you fuck it up or you'll regret it all your life.
Try to take it little by little, step by step.
- 863 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:18:34.05 ID:OZQKitJeO
- >>1
If you don't know which clothes to get, buy the entire outfit of one of the mannequins at Uniqlo.
You can't go wrong with them.
- 864 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:21:27.52 ID:yF/KhkZWO
- >>859
A girdle is a piece of garment worn to make the area around the buttocks look thinner and more shapely.
I think you wear it over the underwear.
Btw, there are girdles for men too.
- 865 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:24:58.26 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Think about it calmly, guys. Why should he change his hairstyle when he's already met Glasses once? Why not just keep his current hairstyle?
- 866 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:25:26.68 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- Your mission objectives for tomorrow are the following:
Upload pics of Fapbird and an mp3 of yourself playing your flute.
I'll be counting on you.
- 867 : 2ndSis : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:25:52.11 ID:amPpnZKu0
- : : : : : : : :./: :/ : : :.;、: : : : : : .:.:.ヽ: :/ ヽ
: : : : : : :/: : : : :/: : :.:厂`ヽ; :.ヽ.:. : : .:.| Do me l
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- 868 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:27:09.32 ID:7QHxIabi0
- If Fapbird comes again, sure. It flew away when I wanted to take a photo today though.
- 869 : Glasses : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:28:23.77 ID:amPpnZKu0
- /.:i l.... /'´ / .::: /: /|;、ヽ;ヽ: | i::::::::l:::::l
/.::l l:/ / , ;'::// :: .イ:: /; l:|ヽ. ヾ,ヾ| |:::::::::i:::::l
イ::l. l /:::: / / // /; |:| ヽ ヾ;| |:: :::i::l;;::l
/ .l :l. l レ:/ / / // !| ヽ | |: ::|::|;;:|
/ i | l l::ケ' ̄l/..:`.`/ ー|‐- 、 i:| | :|:::∧
! | | |:__>ナ‐tjトiミ '´,た_ ``┤ :| |::ト;:ヽ
. i ! | |: ゝ`-' ' ' iソ iYヾニ | :| |::ト, :::i
∧ | |:. i `l_, _l´ `" ;. | :| |:ト; ;/ I did as you said and asked him out.
ヾ .i | |::. ヽ、 _ノ ;: ',. i ,| :.| |::/V I kept my promise, so you keep yours too and...
〉.l | |:ヽ _ ` - ' ィ | l.| |:!ヽ.:ヽ spend the night with me again (heart)
/::/i l |:::::::`i 、 ヽ _ ̄' ノ .| | l.| |:ヽ ヽ ::ヽ
i/...:| l |::::::::| >i 、 , ' | | i.| |:、::ヽ.ヽ:::l
, -‐' ´l i l |:::::::| / i ` -- ' !.| i.| i ヽ;ヽソ
. , ' ´ l l. l |:::::::|' ' Y l l l `ヽ
/ , ' |.l l .|::::::i | | | i `ヽ
- 870 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:28:40.50 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>867
- 871 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:29:00.90 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Have you calmed down a little?
- 872 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:29:35.37 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Quite a lot actually.
- 873 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:30:09.50 ID:DgKFIyLz0
- How long are you guys going to keep this shit going?
- 874 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:31:10.32 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Glad to hear that.
Well, you really don't need to worry about it so much, do you?
You're just going to have a nice meal in a restaurant is all.
- 875 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:32:02.27 ID:amPpnZKu0
- >>872
Take a loan from the BigSis Finance Company firstwww
Though it looks like your iPod pranks will cost you dearly now that it's come to thiswwwww
- 876 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:32:11.12 ID:booVB+4vO
- >>873
Even when you're playing a shitty hentai game, you want to see how it ends, don't you?
- 877 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:33:02.40 ID:OZQKitJeO
- It's not like you're going to meet her for the first time, so you don't have to go all dressed up imo.
