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Glasses and a shut-in NEET pod together
- 1 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:47:39.54 ID:ZT5lGDso
- Okay.
I got my hands on 2ndSis's iPod...
I got my hands on 2ndSis's iPod...
It turns out, Glasses doesn't have an iPod, but a Gigabeat...
- 2 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:49:24.77 ID:ZT5lGDso
- If you're new to this thread:
- 3 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:53:49.78 ID:9zfZYJIo
- -‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、へ /\
/ /" `ヽ ヽ  ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ >
//, '/ ヽハ 、 ヽ ̄  ̄>/
〃 {_{⌒ ⌒リ| l │ i| / / GJ
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. /:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
`ヽ< | | ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |
- 4 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:54:20.63 ID:2yEhp260
- >>1
- 5 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:58:37.84 ID:fzE/9UDO
- >>1 GJ
- 6 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:59:04.95 ID:KD1NrIDO
- >>1 GJ
It loads like shit on my cell phone...
- 7 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:10:17.50 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>1
I'm at work right now, but GJ.
- 8 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:16:06.30 ID:a.ZB7pY0
- >>1 GJ
- 9 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:23:17.00 ID:.TCKfGwo
- >>1 (To >>970 from the previous thread) GJ
1 is still not back.
- 10 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:30:41.93 ID:/l62NFMo
- >>1 GJ
I finally figured out how to browse Part Flash with gikoNaviwwwwww
- 11 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:35:17.56 ID:Ydl52wAO
- >>1 Good job.
- 12 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:38:13.82 ID:FCfZHm20
- >>1
I'm at school right now, but GJ.
- 13 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:48:28.13 ID:rnS0jADO
- >>1 GJ
Why does this shit load so slowly on cell phones? orz
I wish my PC wasn't broken...
- 14 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 15:48:32.91 ID:hJKes4Io
- Migrating from the old thread.
- 15 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:28:40.47 ID:Zgr1YmI0
- How do I set up a 2ch browser?
- 16 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:34:14.81 ID:ZT5lGDso
- http://ex14.vip2ch.com/monazilla/
- 17 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:37:18.60 ID:9zfZYJIo
- The old thread is buried.
- 18 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:39:09.57 ID:fjdhDk60
- Migrating to Part Flash.
I hear this board is way too slow for quick discussions. This is going to be the death of me.
- 19 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:40:00.20 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- >>18
Are you >>1?
Don't worry about thatw
- 20 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:40:31.68 ID:6FBYgG2o
- It'll work out somehow!
Don't worry so muchww
- 21 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:43:45.04 ID:9Rjz.oAO
- His last post in the last thread was "I'm so screwed.", huh?wwwwww
I'm kinda worried though that when he comes here to report what happened, there's only like one or two people around to help him.
I think it'd be easier if >>1 told us a time to meet up at here everyday.
- 22 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:45:30.61 ID:rhkZ6Ngo
- With a title like that, this thread won't show up if you look for "iPod"...
- 23 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:48:31.52 ID:fjdhDk60
- Oh crap... I have to buy a book of sample e-mails or something...
- 24 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:49:27.74 ID:9zfZYJIo
- No new e-mails today so far?
- 25 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:50:11.13 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- >>23
Like I said, don't worry about thatw
And trip up alreadyww
- 26 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:51:45.79 ID:.TCKfGwo
- Hey, >>1, you don't have a tripcode here?
Get one if you don't want impostors to show up.
- 27 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:51:46.26 ID:fjdhDk60
- Do I change my name now that we've moved to a different board?
Or is 1 okay?
- 28 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:54:19.36 ID:9zfZYJIo
- Change it to Fapwatchingbird or iPod Man.
- 29 : ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:54:23.84 ID:fjdhDk60
- Alright.
- 30 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:55:18.96 ID:fjdhDk60
- Like this? Feels weird to have a name like Fapwatchbirdww
- 31 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:56:06.98 ID:fjdhDk60
- So I'll just post here whenever I have something to report, huh?
- 32 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:56:40.44 ID:9zfZYJIo
- Okay.
- 33 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:57:48.24 ID:TYlSH1Mo
- But don't you buy that book of sample e-mails at the bookstore Glasses works at! I dare you!
- 34 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 16:58:37.36 ID:.9E5n6DO
- I only have eyes for you, >>1.
- 35 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:00:44.17 ID:/l62NFMo
- Nice to meet you, Fapwatchbird!wwwwww
- 36 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:02:53.84 ID:.TCKfGwo
- Someone make a picture of the Fapwatchingbird and post it here pleaseww
- 37 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:09:33.53 ID:SLN7ssko
- The Fapwatchingbird
(Click here if you can't make out anything)
- 38 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:11:44.62 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- Well, as long as someone is around, you can ask them here for advice on e-mails.
So, have you decided when to go to the restaurant yet?
- 39 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:11:54.68 ID:vxQupwco
- What? You guys seriously moved the thread to Part Flash even though it was still going strong?
That's the same as killing it.
- 40 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:15:33.02 ID:.TCKfGwo
- >>37
Thanks for the quick delivery.
I didn't want an AA though, I wanted someone to shop together an image like that iPodMan pic.
I'm interested in seeing how you guys will make it look like.
You know this feeling when you're curious about something, but at the same time, you're scared of taking a look. That's how it feels like.
If it's not too much to ask, make it look hilarious and lewdww
- 41 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:15:52.26 ID:RxYgGhY0
- I'll be here to help whenever I'm not at work.
- 42 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:25:06.54 ID:/l62NFMo
- Did you get any e-mails since yesterday?
- 43 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:25:29.03 ID:fjdhDk60
- I fapped, but the damn bird didn't come.
- 44 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:28:27.21 ID:/l62NFMo
- You fapped?wwwwwwww
- 45 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:28:37.78 ID:fjdhDk60
- No e-mails from her so far. She's probably waiting for me to write when I'm free next.
- 46 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:30:14.66 ID:/l62NFMo
- I see, I see.
So you haven't written any e-mails either, huh?
- 47 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:30:42.54 ID:SLN7ssko
- Sorry, I copy-pasted the AA from a different thread. They told me it was a pteranodon...
- 48 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:31:47.97 ID:fjdhDk60
- Here's what I have to report for now.
Since some people posted in the previous thread that I should ask BigSis for help ASAP, I wrote an e-mail to her this afternoon.
It went like "I'm going to eat out with one of 2ndSis's friends and I don't know what kind of preparations to make.".
- 49 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:32:36.34 ID:/l62NFMo
- Holy shit, so much happened since I checked lastwwwwww
- 50 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:32:53.68 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>46
Nope. I still can't decide on the day. I need time to prepare myself.
- 51 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:33:34.48 ID:.TCKfGwo
- What did BigSis reply?
- 52 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:33:56.80 ID:SLN7ssko
- Why so formal?wwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 53 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:34:39.45 ID:/l62NFMo
- You gotta go to a beauty parlor too.
There's so much you have to dowwwwww
- 54 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:34:45.32 ID:9Rjz.oAO
- It can't hurt to ask BigSis, she seems like a kind person.
To be fair, 2ndSis is probably kind too as she hasn't said anything in the reports yet to suggest otherwise.
- 55 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:40:13.73 ID:fjdhDk60
- She replied a few minutes later.
BigSis: "Seriously now!!??? It's a miracle!!!!! Who is it?"
Me: "Glasses."
BigSis: "Ah, Glasses!"
And so on it went, but only for a few e-mails because BigSis was at work, so I only asked her what you guys told me to last night. Here's her reply to that:
BigSis: "I don't really get what's going on, but I'll look for some nice going out clothes for you after work. Tell me everything about what happened when I'm home!"
Looks like I've managed to get myself a powerful ally today.
- 56 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:40:44.38 ID:fjdhDk60
- I'm shitting myself at the thought of going to a beauty parlorwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 57 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:41:52.47 ID:.TCKfGwo
- BigSis is starting to look like a Goddess to meww
- 58 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:42:13.87 ID:9zfZYJIo
- When will BigSis come home?
- 59 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:42:32.61 ID:/l62NFMo
- BigSis seems happywwwwww
- 60 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:44:13.69 ID:fjdhDk60
- BigSis was the first target of my pranks and she gave me a good beating for itwwwwwwww
But to think that she's now my last ray of hopewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I feel like it'll somehow work out as long as I have BigSis on my side. At a time like this, it's reassuring to have a sweets girl for a sister.
- 61 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:44:43.75 ID:.0RldFgo
- >>1 You're not used to going to beauty parlors, are you?
Rather than trying your hand at something you're not used to and ending up with an unfortunate result, it's better to keep your current hairstyle imo.
- 62 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:44:48.88 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>58
Like everyday, usually between 19 and 20 o'clock.
- 63 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:46:59.51 ID:9Rjz.oAO
- I think you should try to make 2ndSis your ally too...
She doesn't see you as her enemy. On the contrary, she probably thinks that you two get along just fine.
It can't hurt because she could at least tell you more about Glasses.
- 64 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:47:01.30 ID:fjdhDk60
- I'm not only not used to going to beauty parlors, I've never been to one.
- 65 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:48:13.34 ID:rhkZ6Ngo
- Ask your mom how to make a girl fall in love with you.
- 66 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:48:49.76 ID:fjdhDk60
- I have no idea how I'm supposed to win 2ndSis over.
- 67 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:48:59.94 ID:A9NAPj60
- Go to a barber shop then.
- 68 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:50:51.13 ID:9zfZYJIo
- Leave it to BigSis to convince 2ndSis to come to your side.
- 69 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:50:53.37 ID:SLN7ssko
- When you go to a barber shop/beauty parlor, ask them to make you look cool for a date.
Then they'll give you whatever hairstyle is probably the latest craze. "Probably" because even if it wasn't so, you and I wouldn't notice anyway.
- 70 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:51:59.25 ID:/l62NFMo
- It's always good to have your whole family on your side.
- 71 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:54:22.11 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- Even if you do go to a beauty parlor, don't ask for a cool hairstylew
Remember, you're just going to a restaurant. Wouldn't Glasses find it weird if you'd changed your hairstyle into a cooler one?
- 72 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:54:41.38 ID:rnS0jADO
- You better take good care of your big sister!
- 73 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:55:16.46 ID:RqRYowco
- And how do you normally get your hair cut?
- 74 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:55:57.87 ID:SLN7ssko
- Just tell Glasses that 2ndSis talked you into getting your hair cut when she heard you're going on a date. ^ω^
I'm sorry, I'm just a virgin otaku that doesn't know what he's talking about.
- 75 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 17:58:27.41 ID:9Rjz.oAO
- >>66
Don't make it sound like you're on the 2ndSis routewwwwww
Think about it like this: You're not going to "win her over"... You're going to "make a pact" with her...
Granted, suggesting a pact to 2ndSis is like asking her for a favor which might be so embarrassing for you that you'd rather die.
But imagine how much valuable intelligence regarding Glasses you could obtain in return! It should make planning your next move on the battleground of trendy venues so much easier!
Are you willing to endure a short moment of embarrassment in exchange for a shortcut to Glasses' boobs...? You decide.
But well, if 2ndSis happens to know only very little about Glasses or turns out to be a meanie that won't tell you anything even if you beg for it, you'll have embarrassed yourself for nothing and only lose out.
- 76 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:00:20.06 ID:RxYgGhY0
- If your hair is long, let's make the most of it.
Tell the stylist "Please cut it just a little" and they'll give you a decent hairstyle.
But you really should get your hair cut.
A barber shop would be fine too if you had shorter hair, but for long hair, a beauty parlor is better.
- 77 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:03:27.32 ID:.0RldFgo
- It might be a good idea to ask for a hairstyle that is easy to fix and maintain.
I agree that you ought to get your hair done, but it shouldn't feel like you're trying too hard to look cool imo.
- 78 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:04:40.87 ID:/l62NFMo
- Good point.
She's already seen his current hairstyle once and is still replying to his e-mails.
There's no real need to change it much, is there?
- 79 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:04:43.80 ID:DjiheR20
- It might turn her off if your hairstyle's changed too much from last time.
Let's try to change little by little instead.
- 80 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:07:44.98 ID:Wb50NgDO
- Glasses already knows Fapwatch's hairstyle and he probably doesn't have any money anyway.
Isn't it enough to go to a barber shop instead of a beauty parlor?
- 81 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:11:04.87 ID:Ydl52wAO
- I knew BigSis would become your allyww
While 2ndSis... seems to be just in it for the lulz.
Basically like how we were at firstwwwwwwww
- 82 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:18:29.80 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>66
Umm... Just explain your situation to her honestly?
Personally, I'd go to a barber shop instead of a beauty parlor.
- 83 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:26:02.78 ID:fjdhDk60
- So the general consensus is that I should get my hair cut?
- 84 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:29:34.20 ID:Ydl52wAO
- Yeah, you should.
Won't Glasses be happy that you got your hair cut especially for her?
Does BigSis know Glasses?
- 85 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:31:06.34 ID:.TCKfGwo
- You shouldn't give yourself an extreme makeover like Train Man did imo.
I'd just go with what >>76 suggested.
Ask BigSis for advice and see what she says.
If you make it sound like you're panicking, she should kindly give you a helping hand.
- 86 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:33:24.25 ID:RqRYowco
- >>83
I second what >>61 and >>77 said.
Btw, what kind of hairstyle do you have right now?
- 87 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:37:19.07 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- I'm for a haircut too, but only if it's just thinning out without changing much.
And if she notices it, all the better, you'll have something to talk about.
Though if it was for me, I'd want to get my hair cut by BigSis instead of going to a barber shop or a beauty parlorwww
- 88 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:37:44.07 ID:33UBXkDO
- Just got here.
Everytime I check this thread, there's so much to catch up onww
In b4 everyone ignores Fapwatch's posts on purpose when he needs our help the most...
- 89 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:41:13.60 ID:C6muFsgo
- >>1 Upload a pic of the back of your head.
- 90 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:43:38.78 ID:.TCKfGwo
- >>88
That would be so mean... (´・ω・`)
- 91 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:44:05.29 ID:RwX3yEQ0
- Since when is his name Fapwatchbird?wwww
- 92 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:44:27.45 ID:33UBXkDO
- What is your hair type, Fapwatchbird?
If you have naturally curly hair, thinning it out a little should already make a big difference.
- 93 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:45:59.25 ID:fjdhDk60
- My hair is like Kitarou's.
It's too long and I part it to the side, but it ends up covering my eye.
- 94 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:48:13.61 ID:fjdhDk60
- Hair type, huh...
Quite fine and soft, I'd say. Kinda like cat hair. Btw, I got straight hair.
- 95 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:49:46.43 ID:hJKes4Io
- If you've never been to a beauty parlor, no, a hair salon because that's what they're called nowadays, then this is your opportunity to try it out.
Hair salons are nothing like barber shops, mind you. Especially when you have longer hair.
A barber shop haircut will look completely different after three months compared to a hair salon one after three months. A hair salon haircut will last a lot longer, obviously.
But I wouldn't recommend changing your hair drastically, e.g. getting your long hair cut short, because it'll make it seem like you're betting everything on this date.
It's safer to ask them to "make it look good while keeping it long".
Don't mention words like "modern", "stylish" or "cool" if you don't have a specific hairstyle in mind. You might end up with something completely unexpected.
There's always a whole range of fads and fashions at any moment in time and even if the stylist asked you about it, you wouldn't know what to answer anyway.
Here are a few typical questions the stylist might ask:
- How long do you want your hair to be at the back?
- Do you want your hair to cover your ears?
- How do you want your bangs?
etc. How you answer them is all up to you, Fapwatch, but in case you start panicking or don't understand the question, just say "I'll leave it to you.".
Once you've got that part out of the way, you can sit back and relax for the rest of the time.
Oh yeah, when you call them for an appointment, you'll be asked which stylist you want. Tell them that it's your first time and that you'll leave it up to them to decide.
- 96 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:50:50.65 ID:33UBXkDO
- I see.
That happens to be the type of hair that fujoshi love.
- 97 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:52:15.55 ID:hJKes4Io
- Is that right?ww
- 98 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:55:25.92 ID:fjdhDk60
- So Glasses is interested in me because of my hair...
- 99 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 18:56:31.01 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- I see... Like this?w

Is it confirmed that Glasses is a fujoshi?
- 100 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:00:42.70 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>99
Yeah, pretty muchww
It's not yet confirmed that she's a fujoshi, it's just our imaginations going wild... is what I'd like to thinkwwwwwwwwwwww
Speaking of which, I've been lurking over at the yaoi board lately. I wonder if I'm already getting paired up with some dude in her head...
- 101 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:03:07.74 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>100
Most definitely notw
- 102 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:03:35.76 ID:hJKes4Io
- There's lots of female otaku that aren't fujoshi though. They love anime/manga, but don't care for Boys' Love.
Some of them can't stand the female otaku = fujoshi treatment they get, so you shouldn't be too sure about that.
- 103 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:03:54.47 ID:C6muFsgo
- Get your hair cut, Kitarouww
- 104 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:05:15.37 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- I guess it's too early to conclude that she's a fujoshi then.
But hey, even if she's one, there's no problem, is there?
The real problems right now are the following:
- Decide when to go to the restaurant
- Get a new hair cut
- What to wear to the date
That should be about it...
- 105 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:05:17.41 ID:.0RldFgo
- With hair like that, getting it thinned a little should already make quite a difference.
- 106 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:14:50.78 ID:gXY.qDMo
- By the way, where can I find the first two threads?
I got my hands on BigSis's iPod...
I got my hands on BigSis's iPod...2
Or is it a hopeless case, seeing how they're not in >>1?
- 107 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:17:37.64 ID:33UBXkDO
- Ask the stylist at the beauty parlor to make your hair look stylish and otaku-ish at the same time.
I'm sure it'll somehow work out.
- 108 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:18:05.00 ID:.TCKfGwo
- >>106
Take a look at >>2.
- 109 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:27:39.09 ID:.TCKfGwo
- Btw, is 1 afk having dinner or asking BigSis for advice or something?
