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      Fapwatchbird's iPod Thread Overview

Everything began with the VIPPER Fapwatchbird starting a thread with the title "I got my hands on my BigSis's iPod...".

Hover your cursor over underlined words to get explanations or comments.
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Also, don't be afraid to click on links in the thread as I've replaced dead links with working ones.

1: I got my hands on BigSis's iPod... (1001)

1 : VIPPER : 2008/01/10(Thu) 01:09:03.94 ID:8JADJA190
Alright then, what do I do with it?

2: I got my hands on BigSis's iPod...2 (1001)

1 : VIPPER - 24,667 seconds left : 2008/01/10(Thu) 23:09:47.37 ID:lQOaXUSW0
Continuation of
I got my hands on BigSis's iPod...

3: I haven't gotten my hands on 2ndSis's iPod yet, but I'm gonna look for it now...3 (62)

1 : VIPPER : 2008/01/13(Sun) 01:41:59.98 ID:pzROlHtx0
Continuation of
I got my hands on BigSis's iPod...2

4: I got my hands on 2ndSis's iPod... (910)

1 : 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw : 2008/01/16(Wed) 00:18:22.12 ID:Vr2+45MG0
Alright then.

5: I got my hands on 2ndSis's iPod... (1001)

1 : VIPPER : 2008/01/19(Sat) 00:22:31.08 ID:Yu9W7x/f0
880 Name: 1 ◆BjFLQHlJXw Date: 2008/01/18(Fri) 22:58:34.73 ID:COwxeiUU0
I gotta go downstairs because BigSis is telling me to have something to eat. She sounds pissed.
I have the feeling she'll ask me lots of questions about what happened today. Anyways, I'll continue the report if the thread's still alive later, okay?

6: It turns out, Glasses doesn't have an iPod, but a Gigabeat... (1001)

1 : VIPPER : 2008/01/20(Sun) 16:49:58.71 ID:nD0FDWy80

7: Glasses and a shut-in NEET pod together (800)

1 : VIPPER : 2008/01/21(Mon) 14:47:39.54 ID:ZT5lGDso

I got my hands on 2ndSis's iPod...

I got my hands on 2ndSis's iPod...

It turns out, Glasses doesn't have an iPod, but a Gigabeat...