On the contrary, it'd be weirder if you looked completely different from last time.
If you feel like you have to change something, go to Shimamura and get yourself a knit turtleneck of a warm colorw
- 878 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:33:30.36 ID:rfAMXHi+0
- >>1
Buy condoms just in case.
Actually, have condoms with you from now on at all times.
- 879 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:35:08.18 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>874
That's what a normal guy would think, I guess, but I'm far from being normal.
Why do I feel like BigSis will turn out to be a loan shark?
I couldn't agree more.
- 880 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:36:12.74 ID:e0h39r390
- How much can you spend on clothes?
- 881 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:36:41.93 ID:rfAMXHi+0
- When you go to that restaurant and you feel like you're both enjoying yourselves, don't forget to ask her out on the next date.
For instance, when you're talking about manga, say something like
"Then shall we go to a manga cafe next time?
I'd love to read the manga you like, Ms. Glasses."
It's just an example, but it's important to say something that'll lead to the next date imo.
What do you think, gentlemen?
- 882 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:38:37.93 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- First, post pics of any other "going out" outfits you have.
A date in a manga cafe? Really?
- 883 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:38:55.83 ID:GsfnYyW7O
- >>1
This isn't a VIP thread anymore considering where it's heading.
Isn't it about time we move this to a different board?
- 884 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:39:47.61 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- >>881
That depends solely on the mood. If you ask her out on the next date when she's not really into the ongoing date yet, it'll feel too clingy and forced.
But if you truly enjoy yourselves, the next date will naturally come up.
- 885 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:40:25.93 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- Well, as someone else posted before, you've already met her once, so there's absolutely no need to change yourself or get all nervous about it.
Just try to look clean and tidy while being thoughtful and considerate.
- 886 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:40:35.47 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Looks like my diary entry for today will be a long one.
- 887 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:41:25.47 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- Are you still keeping a diary everyday?w
- 888 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:42:32.77 ID:rfAMXHi+0
- >>1
End today's entry with
"Tomorrow, I'm going to buy condoms.".
Do it.
- 889 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:43:36.92 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Post what you wrote into your diary laterwww
- 890 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:44:10.33 ID:LHqMyfy20
- Yeah, I wanna read it toowwwww
- 891 : BigSis : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:44:25.27 ID:amPpnZKu0
- /:.:.:.:.:/:.:.:.:.:.:.|:.:.:.:.:.:./ll:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:lヽ:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ヘ
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"I charge a nominal interest rate of 10% every 10 days. If you can't pay, I'll take your organs."
- 892 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:45:20.57 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Post my diary...?
Th-that's embarrassing... >///<
- 893 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:45:42.47 ID:FgEnwY5R0
- Let's pray that his diary doesn't turn into a Fapwatchingbird observation diary.
- 894 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:46:40.66 ID:GsfnYyW7O
- >>891
Wow, that's a lot fairer than I expected.
I thought she'd charge 30% or 50% every 10 days.
- 895 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:47:26.80 ID:Jk+46LAdO
- Embarrassing?www
You've been posting embarrassing stuff in the threads all this time, you know?
- 896 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:49:05.90 ID:7QHxIabi0
- When Fapwatchingbird comes tomorrow, I'll make a drawing of it in my diary...
- 897 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:57:44.25 ID:MohpCVsR0
- I find 1pod diligently keeping a diary moe.
- 898 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 02:59:04.70 ID:LHqMyfy20
- You should've gotten a sketchbook diary thenwww
- 899 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:01:40.31 ID:DgKFIyLz0
- >>896
Does that mean you'll be fapping and drawing at the same time?
- 900 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:01:40.42 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- Did he go to sleep?
- 901 : Akechi_Mitsuhide ◆GZT/xIiF72 : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:02:28.55 ID:apQoNepQ0
- >>899
With every stroke of his pen(is)...
- 902 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:03:25.02 ID:Y5sd0+j90
- He gets closer to finishing his master(bation)piece...