- 110 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:27:46.90 ID:fjdhDk60
- Okay, so I'll just get my hair trimmed a little while keeping it long so I don't look like I'm trying too hard.
Did I get it right?
- 111 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:28:42.66 ID:t9riy2so
- Get your hair dyed YO!
- 112 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:28:43.83 ID:33UBXkDO
- That's right.
- 113 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:32:11.49 ID:gXY.qDMo
- >>108
- 114 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:34:15.33 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- You can get it cut short too as long as it doesn't look like you're trying too hard.
- 115 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:34:43.75 ID:33UBXkDO
- Why don't you try reading up a little on clothes yourself, Fapwatch?
Try googling "How to coordinate your clothes" for starters.
Who knows, you might be able to put some of the clothes in your closet to good use.
Then if you have an idea for an outfit, present it to us IKKOsww
- 116 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:43:43.05 ID:ZZgDeEDO
- So much development in such a short timeww
Hang in there, Fapwatch!
I'm rooting for you!
- 117 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:45:41.66 ID:gXY.qDMo
- You see, there are as many tastes as there are people in the world.
Some women like guys with glasses.
Some prefer guys with messy hair.
Some are even into chest hairwwww
There's bound to be one that's into you too.
Well, hang in there.
- 118 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:54:26.49 ID:33UBXkDO
- Is Fapwatch in the middle of consulting BigSis right now?
- 119 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:54:49.66 ID:Ydl52wAO
- You could probably give yourself quite the makeover by cutting your hair shorter and bleaching it.
But for some reason, I feel like you shouldn't change your current hairstyle, >>1.
I'd get my hair trimmed a little and not change anything else.
- 120 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 19:55:59.68 ID:Ydl52wAO
- You might wanna ask BigSis about your hair too. Gotta get it coordinated with your clothes...
- 121 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:00:20.61 ID:9Rjz.oAO
- Don't you even think of dyeing your hair.
Think about it like this.
You haven't escaped your shut-in NEET ways yet, Fapwatch.
Cutting your hair is okay cuz you can always grow it back.
But why would a shut-in NEET like you dye your hair brown?
It's like screaming "I'd do anything to score with you!".
- 122 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:03:02.68 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- He might as well come out as a shut-in NEET and get Glasses to help him with his return to society.
- 123 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:04:30.57 ID:vTaLIwIo
- Just got here.
Took me a moment to get who Fapwatch iswwwwww
- 124 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:07:25.79 ID:Y01LjCco
- Is BigSis home yet?
- 125 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:21:17.33 ID:gXY.qDMo
- >>122
Let's go with that.
I'd root for him toowww
- 126 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:21:27.79 ID:WAKO62DO
- So Fapwatch is a skinny, androgynous guy with long hair. He's perfect fujoshi materialww
- 127 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:24:18.75 ID:33UBXkDO
- How come everyone becomes so laid-back and relaxed once they come to Part Flash?ww
- 128 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:25:15.14 ID:yighL8Uo
- Fuck... Fuck...
When I entered university, I got myself a new haircut and new clothes too... But I still don't have any luck with women...
Is it my face...? It all comes down to looks in the end, doesn't it?
- 129 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:28:44.41 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>128
Isn't it because you spend all your free time on VIP?
Sorry if I'm wrong, I'm just throwing out ideas here.
- 130 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:31:26.12 ID:0o.8D2DO
- Is >>1 talking to ElderSis right now?
- 131 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:31:39.86 ID:yighL8Uo
- Boards I frequent:
Arcade Games
Part Flash
2ch Mod Info
Game Tricks & Modding
PC Action Games
University Chat
Ah, you're right. I'm a hopeless casewwwwwwwwwwww
- 132 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:32:57.56 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- Why would he go out of his way to come out as a shut-in NEET? It's enough if he answers honestly when he's asked about it.
Besides, he can't expect any help from Glasses with his return to society. He'll be on his own there.
Or what? Do you actually believe that Glasses will do that much for a guy she's only met once?
- 133 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:33:17.69 ID:hJKes4Io
- It'd be great if we could make something nice happen to him on Valentine's Day, but it's easier said than done, I guess...
- 134 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:35:47.04 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>132
You're right...
My bad.
- 135 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:36:30.08 ID:.0RldFgo
- >>131
Why would you frequent a board like Fashion?
I'd go insane if I went to a place like that everyday.
- 136 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:36:32.63 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>133
Eh? Isn't he going to confess his love to her on Valentine's Day?
I thought that was the plan...ww
- 137 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:40:21.67 ID:Ydl52wAO
- I want him to grow accustomed to society as a natural consequence of spending time with Glasses.
Then, before he knows it, he's slaying mass-produced Zaku on the streets left and right like it was the most natural thing.
As long as >>1 doesn't lose hope and stays positive, I'll be in this thread.
- 138 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:41:44.45 ID:gXY.qDMo
- >>137
You mean, like some lady killer!?
- 139 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:42:33.01 ID:Ydl52wAO
- I, for one, I don't have anything planned for Valentine's Daywwwwwwww
>>1 will probably get chocolate from multiple girls. BigSis's chocolate is mine though.
- 140 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:43:20.39 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- >>134
You don't have to apologizewww
It's not necessarily a bad thing to have opposing opinions in a thread.
Valentine's Day is a passive event for men though, you either get chocolate or not. It all depends on Fapwatch's efforts until thenw
Speaking of Fapwatch, where the hell is he?www
- 141 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:44:06.94 ID:.TCKfGwo
- Here are the boards I frequent:
Western Music
Part Flash
Watches & Accessories
Cellphones & PHS
Pachinko Models etc.
Fashion-health massage parlors
And I still managed to get married. It's not hopeless.
- 142 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:46:05.18 ID:33UBXkDO
- I imagine he'll get chocolate from Glasses on Valentine's Day and return the favor by confessing his love to her on White Day.
- 143 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:47:08.02 ID:fjdhDk60
- ElderSis is too strong. It's like watching Zhuge Liang at work.
- 144 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:47:18.18 ID:ZT5lGDso
- >>143
Tell us more.
- 145 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:47:41.52 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>140
Thanks, I'm glad you see it like that.
Is he still in the middle of talking to ElderSis?
- 146 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:48:06.52 ID:yighL8Uo
- >>135
Check out the threads about clothes there.
They're hilarious.
Please use all the experience you gained from the time leading up to your wedding to help >>1.
- 147 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:48:31.79 ID:Ydl52wAO
- >>138 That's a too big changewwwwwwww
It's enough if girls see him on the street and think he's pretty cute.
I don't know how to explain what I mean. Sorry.
- 148 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:48:36.55 ID:33UBXkDO
- Tell us more!
- 149 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:48:46.44 ID:hJKes4Io
- >>141
Hope it wasn't a shotgun wedding, mate.
- 150 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:49:41.57 ID:Ydl52wAO
- I wonder what amazing feat she's got in store for us this timewwwwwwww
- 151 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:50:17.37 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>143
Post what happened in detail.
- 152 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:57:11.49 ID:fjdhDk60
- She's just so damn powerful. In many ways.
- 153 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 20:58:59.93 ID:33UBXkDO
- Come on, don't keep us in suspenseww
- 154 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:01:30.17 ID:Ydl52wAO
- I can't believe it. I had a shower and he still hasn't started his reportwwwwwwww
>>1 We're starving for new shit, man.
- 155 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:03:34.52 ID:fjdhDk60
- So yeah, I was waiting for BigSis and wondering what was taking her so long.
All the while, I'd been racking my brain about what to say to get BigSis on my side.
For she's the sort of person you'd hate to have against you and love to have as an ally....
Then ElderSis finally came home, which was a few minutes ago.
Me: "Welcome back. I'm sorry I sent you an e-mail when you were at work."
BigSis: "It's alright. So? What will you do? Will you tell me everything from the beginning?"
I did. I told her all about what happened. For some reason, mom was there too.
- 156 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:04:40.09 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- Momwwwww
- 157 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:04:48.34 ID:.0RldFgo
- Momww
- 158 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:05:36.49 ID:33UBXkDO
- Momwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 159 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:05:41.50 ID:Ydl52wAO
- Eavesdroppingwwwwwwww
- 160 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:05:58.78 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- Mom tooww
- 161 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:07:00.94 ID:Ydl52wAO
- She's curious about her cute son's love lifewwwwwwww
- 162 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:08:21.74 ID:Ydl52wAO
- There's this free app and I'm wondering if I should get it.
It's called "Young horny housewife".
- 163 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:08:42.54 ID:fjdhDk60
- BigSis said she knows Glasses. As I mentioned in the previous thread, she sometimes goes out to eat with 2ndSis & co.wwwwww They eat out togetherwwwwwwww
BigSis: "Did you ask her out?"
Me: "My friends told me to... No, it was me. I asked her out."
BigSis: "That's like a real miracle. Did the fresh air get to your head and rid it of all the garbage?ww"
Me: "To be honest, it's hell to go. And it's hell not to go. Please tell me what to do."
BigSis: "Don't worry, LEAVE EVERYTHING TO ME."
- 164 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:09:05.45 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>That's like a real miracle
I strongly agreewwwwwwww
- 165 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:09:40.38 ID:C6muFsgo
- That sounds promising.
- 166 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:10:11.59 ID:Ydl52wAO
- BigSiswwwwwwww
Such promising wordswwwwwwww
- 167 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:10:13.00 ID:gXY.qDMo
I'm so pumped.
- 168 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:10:18.18 ID:NSugyT20
- That's ElderSis for ya.
- 169 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:10:21.70 ID:33UBXkDO
- Why do I feel so worried?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 170 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:10:27.12 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- Seems like the bigSisPod incident is forgotten and forgivenwww
- 171 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:11:19.81 ID:Ydl52wAO
- I'm curious about mom's opinion on it.
- 172 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:11:54.37 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- What a kind big sister.
- 173 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:12:38.08 ID:gXY.qDMo
- It's a great idea to drag your mom into this.
She can provide us with the funds for our future endeavorswww
Well, of course, you'll have to work your ass off to pay it back one day, >>1.
- 174 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:12:55.87 ID:Ydl52wAO
- Fuck, you made the corners of my mouth split againww
- 175 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:13:17.55 ID:EmVK65.o
- I can see BigSis sneaking around like Snake in full camo during the date.
- 176 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:14:01.65 ID:33UBXkDO
- I can't contain my excitement anymorewwwwwwww
- 177 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:14:07.57 ID:Ydl52wAO
- Or BigSis has the power to control the minds of othersww
- 178 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:18:34.18 ID:fjdhDk60
- I want you guys to take a look at this first. BigSis provided me with this new gear.

The trousers(pants?) belong to BigSis and they're quite skinny, but I was told they make my legs look more slender.
They look okay on me or so I was told since we're about the same height. They're a little tight around the waist though.
I also found a shirt that's just like you guys wanted.
According to my strategist and advisor, I look best in tidy and neat clothes.
I asked her about accent colors too, but she told me to try it with this outfit for now.
- 179 : Glasses : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:18:47.51 ID:EmVK65.o
- /.:i l.... /'´ / .::: /: /|;、ヽ;ヽ: | i::::::::l:::::l
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イ::l. l /:::: / / // /; |:| ヽ ヾ;| |:: :::i::l;;::l
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∧ | |:. i `l_, _l´ `" ;. | :| |:ト; ;/ We can't go to a love hotel on the first date...
ヾ .i | |::. ヽ、 _ノ ;: ',. i ,| :.| |::/V My heart is not yet prepared for this...
〉.l | |:ヽ _ ` - ' ィ | l.| |:!ヽ.:ヽ
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. , ' ´ l l. l |:::::::|' ' Y l l l `ヽ
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- 180 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:19:17.79 ID:t9riy2so
- You're gonna freezewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 181 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:20:33.76 ID:EmVK65.o
- >>179
I see your sister is serious about thisww
Although, in my opinion, it'd be safer to prepare a men's coat to wear over all that.
- 182 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:20:48.44 ID:WAKO62DO
- Ohh! That looks good!
Just as expected of BigSis!
- 183 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:20:52.41 ID:RqRYowco
- >>178
What about shoes?
- 184 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:20:53.08 ID:33UBXkDO
- I love how quickly BigSis put together an outfit for youwwwwwwwwwwww
- 185 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:21:22.29 ID:yighL8Uo
- So when will our operation start? End of March?
Take a coat with you if you don't want to freeze to death.
- 186 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:21:22.84 ID:EmVK65.o
- Ahhhhh I quoted the wrong post in >>181
- 187 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:21:37.68 ID:A9NAPj60
- Did your mom say anything to that?
- 188 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:21:58.58 ID:.0RldFgo
- >>183
Borrow them from BigSis too.
- 189 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:22:19.51 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>188
But they won't fitw
- 190 : Snake BigSis : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:23:12.06 ID:EmVK65.o
- j/:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.j/:.:ヽ,.、
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BigSis: "You can't drag her to a love hotel on your first date!"
Fapwatchbird: "Where were you hiding...?"
- 191 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:23:52.57 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>190
Or she's hidden a listening device in his pocketw
- 192 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:24:34.12 ID:fjdhDk60
- Well, my strategist told me to wear that whatcha-call-it-TECH from Uniqlo under it all to protect myself against the cold.
And I'll take hand warmers with me too.
According to my strategist, dressing up is all about perseverance. She said, if I don't wander around outside for too long and directly go to the restaurant, I should survive it.
But she also said, I could wear the winter jacket I posted a picture of last time instead if I want.
What do you guys think?
- 193 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:25:11.83 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- She solved the clothes problem in only a few hourswwwww BigSis is greatwwwwwww
- 194 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:25:13.94 ID:hJKes4Io
- Anyone know what he means with whatcha-call-it-TECH?
- 195 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:25:28.71 ID:fjdhDk60
- Oh right, I don't have any shoes...
But I don't have any money either...
- 196 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:25:55.07 ID:vTaLIwIo
- >>192
Have you seen the temperatures lately?
You could seriously die if you go out lightly dressed!!!
- 197 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:26:56.02 ID:RqRYowco
- Upload pics of your shoes. The clothes are fine imo if you think you can put up with the cold.
- 198 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:27:04.60 ID:EmVK65.o
- >>192
You probably can't go wrong with what BigSis picked out for you.
Which means, what's left now are your shoes and your hairstyle.
Do you wear glasses btw? If yes, this might be a good opportunity for you to switch to contacts.
- 199 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:27:09.39 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>178
I'd just go with that.
Looks like a perfectly normal outfit to me and if ElderSis, who sees you everyday, thinks it looks good on you, then you'll just have to trust her.
- 200 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:27:14.57 ID:hJKes4Io
- She might be used to dressing lightly in the cold, but it's a different story for a shut-in NEET that never leaves the house...
In the worst case, you'll catch a cold or get diarrhea.
- 201 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:27:15.80 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>192
I'm no fashion expert and I assume you're not one either.
If I were you, I wouldn't put on airs about something I don't have a clue about.
- 202 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:27:35.72 ID:qxS8BgU0
- Seems a little too light for this time of the year, but other than that, it looks fine to me.
BigSis is quite cooperativewwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 203 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:27:59.22 ID:yighL8Uo
- It could go like this:
Unable to watch >>1 shiver in the cold, Glasses suggests taking refuge in the love hotel a few meters ahead of them...
- 204 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:28:14.89 ID:33UBXkDO
- With whatcha-call-it-TECH, you mean HEATTECH, right?
- 205 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:28:57.97 ID:gXY.qDMo
- If BigSis thinks it looks okay, it should be okay.
As for shoes, you can wear whatever you want as long as it's half-decent.
- 206 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:29:06.20 ID:.0RldFgo
- 35°C↑ 1% If you can wear a black suit in these temperatures, you're a God among mortals, the elite of the elite black-suit wearers. You'd even wear your black suit directly under the equator.
32°C 2% You're an elite black-suit wearer that puts his life on the line for it. Even salarymen take off their suits in this heat.
28°C 3% You're a veteran black-suit wearer who can laugh at people running around with a T-shirt.
26°C 5% Even normal people could wear a black suit with some effort in this temperature. This is the line that separates mere mortals from elite black-suit wearers.
24°C 30% The number of black-suit wearers takes a sudden jump. They were all waiting for this time of the year.
18°C 60% All the black-suit boys in Japan rejoice. This is also the temperature at which new black-suit boys are born.
16°C 100% This is the best time of the year to wear a black suit. The first thing everyone does in the morning is put on their black suits.
14°C 50% Most black-suit boys take off their black suits in tears, praying for spring to come quickly.
10°C 30% Too cold for most to wear a black suit. Even the veteran black-suit wearers start looking for a sweater to wear.
7°C 10% People around you look at you with pity, but you don't care because a black suit is all you ever wear.
5°C↓ 5% You're an ascetic monk prepared to freeze to death.
- 207 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:31:46.72 ID:RqRYowco
- >>195
If you don't have any money to go shopping for shoes, get these in a bigger size:
- 208 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:31:48.10 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- You're going to wear the winter jacket from last time, aren't you? You should be fine in that case.
If possible, upload pictures of the shoes you're thinking of wearing.
- 209 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:32:16.70 ID:33UBXkDO
Uniqlo fabric that absorbs perspiration and turns it into heat, keeping you dry and warm at the same time.
The more you know.
- 210 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:32:53.88 ID:fjdhDk60
- I relayed your questions to BigSis and here's what she said!
Whatcha-call-it-TECH → "It's HEATTECH, you idiot."
Shoes → "Oh right, I forgot you need shoes toowwwwwwwwww"
Dressing too lightly → "Wear the winter jacket I gave you or some coat over it. You could also leave the jacket and wear my winter jacket instead. "
You're not mad about the bigSisPod anymore? → "Not at all."
- 211 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:33:29.37 ID:EmVK65.o
- After the BigSis Finance Company, is it time to ask the Mom Finance Company for help?ww
You can skip 2ndSis because we can't expect any help from her anywayww
- 212 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:34:03.65 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>210
BigSis is probably enjoying herself thinking "This is like a real-life version of Train Man♪"w
- 213 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:34:12.77 ID:t9riy2so
- Okay, then get your hands on her iPod again.
- 214 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:34:32.68 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>198
I don't wear glasses. My eyes are bad, but I don't have any money to buy glasses.
- 215 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:35:01.68 ID:33UBXkDO
- Let's put songs on the bigSisPod to thank her for her help.
- 216 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:35:07.39 ID:Ydl52wAO
- She's not mad about the bigSisPod, huh?wwwwwwww
I can't wait to see what kind of shoes she'll pick for you.
She's such a reliable sister. Your mom on the other hand...
- 217 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:35:56.55 ID:FCfZHm20
- >>215
This is not the time for thatww
- 218 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:36:26.05 ID:EmVK65.o
- >>210
Not bad, but you should have given her one more push.
Whatcha-call-it-TECH → "It's HEATTECH, you idiot."
Shoes → "Oh right, I forgot you need shoes toowwwwwwwwww"
Dressing too lightly → "Wear the winter jacket I gave you or some coat over it. You could also leave the jacket and wear my winter jacket instead. "
You're not mad about the bigSisPod anymore? → "Not at all."
Can I put songs on your iPod again? ↓
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BigSis: "Don't get carried away just because I forgave you."
Fapwatchbird: "I'm sorry..." ...is what I expectedww
- 219 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:37:23.10 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>208
Sorry, I don't feel like going to the entranceway again to get them... I rarely leave my room, I hope you'll understand.
Anyways, they're just weird, worn-out shoes I've been wearing for some time. But hey, at least they're Nike shoes.
BigSis probably doesn't give a damn about stuff like Train Manwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 220 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:37:49.75 ID:EmVK65.o
- >>214
Bad eyesight will affect your ability to perform day to day tasks. Nothing good will come out of not wearing corrective lenses.
Ask your mom to go with you to an optometrist and get soft contacts for you.
I'm sure she'll say yes.
- 221 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:38:14.75 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>219
I heard they were showing the Train Man movie the other day.
If she really is a sweets girl, it's possible that she watched itw
- 222 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:38:32.42 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>218
Sorrywwwwwwwwwwww I couldn't deliver the QUALITY expected of mewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 223 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:38:33.99 ID:33UBXkDO
- I keep reading the HEAT in HEATTECH as NEETwwww
- 224 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:39:30.22 ID:hJKes4Io
- 225 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:40:26.39 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- As far as outer appearance goes, we've covered everything except shoes and hairstyle...
With clothes like those, I wouldn't wear shoes that are too flashy.
Plain ones should be more than enough.
- 226 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:40:40.70 ID:RqRYowco
- >>219
I don't think Nike shoes really fit the neat and tidy look you're going for.
Does it look like bigSisPod will help you with the shoes too?
- 227 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:40:49.49 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>220
I'm too scared to wear contacts. Just the thought of putting something into my eyes scares me.
Whenever I see 2ndSis injecting loads of eye drops because her eyes dry out from wearing contacts... I'm so glad I don't wear any...
I think BigSis was out drinking when they aired Train Man.
- 228 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:40:49.52 ID:.0RldFgo
- >>219
Nike sneakers wouldn't really look good with those clothes imo...
- 229 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:41:52.71 ID:EmVK65.o
- >>222
Dude, get yourself contacts!
You can't see her face clearly with bad eyesight!
When you meet up with her, it fucking sucks if you can't even tell it's her until she's right in front of you.
- 230 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:42:31.30 ID:33UBXkDO
- Huh, sneakers would be okay too imo. Depends on the color though, of course.
- 231 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:43:31.07 ID:EmVK65.o
- >>227
At first, I was like that too. I got myself soft contacts, but couldn't bring myself to try them for a whole year or so.
But when I did, it was so comfortable that now I don't even feel like wearing glasses anymore.
- 232 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:44:31.51 ID:Ydl52wAO
- What about black sneakers?
You can wear black sneakers with pretty much everything once you get used to it.
- 233 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:44:49.97 ID:hJKes4Io
- Either get stylish glasses or contacts, it doesn't matter which, but you have to do something about your eyesight.
Not only for the date with Glasses, it's important for the future too.
Otherwise you'll slowly get used to it until you're like "Huh? What's that? Can't see clearly... → Well, whatever.". And that's one of the reasons why people become shut-in NEETs in the first place.
- 234 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:45:35.57 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- Still no mail?
- 235 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:45:56.69 ID:549CxAgo
- You should be able to get Converse All Stars canvas shoes at ABC mart for under 4000 yen. Note that they can look quite different depending on the shoelaces, so you might wanna replace them.
- 236 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:46:20.64 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- Instead of contacts, isn't it better to have Glasses pick out glasses for you?
- 237 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:46:40.59 ID:Ydl52wAO
- I can't stand their Bae Yong-joon signboards and ads, but how about Megane Ichiba?
They have a pretty good selection of cheap frames and make your lenses on the spot, so you can leave with your new glasses.
- 238 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:46:42.68 ID:fjdhDk60
- ElderSis thinks G.T.Hawkins boots would be good.
Let me google up a picture of the ones she means.
- 239 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:46:49.08 ID:EmVK65.o
- >>231
Continuing. Soft contacts are so soft and squishy that you can't hurt your eye with them even if you tried.
There used to be lots of hard contacts some time ago, but nowadays people mainly use disposable soft contacts.
You can choose between daily disposable contacts and bi-weekly ones, I think.
You'll probably find it difficult at first to put them in and take them off, but once you get used to it, it's only a matter of 10 seconds.
- 240 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:48:18.78 ID:Ydl52wAO
- G.T. Hawkins, huh... Aren't they a little too big and bulky for your slender frame?
- 241 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:48:21.33 ID:EmVK65.o
- >>236
Well, frankly, it'd be optimal to have both contacts and glasses with you.
The glasses are for when you suddenly drop your contacts and can't find them.
- 242 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:49:00.40 ID:fjdhDk60
- I think she meant these:
- 243 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:49:21.12 ID:33UBXkDO
- Am I the only one who thinks he's better off without glasses/contacts? Because if he can't see her clearly, he won't get nervous around her.
- 244 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:50:34.93 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>242
They look fine to me.
- 245 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:50:42.05 ID:fjdhDk60
- Okay, IKKOs, where can I buy contacts?
- 246 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:51:27.64 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>245
At any store that sells glasses.
You should go to an ophthalmologist first though.
- 247 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:51:28.86 ID:NSugyT20
- First of all, get your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist.
- 248 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:51:42.21 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- First things first.
It's about time you write an e-mail to Glasses.
- 249 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:53:09.64 ID:hJKes4Io
- >>243
You'll never survive in this harsh world with that pussy attitude!
- 250 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:53:33.11 ID:33UBXkDO
- Someone post the e-mail exchange from last time plz.
- 251 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:53:50.15 ID:6FBYgG2o
- There was a time when I just didn't know what to do with my hair.
My hair was flat, unruly and long enough to get into my eyes.
I remember I was so excited when I'd finally made up my mind to cut it short so it'd stand up even without waxww
- 252 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:54:31.67 ID:fjdhDk60
- So I have to go to a beauty parlor AND an ophthalmologist now? This is getting better and better...
Anyways, the clothes and shoes alone cost me 70% of my budget.
- 253 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:55:01.64 ID:EmVK65.o
- >>245
First, you should have a thorough eye exam by an ophthalmologist. He'll measure your vision and check your eyes for diseases and stuff.
Then go to an optician. They'll show you something like an educational video on how to use contact lenses.
After that, they'll make you practice putting them on and taking them off.
Which contact lenses are compatible with your eyes depends on the maker, so you'll have to try all kinds until you find the ones that fit best.
And that's it.
- 254 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:55:49.63 ID:6FBYgG2o
- >>252
Going to a beauty parlor is a mustww
- 255 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:56:11.65 ID:hJKes4Io
- Ask your mom to pay for the beauty parlor and ophthalmology visit.
If you're gonna get new shoes, you should buy them a few days before the date so you can get used to them.
- 256 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:56:36.48 ID:RqRYowco
- >>242
I think they're pretty good.
Btw, what brand is your jacket, shirt, scarf and jeans respectively?
- 257 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:56:39.51 ID:fjdhDk60
- Oh right!!! I have to write an e-mail to her!!!!
She's waiting for me to tell her when I'll be free next.
- 258 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:57:03.93 ID:bEXOZ.AO
- Why would he need to go to an ophthalmologist?
- 259 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:58:12.39 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>252
As an otaku, you're probably not used to spending money on anything but manga or DVDs.
This might sound a little weird, but try to think of it as an investment for the future.
Hang in there.
- 260 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:58:21.88 ID:fjdhDk60
- I need to buy hair wax too, right?
Last time, I used that blue stuff my dad uses.
BigSis said something about "Nakano's wax", but I didn't get what she meantwwwwww Who the hell is Nakano?wwwwwwwwww
- 261 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 21:59:49.12 ID:.0RldFgo
- Forget about going to the ophthalmologist for now.
It'd be weird to change your look that much all of a sudden.
- 262 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:00:46.62 ID:33UBXkDO
- I'm sure you'll run out of HP pretty quickly at your first date, so a short date (2 to 3 hours long) on a workday is probably better than a long one on a free day.
Let's start out small and get used to it little by little.
- 263 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:00:55.25 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>260
I'm not sure, but I don't think Nakano is a person. Seems like the name of a pharmaceutical company:
- 264 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:01:16.15 ID:RxYgGhY0
- Most people use NAKANO or ARIMINO wax.
You should be careful with ARIMINO ones because they usually come with unique scents.
Cool Grease would be an option too.
- 265 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:02:01.64 ID:.0RldFgo
- >>260
NAKANO wax is good. I use it too.
Especially if you have long hair.
- 266 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:02:49.76 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>256
It's the name of some guy againwwwwwwwwww It says "TK". Takeo Kikuchi?
- 267 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:02:59.91 ID:33UBXkDO
- If you're going for a feminine look anyway, you might as well use hair cream instead of wax.
- 268 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:03:18.27 ID:RqRYowco
- >>260
Here you go:
Though I don't think normal drug stores sell NAKANO wax.
Also, since styling your hair yourself is pretty difficult, you should get a hairstyle for now that doesn't need much work to fix.
- 269 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:03:39.52 ID:fjdhDk60
- NAKANOwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww is the name of a company?wwwwwwwwwwww What an ordinary namewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 270 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:04:32.29 ID:6FBYgG2o
- >>266
Some people thought the store belongs to one of my relatives just because my family name is Kikuchi tooww
- 271 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:05:21.19 ID:RxYgGhY0
- Keep your hair long and you won't need any wax, you know?
- 272 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:05:29.99 ID:fjdhDk60
- I guess BigSis is into brands that are named after peoplewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 273 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:06:13.72 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>272
So, what's with the e-mail you wanted to write?w
- 274 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:06:43.38 ID:bEXOZ.AO
- Brands that are named after peoplewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 275 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:07:24.53 ID:.0RldFgo
- TK clothes:
- 276 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:07:26.80 ID:RqRYowco
Not a bad choice.
Though I wonder why BigSis knows so much about men's fashion. The shoes she picked for you were good too.
- 277 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:08:07.09 ID:fjdhDk60
- Here's a draft.
"Good evening. Are you at work today too? I'm watching a TV soap right now.
You asked me when I'm free next... How about this weekend?
If you're busy on Saturday and Sunday, we could meet up on Friday, for example."
Something like this, maybe?
- 278 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:09:00.43 ID:WAKO62DO
- >>276
Hint: Boyfriend
- 279 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:09:02.28 ID:33UBXkDO
- Women normally read men's fashion magazines too.
- 280 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:09:07.67 ID:RqRYowco
- >>272
Protip: Brands named after their designer are pretty common.
Though in TAKEO KIKUCHI's case, the designer is someone else now.
- 281 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:10:08.00 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>277
- 282 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:11:11.81 ID:bEXOZ.AO
- Okay, but only if you were really watching a TV soap.
- 283 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:12:31.19 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>277
Looks good to me.
This is completely unrelated, but should you go to the movies with Glasses one day, don't watch "Sweeney Todd".
It was a fun movie and I personally liked it, but I really wouldn't watch it as a couple.
- 284 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:12:34.54 ID:RB1ReSA0
- Send it.
- 285 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:12:51.37 ID:fjdhDk60
- I sent it.
Btw, Kindaichi Case Files and Ginrou Kaiki Files are about the only TV soaps I've ever watchedww
I only wrote I'm watching a TV soap because BigSis was watching one.
- 286 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:14:10.19 ID:bEXOZ.AO
- Quit lying to her.
- 287 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:14:12.06 ID:Ydl52wAO
- He can write his e-mails on his own now...
He's like a completely different person compared to last Saturdaywwwwwwww
- 288 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:14:47.34 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>283
If I were to spend 2 hours in a confined space full of people like a movie theater, I'd go insane.
But I really liked Edward Scissorhands. It's the same actor, right?
- 289 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:15:00.22 ID:Ydl52wAO
- You should've said you're watching Cambria Palacewwwwwwww
- 290 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:15:22.23 ID:fjdhDk60
- ...I'll stop lying. I won't pretend I'm something I'm not anymore.
- 291 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:15:28.64 ID:RB1ReSA0
- Get rid of your bad habit of telling stupid lieswwwwwwww
- 292 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:15:31.80 ID:33UBXkDO
- You've gotten a lot closer to becoming a happy normalfag in the last few dayswwww
- 293 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:16:47.73 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>292
A happy normalfag that doesn't leave his room.
- 294 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:16:57.45 ID:ZT5lGDso
- >>268
Drug stores maybe not, but Loft has them.
- 295 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:16:58.52 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>288
Not only are the main characters played by the same actor, both movies were directed by the same person too.
"Sweeney Todd" is full of scenes with blood spraying out like pshhhh though...
I cried during Edward Scissorhands. You must be a good person if you liked itw
- 296 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:18:01.61 ID:WAKO62DO
- I knew Fapwatch would get used to writing e-mails quickly because he had the writing skills from the start.
- 297 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:18:28.10 ID:Y2tJw/k0
- I decide to check the thread after work and the first thing I see is your new namewwwwwwwwww
Anyways, a big big kudos to ElderSis for her help.
- 298 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:18:29.94 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>293
Well, that will need more time.
Don't get contacts until you get used to going out.
Going outside is hard enough for you, you'll shit your pants if you can suddenly see everything clearly.
- 299 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:20:24.29 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- It's too early for wax too.
Don't try to make yourself look all stylish all of a sudden, okay?
- 300 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:21:48.06 ID:fjdhDk60
- Splatter movies are right up my alley though.
I loved Dawn of the Dead and The Evil Dead, to name a few.
- 301 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:22:29.16 ID:Ydl52wAO
- No reply from Glasses yet?
- 302 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:22:47.90 ID:hJKes4Io
- >>300
Yeah, you can't watch those on a date.
- 303 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:23:15.07 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>298>>299
I agree. I don't really know how to apply hair wax anyway.
- 304 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:23:32.41 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>300
Why don't you ask her about those when you talk about movies?
Fujoshi might be into splatter movies, for all we know.
- 305 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:24:46.74 ID:WAKO62DO
- Take your love for B-class horror movies and tuck it away in your heart for now.
Instead, go watch the Evangelion movie with her.
- 306 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:26:45.95 ID:EmVK65.o
- I know what you could do.
Go to an Internet cafe and cuddle with her in one of those couple seats.
- 307 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:27:03.35 ID:33UBXkDO
- I don't think there's anything wrong with a guy being into horror movies.
It's definitely a lot better than being into KyoAni anime.
- 308 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:28:28.68 ID:.0RldFgo
- Thing is, she likes KyoAni anime too.
- 309 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:30:02.93 ID:fjdhDk60
- As soon as I sent that mail, I got awfully aroused for some reason...
- 310 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:30:04.10 ID:NSugyT20
- We don't know yet if she really likes KyoAni anime, but at the very least, she knew about KyoAni.
- 311 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:30:12.21 ID:TARdEoAO
- Just go watch a Bleach movie with her.
- 312 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:32:00.14 ID:bEXOZ.AO
- >>309
Then fap and summon the Fapwatchingbird.
- 313 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:32:06.17 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>311
What am I supposed to do if she goes hollow on me?
- 314 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:32:07.16 ID:ZAS/FB6o
- >>309
Can't you jerk off later when you go to bed?w
- 315 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:34:53.28 ID:QTlR7Ps0
- >>313
You're not supposed to do anything, just let her go hollow on youww
But damn, she's taking long to reply. Guess she's at work again?
- 316 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:36:03.51 ID:33UBXkDO
- It'd be scary if that bird actually came at this hour.
- 317 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:36:06.22 ID:RB1ReSA0
- Can't wait for her reply.
- 318 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:36:20.55 ID:fjdhDk60
- Mom is telling me to bring Glasses home with me next timewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
What is she thinking?wwwwwwwwwwwwww Was she even listening when I explained everything earlier?wwwwwwwwwwwwww
I've only met her once, how does she expect me to bring her home?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 319 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:37:41.01 ID:33UBXkDO
- Be nice to your momwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 320 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:38:18.65 ID:Y2tJw/k0
- Your mom's jumping the gunwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 321 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:38:21.84 ID:NSugyT20
- It's too early for thatwwwwwwwwww
- 322 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:38:22.44 ID:bEXOZ.AO
- Time for 2ndSis to make her move.
- 323 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:40:21.62 ID:fjdhDk60
- Nope, 2ndSis was there too, but didn't say anything.
- 324 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:40:30.07 ID:uR9Y56SO
- Forgive the stupid question, but where does a shut-in like you get money from?
Or are you talking about your New Years' allowance?
- 325 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:40:34.92 ID:Ydl52wAO
- Your mom's just happy from the bottom of her heart.
What a kind mother she is. She was probably worried about her shut-in son, you know?
You should treasure a mother like her.