- 903 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:03:58.35 ID:GsfnYyW7O
- Whoever's going to start the next thread, please do so in Part Flash.
- 904 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:05:13.56 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I'm still awake.
- 905 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:09:26.34 ID:GsfnYyW7O
- So your final goal, >>1, is to bone Glasses, right?
- 906 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:10:59.96 ID:Kqrd/Cs80
- Glasses: "Are you staying up late tonight again?"www
- 907 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:11:09.69 ID:zNCQGQjCO
- >>905
Rather than boning her, he's totally after her boobs.
- 908 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:11:17.60 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- We still need to decide when to go to the restaurant with Glasses...
I think it goes without saying that it should be sometime this week. But since >>1 is free everyday... I guess we'll just have to make her decide, huh?
- 909 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:12:01.21 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I want a girlfriend and I want to live a fulfilling life too.
Though I don't really remember Glasses' face. Heck, I don't even remember clearly what kind of person she was...
- 910 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:15:17.89 ID:GsfnYyW7O
- In other words, the only thing >>1 remembers are her boobs.
- 911 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:16:14.49 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- Of course, you don't remember her personality, you've only met her once.
You'll have plenty of time to get to know each other from now on.
- 912 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:21:17.75 ID:LHqMyfy20
- If you don't remember her face, come up with an excuse and ask 2ndSis to show you a photo or a purikura of her.
It could work.
2ndSis: "Don't you use it as fap materialwwwwwwwwww"
- 913 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:25:24.91 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I don't think 2ndSis will help me out in any way.
- 914 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:29:00.39 ID:GsfnYyW7O
- >>913
It might be true that we can't expect any help from 2ndSis anymore.
In that case, use her.
- 915 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:32:33.32 ID:6qsT2cJGO
- Have you always been on bad terms with 2ndSis, Fap?
- 916 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:36:12.52 ID:zNCQGQjCO
- Don't try too hard when you're not even used to going out yet, Fap.(´・ω・`)
It's okay to take it slowly, you can't hurry love anyway.
Even if you don't feel any love now, it's okay.
Take it easy, man.
- 917 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:51:52.20 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I think I'll go to bed now.
What do we do about the next thread btw? This thread might be long dead when I get up.
I'll leave the decision whether to change boards or not to you guys.
I have this feeling that I'll need you guys' help badly next time, so I'd be very glad if there's a next thread...
- 918 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:52:47.69 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>915
We've never had a serious fight, but yeah, we've never gotten along well either.
- 919 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 03:55:46.87 ID:0jSAdrs40
- Caught up with the thread.
I feel like you'll have the time of your life if you just talked to her freely about anime/manga without trying to hide your power level.
- 920 : I_want_to_become_one_with_a_cute_little_girl... : 2008/01/21(Mon) 04:25:41.60 ID:6iaaufdi0
- / // ヽ\
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- 921 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 05:26:20.25 ID:OZYyH7nR0
- I couldn't follow either when everyone started talking about fashion.
- 922 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 06:05:07.38 ID:ehczeJWDO
- bump
- 923 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 06:17:04.19 ID:gnLtRtxjO
- I can't see any of the pics you posted, >>1. (´・ω・`)
Judging from her e-mails, Glasses seems totally interested in you, >>1!
You'll probably be fine as long as you don't step on some huge landmine or something.
Your money problem however might turn into a much bigger problem later on... Be it for clothes or restaurant costs, you'll always need money...
And you gotta get used to the mass-produced Zaku toowww
- 924 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 06:24:34.23 ID:nC0QWNqp0
- Why don't you get yourself a part-time job and apply for a university?
If you're worried about being older than the other students, take evening classes.
- 925 : I_want_to_become_one_with_a_cute_little_girl... : 2008/01/21(Mon) 07:15:56.81 ID:6iaaufdi0
- ,...-< ̄ ̄~ヽ 、
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- 926 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 07:24:10.51 ID:3eVq3l6BO
- Yeah, I don't think 2ndSis can help you...