Though she's extremely impatientwwwwwwww
- 326 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:41:20.22 ID:ZT5lGDso
- >>323
I smell dangerwwwwww
- 327 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:41:48.75 ID:33UBXkDO
- 2ndSis < BigSis & Mom
2ndSis can't tease you now that both BigSis and Mom are on your sideww
- 328 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:42:46.62 ID:.TCKfGwo
- 2ndSis didn't seem to care, huh?wwwwwwwwww
Makes it more plausible that she was just used by BigSis in her master plan and is now not needed anymore.
- 329 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:43:19.46 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>324
In my case, it's saved-up New Years' allowance. I have some of it stored in a bank account and the rest is hidden in my room.
I try to get by without borrowing money from my family. But if worst comes to worst, I'll ask the BigSis Finance Company.
Still no reply...
- 330 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:44:29.35 ID:33UBXkDO
- Glasses is probably working until midnight again.
- 331 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:46:30.43 ID:gXY.qDMo
- >>323
My guess is that 2ndSis knows something.
- 332 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:46:43.00 ID:fjdhDk60
- I'm sitting here with my dick out my pants, but the Fapwatchingbird isn't coming.
I kinda miss the birdww
- 333 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:47:03.03 ID:Y2tJw/k0
- She'll get off work some time at midnight like last time, maybe?
She sure works until late when she's got lectures to attend on the next day.
- 334 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:47:24.36 ID:Ydl52wAO
- Now's not the time to worry about 2ndSis. Put all your efforts into getting closer to Glasses.
- 335 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:47:36.97 ID:NSugyT20
- >>332
Don't take out your dick!wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 336 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:47:59.60 ID:a.ZB7pY0
- What the fuckwwwwwwww
Keep it in your pantswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 337 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:48:06.57 ID:Y2tJw/k0
- >>332
I think the bird is at my place.
- 338 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:48:50.52 ID:33UBXkDO
- I wish it'd come to me too.
- 339 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:49:36.62 ID:9Rjz.oAO
- It's only natural that your mom is happy.
Her son that used to say how he won't go out anymore is hanging out with a girl now! I can see why she's overjoyed.
In addition, it's all thanks to her daughter 2ndSis setting you up with the girl and her other daughter BigSis helping you out!
She must be thinking: "Ahh, I'm so glad I gave birth to these children. If everything goes well now and Fapwatch becomes a full-fledged member of society and gets married... No, it's good enough if he gets a job."
- 340 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:51:04.99 ID:uR9Y56SO
- Come on, guys. Anyone here who downloaded the app "Young horny housewife"?
- 341 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:51:30.22 ID:RwX3yEQ0
- I can't stop wondering if this is all going according to your sisters' scenario or if it's one big coincidence...
- 342 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:51:30.70 ID:fjdhDk60
- Guess it won't come if my dick isn't stiff.
- 343 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:52:06.72 ID:.TCKfGwo
- >>329
What's that? A poem?wwwwwwwwww
Write that into your diarywwwwwwwwww
- 344 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:52:07.14 ID:Ydl52wAO
- Here I was almost getting moved to tears by what your mom said...
But her beloved son is sitting at the window waiting for a bird with his dick outwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 345 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:52:18.13 ID:RwX3yEQ0
- >>342
Okay, why is your dick not in your pants?
- 346 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:52:41.15 ID:9Rjz.oAO
- >>340
Holy shit.
The housewife's little sister(18) is a hottie!
- 347 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:52:46.89 ID:uR9Y56SO
- Upload a pic of your dick.
- 348 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:54:01.04 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>345
Hey, I'm only doing this to show you guys what the Fapwatchingbird looks like!wwwwwwwwww
- 349 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:54:20.76 ID:uR9Y56SO
- >>346
Tell us more, tell us more!
- 350 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:55:04.88 ID:.TCKfGwo
- >>332、>>342
What's that? A poem?wwwwwwwwww
Write that into your diarywwwwwwwwww
I quoted the wrong post. orz
- 351 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:56:27.84 ID:Ydl52wAO
- >>348 I want to see it!wwwwwwww
Don't catch a cold though! Or you won't be able to go to the date!
- 352 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:57:18.83 ID:C6muFsgo
- >>Fapwatch
I see you're slowly turning into a real pervertwwwwww
On an unrelated note, it turns out my dad's having an affair...
- 353 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:57:42.61 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>346
Fuck, you made me curious.
- 354 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:58:02.83 ID:avMZI5Yo
- >>352
Care to fill us in?
- 355 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:58:19.31 ID:Ydl52wAO
- >>352 Your father is a popular guy, huh?wwwwwwww
So, what next..? A family conference?
- 356 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:58:25.55 ID:uR9Y56SO
- >>352
On an unrelated note, my mom has a young boyfriend. (*б∀б*)
- 357 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:58:42.50 ID:RwX3yEQ0
- >>352
Damn, sad to hear that, bro...
- 358 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:59:50.49 ID:hJKes4Io
- I have affairs all the fucking time.
With 2D women.
- 359 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 22:59:57.42 ID:Ydl52wAO
- Only a limited number of free downloads available.
- 360 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:00:38.17 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>352
How old is your dad anyway?
- 361 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:02:30.19 ID:C6muFsgo
- I don't want to derail the thread, so I'll try to keep it short.
Two years ago, my family joined a certain hobby group and dad started an affair with a woman (divorced, one child) from that group.
I cornered him by gathering proof using GPS and listening devices and made him break off his relationship with her.
But I just found out he called her again.
Btw, my dad is 57.
- 362 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:03:45.75 ID:RwX3yEQ0
- >>361
Your family joined a what?
- 363 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:03:46.23 ID:uR9Y56SO
- That's too heavy, manwww
- 364 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:04:38.84 ID:33UBXkDO
- A long time ago, when my father had an affair, mother put a private detective on him.
- 365 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:04:39.01 ID:9kmvUPko
- He's having affairs at 57!?wwwwwwww What a lively guywwwwwwwwww
- 366 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:05:13.42 ID:C6muFsgo
- >>362
You know, those Taiko groups you see in festivals?
It was something like that.
- 367 : 2ndSis : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:06:18.84 ID:EmVK65.o
- : : : : : : : :./: :/ : : :.;、: : : : : : .:.:.ヽ: :/ ヽ
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- 368 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:09:17.70 ID:M1z4kjk0
- My dad cheated on mom too and they got divorced end of last year.
Even now, he still hasn't come to his senses. It's sad, really.
- 369 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:11:08.41 ID:fjdhDk60
- Wow, you guys have dads with issues...
- 370 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:12:39.91 ID:WAKO62DO
- I'm in a train right now and I'm bored, so I made some character profiles. Please use them in the first post of the next threadwwwwww
A virgin shut-in NEET and textbook example of an otaku. In other words, a completely worthless 20-year-old.
Good at playing the recorder.
The heroine this time? She's a fujoshi though. Works at a bookstore.
Has brown hair and wears glasses with a red frame. Big boobs.
The oldest daughter of the Fapwatch family, 23 years old. Punches with a fist when mad.
A neat and tidy tyrant with long black hair. Resembles Himesaki Shuri.
Fapwatch's 20-year-old twin sister. A mischievous, happy normalfag.
Has short black hair. School friends with Glasses.
A kind 489-year-old mother. Watches over Fapwatch with love and grace. Loves Kimimaro.
A bird that landed on Fapwatch's balcony to watch him masturbate.
Its identity is still unknown, but has instantly become an important character thanks to the excellent naming.
Something like this?
Please correct it if it's wrong or add more stuff to it.
- 371 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:13:19.76 ID:.TCKfGwo
- >>369
Says the one with the biggest issues hereww
- 372 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:14:23.01 ID:dIGAcgY0
- "a completely worthless 20-year-old"wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 373 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:16:07.29 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>370
My sideswwwwwwwwww
Looking at my profile like this, I really am worthlesswwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 374 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:16:17.97 ID:RxYgGhY0
- Didn't 2ndSis have a friend called Sweets too?
- 375 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:16:28.47 ID:33UBXkDO
- Yeah, well, he is completely worthlesswwwwwwww
- 376 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:17:38.33 ID:hJKes4Io
- >>370
Wasn't Glasses' glasses red-green?
- 377 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:18:15.75 ID:ZT5lGDso
- >>374
It doesn't look like she'll appear again though...
But I guess it might be funny if she didww
What if she came back and was like "I couldn't get you out of my head, >>1!"wwwwww No way in hell, huh?wwwwww
- 378 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:18:25.64 ID:WAKO62DO
- My badww I totally forgot about Sweetsww
- 379 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:20:05.02 ID:ZT5lGDso
- >>376
Here's what the archive says:
>Wears stylish and modern glasses with red frames.
Maybe the lenses are red-green then?
- 380 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:20:59.75 ID:oJNVBqYo
- Still haven't uploaded your recorder cover of the Azumanga Daioh tune that plays during the eyecatches?
- 381 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:22:36.54 ID:uR9Y56SO
- K...(ノω;)
- 382 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:22:58.30 ID:C6muFsgo
- >>379
Red-green lenses!?wwwwwwwwwwww
- 383 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:23:10.07 ID:.0RldFgo
- >>379

- 384 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:23:42.19 ID:fjdhDk60
- Her glasses should look like in this pic:

- 385 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:23:42.55 ID:33UBXkDO
- K was forgotten...
- 386 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:25:41.59 ID:ZT5lGDso
- >>383
I lol'dwwwwww
- 387 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:26:56.37 ID:fjdhDk60
- >>380
Totally forgot about thatwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
How do I upload it?
I don't think I'd like thatwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 388 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:27:53.55 ID:a.ZB7pY0
- >>383
That's something completely differentwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 389 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:28:12.22 ID:avMZI5Yo
- >>383
Fuck, I spilled my coffeewwwwwwwwww
- 390 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:28:43.74 ID:hJKes4Io
- >>383
You almost made me laugh out loud at workwwwwwwwwwwww OKKUSENMANwwwwwwwwwwww /dd>
- 391 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:29:46.08 ID:oJNVBqYo
- >>387
I assume the only device you have that can record sound is your cell phone, so...
make an audio or video recording with your cell phone and... upload it to somewhere, I guess?
- 392 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:33:40.23 ID:9Rjz.oAO
- No idea where the red-green thing came from, but the 3D glasses cracked me upwwwwww
- 393 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:34:21.02 ID:C6muFsgo
- >>391
Upload it to PITA.
- 394 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:38:36.77 ID:oJNVBqYo
- >>393
Wow, they let you all kinds of file formats besides images. Not bad.
- 395 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:39:09.25 ID:uR9Y56SO
- I'll never get over how I couldn't download the "Young, horny housewife" app.
And why do they all have to have big boobs?
- 396 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:40:53.83 ID:ARxXREQ0
- Is Fapwatch recording himself now?
- 397 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:44:13.78 ID:dIGAcgY0
- What about the e-mail?
Still no reply from Glasses, I wonder.
- 398 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:45:28.21 ID:ARxXREQ0
- Isn't Glasses still at work?
- 399 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:47:23.03 ID:C6muFsgo
- No, Glasses is with her ex-boyfriend right now......
- 400 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:48:23.50 ID:fjdhDk60
- I was playing the recorder and getting warmed up when BigSis came and punched me in my face.
She was like "How late do you think it is!!?"
So yeah, I'll record the video tomorrow with my cell phone. You can upload videos to PITA, right?
- 401 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:48:41.20 ID:uR9Y56SO
- What ex-boyfriend?
- 402 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:48:50.78 ID:dIGAcgY0
- >>398
Ah, okay.
LOLwwwwwwwwww Stop thatwwwwwwwwwwww
- 403 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:50:06.22 ID:33UBXkDO
- You guys used up the 300 free downloads of "Young, horny housewife"... orz
- 404 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:50:58.20 ID:EmVK65.o
- What does Sweets look like?
Does she have long hair? Short hair?
- 405 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:51:46.51 ID:uR9Y56SO
- >>403
I know that feel. It sucks to be late to the partywwwwww
- 406 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:53:51.46 ID:33UBXkDO
- >>405
You guys hyped it up so muchwwww
Made me curiouswwwwww
- 407 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:54:02.05 ID:/l62NFMo
- Just when you're about to go out, things start getting interesting againwwwwww
The character profiles are hilariouswwwwww
- 408 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:54:11.75 ID:ARxXREQ0
- Who cares about Sweets? Do we know anything about Glasses' hairstyle?
- 409 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:55:16.42 ID:fjdhDk60
- What is this talk about a young, horny housewife? Now I wanna see it too.
- 410 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:56:03.85 ID:/l62NFMo
- >>409
Remember, these are words of a man with his weenie out of his pants.
- 411 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:56:36.93 ID:33UBXkDO
- Try checking it out from your cell phone, Fapwatch.
- 412 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:56:37.85 ID:uR9Y56SO
- Big boobs are fine, but why are they shaped like pork buns?
Sorry, I'll stop whining about young, horny housewives. orz
- 413 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:57:22.89 ID:fjdhDk60
- Sweets
Has dyed brown hair that's fluffy and wavy? I guess she's cute, but she wears lots of make-up.
Kinda resembles Ebi-chan. Mass-produced.
Has dyed brown hair, almost down to her shoulders if my memory serves me right.
- 414 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:57:50.62 ID:Y2tJw/k0
- Why is your memory of Glasses so vague?wwww
- 415 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:57:55.10 ID:/l62NFMo
- The description of the most important person is wishy-washywwwwwwww
- 416 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:58:09.65 ID:fjdhDk60
- Okay, I'll check it outwwwwwwwwwwww Who could resist a title like "Young, horny housewife"?wwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 417 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:58:52.15 ID:oJNVBqYo
- You actually remember Sweets better than Glasses, do you?
Hats off to you, sir. You never disappointwwwwwwww
- 418 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:59:02.60 ID:fjdhDk60
- I had gotten a mail....
- 419 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:59:03.55 ID:33UBXkDO
- Ask Glasses to lend her glasses to you next time you meet her!wwwwwwwwww
- 420 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:59:22.09 ID:Y2tJw/k0
- WE GOT A MAILーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 421 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:59:42.27 ID:jhH2oEDO
- You can look at the app from your cell phone, but you can't download it, can you?
- 422 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:59:42.59 ID:33UBXkDO
- Good thing we made him look at his cell phone?ww
- 423 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 23:59:59.28 ID:dIGAcgY0
- You were looking at horny housewives when you'd gotten a mail from Glasses!?wwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 424 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:01:02.77 ID:TjXnmz2o
- From: Glasses
Subject: I got married.
- 425 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:07:16.47 ID:7IFmYYIo
- From: Glasses
Subject: I can finally read your thread with gikoNavi now.
- 426 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:07:37.69 ID:XdmRhsDO
- What's taking him so long?ww
- 427 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:07:57.47 ID:.z51Y.6o
- Huh?
Did he fall asleep while reading her e-mail?
As for how to upload the video, assuming your cell phone has an external memory like a flash card, you should move the video from your cell phone to your computer and upload it from there to a more popular hosting site.
- 428 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:08:25.87 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Thanks for linking me to the horny housewifewwwwwwwwwwwwww
"Good evening!☆ Or should I say good night since it's already after midnight..?
I was at work all this time(smiley) Sorry I took so long to reply(tears) There wasn't anything to do at work today though (lol)
You watch TV soaps, Fapwatch? What are they showing on Monday9 this season?
I have to work until late on weekends... (smiley) I wonder if Kichiri serves until late on weekends?
How about Wednesday or Thursday? Friday would be okay too if it's in the evening. (*´∀`)b
What do you say??"
Wednes... day...?
- 429 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:08:45.42 ID:4KTiGbc0
- How half-baked.
- 430 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:09:23.37 ID:DYGsJkAO
- Make it Thursday.
- 431 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:09:43.03 ID:65zPj.DO
- Ohh! She replied!
- 432 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:09:43.16 ID:.z51Y.6o
- Hey, >>1, don't mention any specific restaurants.
Kichiri might be a restaurant chain, but you don't want people in the thread tracking you down, do you?
- 433 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:10:08.96 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Your lie comes back to bite you in the buttwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 434 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:10:09.20 ID:3PRDx8w0
- Say you wanna go on Thursday!
About the TV soap, just tell her you don't know which one you were watching because you weren't paying attention.
- 435 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:10:12.73 ID:FyqYfESO
- See, that's what you get for making up liesww
- 436 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:11:21.07 ID:T1UH8C20
- Dudewwww She's gonna find out it was a liewwwwwwww
What will you do if she asks you questions about TV soaps during the date?wwwwwwwwwwww
- 437 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:11:35.47 ID:L3Iqtt.0
- Yeah, you don't want trained VIPPERs lying in wait in front of your place from morning till nightwwwwww
- 438 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:12:07.96 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Thursday, it is.
And on Tuesday and Wednesday, you should go shopping for clothes and get your hair cut.
- 439 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:12:17.38 ID:B6UXAOY0
- How about Wednesday?
- 440 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:12:27.53 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>432
Okay. Thanks.
What is Monday9? A TV channel?
- 441 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:12:37.41 ID:FyqYfESO
- Going to a date directly the next day after you've been to a beauty parlor is kinda tough, so let's make it Thursday!
That means, go to the beauty parlor tomorrow! Cancel the appointment for today.
- 442 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:13:00.85 ID:aW2xzYco
- >>440
The Monday 9pm TV slot for TV soaps.
- 443 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:13:08.21 ID:T1UH8C20
- >>440
Monday9 refers to Fuji TV soaps that air on Monday at 9pm.
- 444 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:13:31.08 ID:XdmRhsDO
- >>440
It's self-explanatorywwwwww
- 445 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:13:42.70 ID:M3h/yUs0
- What are they showing on Monday9 anyway?
I know it was Galileo last season.
- 446 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:14:04.17 ID:yhuyJtU0
- Bara no nai Hanaya.
- 447 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:14:13.67 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Thursday, it is?
Woah, really now? Am I seriously going on a date?
- 448 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:14:22.16 ID:6qYHpk.o
- Bara no nai Hanaya.
With Katori Shingo.
- 449 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:15:04.86 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Just tell her you don't know.
There's no need to look every little thing up and act like you know everything.
It'll backfire during the date when you can't look stuff up.
- 450 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:15:18.73 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- I don't think I can go, my hands are shaking and my heart is racing.
- 451 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:15:24.06 ID:M3h/yUs0
- Ahh, that TV soap with Takeuchi Yuuko, huh?ww
But hey, isn't it be bad if she thinks you're into TV soaps now?
What will you do, Fapwatch?
- 452 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:15:38.88 ID:TjXnmz2o
- Count prime numbers and calm down.
- 453 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:16:35.88 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Like I said, the only TV soaps I know are Kindaichi Case Files and Ginrou Kaiki Files... What will I do now?
- 454 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:16:54.37 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Count prime numbers, Pucci!
- 455 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:17:19.30 ID:T1UH8C20
- >>453
When you say Kindaichi case files, you mean the first seasons with Doumoto Tsuyoshi, right?
- 456 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:17:19.99 ID:aW2xzYco
- If she asks any more questions about TV soaps, just keep ignoring them in a natural way.
Don't pile up any more lies.
- 457 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:17:42.70 ID:65zPj.DO
- Then tell her who the criminal in every episode of Kindaichi Case Files is!
Tell her what Jason's motive was!
- 458 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:18:05.30 ID:s8J9T2AO
- I told you, didn't I?wwwwww
Even if it's embarrassing, learn to honestly admit when you don't know something or when you're not really interestedwwwwww
Because it'll be way more embarrassing if she asks you about it laterwwwwwwww
You can't imagine how unbearable it is to be in a situation like thatwwwwww Lying is a bad ideawwwwwwwwww
- 459 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:18:06.16 ID:.z51Y.6o
- Three things:
Tell her you didn't really pay any attention to it.
You didn't watch the first episode and you're not going to watch the next one either.
Make sure to tell her the name of the TV soap you were supposedly watching though so she doesn't get suspicious.
That's all.
- 460 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:18:26.65 ID:3PRDx8w0
- It should be enough to tell her you don't know anything about the TV show because it was just playing in the background!
- 461 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:18:39.19 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>455
Of fucking course. Miyuki must be played by Tomosaka Rie and Kenmochi by Furuoya Masato. I won't accept anyone else.
- 462 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:19:16.21 ID:FyqYfESO
- I wanted to go to the convenience store to buy some Koala's March, but I can't take my eyes off this thread...
- 463 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:19:45.60 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Can I have more concrete advice on what to reply please...?
It was a bad idea to lie, I'm sorry, I got that already...
- 464 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:20:18.98 ID:M3h/yUs0
- Right, all she asked you about is if you watch TV soaps in general.
It should be okay to say that it just happened to be playing when you turned on the TV.
- 465 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:21:35.54 ID:3PRDx8w0
- "I see you were working hard today too.
I don't really know which TV soap I was watching. I wasn't paying attention. (lol)
Can we go to Kichiri on Thursday? But only if you're free too, Miss Glasses. *thumbs up*"
- 466 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:21:48.82 ID:FyqYfESO
- "It's what was playing when I turned on the TV. I normally don't watch any TV soaps."
Or something along these lines.
- 467 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:22:19.62 ID:T1UH8C20
- >>463
You could write something like "I've been watching Kindaichi Case Files again lately and I'm loving it so far." and try to change(?) the topic.
As for the date of your date, something like "I don't have any plans for this week, so let's just go on the day that works best for you, Miss Glasses.", maybe?
- 468 : Sweets : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:23:04.46 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::::_,,,,─ 、─,,,,,,__:::::::;;;;;;ヽ
l::/:::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::_,,-''" ヾヽ::;;;;;;;;l:::::::::::ヽ
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- 469 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:23:40.14 ID:.z51Y.6o
- "Good evening is okay since I'm still awake. I'm a night person after all!
You must be tired from working till late. And don't apologize for not replying right away. There'd be no end to it if we had to apologize every time we took a bit longer to reply than usualww
Isn't it worse to have nothing to do at work? Because then it feels like time is passing really slowly, you know?
I normally don't watch any TV soaps! When I said I was watching one, I was really only watching the second half of what my older sister was watching.
It seems like it's called [insert TV soap title]. I didn't really like what little I saw though, so I don't think I'll watch the next episode next week."
You'll have to add a sentence about when to go to the restaurant.
- 470 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:24:28.81 ID:iOp4YOY0
- "They're showing a soap called 'Bara no nai Hanaya' with Katori Shingo and Takeuchi Yuuko on Monday9 this season.
I wasn't paying much attention though, so I didn't catch much of it.
I normally don't watch any TV soaps anyway."
How's this?
And don't forget to look up the opening hours of the restaurant.
- 471 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:24:38.56 ID:T1UH8C20
- : : : : : : : :./: :/ : : :.;、: : : : : : .:.:.ヽ: :/ ヽ
: : : : : : :/: : : : :/: : :.:厂`ヽ; :.ヽ.:. : : .:.| Me l
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- 472 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:25:02.84 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- "I see you were working hard today too.
I don't really know which TV soap it was, it was just something my older sister was watching and I wasn't paying much attention to it. (lol)
Shall we go on Thursday then? Only if you're free though, Miss Glasses."
Is this okay?
- 473 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:25:20.73 ID:FyqYfESO
- >>469 makes you sound like a DQN and doesn't sound like anything Fapwatch would write.
- 474 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:25:30.16 ID:4KTiGbc0
- Okay.
- 475 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:25:40.09 ID:XdmRhsDO
- "You're such a hard worker!
The name of the TV soap was something with roses.
Katori was playing the main character.
But I didn't pay much attention because mom and I were talking about other things the whole time. (lol)
So you have to even work on weekend, huh?
I really admire your diligence. m(__)
Please try not to overdo it though.
Ah, how about we go to the restaurant on Thursday then?
I don't have any plans for this week, so I'll go with whatever day you suggest, Miss Glasses!"
- 476 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:25:42.06 ID:L3Iqtt.0
- Umm... I think you should be honest and just admit you lied when you said you were watching a TV soap.
Then you can ask her if she could recommend one of the shows of this season to you. How's that?
- 477 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:26:24.26 ID:3PRDx8w0
- Looks okay to me! Since it's pretty late already, try not to take long to reply!
- 478 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:27:15.08 ID:FyqYfESO
- If you don't switch to informal speech soon, it'll be hella weird when you actually meet up.
- 479 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:28:12.51 ID:4KTiGbc0
- >>478
- 480 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:28:13.72 ID:6qYHpk.o
- Some women want men to pick the place and time, so you might wanna turn the last two sentences around.
"I'll go with whatever day is best for you, Glasses.
How about Thursday?"
She might like it better if it's like this.
- 481 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:28:19.73 ID:kLy2icso
- >>469
I did some minor adjustments to your suggestion:
"Good evening is okay since I'm still awake. I'm a night person after all!
You must be tired from working till late. And there's no need to apologize since there'd be no end to it if we had to apologize every time we took a bit longer to reply than usual.
Isn't it more tiring to have nothing to do at work because then it feels like time is passing really slowly?
I usually don't watch any TV soaps. Today, I was only watching the second half of what my older sister was watching.
It seems like the Monday9 show this season is called [insert TV soap title]. I didn't really like what little I saw though, so I don't think I'll watch the next episode next week."
You'll have to add a sentence about when to go to the restaurant.
I'd send it like this.
- 482 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:28:19.79 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- "I see you were working hard today too.
I don't really know which TV soap it was, it was just something my older sister was watching and I wasn't paying much attention to it. (lol)
I normally don't watch any TV soaps either.
So you have to even work on weekend, huh?
I really admire your diligence. m(__)
Please try not to overdo it though.
Ah, how about we go to the restaurant on Thursday then?
I don't have any plans for this week, so I'll go with whatever day you suggest, Miss Glasses!"
Is it good enough now?
- 483 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:29:04.21 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Sorry, my hands were shaking so much I accidentally pressed send.
- 484 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:29:46.72 ID:T1UH8C20
- No, I think it's all right.
- 485 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:30:05.30 ID:M3h/yUs0
- Yeah, it's not bad, is it?ww
- 486 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:30:11.82 ID:aA1ucBEo
- >>483
- 487 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:30:23.20 ID:3PRDx8w0
- Can't help it if it's already sent.
But do try to keep your e-mails appropriate in length, not too long or too short.
- 488 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:30:31.65 ID:.z51Y.6o
- >>483
Calm the fuck downwwwwww
You know what, I was thinking if it wouldn't be better if you took 2ndSis or BigSis or your mom along to the date instead of going alone.
You may not be able to talk about otaku stuff anymore, but isn't it safer that way?
It could turn out to be more entertaining for us tooww
- 489 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:31:12.18 ID:iOp4YOY0
- >>482
Your hands were shaking so much your smiley lost one of its arms.
- 490 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:31:21.46 ID:WImjyYco
- "I see you were working hard today too.
I don't really know which TV soap it was, it was just something my older sister was watching and I was too busy fapping to pay much attention to it. (lol)
I normally don't watch any TV soaps either, only anime.
So you have to even work on weekend, huh, Lyrical Nanoha?
I really admire your diligence. (´ω`)
Please try not to overdo it though.
Ah, how about we go to the restaurant on Thursday then?
I don't have any plans for this week, so I'll go with whatever day you suggest, Miss Glasses!"
- 491 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:31:41.74 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Looks good enough to me.
- 492 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:31:42.81 ID:T1UH8C20
- >>488
Dudewwww 2ndSis, BigSis, okay, but why would he take his MOM along to a date with a girl?wwwwww
- 493 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:31:51.50 ID:4KTiGbc0
- At this time of the day, it's important to reply quickly, you know?
- 494 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:32:21.98 ID:WImjyYco
- >>488
What if Glasses wants to be alone with him....?
- 495 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:32:23.20 ID:XdmRhsDO
- You won't get anywhere with Glasses at the date if your BigSis is around!
- 496 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:32:24.67 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Another option is to take his dad along... It's about time he made an appearance, right?
- 497 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:33:35.59 ID:kLy2icso
- >>493
Give us a break, it's taking long because we're all seriously discussing what the best reply is....
- 498 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:33:40.19 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- I can't stop shaking when I think of Glasses. I can't recall her face though.
Calm down, calm down... Think of Kotomi instead...
- 499 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:34:04.78 ID:3PRDx8w0
- One of us could go along with you... Not a good idea, huh...
- 500 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:35:09.70 ID:FyqYfESO
- Be considerate of Glasses and end the conversation when you think she's tired. Don't make her say it.
Also, when you're done, I think it's better not to write her any e-mails until the actual day of the date, but I could be wrong.
I'm just trying to put myself in Glasses' shoes.
- 501 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:35:38.27 ID:HMV6uG2o
- But guys, it'll be only his second time meeting Glasses.
IMO he should take someone along...
- 502 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:36:12.18 ID:.z51Y.6o
- Glasses: "I don't know what to reply... 2ndSis told me to play around with him as much as I want and then dump him like a pair of old shoes."
- 503 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:36:50.75 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>500
Isn't there anyone in this thread who was born without a dick between their legs?
I'd like to hear a girl's opinion on this.
- 504 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:37:04.45 ID:4KTiGbc0
- Look, it's only a date if it's only the two of them. Am I wrong?
- 505 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:37:31.80 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Isn't it common sense that once you've seen each other once, it's okay to meet up alone?
- 506 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:37:58.56 ID:kLy2icso
- Maybe we should raise the bar a little higher...
How about you get Glasses to accompany you when you go buy glasses?
Go to the next date without glasses (you didn't have any last time either).
When you're in the restaurant, tell her how your eyesight has deteriorated and that you need glasses...
Then on the next day, you ask her if she'd like to accompany you...
- 507 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:00.14 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Glasses replied, but she might be watching this thread.
- 508 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:02.63 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- I guess Glasses' quick replies are proof that she's serious about it to a certain extentww
- 509 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:14.46 ID:FyqYfESO
- I posted 500 and as far as I know, I was born dickless. I just want you to keep an appropriate distance from her.
- 510 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:26.05 ID:3PRDx8w0
- >>503
Ask her the day before the date if the date still stands and tell her you're looking forward to it.
- 511 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:30.65 ID:.z51Y.6o
- >>501
Normalfags can probably have sex on the second date already, but it's Fapwatch we're talking about here. He's about to have a heart attack just thinking about meeting her, so yeah, I too think he shouldn't go alone.
You say you wanna hear a girl's opinion, but you know opinions are a dime a dozen and so are girls.
There are even anti-fujoshi girls out there...
In the end, the only thing that counts is if you're compatible.
- 512 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:31.31 ID:B6UXAOY0
- Woahwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
What did she write?
- 513 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:31.86 ID:T1UH8C20
- Glasses is watching!?
- 514 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:30.95 ID:SAfT.Es0
- 515 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:39.83 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- If Glasses really is reading this, I'll jump out the window.
- 516 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:55.28 ID:qnCVWi6o
- 517 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:38:59.36 ID:.z51Y.6o
- >>507
It begins.
- 518 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:39:02.70 ID:yYUYdAYo
- Wha-What did you say!!?
- 519 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:39:46.78 ID:3PRDx8w0
- 520 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:39:54.47 ID:T1UH8C20
- >>515
Try to calm down for now and explain what happened first!!!!!!!!!
- 521 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:40:04.06 ID:M3h/yUs0
- You're kidding, right...?ww
- 522 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:40:05.86 ID:B6UXAOY0
- What makes you think she's watching this thread?
- 523 : Glasses : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:40:07.58 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- /.:i l.... /'´ / .::: /: /|;、ヽ;ヽ: | i::::::::l:::::l
/.::l l:/ / , ;'::// :: .イ:: /; l:|ヽ. ヾ,ヾ| |:::::::::i:::::l
イ::l. l /:::: / / // /; |:| ヽ ヾ;| |:: :::i::l;;::l
/ .l :l. l レ:/ / / // !| ヽ | |: ::|::|;;:|
/ i | l l::ケ' ̄l/..:`.`/ ー|‐- 、 i:| | :|:::∧
! | | |:__>ナ‐tjトiミ '´,た_ ``┤ :| |::ト;:ヽ
. i ! | |: ゝ`-' ' ' iソ iYヾニ | :| |::ト, :::i
∧ | |:. i `l_, _l´ `" ;. | :| |:ト; ;/ Yes, I know everything you've been up to, 1.
ヾ .i | |::. ヽ、 _ノ ;: ',. i ,| :.| |::/V Why? Because I'm a VIPPER just like you <3
〉.l | |:ヽ _ ` - ' ィ | l.| |:!ヽ.:ヽ
/::/i l |:::::::`i 、 ヽ _ ̄' ノ .| | l.| |:ヽ ヽ ::ヽ
i/...:| l |::::::::| >i 、 , ' | | i.| |:、::ヽ.ヽ:::l
, -‐' ´l i l |:::::::| / i ` -- ' !.| i.| i ヽ;ヽソ
. , ' ´ l l. l |:::::::|' ' Y l l l `ヽ
/ , ' |.l l .|::::::i | | | i `ヽ
- 524 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:40:27.01 ID:.z51Y.6o
- _,,..r'''""~~`''ー-.、
r"r ゝ、:;:ヽ
r‐-、 ,...,, |;;;;| ,,.-‐-:、 ヾ;:;ゝ
:i! i! |: : i! ヾ| r'"~~` :;: ::;",,-‐‐- `r'^!
! i!. | ;| l| ''"~~ 、 i' |
i! ヽ | | | ,.:'" 、ヽ、 !,ノ
ゝ `-! :| i! .:;: '~~ー~~'" ゙ヾ : : ::|
r'"~`ヾ、 i! i! ,,-ェェI二エフフ : : :::ノ~|` Yay, Glasses, are you reading the thread?
,.ゝ、 r'""`ヽ、i! `:、 ー - '" :: : :/ ,/ If you are, please go out with me!
!、 `ヽ、ー、 ヽ‐''"`ヾ、.....,,,,_,,,,.-‐'",..-'"
| \ i:" ) | ~`'''ー---―''"~
ヽ `'" ノ
- 525 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:40:40.30 ID:1iyjmlQo
- What is going on...
- 526 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:40:40.87 ID:XdmRhsDO
- You sure know how to keep us on our toeswwwwww
- 527 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:41:24.30 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- There's something in her e-mail... it's like she took it right out of the thread...
- 528 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:42:01.38 ID:RLVpYMIo
- >>527
You were just joking when you said you don't remember her face anymore, right?w
- 529 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:42:16.83 ID:65zPj.DO
- Fapwatch, take a deep breath.
Fuck, I wanna know what happened, but I have work tomorrow.
- 530 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:42:18.37 ID:XdmRhsDO
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 531 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:42:26.26 ID:T1UH8C20
- >>527
Could you please calm down and elaborate?
- 532 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:42:41.28 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>527
Post her reply first.
And leave the analysis to us.
- 533 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:43:00.04 ID:s8J9T2AO
- Miss Glasses!
Fapwatch may be a bad boy.
But he's giving his all for you!
Well, actually, it's for your boobs, but still, a shut-in NEET giving his all has to count for something!
Anyways, will you marry me?
- 534 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:43:00.73 ID:yhuyJtU0
- It must be a coincidence. Just a coincidence...
- 535 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:43:26.94 ID:mKPrXNc0
- 536 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:43:33.44 ID:FyqYfESO
- Okay, this is definitely not the time to leave to buy Koala's March.
- 537 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:43:45.77 ID:M3h/yUs0
- >>527
Seriously now?
- 538 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:44:20.16 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>528
Shortsighted people often have a hard time recalling faces... yeah...
- 539 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:44:24.05 ID:.z51Y.6o
- "It's like she took it right out of the thread" means it's just very similar to something in the thread, right?
That's obviously a coincidence!
- 540 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:44:30.89 ID:1iyjmlQo
- >>527
Chill, man, chillww
- 541 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:44:51.62 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Oh crap...wwwwwwww
Where were we? Oh yeah, we were saying how cute Glasses is!