Consult BigSis
Take her advice
Borrow money from her on the condition that you'll get a part-time job soon
Start dating Glasses
Devote yourself to sex with Glasses
Say goodbye to Fapwatchingbird
Get used to society
Start a part-time job
Thank BigSis for all her help
Pay your debts
Go into retirement
- 927 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 08:19:58.60 ID:871Ez5c+O
- bump
- 928 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 08:39:22.23 ID:booVB+4vO
- >>926
I lol'd.
- 929 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 09:24:20.22 ID:JPet5UQu0
- bump
- 930 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 10:11:59.23 ID:ehczeJWDO
- bump
- 931 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 10:21:37.85 ID:7Wxll3riO
- bump
- 932 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 10:59:43.43 ID:YrkC8OZ2O
- bump
- 933 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 11:33:31.48 ID:e/lx+0nyO
- bump
- 934 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 11:35:32.60 ID:pr4+WiE60
- Start the next thread in Part Flash please.
But damn, 1 has gotten pretty good at writing e-mailsw
- 935 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 11:44:09.15 ID:3eVq3l6BO
- Okay, whoever's >>970 starts the next thread. Let's go with that.
Don't forget to post a link to it here. Also, put "Glasses" in the title.
Did I forget something?
- 936 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 12:11:39.49 ID:OceHIktw0
- bump
- 937 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 12:51:51.59 ID:GTALm5jSO
- Bumping from my cell phone because I'm still banned.
- 938 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 12:52:45.99 ID:8JpUXtQ30
- Is he still sleeping?
- 939 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 12:56:29.02 ID:svVRIE+T0
- He's a real night owl.
- 940 : OPOONA ◆opoona/NYs : 2008/01/21(Mon) 12:56:56.20 ID:OOMUAzUZ0
- \ ヽ ヽ | / /
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SFX: rumble rumble
- 941 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 13:03:02.84 ID:G9meRb2n0
- He'll probably get up soon.
- 942 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 13:06:28.32 ID:8d8fwl140
- >>941
| ^o^ | < No one gives a fuck.
- 943 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 13:08:33.00 ID:Yc76tIqnO
- Good morning.
- 944 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 13:09:41.48 ID:TDhW/WKP0
- Part Flash is full of hidden affiliate programs though.
- 945 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 13:21:21.29 ID:G9meRb2n0
- bump
- 946 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 13:29:47.98 ID:RnsMUggOO
- The Fapwatching Bird Chronicle
- 947 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 13:41:26.67 ID:TR/wCDN1O
- >>947
That was an interesting book.
- 948 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 13:52:00.51 ID:5WhHzo6O0
- >>947
Was it so boring that you have to talk yourself into believing it was interesting?
- 949 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 13:54:46.68 ID:svVRIE+T0
- The thread will end soon, huh?
- 950 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:09:44.78 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Yeah, thread's almost over.
- 951 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:14:33.27 ID:booVB+4vO
- Do people even go to Part Flash?
- 952 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:14:47.89 ID:GTALm5jSO
- Oh, he's here.
You going on the date today?
Also, are you okay with starting the next thread in Part Flash?
- 953 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:16:37.45 ID:gnLtRtxjO
- Is there a good 2ch cell phone browser for Part Flash?
- 954 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:17:17.21 ID:TR/wCDN1O
- >>948
I meant to quote >>946.
- 955 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:23:24.44 ID:7QHxIabi0
- What do we do about the thread title when we turn it into a Part Flash thread?
- 956 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:25:40.97 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Call it "Shut-in NEET talks about Gigabeat".
- 957 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:29:28.16 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>956
Am I the shut-in NEET?
- 958 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:29:57.46 ID:7QHxIabi0
- The title should contain certain keywords so people can find the threads.
- 959 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:31:42.58 ID:G9meRb2n0
- Yeah, you might wanna put "iPod" in the title.