Right!? Fapwatch!!
- 542 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:45:04.58 ID:65zPj.DO
- How obsessed with Koala's March can you be?wwwwwwwwww
- 543 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:45:46.85 ID:FyqYfESO
- And you never fapped to Glasses, right? Right!?
- 544 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:46:15.41 ID:HMV6uG2o
- If she's a VIPPER reading this thread...
Fapwatch is the luckiest guy in the world, isn't he?
- 545 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:46:18.27 ID:B6UXAOY0
- Damn, why did this have to happen now? I got an exam tomorrow...
- 546 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:46:30.05 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Fapwatch may be a NEET, but he's a super cool guy, you know!?
If I was a woman, I'd want to marry him without hesitation!
Ahh, how I wish I was a woman!!
- 547 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:47:17.59 ID:SAfT.Es0
- You guys' completely changed when he said Glasses is watchingwwwwww
- 548 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:47:21.86 ID:65zPj.DO
- Glasses is a cute girl and Fapwatch is a good boy!
While we're worthless pieces of trash. We're the ones who came up with the Fapwatchingbird thing!
- 549 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:47:47.72 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Seeing how everyone's trying to put Fapwatch in a good light made me tear up!!
- 550 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:47:56.35 ID:3PRDx8w0
- Hurry up and post her reply already...
- 551 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:48:35.62 ID:s8J9T2AO
- I'm sorry, I'm to blame for the Fapwatchingbird and the fapping posts!!
CLANNAD is life, from the cradle to the grave!!
- 552 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:49:03.37 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Sorry, Glasses!
All this was just my idea!
Fapwatch doesn't have much to do with it!!
- 553 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:49:05.98 ID:WImjyYco
- 33 Name: 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw Date: 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:26:13.05 ID:hvNAjoBS0
There's this weird bird sitting on the balcony and it's been watching me fap for a while now.
It's incredibly lewd.
39 Name: 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw Date: 2008/01/20(Sun) 17:30:12.25 ID:hvNAjoBS0
The Fapwatchingbird is still watching me...
It's so embarrassing. >///<
I hope she didn't see thesewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 554 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:49:18.94 ID:M3h/yUs0
- Where's Fapwatch...?
- 555 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:49:47.36 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Okay then, shall we all write an e-mail to Glasses together and apologize for everything?wwwwww
- 556 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:50:12.81 ID:TjXnmz2o
- Wait, calm down first, Fapwatch.
Count some prime numbers and calm down.
- 557 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:50:14.57 ID:4KTiGbc0
- FAPWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 558 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:50:21.28 ID:.z51Y.6o
- >>553
Don't copypaste them here then!wwwwww
Now she'll see them for sure!wwwwww
- 559 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:50:31.50 ID:zuN5C2DO
- My girlfriend once caught me posting on the dating board. Welcome to the club, Fapwatch.
And this too is not a coincidence, it's DESTINY!
- 560 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:50:31.39 ID:SAfT.Es0
- Why would you post them here if you don't want Glasses to read them!?wwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 561 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:50:42.29 ID:FyqYfESO
- He didn't jump out of the window, did he!?
- 562 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:50:48.38 ID:65zPj.DO
- In any case, Fapwatch's recorder skills are world-class!
He's one hell of a guy!
Yes! Fapwatch is my husbando!
- 563 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:50:49.85 ID:3PRDx8w0
- We can't apologize to her if we don't know what we have to apologize for.
Where the hell is Fapwatch?
- 564 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:51:14.85 ID:.utspkMo
- Glasses, hey, if you're reading this, please write an e-mail to Fapwatch.
He might seriously kill himself.
- 565 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:52:34.82 ID:zuN5C2DO
- Am I the only one who's seriously worried about Fapwatch jumping out the window?
- 566 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:52:39.82 ID:WImjyYco
- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::。:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::。::::::...... ... --─- :::::::::::::::::::: ..::::: . ..::::::::
:::::::::::::::::...... ....:::::::゜::::::::::.. (___ )(___ ) ::::。::::::::::::::::: ゜.::::::::::::
:. .:::::。:::........ . .::::::::::::::::: _ i/ = =ヽi :::::::::::::。::::::::::: . . . ..::::
:::: :::::::::.....:☆彡:::: //[|| 」 ||] ::::::::::゜:::::::::: ...:: :::::
:::::::::::::::::: . . . ..: :::: / ヘ | | ____,ヽ | | :::::::::::.... .... .. .::::::::::::::
::::::...゜ . .::::::::: /ヽ ノ ヽ__/ ....... . .::::::::::::........ ..::::
:.... .... .. . く / 三三三∠⌒>:.... .... .. .:.... .... ..
:.... .... ..:.... .... ..... .... .. .:.... .... .. ..... .... .. ..... ............. .. . ........ ......
:.... . ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧ .... .... .. .:.... .... ..... .... .. .
... ..:( )ゝ ( )ゝ( )ゝ( )ゝFapwatch has gone to heaven...
.... i⌒ / i⌒ / i⌒ / i⌒ / .. ..... ................... .. . ...
.. 三 | 三 | 三 | 三 | ... ............. ........... . .....
... ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ ............. ............. .. ........ ...
三三 三三 三三 三三
三三 三三 三三 三三
- 567 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:52:41.44 ID:XdmRhsDO
- 568 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:53:10.82 ID:FyqYfESO
- Well, he did say there's a balcony in his room...
- 569 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:53:23.85 ID:M3h/yUs0
- He's not trolling, is he?
- 570 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:53:38.28 ID:F.OOqK.0
- There's no need to spread your wings and fly, Fapwatch! Come back to us!
- 571 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:53:54.52 ID:7IFmYYIo
- Could this be one of 2ndSis' traps too?
- 572 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:54:30.24 ID:HMV6uG2o
- What if all this is part of 2ndSis' revenge plot...?
- 573 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:54:35.45 ID:zuN5C2DO
- Miss... Glasses?
You're the new Hermes.
So please try not to be mad at him... ><
- 574 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:54:35.38 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- "I see. To be honest, I don't know much about TV soaps either. (lol)
Once you miss an episode, it's over, you can't watch the rest of it.
Okay, let's go on Thursday then.♪ I'm free on Thursday. d(ゝ∀・)
Ah, btw, 2ndSis says she wants to come along... Is it okay?"
- 575 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:54:52.94 ID:WImjyYco
-  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄」
____.____ |
| | | | It's all over
| | | | for Fapwatch
| | | |
| | | |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | ミ
ミ ∧_∧
( *´Д`)
⊂ Fap つ
/ / /
し' し
- 576 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:54:56.79 ID:yYUYdAYo
- ...*gulp*
- 577 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:55:02.39 ID:HMV6uG2o
- That's like a totally normal reply!wwwwww
- 578 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:55:30.41 ID:WImjyYco
- >>574
Which part about it did you mean....?
- 579 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:55:34.06 ID:1iyjmlQo
- It's just a normal replywwwwww
- 580 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:55:37.47 ID:iOp4YOY0
- What's there to panic about?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 581 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:55:38.61 ID:TjXnmz2o
- What the hell?wwwwwwwwwwww
- 582 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:55:51.55 ID:XdmRhsDO
I need to calm down.
- 583 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:55:54.16 ID:M3h/yUs0
- Assuming the whole thing is real, he must feel very shaken right now.
I mean, he even puked once because he was so worried about something, remember?
And his hands were shaking too.
He's probably just not in a condition to post here.
- 584 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:55:58.78 ID:yYUYdAYo
- You sure had us worriedwwwwwwww
- 585 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:55:59.75 ID:kLy2icso
- Looks like a normal reply to me though...
- 586 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:08.10 ID:DYGsJkAO
- Don't scare us like that!
- 587 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:10.11 ID:aA1ucBEo
- 588 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:12.01 ID:.utspkMo
- My god, that is one harmless reply!!
- 589 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:13.82 ID:T1UH8C20
- >>574
I'm glad it's just a normal replyww So don't go jumping out the windowwwww
- 590 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:25.16 ID:Jd8qWo20
- Everything's alright, right?wwwwww
- 591 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:26.07 ID:HMV6uG2o
- I bet 2ndSis only wants to come along to laugh at you.
- 592 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:27.04 ID:4KTiGbc0
- ...No, I don't think she's reading this thread.
- 593 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:42.48 ID:3PRDx8w0
- What's the big deal about that?www Don't get all flustered because of absolutely nothingwwwwww
More importantly, hurry up and write a reply already. Don't think everyone else goes to bed in the morning like you do.
- 594 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:46.09 ID:zuN5C2DO
- Well, for now, I'm just glad that Fapwatch is still alive.
- 595 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:56:47.86 ID:M3h/yUs0
- WTFwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I was seriously worriedwwwwww Now I feel like an idiotww
- 596 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:57:00.29 ID:wS/5xkDO
- It's normal no matter how you look at itwwwww What a worrywartwwwww
- 597 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:57:02.90 ID:.z51Y.6o
- >>574
Which part did she take from the thread?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Do you mean my post where I suggested to take 2ndSis with you?wwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 598 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:57:10.32 ID:B6UXAOY0
- It's a coincidence.
I guess she too is worried about meeting up alone.
- 599 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:57:42.98 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Great, you made me count prime numbers for nothingwwwwww
- 600 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:57:43.79 ID:s8J9T2AO
- Well, it's not been very difficult to guess her replies so far, so we can't know for sure if Lady Glasses is watching this thread or not.
But let's assume she's watching us.
Since she knows the existence of Part Flash, she must be quite addicted to VIP.
That means, she must have seen all kinds of different threads on VIP so far.
Do you really think an experienced VIPPER like her would make a mistake like revealing herself as a VIPPER that easily?
If I was her, I'd wait until I'm in the restaurant to go "LOL I TROLLED YOU" on him.
- 601 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:57:51.28 ID:F.OOqK.0
- You could try telling her in a roundabout way that you wanna go with just the two of you...
Though I feel like it'd be okay if 2ndSis tagged along too.
- 602 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:58:05.56 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- No, look... Just when you guys posted how it might not be a good idea to go with just the two of us after all...
she says she wants to bring 2ndSis along out of the blue.
- 603 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:59:11.23 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Well, yeah, she could be reading this thread, but...
maybe you're just worrying too much.
- 604 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:59:25.48 ID:FyqYfESO
- Good, you're not dead. Don't worry, that's a normal reply.
And I can go buy my Koala's March now.
- 605 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:59:26.73 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- "Sure, it's okay. It's totally okay.
Then see you on Thursday."
I sent it right away. I've made her wait long enough.
- 606 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:59:28.90 ID:yYUYdAYo
- Must be a coincidence.
Or is it a trap?
- 607 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:59:45.96 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>602
I'm not sure, but if you want it to be just the two of you, tell her so.
It was probably only 2ndSis' idea anyway.
- 608 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:59:57.28 ID:WImjyYco
- >>602
Okay, calm down first.
Here's how it went down:
>>1 asks for BigSis' advice → 2ndSis hears about it → 2ndSis tells Glasses she wants to go too
- 609 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 00:59:59.25 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- >>606
It's his little sister that usually lays the traps though.
- 610 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:00:03.47 ID:s8J9T2AO
- Oh nowwwwww
Fapwatch posted while I was typing the wall of text in >>600wwwwww
So embarrassing...
- 611 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:00:06.06 ID:hwryBzMo
- You shouldn't go with 2ndSis.
It's wiser to ask your Mom to come with you.
- 612 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:00:19.11 ID:M3h/yUs0
- Fapwatch, switch to casual speech alreadyww
- 613 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:00:23.34 ID:7IFmYYIo
- I bet 2ndSis only wants to tag along so she can laugh at you from the sidelinesww
Or is it another one of 2ndSis' ingenious plans?
- 614 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:00:28.85 ID:3PRDx8w0
- It wasn't "out of the blue" at all.
There are so many different people in this thread, someone's bound to post the same thing as her! That's all!
Now hurry up and reply already!!!!
- 615 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:00:35.37 ID:WImjyYco
- >>605
Taking 2ndSis with you is a bad ideawwwwwwww
- 616 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:00:45.31 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- So everything's alright? Was it just my paranoia acting up?
- 617 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:00:59.50 ID:XdmRhsDO
- >>602
You're reading too much into itww
She probably just heard about the date from BigSis/Mom.
- 618 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:01:20.62 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- >>616
Everything's alright.
Believe me.
- 619 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:01:33.37 ID:WImjyYco
- >>616
- 620 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:01:49.64 ID:4KTiGbc0
- >>602
Calm your tits.
There's nothing strange about her reply.
- 621 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:01:55.92 ID:zuN5C2DO
- Suddenly going on a date alone is too tough on a shut-in NEET anyway.
You have to keep in mind that this isn't some normalfag we're talking about here.
Wouldn't it be better if one of his parents accompanied him?
At least, we'd have to worry less about him making any critical mistakes that way.
- 622 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:01:57.40 ID:HMV6uG2o
- >>616
Well, anything's possible and you can never be 100% sure.
But things usually aren't as complicated as we make them out to be, you know?
- 623 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:02:18.85 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>616
Write her "Can't we go with just the two of us? I can't relax with 2ndSis around..." and see how she reacts.
Not that it matters anyway. Even if you did go without 2ndSis, she'd probably just pull a Snake and sneak after you guyswwwwwwwwww
- 624 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:02:22.70 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- It's here:
"What time shall we meet? What time would be best for you, Fapwatch?"
- 625 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:02:24.02 ID:3PRDx8w0
- Don't worry. Nothing unusual about her e-mail.
- 626 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:03:14.54 ID:HMV6uG2o
- "Anytime is good, or equally bad for me..."
should be okay.
- 627 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:03:17.83 ID:kLy2icso
- >>616
Think about it calmly.
If she knows about this place, she must have been a VIPPER from the start, right?
So, if she's read everything so far and is still talking to you, where's the problem?
- 628 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:03:26.24 ID:1iyjmlQo
- Isn't it better if 2ndSis comes along?
I get the feeling that a date with just the two of you is still too big a hurdle for you, Fapwatch.
- 629 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:04:13.70 ID:WImjyYco
- >>Fapwatch
- 630 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:04:19.46 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- "Anytime is fine! You pick the time, Miss Glasses!
And as for 2ndSis, she'd tag along even if you didn't ask her to!"
I panicked because I felt like I had to reply as quickly as possible and sent it.
- 631 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:04:37.61 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Don't go with 2ndSis.
If you have to take someone with you, BigSis would be a better choice.
What bothers me is that she asked Glasses if she could come along even though she all quiet earlier in front of Mom and BigSis.
- 632 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:04:37.66 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>628
It depends though.
If it's just Glasses and him, they could have their fun little otaku chat.
But if 2ndSis is around, she'll obviously take the initiative and talk about shit he doesn't know jack about.
- 633 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:05:19.24 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Sorry, guys. I've calmed down. I'm good now.
- 634 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:05:42.42 ID:s8J9T2AO
- If my little brother was asking my older sister for advice because he's gonna have a date with one of my friends, I'd feel like tagging along and meddling toowwwwww
Keep in mind though, Fapwatch...
The fact that you consulted BigSis and that you gave yourself a makeover might all be used against you during the date.
- 635 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:05:42.34 ID:HMV6uG2o
- You can't call it a warm-up, but I guess going with your 2ndSis might help you grow accustomed to going on a date.
- 636 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:06:36.05 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- You'll have to start taking walks tomorrow to get used to going out.
- 637 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:07:01.94 ID:.z51Y.6o
- >>636
Great idea.
- 638 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:07:11.19 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Oh crap. I was so confused and in panic that I said okay to going with 2ndSis.
My mind had gone blank.
- 639 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:07:26.45 ID:WImjyYco
- >>636
And we get to decide by post number what he has to do during the walks!!!!
- 640 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:07:31.22 ID:L.Uz1cDO
- Here's my two cents as a woman.
If I was in Glasses' shoes, I'd be very glad to have 2ndSis around as a strong ally.
I mean, she's your sister.
So it's not entirely impossible that Glasses was the one who asked 2ndSis to come along.
- 641 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:07:35.25 ID:zuN5C2DO
- >>608 Seconded.
But well, even if 2ndSis tagged along, I don't think she'd do anything to embarrass her own little brother.
Which rules out the theory that it's one of 2ndSis' traps.
If she did something like that, it'd only lead to Fapwatch's shutting himself in even more and I'm sure even 2ndSis wouldn't want that.
- 642 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:08:11.23 ID:F.OOqK.0
- When tomorrow comes, things might look different again.
You could ask for BigSis' advice again, you could have a talk with 2ndSis, there's still enough time.
- 643 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:08:17.14 ID:kLy2icso
- >>634
Yeah, I agree.
If 2ndSis says something like
"Look at you! You got all dressed up for Glasses, didn't you?",
be honest and don't deny it.
- 644 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:08:35.18 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>638
You could persuade 2ndSis not to go and make up some excuse for why she can't come.
Something like how she suddenly got urgent business to take care of.
And try to get used to going out until the day of the date.
- 645 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:09:00.83 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Well, it was 2ndSis who introduced you to Glasses after all.
I can see why she's curious and wants to come along.
- 646 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:09:08.54 ID:L3Iqtt.0
- What if 2ndSis was already talking to Glasses about whether you'll be able to deal with being all alone with a girl or not?
Letting you go alone without a family member to accompany you is too risky.
- 647 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:09:18.55 ID:XdmRhsDO
- But if he took 2ndSis with him and didn't get to talk to Glasses much because of her, it wouldn't leave a good impression on her, would it?
She might think he's not really interested in her.
I'm for going alone or taking BigSis with you though...
- 648 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:11:32.85 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- She replied:
"You're right♪ (lol) She'd just tag along. (lol)
Okay then, 2ndSis and I will decide, okay? But it should be sometime after school, shouldn't it?
Shall we meet up in the evening or later? (・∀・)
I'll tell you the exact time and place later when we've decided☆
Is that okay with you?"
- 649 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:12:28.87 ID:HMV6uG2o
- So, does Glasses know that Fapwatch is a shut-in or not?