- 960 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:32:05.66 ID:ZIQQ+cjy0
- The most important keyword is "Glasses" imo.
- 961 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:32:27.20 ID:svVRIE+T0
- This doesn't have much to do with iPods anymore though.
- 962 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:34:47.31 ID:G9meRb2n0
- "Shut-in NEET gets podcast by 2ndSis and Glasses"
- 963 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:37:02.95 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Obligatory keywords are "iPod" and "Glasses".
There's also "shut-in NEET", "Fapwatchbird" and "2ndSis" etc.
- 964 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:38:24.81 ID:OceHIktw0
- So where do we start the next thread?
- 965 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:40:27.59 ID:DgKFIyLz0
- It's about time we move it to Part Flash, isn't it?
- 966 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:41:14.55 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Stop calling me a shut-in NEET all the time!ww Though I am a shut-in NEETwww
- 967 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:41:49.53 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>965
I guess. How is it like in Part Flash anyway?
- 968 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:42:09.01 ID:OceHIktw0
- Never mind the fact that you're a shut-in NEET and decide where to start the next thread, retardww
- 969 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:44:28.92 ID:DgKFIyLz0
- >>967
- 970 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:45:27.06 ID:GTALm5jSO
- I'll go start the next thread then.
Give me a minute.
- 971 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:45:43.04 ID:booVB+4vO
- Rooting for Fapwatchbird from my office!
Where will the next thread be? Someone post a link to it plz.
I also think it'd be great if someone could make a simple summary site.
It'd make it a lot easier for 2channers to find the threads, wouldn't it?
- 972 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:47:07.52 ID:7QHxIabi0
- A summary site...
- 973 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:49:17.13 ID:GTALm5jSO
- Glasses and Shut-in NEET pod together
- 974 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:49:30.30 ID:G9meRb2n0
- >>957 I'm not a NEET, but I'm rooting for you from the other side.
- 975 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:54:37.38 ID:7QHxIabi0
- This is going to be my first time in Part Flash.
- 976 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:13:36.14 ID:OZQKitJeO
- Part Flash loads so slowly on my cell phone...
- 977 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:27:08.20 ID:lEqo7Y7oO
- Browsing Part Flash on a cell phone is a pain.
Anyone know a special browser for it? orz
- 978 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:38:40.48 ID:pr4+WiE60
- On a PC, it's possible to manually set your 2ch browser to work with Part Flash.
And on cell phones, you'll have to find a 2ch browser that supports Part Flash or one that can be set to work with Part Flash, I guess.
- 979 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:41:27.10 ID:qsUIzXD80
- Guys, hear me out, let me tell you about something that happened to me yesterdaywwwwwwwwwwwwww
Some creepy otaku was actually listening to a Gigabeat(LOL) in a train right in front of my eyes yesterdaywwww
And you know what I heard?ww If you fasten the Gigabeat(LOL) to its strap, it hangs upside down, can you believe that?www
And it only has a few gigabytes of storagewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I was likewwwwwwwww this guy's so lamewwwwwwwwwwww
So I pulled out my 80GB iPod out of my pocketwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
When he saw it, his face went all red and he quickly stuffed his upside-down Gigabeat(ROFL) into his bag and got off at the next station as if to run awaywwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Say what you will, the iPod is still TEH shitwwww Most of its users are handsome guys, while users of other players are all ugly as fuckwww
The whole world thinks the iPod is cool, stylish, and popular. It's world famous and I use it too!
The other players are seen as lame, "WTF LOL" tier and "creepy shit for otaku" tierwwww
I don't know much about them and I don't need to because why would you use anything besides the iPod? is what everyone sayswwwwwwwwwwwww
Just having an iPod with you instantly makes you popular among girlswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Well, the fat, snotty, uncircumcised, creepy, ugly non-iPodders would never understand and make all kinds of otaku-ish excuses only to live short tragic liveswww
Loserswwwww PffwwwwwwHahahahawwwwwwwww
- 980 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:43:10.02 ID:teUicYcnO
- Listen, >>1.
You better never tell any lies to her.
Firstly, you never know how much she actually knows.
Secondly, I honestly don't think you can come up with lies that won't get exposed in the long run, >>1.
Just imagine how embarrassing it'd be if you lied to her about yourself and she found out about it much later on.
This is especially true when it comes to you being a friendless virgin otaku shut-in NEET.
If she should ask you something about it, either answer honestly or tell her you don't want to talk about it and change the topic.
- 981 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:50:18.21 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>you being a friendless virgin otaku shut-in NEET
That's like a collection of the worst attributes one can have, isn't it? But yeah, I gotcha, buddy.
- 982 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:52:47.53 ID:7QHxIabi0
- So shall we fill up this thread and I'll report what happened today in the new thread?
- 983 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:54:08.88 ID:pr4+WiE60
- Okay, let's fill this shit up.
- 984 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:55:14.22 ID:GTALm5jSO
- I can only agree.
I don't know what you want to do with Glasses, but if you should fall in love with her, you'll just have to work hard to become someone worthy of her.
I bet she already figured out that you're a shut-in NEET anyway.
If not, don't be afraid to tell her the truth when she asks you about it.
And then show her that you're trying hard to change.
I'm sure she'll understand and support you. I mean, you even share the same hobbies.
But if that's too much of a pain for you, you can always switch to the Flag Crusher routew
Let's be honest though, one needs a lot of courage to suddenly start working or going to school after being a shut-in for years.
In case you do want to give it a shot, I recommend going to a vocational school, provided that your family has the means to support you.
But I digress.
Let's bury this thread.
- 985 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:57:40.81 ID:7QHxIabi0
- Is Glasses even as big-hearted as you all think?ww
- 986 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:01:03.44 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- No matter how big-hearted Glasses is, you don't stand a chance the way you are now, >>1.
But if you keep changing, even if only little by little, Glasses should notice.
Besides, you said it yourself. Actually, you just wanna fondle her boobs, right?www
- 987 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:04:43.81 ID:3cjd8Rku0
- Where the hell is Part Flash!?
- 988 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:05:12.44 ID:GTALm5jSO
- Big-hearted, huh...
If you think about it like that, it'd be actually better if she already knew.
Because that'd mean she wrote all those e-mails to you and even invited you to a meal knowing that you're a shut-in otaku.
Damn, I wanna fondle her boobs so bad.
- 989 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:05:43.03 ID:ZIQQ+cjy0
- Here:
- 990 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:11:57.43 ID:teUicYcnO
- >>981
You can hide the rest if you want, but you have to tell her you're a NEET.
Human relationships don't work like on an anonymous board like VIP, you see?
People just can't establish a relationship if they don't know each other well enough.
Especially in a country like Japan where people define themselves mostly by the school they went to and the job they do.
But I bet Glasses has already heard about it from 2ndSis.
Let's just hope they don't have an "unspoken agreement" though because it'll be really awkward when they're trying to avoid the elephant in the room all the time.
- 991 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:19:55.86 ID:7QHxIabi0
- I see. Keep changing, huh?
I wonder if I have it in me to change though.
But since you never know you're at a turning point of your life until it's over, I guess I just ought to pretend it's one and make an effort. To fondle her boobs.
That's right, I want to fondle her boobs and take a deep whiff of her hair too.
- 992 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:25:22.25 ID:7QHxIabi0
- And no one's aroundwwww I'm such a lonely NEETwwwwwww
Will anyone even come to the Part Flash thread...?
- 993 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:27:30.97 ID:ZIQQ+cjy0
- I'm around.
- 994 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:28:44.40 ID:7QHxIabi0
- "The Fapwatching Bird Chronicle"
The Fapwatchingbird is a bird that watches you fap.
From atop the thick, grey clouds it comes, spreads its wings to watch men jerk off their raging boners day after day.