- 650 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:12:32.51 ID:WImjyYco
- Wish you'd take BigSis with you instead of 2ndSis.
- 651 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:13:04.88 ID:s8J9T2AO
- Remember, BigSis and Glasses have only met once too. And BigSis is a working adult.
It would be strange if anyone except 2ndSis came along to the date.
Besides, wouldn't it be weird to insist on meeting up alone with her?
In any case, Fapwatch should go talk to 2ndSis about all this.
- 652 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:13:14.52 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>648
Hmm... Well, I guess if you think about it, you're only going to have a meal together, not spend a whole day with her.
So I don't see why 2ndSis shouldn't come along anymore.
You should ask Glasses out to a longer date afterwards though and that time, it should be just the two of you.
- 653 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:13:30.80 ID:M3h/yUs0
- School?
- 654 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:13:32.02 ID:zuN5C2DO
- If it looks like you two are better off without 2ndSis, I'm sure she'll change her mind before the day of the date. If she's not a completely insensitive jerk, that is.
If the family conference consisting of BigSis, Mom and 2ndSis decides that a family member should accompany Fapwatch, then she'll go with you.
And if not, she won't.
Let's be optimistic.
And try to stay calm and composed.
- 655 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:13:32.43 ID:.z51Y.6o
- Then how about both 2ndSis and BigSis go with him?
BigSis is your ally!!!!!
- 656 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:14:32.81 ID:65zPj.DO
- BigSis probably played a part in this too, didn't she?
Maybe she was worried about you and asked 2ndSis to go with you because she's friends with Glasses.
Having 2ndSis there with you is definitely safer than being alone with Glasses.
If you think about it that way, you'll see that 2ndSis is your ally, Fapwatch, and a powerful one at that.
- 657 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:14:45.37 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Are we talking about the same 2ndSis that goes "You're the one who's stupidwwwwwwwwwwwww"?
She MUST be up to something.
- 658 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:14:53.09 ID:WImjyYco
- >>651
For now, go interrogate 2ndSis, Fapwatch.
- 659 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:15:54.97 ID:CAN0XVY0
- Yeah.
I strongly advise you to go talk to 2ndSis even if you don't feel like it.
- 660 : 654 : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:16:32.25 ID:zuN5C2DO
- After coming up with the idea that 2ndSis changes her mind...
I imagined how it'd be if 2ndSis stopped appearing completelywwwwww
It would be a good riddance.
- 661 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:16:35.03 ID:HMV6uG2o
- You could ask her what Glasses thinks of you too.
It could prove quite useful for the future.
- 662 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:16:48.68 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- "Alright! Okay!
Please write again anytime you like!
Isn't it about time you went to bed? You must be tired from working all day."
is what I sent.
- 663 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:17:06.94 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- Guys, first, we need to come up with a plan to obtain the glassesPod...
- 664 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:17:13.71 ID:.utspkMo
- With a tyrannic older sister like BigSis, I don't think 2ndSis will have a choice but to support you all the way.
- 665 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:17:17.59 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>662
Try to find out what kind of hairstyle Glasses likes during the meal.
You said you grew out your hair almost as long as possible, didn't you?
So you could probably pull off any hairstyleww
And when you see her next, you should have exactly the hairstyle she likes.
This is a mustwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 666 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:17:18.57 ID:s8J9T2AO
- I don't really get what's up between Fapwatch and 2ndSis.
Fapwatch himself says they don't get along, but it doesn't look like that to me at all.
Do they hate each other so much that they'd trick and deceive the other for no reason?
Though I guess they do considering how his family even goes out to eat without Fapwatch......
- 667 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:18:56.37 ID:zuN5C2DO
- >>662
Whoawwwwww You sound so cheerful, Fapwatchwwwwwwwwww
- 668 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:19:21.98 ID:XdmRhsDO
- >>666
There's the thing with her diary toowwww
- 669 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:19:22.25 ID:WImjyYco
- >>666
Hint: Fapwatch is a shut-in NEET.
- 670 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:19:52.88 ID:TjXnmz2o
- Actually, 2ndSis has feelings for Fapwatch...
- 671 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:20:27.52 ID:HMV6uG2o
- >>670
What kind of a cheap drama twist is that?wwwwww
- 672 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:20:31.62 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>669
That's not a hint, that's the answerwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 673 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:20:52.38 ID:CAN0XVY0
- >>670
No way wwwwwwwwww
- 674 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:20:58.32 ID:WImjyYco
- >>670
- 675 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:21:00.49 ID:s8J9T2AO
- >>670
Can you imagine having sex with someone that looks like you?
- 676 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:21:01.93 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>666
We don't hate each other. But it always feels like she's making fun of me.
Like she thinks I'm... a total loser.
And you can't really blame them for going to the skewer and nabe restaurants without me. It was partly my fault.
I kept saying no whenever they asked me to come along because I was scared of going out until they stopped asking me.
- 677 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:22:12.76 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- So do I keep posting her e-mails here or not?
- 678 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:22:18.91 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Well, that's how most siblings that are close in age are like.
I should know, I have a 2-year-younger sister.
- 679 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:23:33.77 ID:XdmRhsDO
- >>677
You won't?
- 680 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:23:42.35 ID:7IFmYYIo
- >Fapwatch
>A virgin shut-in NEET and textbook example of an otaku. In other words, a completely worthless 20-year-old.
>Good at playing the recorder.
>Fapwatch's 20-year-old twin sister. A mischievous, happy normalfag.
>Has short black hair. School friends with Glasses.
Just look at this. It'd be stranger if she didn't make fun of you.
Anyways, I'm more worried about what 2ndSis is up to.
She might pretend that she changed her mind and is gonna stay home, but secretly join BigSis' and Mom's Snake-sneaking-around-at-the-date plan instead.
- 681 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:23:47.09 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>677
Why not? Glasses isn't reading this thread.
- 682 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:23:57.20 ID:WImjyYco
- >>677
Keep posting them.
Or else we won't be able to provide you with accurate advice.
- 683 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:24:09.03 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Post them, post them♪
- 684 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:24:20.18 ID:gGXsqqso
- >>677
If you got any replies, post them.
But well, only if you need our advice on what to reply, I guess.
- 685 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:25:14.66 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- "I should be in bed soon, but I gotta take a bath first. (smiley)
You'll be staying up late again, huh, Fapwatch?"
There you go.
- 686 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:25:27.61 ID:s8J9T2AO
- >>676
Sounds like everything's alright then.
She might have been your enemy if hate had been involved, but if she's just looking down on you a little, it's not as bad.
The only problem is that she could blurt out unwanted things about you, so you should have a talk with her beforehand.
- 687 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:25:40.34 ID:HMV6uG2o
- "Like every night, I'll spend the night on VIP."
This should do♪
- 688 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:26:34.61 ID:WImjyYco
- Comment on her taking a bathww
- 689 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:26:49.67 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>685
We're still in doubt whether Glasses is reading this thread or not, right?
Let's find out by replying "If you're going to bed, Glasses, I am too!", but staying on 2chwwwwwwww
- 690 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:28:10.23 ID:XdmRhsDO
- "Have a nice bath!
I'm staying up a little longer.
I still need to do a mental rehearsal of our date. (lol)"
How's this?
- 691 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:28:32.12 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Mental rehearsalwwwwww
- 692 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:28:37.33 ID:3PRDx8w0
- Am I the only one who's amazed that he's actually going to have a date with Glasses?
- 693 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:28:56.25 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- "Take your time.
If you're going to bed, Glasses, I am too! \(^o^)/"
Sent. I included a "It's over" smiley, let's see how she reacts.
- 694 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:28:59.10 ID:WImjyYco
- >do a mental rehearsal
You mean he'll fantasize about herwwwwwwww
- 695 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:29:46.40 ID:XdmRhsDO
- "It's all over"wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 696 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:29:59.61 ID:CAN0XVY0
- Why "It's all over"wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 697 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:30:16.47 ID:TjXnmz2o
- Don't include itwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 698 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:30:32.20 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>693
You actually sent what I suggestedwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
So, when are you two meeting up again?
- 699 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:30:33.43 ID:Jd8qWo20
- "It's all over"wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 700 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:30:33.72 ID:aA1ucBEo
- Lol'd at "It's all over"wwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 701 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:30:44.38 ID:kLy2icso
- I wish you wrote something about her taking a bath.
A simple "A bath, huh...." would have been enough.
- 702 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:31:08.66 ID:65zPj.DO
- >>692
Well, guy's a shut-in who's never done anything with someone outside of his family, so let's watch over him warmly.
- 703 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:31:10.39 ID:WImjyYco
- >>698
Will be decided tomorrow.
- 704 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:31:13.28 ID:HMV6uG2o
- \(^o^)/ It's all over!
- 705 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:32:06.42 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- We'll meet up on Thursday. What time will be decided tomorrow.
- 706 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:33:06.02 ID:WImjyYco
- Thursday is D-Day then, huh?
- 707 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:33:26.19 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Sorry for the panic attack, guys, I was getting a little paranoid there.
So pathetic. I need to get my act together.
- 708 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:34:11.00 ID:WImjyYco
- >>707
>go talk to 2ndSis
I strongly second this.
- 709 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:34:22.54 ID:HMV6uG2o
- >>707
No worries, buddy.
It's your first time, so it's understandable.
- 710 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:34:31.64 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>707
Thursday, huh?
Any ideas what you could do until then?
If you ask me, regardless if you're a guy or a girl, anyone's more attractive with an athletic body.
So, why don't you join Billy Blanks boot camp and start working on your body?wwww
- 711 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:35:15.24 ID:Jd8qWo20
- >>707
It's okay.
Just try to cool your head down for now.
- 712 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:35:27.68 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Nah, I think 2ndSis is already sleeping.
Her door is closed and she put the "Do not disturb" sign out.
- 713 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:35:54.21 ID:CAN0XVY0
- Thursday may be D-Day, but it's not like everything will be decided on that day.
2ndSis will be around too.
Think of it as a preparation for the actual D-Day and take it easy.
Try not to get too worked up about it!
- 714 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:36:11.21 ID:s8J9T2AO
- Let me get one thing straight, guys. 2ndSis is mine.
- 715 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:36:44.40 ID:HMV6uG2o
- And BigSis is mai waifu.
- 716 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:36:50.01 ID:65zPj.DO
- >>707
Don't worry about it, Fapwatch. You've been pathetic from the start.
- 717 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:37:18.12 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Then his mom is my mom.
- 718 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:37:47.51 ID:HMV6uG2o
- If all this was real, I feel like Fapwatch and I could have been best buddies.
- 719 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:38:06.74 ID:WImjyYco
- >>712
Talk to her tomorrow then. It's time for a strategy meeting.
- 720 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:38:33.04 ID:XdmRhsDO
- >>707
You were way more pathetic when you were still fiddling around with iPods.
- 721 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:38:44.67 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Every day's been fun and exciting lately and it's thanks to this threadwwwwww
- 722 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:40:03.96 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Thanks, guys. But you guys sure don't pull your punches when you try to cheer someone upwwwwwwwwwwww
- 723 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:41:16.55 ID:WImjyYco
- Oh wow, I can't contain my laughter.
I was just joking when I posted "Let's write some future diary entries". I didn't think >>1 would actually pull it off. Damn.
- 724 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:41:38.89 ID:s8J9T2AO
- You're slowly beginning to like getting dissed and insulted by us, aren't you?
Does it feel good, Fapwatch?
- 725 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:41:47.53 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Well, I happen to be a tsundere.
- 726 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:43:24.30 ID:65zPj.DO
- This thread really picked up since that future diary thing went down, didn't it? I remember it being pretty slow when it was still about iPods.
- 727 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:43:54.41 ID:HMV6uG2o
- I got a good laugh out of the future diary entrieswwwwww
- 728 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:44:11.66 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>724
No, but I got used to itwwww It definitely feels a lot better than when I used to get bulliedwwwwwwwwww
- 729 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:44:39.08 ID:Jd8qWo20
- Yeah, the future diary entries started it allwwwwwwwwww
- 730 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:45:06.23 ID:1iyjmlQo
- Future diarywwwwww
- 731 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:45:15.60 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Imagining how Glasses is probably washing her boobs right now gives me the biggest hard-onwwww
- 732 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:45:16.24 ID:gGXsqqso
- >>708
Did you make that rhyme on purpose?ww
- 733 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:45:28.82 ID:s8J9T2AO
- >>728
Don't go there, you're gonna ruin the moodwwwwwwwwwwww
- 734 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:46:03.41 ID:WImjyYco
- Speaking of future diary entries, the high school memory and the classical concert ones were true stories from the unpopular women board.
- 735 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:46:36.31 ID:s8J9T2AO
- What is up with you and your libido?wwwwwwwwwwww
What are you getting a hard-on for at this ungodly hour?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 736 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:46:43.29 ID:XdmRhsDO
- >>731
Dude, she might be watching this thread.
- 737 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:46:43.61 ID:WImjyYco
- >>731
We'll be watching the thread, so you go do something about that hard-onwwwwwwwwwwww
- 738 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:46:52.85 ID:1iyjmlQo
- Think the Fapwatchingbird will come if you take your dick out now?
- 739 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:47:03.30 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- The future diary was a great idea! Really had me on my toes!
We made 2ndSis cry!!!!
- 740 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:47:45.64 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>736
Guess I can't post "dick" and "hard-on" whenever I please anymore.
- 741 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:48:05.09 ID:3uwXQlY0
- As soon as work was over, I read all new posts in 15 minutes.
>>1 Hang in there!
I'm the guy that did the iPodMan and bigSisPod/2ndSisPod pics. I also did that illustration of Glasses.
I'll try to draw the Fapwatchingbird the way I imagine it.
Also, I got dreamweaver on my computer, I think I'll try to make a summary site.
- 742 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:48:34.27 ID:Jd8qWo20
- >>739
I guess, if it wasn't for that, you wouldn't be where you are now.
- 743 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:49:10.97 ID:s8J9T2AO
- HEEEY GLASSES! YOU WATCHINGwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww?
- 744 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:49:13.72 ID:gGXsqqso
- Since the thread switched from iPods to Glasses, 1 and his fantasies have gone off the rail.
Now if Glasses turns out to be an inhabitant of this thread...wwkwwk
- 745 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:49:26.04 ID:65zPj.DO
- >>741
I'm your fan.
I even set your Glasses drawing as my cell phone wallpaper.
- 746 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:49:38.47 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- 747 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:49:55.65 ID:WImjyYco
- >>741
Sounds great!
It'd be awesome if you made a summary site!
The owner of that syuugooti site won't be happy about itwwwwwwww
- 748 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:50:34.24 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- I can totally see Miss Glasses being a VIPPER...
- 749 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:51:43.04 ID:HMV6uG2o
- >>741
It'd be great if you could upload the pictures one more time!!
Actually, I'd love to see that happenwwwwww
- 750 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:52:22.13 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>741
Whoa, you're that talented guy! Fapwatchbird is gonna get turned into 2Dwwwwwwww
It's amazing how you can make stuff like summary sites...
- 751 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:52:29.97 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- Go for a walk tomorrow, Fapwatch.
- 752 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:53:20.10 ID:XdmRhsDO
- >>748
It's possible, yeah.
Even if it's not VIP, she might still be somewhere on 2ch right now.
But well, if she really knows about a place like Part Flash, she must've seen all kinds of things by now. Nothing can surprise her nowww
- 753 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:53:22.68 ID:CAN0XVY0
- More like, go for a walk to a beauty parlor.
- 754 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:53:27.84 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- I'm looking forward to the summary site, but I feel like a retard every time I read the summaries.
I'm like "Why is this guy so retarded?", but then I remember it's me.
- 755 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:53:56.97 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- Oh yeah, the beauty parlor.
Does he even know any beauty parlors? Or how to make an appointment?
- 756 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:53:58.22 ID:s8J9T2AO
- You're a VIPPER, so I assume you've tried
at least once, haven't you?
- 757 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:53:58.55 ID:WImjyYco
- >>754
That is proof of your growth.
- 758 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:54:23.34 ID:HMV6uG2o
- I envy Fapwatch for being this influential.
- 759 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:54:30.09 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>755
Nope, not a clue.
- 760 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:54:46.83 ID:gGXsqqso
- >>741
Ohh, thanks.
I originally meant to make the request to "the God that did the iPodMan pic", but I didn't want to set the bar too high for the other guys.
- 761 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:54:55.53 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- >>759
Guess you'll have to ask ElderSis then.
Will you be able to get up before she leaves for work?
- 762 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:55:47.12 ID:XdmRhsDO
- So this thread is going to end with Fapwatch and Glasses doing the ANARISK together, huh?
- 763 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:56:12.68 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>739
I bet that was just 2ndSis pretending to cry.
First, she gets Mom on her side with that performance, then she gets reinforcement (BigSis) to finish you off.
A perfect trapwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 764 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:56:17.71 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- >>762
Putting anime songs on the glassesPod would be good too.
- 765 : 741 : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:57:14.83 ID:3uwXQlY0
- >>745>>747>>749>>750
I failed the entrance exam for art school and now I'm attending a prep school. I'm still a noviceww
Uploaded the pics again:

bigSisPod/2ndSisPod nano

2 Glasses illustrations


- 766 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:57:27.59 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>761
I couldn't even if I tried.
My days and nights are all mixed up.
- 767 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:58:22.89 ID:WImjyYco
- >>766
Pull an all-nighter then!
- 768 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:58:52.15 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>765
I'd saved them already last time, but I did it again.
- 769 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:58:58.12 ID:HMV6uG2o
- >>765
Thanks! I'm so making the second one my cell phone wallpaperwwwwww
- 770 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:58:59.03 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- >>767
You don't know any shut-in NEETs, do you?
If we had the guts to pull off shit like that, we'd have left our rooms a long time ago!!!!1111
- 771 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:58:59.88 ID:s8J9T2AO
Glasses: "N-No way!? That's the wrong hole!!"
Fapwatch: "It's watching!! The bird is watching me masturbate!!!!!"
Glasses: "Oh God!! B-Bankai!! My ass is gonna go bankai!!!!"
- 772 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:59:51.41 ID:XdmRhsDO
- >>765
I'd have guessed that you study design, not art.
- 773 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 01:59:59.65 ID:Jd8qWo20
- >>765
- 774 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:00:14.18 ID:WImjyYco
- >>771
Holy Arrancarwwwwwwww
- 775 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:01:21.20 ID:CAN0XVY0
- >>768
Why would you save them again?wwwwwwwwww
- 776 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:01:26.41 ID:WImjyYco
- >>770
Hey, I'm a NEET too.
Play a video game and it'll be morning before you know it.
- 777 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:01:33.33 ID:s8J9T2AO
- The 777 GET is mine.
- 778 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:01:46.14 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- - Visit a Beauty parlor
I'll ask BigSis about it in a mail or on the phone. In the worst case, I'll have to ask Mom.
And if that doesn't work either, I'll google it... Will I really be fine? I'm scared.
- Go for a walk
To practice going out.
- Buy shoes
I forgot the name, but I'll get the ones ElderSis picked for me.
- Talk to 2ndSis
for a strategy meeting. What am I supposed to talk to her about?
- Wait for the Fapwatchingbird
Hope he comes tomorrow.
These are my plans for tomorrow. Gotta write them into my diary.
- 779 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:03:10.59 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Oh, I have to record myself playing that Azumanga Daioh eyecatch tune too.
- 780 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:03:12.27 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Soon to be added: Future diary entries.
- 781 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:03:26.31 ID:HMV6uG2o
- Well, forget about the shoes and stuff for now.
First, focus on the walks to practice leaving the house. It's way more important.
And you should ask 2ndSis about Glasses to find out more about her.
- 782 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:03:46.13 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Glasses takes long baths, huh?
- 783 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:04:45.91 ID:XdmRhsDO
- >>782
Because it takes long to wash those huge boobs, duh.
- 784 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:04:53.21 ID:WImjyYco
- >>779
Jerk off and clear your head first.
Use this:
- 785 : 741 : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:05:49.77 ID:3uwXQlY0
- >>782
She's shlicking in the bathtub thinking about you, Fapwatch...
- 786 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:07:22.64 ID:s8J9T2AO
- >>778
Tell 2ndSis how far she's allowed to go when she inevitably makes fun of you and ask her about her plans.
For instance, tell her if it's okay for her to address during the date how a shut-in NEET like you tried so hard to give yourself a makeover.
Tell her clearly if you don't want her to make fun of you, or you're in for a bad/embarrassing surprise.
- 787 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:07:52.20 ID:kLy2icso
- >>782
You... wrote in your e-mail that you're going to bed....
- 788 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:08:08.73 ID:WImjyYco
- >>785
- 789 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:08:49.46 ID:CAN0XVY0
- Are you waiting for a reply?
But the way you worded your last e-mail, she probably thinks you're already in bed now.
- 790 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:09:00.23 ID:3PRDx8w0
- >>782
Your last e-mail ended your e-mail exchange for today though.
- 791 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:09:52.15 ID:WImjyYco
- I can't be the only one who keeps reading Fapwatch as Fatbiatch.
- 792 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:10:02.02 ID:XdmRhsDO
- Alright then.
We'll have to decide by post number what he'll say to 2ndSis tomorrow...
- 793 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:10:15.80 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>784
Just wanted to tell you that the link doesn't work.
- 794 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:11:37.99 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Oh right. I did write that I'm going to bed.
Guess that's why she's not replying. Or she's watching Rental Magica.
- 795 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:13:24.95 ID:WImjyYco
- >>794
You mean, the page isn't loading?
- 796 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:14:40.91 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Yeah.
- 797 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:15:04.75 ID:MQ9gPhUo
- >>784
Thanks for the H-manga.
- 798 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:17:49.93 ID:ozDPje6o
- >>796
Check the e-mail field.
- 799 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:17:50.69 ID:WImjyYco
- >>796
The others were able to download it though.
Download count: 11/20
- 800 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:20:27.35 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- >>796
Use the password in the e-mail field.
( ・ω・) ba dum tsss
/ ~つと)
- 801 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:20:52.95 ID:jE3HTd.o
- I'm banned in VIP and I could only lurk in the previous threads, but we're in Part Flash now.
So here's a little gift for you, OP.
It's just something I found on VIP about a week ago.
- 802 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:21:13.89 ID:ozDPje6o
- Oh yeah, here's something I'd forgotten to post...
Glasses may have said that 2ndSis wants to come along, but it's possible she was the one who asked her, you know?
Even Glasses must be worried about meeting up with a guy she's only seen once.
- 803 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:23:15.62 ID:jE3HTd.o
- You should go to bed soon too, Fapwatchbird.
The same goes for me, I got a job interview tomorrow.
- 804 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:23:44.11 ID:ozDPje6o
- >>801
It's quite the opposite of what the harmless title suggests...
- 805 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:25:03.00 ID:5Qc7aj6o
- I read "Ping-Pong Club" for the first time after ages and it's a hentai doujin.....ww
- 806 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:25:38.77 ID:WImjyYco
- Fapwatch is afk rubbing one off, huh?
Guess I'm off to sleep then.
- 807 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:25:55.04 ID:JqiLS4c0
- So, what are the H-manga about?
- 808 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:26:40.75 ID:jE3HTd.o
- >>807
The first one is about how drinking urines helps lose weight.
The other 2 weren't really my cup of tea.
- 809 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:29:38.43 ID:ozDPje6o
- >>801 is a little girl waking you up in a very pleasant way.
Use it as your alarm sound! And turn the volume up!
- 810 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:29:43.93 ID:JqiLS4c0
- Oh, thought it was the one that begins with "Chotto Kurai Kusatteru no ga...".
Anyone have the second chapter of it?
- 811 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:31:03.99 ID:.z51Y.6o
- >>808
I only liked the Masegaki one.
- 812 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:31:27.03 ID:jE3HTd.o
- Let's guess what Fapwatchbird's doing:
Action Odds
Fap 1:1
Writing an e-mail to Glasses 5:4
Getting played by BigSis 6:9
Feel free to add any other options.
- 813 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:31:56.42 ID:.z51Y.6o
- 1 hundred million peso that he's sleeping.
- 814 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:32:35.43 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- >>810
The one with 4 chapters?
- 815 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:34:10.07 ID:JqiLS4c0
- >>814
There's a 4th chapter..?
I only got the 1st and 3rd one.
- 816 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:35:07.90 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- I have become a sage.
- 817 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:37:23.46 ID:s8J9T2AO
- You mean you just finished fapping, so you can think clearly now that you're free from sexual desire.
- 818 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:39:12.49 ID:SHk76zw0
- Fapwatchbird doing what he does best.
- 819 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:39:56.20 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- >>815
I got tired from looking for it.
I think it's on my office computer, so let me upload it for you the next time I'm at work.
- 820 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:39:56.55 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Who gives a damn about Glasses' boobs? I don't.
- 821 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:40:13.47 ID:ozDPje6o
- >>812
He's watching anime.
- 822 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:41:19.10 ID:ozDPje6o
- ...or so I thought, but >>1 is already back with a clearer head.
- 823 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:44:05.96 ID:jE3HTd.o
- Never mind that and go to bed already.
Once I get up, I have to write a CV and go get passport photos taken.
All that before I head out to the job interview.
- 824 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:48:01.72 ID:JqiLS4c0
- >>819
I imagine Glasses to look like this:
- 825 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:48:20.90 ID:/adgGzI0
- >>820
Don't tell me you achieved enlightenment by fapping.
- 826 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:54:35.58 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>823
I will. Though I don't see myself ever going to a job interview.
If you'd shown me that a few minutes ago, I'd have lost my mind, but I'm a different person now. Wish she looked like that though.
- 827 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:56:43.26 ID:JqiLS4c0
- Fapwatch's become a little too cold and composedww
- 828 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 02:59:34.46 ID:3PRDx8w0
- Well, the sage's hour lasts only, what, an hour? He'll be the old Fapwatch after that...
- 829 : 741 : 2008/01/22(Tue) 03:34:17.46 ID:3uwXQlY0
- I guess everyone's left, but let me just leave Fapwatchingbird here.

Wonder if they'll have the new single by KOKIA when I drop by the record store this evening.
- 830 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 03:35:09.17 ID:jpt3Kl.o
- Wow, didn't expect a personification. Great job!
- 831 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 03:51:34.88 ID:ShL0pSQ0
- Good job!!!
If you drew some glasses on that Fapwatchingbird, Fapwatch would go fucking crazy.
- 832 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 03:51:39.86 ID:72PPKsSO
- Thanks, I saved it.
- 833 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 03:51:52.54 ID:SHk76zw0
- >>829
- 834 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 05:09:16.86 ID:3keInnUo
- Wait, if Glasses is a VIPPER, isn't it kinda dangerous to make a summary site?
What if it comes up first on google when you look for 2ch summary sites or something?
Maybe she's not a real VIPPER and doesn't read threads regularly, but still visits summary blogs?
Though I guess I'm just thinking too much into it...
- 835 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 05:48:17.84 ID:3jP1poDO
- I've finally caught up.
I'm thinking 2ndSis is the one Glasses goes to for advice... Or am I thinking too much into it too?
- 836 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 07:09:51.27 ID:4rB2E4go
- To be frank, the biggest problem about 1 is still the fact that he's a NEET imo.
Of course, there's also his social anxiety problem and his refusal to go outside, but being a NEET is a much more concrete and undeniable problem.
It's always gonna give him a guilty conscience and make him an outsider.
As long as he doesn't solve this root problem, I feel like Glasses and he can get as close as they want, but they'll never be able to cross that line.
I'm not saying that there aren't people out there who can get shit done when it counts despite being a NEET or whatever, but I don't think 1 is one of them.
- 837 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 07:52:11.72 ID:5mNhYCgo
- >>829
GJ! Saved it as quickly as I could.
It's certainly not what I expected thoughww
Could you post with a trip from now on?
- 838 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 08:17:31.26 ID:XdmRhsDO
- A woman trying to change her younger otaku brother? This could be straight out of "B-Virgin". Never heard of it? Not surprising because I'm in my 30s and it's an old manga.
- 839 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 08:26:00.80 ID:cvDZ9Soo
- >>838
Are you me?
- 840 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 08:46:38.12 ID:WImjyYco
- ヾ(o゚ω゚o)ノ゙ Squishy!
- 841 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 12:47:01.41 ID:3PRDx8w0
- So, Fapwatch still not woken up yet?
- 842 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 13:11:24.71 ID:yWRObgAo
- >>842
I bet he's fapping together with that birdww
- 843 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 13:12:10.19 ID:yWRObgAo
- ↑ Meant to link to the post before it.
- 844 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 13:16:56.62 ID:1Q3gO6DO
- He's probably fapping in his sleep and making a mess during his sleepwwwwww
- 845 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 13:21:55.09 ID:wbHEE2AO
- What's taking Fapwatch so long!?
- 846 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 13:22:42.15 ID:1Q3gO6DO
- I've been lurking in this thread waiting for him since I got up today...wwwwww
- 847 : nasoon : nasoon
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- 848 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 13:23:30.62 ID:jE3HTd.o
- I wonder if he'll return as a sage again.
- 849 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:01:36.62 ID:wbHEE2AO
- By the way, guys, does he really have to get a new haircut now?
I don't want to complain about what took Fapwatch so long to decide, but...
couldn't he just do it after meeting Glasses?
So, let's get a discussion goingwwww
- 850 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:06:43.09 ID:3PRDx8w0
- >>849
Don't you have any shut-in NEET acquaintances?
Imagine what their hair looks like. He should definitely get a new haircut.
- 851 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:07:00.74 ID:WImjyYco
- He was finally given the opportunity to have a meal with a girl.
A real gentleman would do everything to make sure he doesn't embarrass his lady in public.
He can't go there looking like a shaggy Kitarou.
- 852 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:11:56.92 ID:1Q3gO6DO
- I wouldn't recommend an obvious change like dying your hair, but it's only a haircut we're talking about.
He could just tell her he felt like getting a new haircut after a long time.
- 853 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:12:23.66 ID:wbHEE2AO
- >>850
Really? I think he'd only end up as the butt of one of 2ndSis' jokesww
And a beauty parlor visit might only stress Fapwatch out...
I'm not saying he shouldn't get his hair cut, but he could postpone it a few days, couldn't he?ww
Though it might make him a bit more self-confident.
- 854 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:15:13.01 ID:Ppf6S9Ao
- Maybe he ought to ask BigSis or 2ndSis what they think about it.
- 855 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:16:48.58 ID:XdmRhsDO
- A big change would only lead to Fapwatch getting picked on unable to get outww
I can already see Glasses going "Huh? Did you get your hair cut?" and Fapwatch blushing like a tomato.
- 856 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:21:26.09 ID:WnOpGYDO
- Coming out as a shut-in and making a return to society with the help of Glasses sounds like the best end to me.
A couple that's gone through something like that should have a stronger emotional bond too.
- 857 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:43:12.81 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- I can't find the option to upload cell phone videos to PITA.
- 858 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:45:57.06 ID:WImjyYco
- Even if 2ndSis says "He even got his hair cut for todayww",
counter with something like "Yeah, because I was looking forward to today." or "I thought it was the perfect opportunity to." and it should be fine.
Also, it's too early for a coming-out. We still don't know what Glasses thinks of shut-ins.
- 859 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:46:48.17 ID:3PRDx8w0
- Don't underestimate how lame and ugly shut-in NEETs can look like.
It doesn't matter if 2ndSis makes fun of him as long as he looks neat and tidy.
All the more so if it's supposed to be his first step back to society.
If he's worried about getting picked on and made fun of, we could mentally prepare himself for it by predicting what they're going to say beforehand.
- 860 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:46:59.01 ID:WImjyYco
- >>857
It's there. Keep looking.
- 861 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:51:02.77 ID:TyFxZIQo
- >>858
It's one of the qualities of a shut-in NEET that they can't make cool counters like that.
They're so excessively self-conscious, they just can't.
- 862 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:52:50.49 ID:TyFxZIQo
- Besides, what do you expect her to say when he outs himself as a shut-in NEET?
A shut-in? But they met outside last time. A NEET? She'd just be like "If you feel bad about it, get yourself a job!wwwwww".
- 863 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:57:47.34 ID:3PRDx8w0
- >>857
How about this site?
UPdoga(http://updoga.com) Send your videos to: upp@updoga.com (Videos only, doesn't work on a PC)
- 864 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 14:59:28.11 ID:WImjyYco
- >>857
Works for me.
- 865 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:02:02.96 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Azumanga Daioh eyecatch tune:
Next episode preview tune:
- 866 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:03:16.69 ID:WImjyYco
- >>865
Could you go to options and allow PC access?
- 867 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:06:20.72 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- I did. You should be able to access it from your PC.
- 868 : 741 : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:06:24.73 ID:3uwXQlY0
- >>865
I'm gonna set it as my new ringtoneww
- 869 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:07:10.29 ID:TyFxZIQo
- This is so relaxingww
- 870 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:07:34.53 ID:WImjyYco
- Haven't heard these in years....
- 871 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:08:42.71 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- I need to practice more.
- 872 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:08:46.77 ID:3PRDx8w0
- >>865
So sillywwwwww But that's what I like about itwwwwwwwwww
- 873 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:11:47.30 ID:1Q3gO6DO
- I'm gonna make it my ringtone toowwwwww
- 874 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:13:39.21 ID:jtEWuE.o
- I'm extremely relaxed now.
- 875 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:14:53.00 ID:ofpuw3Ao
- There's other stuff you should be doing right now, you know?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 876 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:15:33.77 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- Yeah, I really need to expand my repertoirewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 877 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:15:38.95 ID:1Q3gO6DO
- I can't set it as my ring tone... I'm with Docomo. Any ideas why it doesn't work?
- 878 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:18:41.41 ID:ofpuw3Ao
- Will you go to the restaurant equipped with your recorder on Thursday?
- 879 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:20:06.41 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- I have my recorder strapped to my back most of the time. Like some swordsman.
- 880 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:21:31.09 ID:1Q3gO6DO
- You must have a hard time picking up stuff off the groundwwwwww
- 881 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:23:12.15 ID:3Ik8MvYo
- >>879
That means, we can request songs, huh?wwwwwwww
- 882 : Fapwatchbird ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:24:29.66 ID:vRiIJ.g0
- >>829
Slowpoke here, but the bird looks amazingwwwwwwwwww
So moewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 883 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:27:18.06 ID:aa5Voxg0
- Finally caught up.
I miss my recorder.
- 884 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:27:56.94 ID:65zPj.DO
- GJ with the Azumanga tuneswwwwwwwwwwww GJ with the Fapwatchingbird illustrationwwwwwwwwwwww
Can't wait to see the summary site...
- 885 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:28:10.49 ID:ofpuw3Ao
- Stop raising the bar yourselfwwwwwwwwwwww
- 886 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:28:11.65 ID:Ppf6S9Ao
- I think "I got my hands on Fapwatch's iRecorder..." would be a good title for the next thread.
- 887 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:39:13.52 ID:65zPj.DO
- "Fapwatch and Glasses and iPod and... Fapwatchingbird" is good enough imo.
- 888 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:40:43.59 ID:WImjyYco
- How about "2ndSis' Fapwatch and Glasses pod together with a recorder"?
- 889 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:46:07.63 ID:3PRDx8w0
- I think we really have to include the keyword "iPod" in next thread's title.
- 890 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:46:19.11 ID:1Q3gO6DO
- "The fapwatchingBirdPod goes to space"
- 891 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 15:58:52.77 ID:jtEWuE.o
- "I'm Fapwatchbird and I want Glasses to play my recorder ><"
- 892 : PART-VIPPER : 2008/01/22(Tue) 16:02:15.81 ID:WImjyYco
- "Fapwatch and his recorder go from the bigSisPod and the 2ndSisDiary to bigChestedGlasses"
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