In the world under him, there is a human residence. An inconspicuous human residence you can find anywhere.
- 995 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:31:11.37 ID:7QHxIabi0
- As the bird lands on the balcony, its eyes catch sight of a man inside the residence.
It's a man whose daily life only consists of sitting in front of his computer and wasting time that flies by at a terrific speed.
The Fapwatchingbird thinks to itself:
"A good fap is good."
- 996 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:32:56.66 ID:teUicYcnO
- Unlike VIP, you rarely get real-time responses over in Part Flash.
It goes like this: People check your thread a few times a day and if there's a new report from you, they comment on it. That's all.
Thus, there'll probably be a lot less people there to help you with replying to e-mails, for instance.
- 997 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:34:20.53 ID:fVvw2cFA0
- Yeah, you'll have to make some effort if you wanna fondle her boobs, dudewww
Fuck, I wanna fondle Glasses' boobs toowwwww
I also wanna see 2ndSis's panties.
- 998 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:35:14.58 ID:7QHxIabi0
- The man sees the Fapwatchingbird on the balcony, takes out his cell phone and draws closer to take a picture.
Upon closer inspection, he's a frail-looking young man with a face that screams "I'm a loser".
The Fapwatchingbird spreads its wings again and flies back into the sky.
Leaving behind the words
"I'll come again tomorrow."
- 999 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:36:13.96 ID:7QHxIabi0
- >>996
I'm so screwed.
- 1000 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:36:17.29 ID:Hz+mSHC/0
- 1000
- 1001 : 1001 : Over 1000 Thread
- Only /
kinder- / _,、-───‐-、、
garteners l,.'´ `ヽ、 _,..-─ ─- 、._) Eh?
could get i :::. \ ,.' ´ .ヽ For real?
away with l::::::. `rィ / . . :i Happy
being happy _ゝ::: ノ彡 _,、/ . . :.:く normal-
normalfags j:::::: イ彡; j{ニj . . :.:j`厶 fags!?
nowadays ヽ:::,;-==ェ;、 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ イ,ィイ} }トノ , . . :ノニ...ヽ
-┐ ,√:::´ :===、_::) f';,,:===、_ ゙ゞ'¨ヾ H , -─、 i ゞ==ー、._. :.:.に二ニ ⌒Y⌒ヽ
レ'⌒ヽ/. ! ::..  ̄´.::;i, i `'' ̄ レ,イj.〈ハ'´,rェエ,I> r ニエユ,ミュ一 : `マ尨._ リ
l゙Y、:::::. ,ィ::; ゙iヽ ,jノ/ Y ‐f ... : : : : Y´r Y
i ,j::゙,::::::::::::/ ーゞ,,,rー'`ヾ、 / i ,j. ! ,..」 . :.::.、 : :,: : h |
`|::::ゝ::::::′`ー====-' / !' l / ゞ、__,. -ーヘ、 . :.:〃:: : : ヲ,イ
人_,、ノL_,iノ!|::::;;i:::::::.. `ー--‐' ! |_人__人ノ_ i __ `i. :.:. :ノ:: : し'´ ::|
GAHA !、::::}::`、 ` ̄´ ,! ,! ,!「 L_. ー─ -..、_ . ! :.:.:.:i: :: : |: : : :|
HAHAHA {|`ヽ、::::;;ヽ / ,ノ /ノ How 了. ー‐-、 .. . . :.::,': :: :: |: /|\
HAHAHA ヽ \:::\ , イ,イレ' ) lame | "'' : :../::/: :: :/ ,イ::::::\
HAHAHA > `ー、`二二彳´ ! !!!! (j. . :.::./::// ,.'´/:::::::::::
!!!!!!! /;| ,イ´.:.:.:.:.:.:`,! ノ > 、 . . :.:::_ィ‐'´ ,. '´ _,/:::::::::::::::
We've reached post 1001 after a long time.
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